This map is a taste of what Final Doom is all about - unleashing the potential of the DooM2 engine. The level incorporates a unique use for the Archvile ghos...
requiem.wad, REQUIEM.WAD
10.93 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30, MAP31, MAP32
Read Me
+--+oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oo++oo++oooooo++oooooooo+--+ -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo+oo+oo+--+- ---+--+oo++o+++oooo++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oooo++++oo+oo+oo+--+--- -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo++++oo+--+- +--+oo++oo++oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oooooo++oo++++oo+--+ oo THIS IS A SOMETHING LIKE A PUBLIC BETA OF REQUIEM, IN CASE YOU FIND A BUG - TELL US - IN CASE YOU DONïT ITS THE FINAL VERSION ;) ! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome to the Doom2 Requiem ---------------------------- Contents: --------- 1. Credits 2. Mission Information / MAP descriptions 3. Author Information 4. Tips and Tricks 5. Thanks and Greetings +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. C R E D I T S + Maps / Level Editing + ------------------------ Adelusion, 2,19,24,28 Dario Casali, 23 Orin Flaharty, 1,10 Anthony Galica 21 Florian Helmberger, 2 Iikka Keranen, 3,8,13,16,22,27,31 Bill McClendon 5 Thomas Möller, 6 Jens Nielsen, 7 Ian Quick, 12 Michael Rapp, 17 Eric Sambach, 14,18 Adam Williamson, 29 Adam Windsor, 11,20,25,26,30,32 Matthias Worch 4,7,9,15 + Artwork / Graphics + ---------------------- Adelusion, Dario Casali, Iikka Keranen, Thomas Moeller, Matthias Worch + Music / Midi + ---------------- Jeremy Doyle, Mark Klem, David Shaw + Moderation + -------------- Chris Thornton + Info Pack / Information File + --------------------------------- Chris Thornton, Thomas Moeller, Harrow Software + Requiem Homepage + -------------------- Rhys Hughes +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. M I S S I O N I N F O R M A T I O N +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 01 + -------------- Title : THE GATEWAY Author : Orin Flaharty Description : Welcome to Requiem. First map out of thirty, and as expected, a nice steady ride. Your objective is to travel through the small technology base, where the demons have used metal-like architecture and slayed human corpses together. Find the exit just outside the base, and prepare for mission 2. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 02 + -------------- Title : SACRIFICIUM Author : Adelusion / Florian Helmberger Description : You stumble upon a Small "Demonic" Cult... its whereabouts... Unknown. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 03 + -------------- Title : POISON PROCESSING Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 04 + -------------- Title : FIREWORKS Author : Matthias Worch Description : Another outpost of hell, surrounded by a field of lava. Your mission is as simple as always: Don't die... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 05 + -------------- Title : THE CANYON Author : Crash (Bill J. McClendon) Description : It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier, does it...? NOW it appears the mutant hellspawn have located and utterly corrupted the waste-processing plant in an outlying area. The only reason you can think of for them to do this is the ample room they have in the canyon... but that area is sealed... ...isn't it? +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 06 + -------------- Title : NATAS OT ETUBIRT Author : Thomas Möller (vorph|TiC) Description : This is the place where water usually got cleaned to make it re-usable for drinking; the monsters converted the architecture to a radioactive-slime producing facility. The use for the slime is still unknown, but you can be sure they don't plan good things with it. You must get in and eradicate all alien resistance, and try to re-establish a working facility. Good luck. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 07 + -------------- Title : HELL´S GIFT Author : Jens Nielsen / Matthias Worch Description : A rather small level reminding of "Dead Simple" in the original DooM II. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 08 + -------------- Title : THE REACTOR Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 09 + -------------- Title : DEEP DOWN BELOW Author : Matthias Worch Description : This is the (slightly modified) Map06 from "The Troopers' Playground". Completely indoor with a metal/tech theme. The DM part is taken from TTPDEATH. To find out more about the whole TTP episode visit my homepage at +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 10 + -------------- Title : THE BLACK GATE Author : Orin Flaharty Description : Twisted demons created these repulsively evil buildings, as a battleground prepared against those who step within, and otherwise a place for defensive construction and research. It used to be a group of churches and embassies, where religious ceremonies took place thousands of years before the demons took over. Be well prepared for a showdown with a big demon as you get closer to the way out ... Thanks to Adam Windsor for providing a revised ending of Orin's level after the original file corrupted. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 11 + -------------- Title : RATS IN THE WALLS Author : Adam Windsor Description : Just one of the many bases that has fallen to the demonic attack, this was once a research and development centre for the UAC, investigating the uses and processing of various non-toxic chemicals recovered from Mars and her moons. Many areas of the base are cluttered with the shielded piping used for the chemicals : this may make progress treacherous, so watch your step. Be on the look out for signs of concealed equipment bays, there are sure to be several scattered across the base. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 12 + -------------- Title : MILITANT REPRISAL Author : Ian Quick Description : A large military base that guards the entrance to the Town of the Dead - it promises to be heavily guarded by its slain defenders. As usual, you must wade through the mutilated corpses of your seemingly limitless enemies to reach the exit. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 13 + -------------- Title : TOWN OF THE DEAD Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 14 + -------------- Title : THE PORTAL Author : Eric Sambach Description : All you have to do is find the blue key so you can enter the Portal. Now get to work. