A recreation for 2003 of Heretic's E1M6, The Cathedral
Find the way back to the surface.
You are entering the big temple of DOOM. I have build a big temple room, and... other rooms to buils a DOOm level. I've tested it in 'Heart Me Pl...
(Rules) Up to 4 players each control one of 4 "keeps" (castle, pyramid, iron tower & caverns) in a pocket dimension. Each "Lord" has different we...
A large Heretic map surrounding a central lift shaft whose floor can be raised and lowered. Beware of traps.
This is a small Heretic DM map modeled after the second battle arena in the SNES game Super Mario Kart. I've included the music from that map, as...
A non linear map. It's quite dificult. Health and ammo are low, so be careful.
This level has been tested on a 486 SX2 40 and a 486 DX2 66. All levels of difficulty play accordingly. This wad is tough on ultra violent, but i...
Monster traps abound as you run through the passage. Remember to use the chaos device when stuck.
This wad was created only for deathmatch. With my experience of GAUGI1.WAD I created a 3-Level-Secret, it's hard to find, but when you've found i...
Well, this is tough. You've got a lot of stuff to figure out here, and a lot of critters to deal with, too. I don't want to spoil the fun but I w...
This map is quite large and quite difficult too. Nearly 400 monsters and about 40 minutes of funny gameplay There are different places, you start...
A set of 4 Heretic speedmaps made during an 8 hour session that occured on 2/23/2018
Created for those who enjoy a good single player game. There are a few pretty easy to find secret areas if you run out of ammo. Check automap. Th...
You're making your way through an icy region and are nearly crushed when some ice caverns collapse. Eventually you make your way out only to find...
Pretty good small level for deathmatch playing with many secrets.
An evil haven battle fortress, chock full of things to kill and places to see. Enjoy the atmosphere, I do.
A graveyard is being harvested of corpses to create undead warriors. Fight your way into the caverns beneath the mountain to destroy the evil inh...
The Tomb of Quarix. The discovery of the resting place of this ancient, one-armed explorer of some of the lesser worlds in the Dark Zone of the g...
This is level 1 of a 5 level adventure originally designed as an AD&D game. Look for the other levels coming soon.