I just wanted all doomers to play Orginal Doom one more time. All maps are similar in design and difficulty to their originals, but they are buil...
Great stuff! Your mission: Kill and survive. You might also need to use your brain! ;)
You've gone into the pest control business by yourself, and the critters at this place are coming out of the walls! The owners don't seem too ple...
Based very loosely on the floor plan of the Singapore Press Holdings auditorium
"Instead of being victorious over the rampaging armies of Hell, you find yourself once again wandering the wastelands, in search of a way out."
Frantic too is the second in the Frantic Frag series. It is much smaller than it's predecessor Frantic1 but it is packed with all the weapons(min...
Get you teeth into this game. Hay, a demon said something about your mother, that deserves beetings.
Just shoot every monster and try to find the right switch to bring down the red key in the yard. Elsewhere, look for secret rooms/passages. ...th...
If you suck at Doom don't play this level, it's not worth your time. Erase it now. Or, if you don't have Super DooM Guns, wait till you do. Other...
(a friend's account - so no hate mail!) Seems that the R and R facility on Deimos has been overrun by those nasty critters from Hell. Your missio...
A large Doom level with lotsa dudes and sneaky secrets.
DeathMatch only WAD Small, fast paced, level, leading to High frag counts. There is no exit. (Exit(s) suck in DeathMatch; that's what the escape ...
A base has been lost and now it's your job to recover it. One hint, every big weapon is protected by large monster(s).
I made 4 maps for you guys to play, 1 of them being a secret level, that is guaranteed to make you sh*t your pants! So get ready for my epic maps...
Baphomet was only doing Satan's bidding by placing a powerful sigil in the teleporter out of E4M8 to bring you back to Hell. Somehow they didn't ...