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 15 + -------------- Title : LAST RESORT Author : Matthias Worch Description : A rather large level combining hellish and city-like architecture. Don't kill every monster in sight if you want to reach the secret levels...;) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 16 + -------------- Title : ESCAPE FROM CHAOS Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 17 + -------------- Title : DENS OF INIQUITY Author : Michael S. Rapp Description : Dens of Iniquity. Big deal, you say to yourself as you read the sign alongside the road pointing to the area up ahead. With the sun lowering in your squinted eyes, you look ahead for signs of trouble. Your finger is reaching for the safety on your shotgun as you open the first door that you come to. You take a deep breath and step inside. The door closes swiftly behind you as you strain to see through the murky darkness. As your eyes slowly adjust you hear it, within seconds it descends upon you... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 18 + -------------- Title : BASE OF THORN Author : Eric Sambach Description : Hint: When you get the red key, it's best to run really fast to the exit. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 19 + -------------- Title : SKINNY PUPPY Author : ADELUSION Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 20 + -------------- Title : THE FORSAKEN HALL Author : Adam Windsor Description : This seems to be a quiet, forgotten corner of Hell. You suspect it won't stay forgotten for long. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 21 + -------------- Title : DEN OF THE SKULL Author : Anthony Galica Description : You are trapped in the den of the skull, and it is not a very safe place... only your best fighting ability and intelligence will help you through. There is a large and complex world ahead of you that you must get through, filled with surprises and wonders as you fight evil to save yourself and the world once more.. otherwise, it will be your REQUIEM they are singing... Keep in mind that the exit is for Authorized Personnel Only. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 22 + -------------- Title : ARACHNOPHOBIA Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 23 + -------------- Title : HATRED Author : Dario Casali Description : This map is a taste of what Final Doom is all about - unleashing the potential of the DooM2 engine. The level incorporates a unique use for the Archvile ghost making technique, where it can resurrect a demon giving him the ability to walk through walls and not be shot. The first known way to kill such an enemy is to hit him in a rocket explosion. Another way is to get the ghost to hit another enemy who has a close attack ability, who will then go and tear the ghost apart. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 24 + -------------- Title : PROSCRUSTES CHAMBERS Author : Adelusion Description : Within this Gothic Castle-Like Dwelling... some Foul Smelling Chambers exist... some filled with Creatures, and some filled with rotted out Flesh ! Though some Marines before you have fallen to their fate, you must find their remains, and carry on... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 25 + -------------- Title : CHAOS ZONE Author : Adam Windsor Description : A small fortress over-looking a lake of lava. Probably be a prime piece of real estate for a Demon. Let's see what a pissed off marine with a Rocket Launcher can do to the property values around here.... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 26 + -------------- Title : EXCORIATION Author : Adam Windsor Description : A nightmare of frantic combat. You remember violent flashes of naked fear ... the red-hot barrels of your shotgun burning your hands ... you remember laughing in the carnage. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 27 + -------------- Title : CURSED KINGDOM Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 28 + -------------- Title : FETALS' REMAINS Author : Adelusion Description : You're casted into another strange environment, you're mission: To find the Red Skull and place it back onto the Alter to reveal the passage way out... Very well protected, though... you must not fail, you have gone too far to quit now! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 29 + -------------- Title : DOWNER Author : Adam Williamson Description : I started completely fresh to create the biggest level I've ever made, and one of the biggest for Doom (there's about five, to my knowledge, that are bigger, and one is in Requiem). It's also scary and dark. Texturing influenced by map4 of mm2, one of my favourite levels. Made with the word HARD in mind. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 30 + -------------- Title : NEVERMORE Author : Adam Windsor Description : You have uncovered the secret stronghold of the Demons .... Intelligence says you should have the advantage of surprise on your side, but they believe that the Demons will be able to summon many reinforcements quickly, if need be. Your objective is straightforward enough -- find the switch to open the shielding on the Demons' power core and destroy the power source itself, but you must do so quickly enough that demonic reinforcements do not overwhelm you .... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 31 + -------------- Title : DOORWAY TO QUAKE Author : Iikka Keranen Description : This is the something you have always dreamed of. :) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 32 + -------------- Title : BITTER HERB Author : Adam Windsor Description : Who knows where you are now ... somewhere deep in demons, you're sure. Hmm .. big courtyard, building on the far side ... no sign of anything yet ..... .... No, wait. Here they come. Right on time. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 3. A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adelusion E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : FetalDM Series, Co-Author Dystopia3, STRAIN Tools Used : DCK2.2, DCK3.6 credits to : All that inspires me greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Dario Casali E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Final Doom - "Doom2 Unleashed" Tools Used : Deth, Deutex, Wintex, Deusf credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Jeremy Doyle E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Orin Flaharty E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Memento Mori 2 maps 12 and 31 Tools Used : Doomed, Warm credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Anthony Galica E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Crush.wad, Beyond Doom :The Apocalypse TC Tools Used : Waded 1.87b, WadAuthor, DMapEdit, WARM, BSP1.5X, RMB30 credits to : The Beyond Doom team and everyone on Requiem greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Florian Helmberger E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : zwieback, zestful, zerlot, mm2 map4, strain map3 Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Rhys Hughes aka Renton and PiNHEAD E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : (Up in August "97") Other Works : Memento Mori 2 Level 13 and DeathDay for DooM][ Tools Used : Credits to : The one and only iD software Greetings to : All Requiem crew and my Clan of amigos Xtreme Chaos. Flame, Sickboy, Psychopath, Glynny and Pintglass the lads at XC. :) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Mark Klem E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Strain, MM1, MM2, All Hell Breaks Loose, Wacky Wheels, various single wads. Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : Everybody. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : CRASH (Bill J. McClendon) E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : 3x-play.wad, diamonds.wad, maps 01, 11, and 12 in Strain, and The Unofficial WAD Designers' Handbook (v1.0, 1.1, and 1.2), now on line at Tools Used : DCK 2.2 and 3.61 credits to : Chris Thornton, Adam Windsor for beta-testing and deathmatch testing of just about every Doom map i've done over the past two years,my wife for putting up with this incredibly time-consuming obsession, iD and Ben Morris for the obvious reasons, Adelusion for some of the best textures i've ever had the pleasure of working with, and David Shaw and Mark Klem, who are two of the most talented midi artists i've ever heard. greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Thomas Möller (vorph / TiC) E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : (personal pages) (TiC - pages) (Mental Vortex) Other Works : SUDTIC, TEUTIC, OBTIC, MM, MM2 + several Deathmatch maps and Weapon-addons + some Quake stuff Tools Used : various, mainly NWT, deth and improces credits to : NO ONE, fuck off ! :) greetings to : panza, langsuyar, tyrell,all at Mental Vortex, all at id, all at banjo inc., the mm-crew and the mm2-crew, the requiem-crew (yep ;)), the freaks on #quake.ger, comtron, the quest authors (it sucks, that you stopped coding on it!) and all lamers I forgot to mention here. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Jens Nielsen E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Corridors of hell for solo/dm ( Walkabout creek for coop/solo ( Memento Mori 2 map29 Tools Used : Deep, Rmb credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Ian Quick E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other works : Tools Used : Deth, BSP credits to : id software (of course - it can't be said enough) Antony J. Burden/Simon Oke (authors of Deth) greetings to : joorsh, slutbot, ewat =) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Michael S. Rapp E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : co-author of Memento Mori (level 19) co-author of Memento Mori 2 (level 17) author of MRDM2301.wad for Doom I (rated no. 1 in TiC's Wad Reviews) Tools Used : DoomCad, WinDeu, Deth, BSP credits to : iD, and the authors of the editors that I used Playtesters - Nate 666, Scott Rapp greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Eric Sambach E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : A new Quake dm series called "The MunY series". Files are called muny##.bsp. Also, try ae_tups.wad and ae_tups2.wad, both on Tools Used : credits to : All the guys that created the utilities I used! greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : David Shaw E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Level editing for ´Insertion´ (maps 1, 2, and 4); Music for various other projects. Tools Used : DETH, WARM 1.6 (Doom) | Cakewalk Pro 3.01, Kurzweil Music Systems, and ALESIS (music) credits to : TiC, TeamTNT, "JR" Dietz, Greg Husted, id Software, the Casali brothers, RAVEN software, SAMS publishing, Dr. Sleep and the programmers / creators of DETH, and my wife for her undying patience. greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Chris Thornton E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Tools Used : credits to : iD, all the guys on Requiem - you did a fine job greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adam Williamson E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : In date order: 2spookxx.wad, Memento Mori 2 map6, Insertion MAP09, Tyranny MAPs 01-10 Tools Used : DCK 3.6, 3.61, 3.62. ZenNode 0.98a. WARM 1.5x. RMB3 credits to : iD, Chris Thornton, whoever made Rattamahatta (ulp) greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adam Windsor E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : DFEAR1 --o DFEAR5, TBEAST Tools Used : DETH, BSP credits to : iD, the makers of DETH & BSP greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Matthias Worch E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : The Troopers' Playground, MM2 levels 3, 10, 14 & 18 Tools Used : Deth (the only one), Warm, Zennode, NWT credits to : Everybody in the Requiem Crew, TiC, Clan Ocrana greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 4. T I P S A N D T R I C K S You know, cheating is lame, in case you get in trouble (lack of Ammo or Health) while playing better start playing Requiem with keeping some things in mind: a) Try to reach EVERY secret, this gives you extra items and though easier gameplay. b) Don´t pick Ammo Boxes up when they don´t take full effect (e.g. you got 99 shells and pick up a 25 shells pack - you´d waste 24 IMPORTANT shells !) Same goes for health packs. c) In case you don't know how to continue a map, take a look at the map <TAB> and look for undiscovered places, walking through poisoned areas is in most cases NOT the right way ;) d) In case its still too difficult - play a lower skill level. e) In case its still too difficult at "hurt me plenty" - play pacman ! ;) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 5. T H A N K S A N D G R E E T I N G S +----------------------------------------------------------------+ The R E Q U I E M T E A M expresses its deepest thanks to you, for playing this thing after waiting so long for it. Also, all of us would like to thank Id Software, for obvious reasons. Last, but not least, we thank all the people who created the tools used during the process of developing REQUIEM. +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+--+oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oo++oo++oooooo++oooooooo+--+ -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo+oo+oo+--+- ---+--+oo++o+++oooo++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oooo++++oo+oo+oo+--+--- -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo++++oo+--+- +--+oo++oo++oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oooooo++oo++++oo+--+ oo THIS IS A SOMETHING LIKE A PUBLIC BETA OF REQUIEM, IN CASE YOU FIND A BUG - TELL US - IN CASE YOU DONïT ITS THE FINAL VERSION ;) ! