Here is an example of a level generated with NewDEU 5.0b Rev. 4 by Raphael Quinet. Since he asked every NewDEU user to do so, I have now mentione...
You start out in the middle of an arena, if you are able to reach a teleporter, you can enter the second area. There is also a special third area...
4 small deathmatch levels for fast 1-on-1 fragfests
Single/Deathmatch/Cooperative level There is an EXIT.
Your next shipment of maps have arrived, from your friends at the local mapfactory: Doomer Boards (<br><br> Evil Egypt is a lim...
Just an 8-bit Mario map done out of boredom.
In the past 3 years you have been to hell and back, and have saved the whole world from destruction. Just when you thought you were able to take ...
3-level mini-episode. Contains many ZDoom
This is a deathmach wad that is meant to be played by 2-6 people. It has some good spots to take cover and has a fast pace.
A small dm level. A few corridors, four outside areas and a small arena in the middle.
Lots of monsters - lots of fun. RALF02.WAD runs with DOOM 1.2 and 1.666. It's not a very big level, because it's my first PWAD I've created. Hope...
A five-map episode for Doom II with Thy Flesh Consumed-inspired visuals and Plutonia-like gameplay.
The ultimate Deathmatch level, with two large fortresses to defend and/or raid. Contains only Shotguns, the chainsaw and a limited supply of rock...
Doom II level based on the original Baltimore Photon, which closed down in 1992. Created this level using the actual building blue-prints, scaled...
My second Ultimate DOOM/DOOM1 WAD edit, this one an elaboration on
After you had defeated the evil Korax, you thought it was over.
The second of the DANDY Deathmatch series. Don't ask me how many are going to be in it... I am not sure!! 5-10 my guess. Anyway when I have finis...
This Is Simply a REMAKE Of AMADEUS.WAD With Some Major changes In Location's, And Amounts of Ammo Health, And Monsters. This WAD File is DEATHMAT...
These are three versions of a DooM Wad by Bill, published in different stages of developmenmt.<br><br> GUNFIGHT.WAD 07/19/94 (Timestamp of the WA...
It's nasty, barbaric, and I don't quite know why I made it. It's also one of the few wads made recently (I think) that doesn't require God mode t...