The only level that I have designed purely for DM. This is my 11th level. Nocturnal, Circular island, Fragfest. This level has monsters and dific...
It is a WAD which contains much switches & doors, so I put the Computer Map in the room next to the starting point. Also when in Multiplayer Mode...
The 3 stooges for Doom! This works with both Doom and Doom2, but Doom2 has more sounds and some of those are replaced.
this began as an idea: find red key but do explore, jumping and crouching required! you escaped the town, are the spider death squads still there...
M60 machine gun that replaces the chaingun
Frag Fest 1 is a deathmatch level, simple in design, but has proven to be very effective to play. Most of the ammo and the megasphere is in the m...
An experimental WAD that puts you in the shoes of the Unnamed Marine from the classic DOOM 1 and 2 games. It is sort of a "deleted scene" from th...
This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. There are no monsters and there is no exit. The level consists of one dark ro...
Welcome to your worst nightmare! "DICWAD.WAD"
very nice; special design for DM, but also good for one-player. Four linked "warzones", each different to the other. New graphics in the "Hall of...
Doom2 Level
16 action packed dm maps, 2 deathtag maps
This mod brings Painkiller in the world of Doom. It contains weapons, powerups, items and some special features from Painkiller.
Part 2 of the necropolis wad. after discovering the entrance to the aliens castle you find a strange place with impossible architecture that defi...
Cobblers&Codswallop theme patch for DooM, alright, you got me, it's COMMAND&CONQUER!
Music addon for DOOM][
A cross with lots of teleporters and three sniper points. That's nearly all. ;-) Oh yea, not to forget.... A LOT OF FUN !!! :)))
This is a deathmatch level. We've played it for a few days and fragged each other a million times. Though the WAD is deathmatch only, I didn't ju...
A small replacement for MAP01. My first full map.
Medium size level. Very playable wad built in the classic Doom style with attention to detail and design. The majority of textures are zimmer. Co...