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome to the Doom2 Requiem ---------------------------- Contents: --------- 1. Credits 2. Mission Information / MAP descriptions 3. Author Information 4. Tips and Tricks 5. Thanks and Greetings +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. C R E D I T S + Maps / Level Editing + ------------------------ Adelusion, 2,19,24,28 Dario Casali, 23 Orin Flaharty, 1,10 Anthony Galica 21 Florian Helmberger, 2 Iikka Keranen, 3,8,13,16,22,27,31 Bill McClendon 5 Thomas Möller, 6 Jens Nielsen, 7 Ian Quick, 12 Michael Rapp, 17 Eric Sambach, 14,18 Adam Williamson, 29 Adam Windsor, 11,20,25,26,30,32 Matthias Worch 4,7,9,15 + Artwork / Graphics + ---------------------- Adelusion, Dario Casali, Iikka Keranen, Thomas Moeller, Matthias Worch + Music / Midi + ---------------- Jeremy Doyle, Mark Klem, David Shaw + Moderation + -------------- Chris Thornton + Info Pack / Information File + --------------------------------- Chris Thornton, Thomas Moeller, Harrow Software + Requiem Homepage + -------------------- Rhys Hughes +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. M I S S I O N I N F O R M A T I O N +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 01 + -------------- Title : THE GATEWAY Author : Orin Flaharty Description : Welcome to Requiem. First map out of thirty, and as expected, a nice steady ride. Your objective is to travel through the small technology base, where the demons have used metal-like architecture and slayed human corpses together. Find the exit just outside the base, and prepare for mission 2. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 02 + -------------- Title : SACRIFICIUM Author : Adelusion / Florian Helmberger Description : You stumble upon a Small "Demonic" Cult... its whereabouts... Unknown. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 03 + -------------- Title : POISON PROCESSING Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 04 + -------------- Title : FIREWORKS Author : Matthias Worch Description : Another outpost of hell, surrounded by a field of lava. Your mission is as simple as always: Don't die... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 05 + -------------- Title : THE CANYON Author : Crash (Bill J. McClendon) Description : It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier, does it...? NOW it appears the mutant hellspawn have located and utterly corrupted the waste-processing plant in an outlying area. The only reason you can think of for them to do this is the ample room they have in the canyon... but that area is sealed... ...isn't it? +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 06 + -------------- Title : NATAS OT ETUBIRT Author : Thomas Möller (vorph|TiC) Description : This is the place where water usually got cleaned to make it re-usable for drinking; the monsters converted the architecture to a radioactive-slime producing facility. The use for the slime is still unknown, but you can be sure they don't plan good things with it. You must get in and eradicate all alien resistance, and try to re-establish a working facility. Good luck. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 07 + -------------- Title : HELL´S GIFT Author : Jens Nielsen / Matthias Worch Description : A rather small level reminding of "Dead Simple" in the original DooM II. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 08 + -------------- Title : THE REACTOR Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 09 + -------------- Title : DEEP DOWN BELOW Author : Matthias Worch Description : This is the (slightly modified) Map06 from "The Troopers' Playground". Completely indoor with a metal/tech theme. The DM part is taken from TTPDEATH. To find out more about the whole TTP episode visit my homepage at +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 10 + -------------- Title : THE BLACK GATE Author : Orin Flaharty Description : Twisted demons created these repulsively evil buildings, as a battleground prepared against those who step within, and otherwise a place for defensive construction and research. It used to be a group of churches and embassies, where religious ceremonies took place thousands of years before the demons took over. Be well prepared for a showdown with a big demon as you get closer to the way out ... Thanks to Adam Windsor for providing a revised ending of Orin's level after the original file corrupted. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 11 + -------------- Title : RATS IN THE WALLS Author : Adam Windsor Description : Just one of the many bases that has fallen to the demonic attack, this was once a research and development centre for the UAC, investigating the uses and processing of various non-toxic chemicals recovered from Mars and her moons. Many areas of the base are cluttered with the shielded piping used for the chemicals : this may make progress treacherous, so watch your step. Be on the look out for signs of concealed equipment bays, there are sure to be several scattered across the base. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 12 + -------------- Title : MILITANT REPRISAL Author : Ian Quick Description : A large military base that guards the entrance to the Town of the Dead - it promises to be heavily guarded by its slain defenders. As usual, you must wade through the mutilated corpses of your seemingly limitless enemies to reach the exit. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 13 + -------------- Title : TOWN OF THE DEAD Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 14 + -------------- Title : THE PORTAL Author : Eric Sambach Description : All you have to do is find the blue key so you can enter the Portal. Now get to work. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 15 + -------------- Title : LAST RESORT Author : Matthias Worch Description : A rather large level combining hellish and city-like architecture. Don't kill every monster in sight if you want to reach the secret levels...;) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 16 + -------------- Title : ESCAPE FROM CHAOS Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 17 + -------------- Title : DENS OF INIQUITY Author : Michael S. Rapp Description : Dens of Iniquity. Big deal, you say to yourself as you read the sign alongside the road pointing to the area up ahead. With the sun lowering in your squinted eyes, you look ahead for signs of trouble. Your finger is reaching for the safety on your shotgun as you open the first door that you come to. You take a deep breath and step inside. The door closes swiftly behind you as you strain to see through the murky darkness. As your eyes slowly adjust you hear it, within seconds it descends upon you... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 18 + -------------- Title : BASE OF THORN Author : Eric Sambach Description : Hint: When you get the red key, it's best to run really fast to the exit. