This Level is HARD! I built the thing, and I have a hard time beating it, even on Hurt Me Plenty.
My 1st level to break in the zdoom engine. Tried to use the same theme as the circle of death, although it came out as a rectangle, and uses an i...
So you think you have it tough huh? This guy is having a real bad day. 9 Levels of shootem up fun. Enjoy!
This is a DOOM2 remake of my DOOM single player level, APOCLPSE. New creatures were added, old DOOM textures replaced, a few new secrets, and the...
?? This is my third serious attempt at a wad. This wad is mainly aimed at deathmatch but can be played single or multiplayer. The centerpiece of ...
Cooperatively kill cybers with your fists or chainsaws. It's more playable than it sounds. It's definately a riot with three or more players.
Play it hard or die hard.
Control Station KGx/57 is the sister installation of Attack Station KGx/57.<br><br> CSKG_57B.WAD is the Single Player Version CSDM_57B.WAD is the...
Good Night is a modification of Night2-0, optimised for DOOM II. Most changes are minor, the only important ones being the addition of a double b...
T3.wad spinoff, sort of. Great Deathmatch!!!!!!
Tournament style Deathmatch level. Use it for competitions!!!
Well, this started out to just be a small DeathMatch wad, with a center area, and four off-shoots connected to each other through hallways... Aft...
This level was designed with single player in mind, but it has proven to be a decent deathmatch wad as well. It has mucho carnage even at "Hurt m...