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 19 + -------------- Title : SKINNY PUPPY Author : ADELUSION Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 20 + -------------- Title : THE FORSAKEN HALL Author : Adam Windsor Description : This seems to be a quiet, forgotten corner of Hell. You suspect it won't stay forgotten for long. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 21 + -------------- Title : DEN OF THE SKULL Author : Anthony Galica Description : You are trapped in the den of the skull, and it is not a very safe place... only your best fighting ability and intelligence will help you through. There is a large and complex world ahead of you that you must get through, filled with surprises and wonders as you fight evil to save yourself and the world once more.. otherwise, it will be your REQUIEM they are singing... Keep in mind that the exit is for Authorized Personnel Only. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 22 + -------------- Title : ARACHNOPHOBIA Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 23 + -------------- Title : HATRED Author : Dario Casali Description : This map is a taste of what Final Doom is all about - unleashing the potential of the DooM2 engine. The level incorporates a unique use for the Archvile ghost making technique, where it can resurrect a demon giving him the ability to walk through walls and not be shot. The first known way to kill such an enemy is to hit him in a rocket explosion. Another way is to get the ghost to hit another enemy who has a close attack ability, who will then go and tear the ghost apart. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 24 + -------------- Title : PROSCRUSTES CHAMBERS Author : Adelusion Description : Within this Gothic Castle-Like Dwelling... some Foul Smelling Chambers exist... some filled with Creatures, and some filled with rotted out Flesh ! Though some Marines before you have fallen to their fate, you must find their remains, and carry on... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 25 + -------------- Title : CHAOS ZONE Author : Adam Windsor Description : A small fortress over-looking a lake of lava. Probably be a prime piece of real estate for a Demon. Let's see what a pissed off marine with a Rocket Launcher can do to the property values around here.... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 26 + -------------- Title : EXCORIATION Author : Adam Windsor Description : A nightmare of frantic combat. You remember violent flashes of naked fear ... the red-hot barrels of your shotgun burning your hands ... you remember laughing in the carnage. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 27 + -------------- Title : CURSED KINGDOM Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 28 + -------------- Title : FETALS' REMAINS Author : Adelusion Description : You're casted into another strange environment, you're mission: To find the Red Skull and place it back onto the Alter to reveal the passage way out... Very well protected, though... you must not fail, you have gone too far to quit now! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 29 + -------------- Title : DOWNER Author : Adam Williamson Description : I started completely fresh to create the biggest level I've ever made, and one of the biggest for Doom (there's about five, to my knowledge, that are bigger, and one is in Requiem). It's also scary and dark. Texturing influenced by map4 of mm2, one of my favourite levels. Made with the word HARD in mind. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 30 + -------------- Title : NEVERMORE Author : Adam Windsor Description : You have uncovered the secret stronghold of the Demons .... Intelligence says you should have the advantage of surprise on your side, but they believe that the Demons will be able to summon many reinforcements quickly, if need be. Your objective is straightforward enough -- find the switch to open the shielding on the Demons' power core and destroy the power source itself, but you must do so quickly enough that demonic reinforcements do not overwhelm you .... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 31 + -------------- Title : DOORWAY TO QUAKE Author : Iikka Keranen Description : This is the something you have always dreamed of. :) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 32 + -------------- Title : BITTER HERB Author : Adam Windsor Description : Who knows where you are now ... somewhere deep in demons, you're sure. Hmm .. big courtyard, building on the far side ... no sign of anything yet ..... .... No, wait. Here they come. Right on time. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 3. A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adelusion E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : FetalDM Series, Co-Author Dystopia3, STRAIN Tools Used : DCK2.2, DCK3.6 credits to : All that inspires me greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Dario Casali E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Final Doom - "Doom2 Unleashed" Tools Used : Deth, Deutex, Wintex, Deusf credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Jeremy Doyle E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Orin Flaharty E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Memento Mori 2 maps 12 and 31 Tools Used : Doomed, Warm credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Anthony Galica E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Crush.wad, Beyond Doom :The Apocalypse TC Tools Used : Waded 1.87b, WadAuthor, DMapEdit, WARM, BSP1.5X, RMB30 credits to : The Beyond Doom team and everyone on Requiem greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Florian Helmberger E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : zwieback, zestful, zerlot, mm2 map4, strain map3 Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Rhys Hughes aka Renton and PiNHEAD E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : (Up in August "97") Other Works : Memento Mori 2 Level 13 and DeathDay for DooM][ Tools Used : Credits to : The one and only iD software Greetings to : All Requiem crew and my Clan of amigos Xtreme Chaos. Flame, Sickboy, Psychopath, Glynny and Pintglass the lads at XC. :) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Mark Klem E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Strain, MM1, MM2, All Hell Breaks Loose, Wacky Wheels, various single wads. Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : Everybody. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : CRASH (Bill J. McClendon) E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : 3x-play.wad, diamonds.wad, maps 01, 11, and 12 in Strain, and The Unofficial WAD Designers' Handbook (v1.0, 1.1, and 1.2), now on line at Tools Used : DCK 2.2 and 3.61 credits to : Chris Thornton, Adam Windsor for beta-testing and deathmatch testing of just about every Doom map i've done over the past two years,my wife for putting up with this incredibly time-consuming obsession, iD and Ben Morris for the obvious reasons, Adelusion for some of the best textures i've ever had the pleasure of working with, and David Shaw and Mark Klem, who are two of the most talented midi artists i've ever heard. greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Thomas Möller (vorph / TiC) E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : (personal pages) (TiC - pages) (Mental Vortex) Other Works : SUDTIC, TEUTIC, OBTIC, MM, MM2 + several Deathmatch maps and Weapon-addons + some Quake stuff Tools Used : various, mainly NWT, deth and improces credits to : NO ONE, fuck off ! :) greetings to : panza, langsuyar, tyrell,all at Mental Vortex, all at id, all at banjo inc., the mm-crew and the mm2-crew, the requiem-crew (yep ;)), the freaks on #quake.ger, comtron, the quest authors (it sucks, that you stopped coding on it!) and all lamers I forgot to mention here. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Jens Nielsen E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Corridors of hell for solo/dm ( Walkabout creek for coop/solo ( Memento Mori 2 map29 Tools Used : Deep, Rmb credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Ian Quick E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other works : Tools Used : Deth, BSP credits to : id software (of course - it can't be said enough) Antony J. Burden/Simon Oke (authors of Deth) greetings to : joorsh, slutbot, ewat =) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Michael S. Rapp E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : co-author of Memento Mori (level 19) co-author of Memento Mori 2 (level 17) author of MRDM2301.wad for Doom I (rated no. 1 in TiC's Wad Reviews) Tools Used : DoomCad, WinDeu, Deth, BSP credits to : iD, and the authors of the editors that I used Playtesters - Nate 666, Scott Rapp greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Eric Sambach E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : A new Quake dm series called "The MunY series". Files are called muny##.bsp. Also, try ae_tups.wad and ae_tups2.wad, both on Tools Used : credits to : All the guys that created the utilities I used! greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : David Shaw E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Level editing for ´Insertion´ (maps 1, 2, and 4); Music for various other projects. Tools Used : DETH, WARM 1.6 (Doom) | Cakewalk Pro 3.01, Kurzweil Music Systems, and ALESIS (music) credits to : TiC, TeamTNT, "JR" Dietz, Greg Husted, id Software, the Casali brothers, RAVEN software, SAMS publishing, Dr. Sleep and the programmers / creators of DETH, and my wife for her undying patience. greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Chris Thornton E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Tools Used : credits to : iD, all the guys on Requiem - you did a fine job greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adam Williamson E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : In date order: 2spookxx.wad, Memento Mori 2 map6, Insertion MAP09, Tyranny MAPs 01-10 Tools Used : DCK 3.6, 3.61, 3.62. ZenNode 0.98a. WARM 1.5x. RMB3 credits to : iD, Chris Thornton, whoever made Rattamahatta (ulp) greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adam Windsor E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : DFEAR1 --o DFEAR5, TBEAST Tools Used : DETH, BSP credits to : iD, the makers of DETH & BSP greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Matthias Worch E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : The Troopers' Playground, MM2 levels 3, 10, 14 & 18 Tools Used : Deth (the only one), Warm, Zennode, NWT credits to : Everybody in the Requiem Crew, TiC, Clan Ocrana greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 4. T I P S A N D T R I C K S You know, cheating is lame, in case you get in trouble (lack of Ammo or Health) while playing better start playing Requiem with keeping some things in mind: a) Try to reach EVERY secret, this gives you extra items and though easier gameplay. b) Don´t pick Ammo Boxes up when they don´t take full effect (e.g. you got 99 shells and pick up a 25 shells pack - you´d waste 24 IMPORTANT shells !) Same goes for health packs. c) In case you don't know how to continue a map, take a look at the map <TAB> and look for undiscovered places, walking through poisoned areas is in most cases NOT the right way ;) d) In case its still too difficult - play a lower skill level. e) In case its still too difficult at "hurt me plenty" - play pacman ! ;) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 5. T H A N K S A N D G R E E T I N G S +----------------------------------------------------------------+ The R E Q U I E M T E A M expresses its deepest thanks to you, for playing this thing after waiting so long for it. Also, all of us would like to thank Id Software, for obvious reasons. Last, but not least, we thank all the people who created the tools used during the process of developing REQUIEM. +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+--+oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oo++oo++oooooo++oooooooo+--+ -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo+oo+oo+--+- ---+--+oo++o+++oooo++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oooo++++oo+oo+oo+--+--- -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo++++oo+--+- +--+oo++oo++oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oooooo++oo++++oo+--+ oo THIS IS A SOMETHING LIKE A PUBLIC BETA OF REQUIEM, IN CASE YOU FIND A BUG - TELL US - IN CASE YOU DON
+--+oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oo++oo++oooooo++oooooooo+--+ -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo+oo+oo+--+- ---+--+oo++o+++oooo++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oooo++++oo+oo+oo+--+--- -+--+oo++oo++oo++++++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++oo++++++oo++++oo+--+- +--+oo++oo++oooooo++oooooo++oooooo++oo++oooooo++oo++++oo+--+ oo THIS IS A SOMETHING LIKE A PUBLIC BETA OF REQUIEM, IN CASE YOU FIND A BUG - TELL US - IN CASE YOU DONïT ITS THE FINAL VERSION ;) ! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome to the Doom2 Requiem ---------------------------- Contents: --------- 1. Credits 2. Mission Information / MAP descriptions 3. Author Information 4. Tips and Tricks 5. Thanks and Greetings +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. C R E D I T S + Maps / Level Editing + ------------------------ Adelusion, 2,19,24,28 Dario Casali, 23 Orin Flaharty, 1,10 Anthony Galica 21 Florian Helmberger, 2 Iikka Keranen, 3,8,13,16,22,27,31 Bill McClendon 5 Thomas Möller, 6 Jens Nielsen, 7 Ian Quick, 12 Michael Rapp, 17 Eric Sambach, 14,18 Adam Williamson, 29 Adam Windsor, 11,20,25,26,30,32 Matthias Worch 4,7,9,15 + Artwork / Graphics + ---------------------- Adelusion, Dario Casali, Iikka Keranen, Thomas Moeller, Matthias Worch + Music / Midi + ---------------- Jeremy Doyle, Mark Klem, David Shaw + Moderation + -------------- Chris Thornton + Info Pack / Information File + --------------------------------- Chris Thornton, Thomas Moeller, Harrow Software + Requiem Homepage + -------------------- Rhys Hughes +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. M I S S I O N I N F O R M A T I O N +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 01 + -------------- Title : THE GATEWAY Author : Orin Flaharty Description : Welcome to Requiem. First map out of thirty, and as expected, a nice steady ride. Your objective is to travel through the small technology base, where the demons have used metal-like architecture and slayed human corpses together. Find the exit just outside the base, and prepare for mission 2. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 02 + -------------- Title : SACRIFICIUM Author : Adelusion / Florian Helmberger Description : You stumble upon a Small "Demonic" Cult... its whereabouts... Unknown. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 03 + -------------- Title : POISON PROCESSING Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 04 + -------------- Title : FIREWORKS Author : Matthias Worch Description : Another outpost of hell, surrounded by a field of lava. Your mission is as simple as always: Don't die... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 05 + -------------- Title : THE CANYON Author : Crash (Bill J. McClendon) Description : It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier, does it...? NOW it appears the mutant hellspawn have located and utterly corrupted the waste-processing plant in an outlying area. The only reason you can think of for them to do this is the ample room they have in the canyon... but that area is sealed... ...isn't it? +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 06 + -------------- Title : NATAS OT ETUBIRT Author : Thomas Möller (vorph|TiC) Description : This is the place where water usually got cleaned to make it re-usable for drinking; the monsters converted the architecture to a radioactive-slime producing facility. The use for the slime is still unknown, but you can be sure they don't plan good things with it. You must get in and eradicate all alien resistance, and try to re-establish a working facility. Good luck. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 07 + -------------- Title : HELL´S GIFT Author : Jens Nielsen / Matthias Worch Description : A rather small level reminding of "Dead Simple" in the original DooM II. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 08 + -------------- Title : THE REACTOR Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 09 + -------------- Title : DEEP DOWN BELOW Author : Matthias Worch Description : This is the (slightly modified) Map06 from "The Troopers' Playground". Completely indoor with a metal/tech theme. The DM part is taken from TTPDEATH. To find out more about the whole TTP episode visit my homepage at +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 10 + -------------- Title : THE BLACK GATE Author : Orin Flaharty Description : Twisted demons created these repulsively evil buildings, as a battleground prepared against those who step within, and otherwise a place for defensive construction and research. It used to be a group of churches and embassies, where religious ceremonies took place thousands of years before the demons took over. Be well prepared for a showdown with a big demon as you get closer to the way out ... Thanks to Adam Windsor for providing a revised ending of Orin's level after the original file corrupted. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 11 + -------------- Title : RATS IN THE WALLS Author : Adam Windsor Description : Just one of the many bases that has fallen to the demonic attack, this was once a research and development centre for the UAC, investigating the uses and processing of various non-toxic chemicals recovered from Mars and her moons. Many areas of the base are cluttered with the shielded piping used for the chemicals : this may make progress treacherous, so watch your step. Be on the look out for signs of concealed equipment bays, there are sure to be several scattered across the base. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 12 + -------------- Title : MILITANT REPRISAL Author : Ian Quick Description : A large military base that guards the entrance to the Town of the Dead - it promises to be heavily guarded by its slain defenders. As usual, you must wade through the mutilated corpses of your seemingly limitless enemies to reach the exit. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 13 + -------------- Title : TOWN OF THE DEAD Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 14 + -------------- Title : THE PORTAL Author : Eric Sambach Description : All you have to do is find the blue key so you can enter the Portal. Now get to work. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 15 + -------------- Title : LAST RESORT Author : Matthias Worch Description : A rather large level combining hellish and city-like architecture. Don't kill every monster in sight if you want to reach the secret levels...;) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 16 + -------------- Title : ESCAPE FROM CHAOS Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 17 + -------------- Title : DENS OF INIQUITY Author : Michael S. Rapp Description : Dens of Iniquity. Big deal, you say to yourself as you read the sign alongside the road pointing to the area up ahead. With the sun lowering in your squinted eyes, you look ahead for signs of trouble. Your finger is reaching for the safety on your shotgun as you open the first door that you come to. You take a deep breath and step inside. The door closes swiftly behind you as you strain to see through the murky darkness. As your eyes slowly adjust you hear it, within seconds it descends upon you... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 18 + -------------- Title : BASE OF THORN Author : Eric Sambach Description : Hint: When you get the red key, it's best to run really fast to the exit. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 19 + -------------- Title : SKINNY PUPPY Author : ADELUSION Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 20 + -------------- Title : THE FORSAKEN HALL Author : Adam Windsor Description : This seems to be a quiet, forgotten corner of Hell. You suspect it won't stay forgotten for long. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 21 + -------------- Title : DEN OF THE SKULL Author : Anthony Galica Description : You are trapped in the den of the skull, and it is not a very safe place... only your best fighting ability and intelligence will help you through. There is a large and complex world ahead of you that you must get through, filled with surprises and wonders as you fight evil to save yourself and the world once more.. otherwise, it will be your REQUIEM they are singing... Keep in mind that the exit is for Authorized Personnel Only. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 22 + -------------- Title : ARACHNOPHOBIA Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 23 + -------------- Title : HATRED Author : Dario Casali Description : This map is a taste of what Final Doom is all about - unleashing the potential of the DooM2 engine. The level incorporates a unique use for the Archvile ghost making technique, where it can resurrect a demon giving him the ability to walk through walls and not be shot. The first known way to kill such an enemy is to hit him in a rocket explosion. Another way is to get the ghost to hit another enemy who has a close attack ability, who will then go and tear the ghost apart. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 24 + -------------- Title : PROSCRUSTES CHAMBERS Author : Adelusion Description : Within this Gothic Castle-Like Dwelling... some Foul Smelling Chambers exist... some filled with Creatures, and some filled with rotted out Flesh ! Though some Marines before you have fallen to their fate, you must find their remains, and carry on... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 25 + -------------- Title : CHAOS ZONE Author : Adam Windsor Description : A small fortress over-looking a lake of lava. Probably be a prime piece of real estate for a Demon. Let's see what a pissed off marine with a Rocket Launcher can do to the property values around here.... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 26 + -------------- Title : EXCORIATION Author : Adam Windsor Description : A nightmare of frantic combat. You remember violent flashes of naked fear ... the red-hot barrels of your shotgun burning your hands ... you remember laughing in the carnage. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 27 + -------------- Title : CURSED KINGDOM Author : Iikka Keranen Description : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 28 + -------------- Title : FETALS' REMAINS Author : Adelusion Description : You're casted into another strange environment, you're mission: To find the Red Skull and place it back onto the Alter to reveal the passage way out... Very well protected, though... you must not fail, you have gone too far to quit now! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 29 + -------------- Title : DOWNER Author : Adam Williamson Description : I started completely fresh to create the biggest level I've ever made, and one of the biggest for Doom (there's about five, to my knowledge, that are bigger, and one is in Requiem). It's also scary and dark. Texturing influenced by map4 of mm2, one of my favourite levels. Made with the word HARD in mind. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 30 + -------------- Title : NEVERMORE Author : Adam Windsor Description : You have uncovered the secret stronghold of the Demons .... Intelligence says you should have the advantage of surprise on your side, but they believe that the Demons will be able to summon many reinforcements quickly, if need be. Your objective is straightforward enough -- find the switch to open the shielding on the Demons' power core and destroy the power source itself, but you must do so quickly enough that demonic reinforcements do not overwhelm you .... +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 31 + -------------- Title : DOORWAY TO QUAKE Author : Iikka Keranen Description : This is the something you have always dreamed of. :) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + Mission 32 + -------------- Title : BITTER HERB Author : Adam Windsor Description : Who knows where you are now ... somewhere deep in demons, you're sure. Hmm .. big courtyard, building on the far side ... no sign of anything yet ..... .... No, wait. Here they come. Right on time. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 3. A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adelusion E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : FetalDM Series, Co-Author Dystopia3, STRAIN Tools Used : DCK2.2, DCK3.6 credits to : All that inspires me greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Dario Casali E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Final Doom - "Doom2 Unleashed" Tools Used : Deth, Deutex, Wintex, Deusf credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Jeremy Doyle E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Orin Flaharty E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Memento Mori 2 maps 12 and 31 Tools Used : Doomed, Warm credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Anthony Galica E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Crush.wad, Beyond Doom :The Apocalypse TC Tools Used : Waded 1.87b, WadAuthor, DMapEdit, WARM, BSP1.5X, RMB30 credits to : The Beyond Doom team and everyone on Requiem greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Florian Helmberger E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : zwieback, zestful, zerlot, mm2 map4, strain map3 Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Rhys Hughes aka Renton and PiNHEAD E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : (Up in August "97") Other Works : Memento Mori 2 Level 13 and DeathDay for DooM][ Tools Used : Credits to : The one and only iD software Greetings to : All Requiem crew and my Clan of amigos Xtreme Chaos. Flame, Sickboy, Psychopath, Glynny and Pintglass the lads at XC. :) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Mark Klem E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Strain, MM1, MM2, All Hell Breaks Loose, Wacky Wheels, various single wads. Tools Used : credits to : greetings to : Everybody. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : CRASH (Bill J. McClendon) E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : 3x-play.wad, diamonds.wad, maps 01, 11, and 12 in Strain, and The Unofficial WAD Designers' Handbook (v1.0, 1.1, and 1.2), now on line at Tools Used : DCK 2.2 and 3.61 credits to : Chris Thornton, Adam Windsor for beta-testing and deathmatch testing of just about every Doom map i've done over the past two years,my wife for putting up with this incredibly time-consuming obsession, iD and Ben Morris for the obvious reasons, Adelusion for some of the best textures i've ever had the pleasure of working with, and David Shaw and Mark Klem, who are two of the most talented midi artists i've ever heard. greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Thomas Möller (vorph / TiC) E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : (personal pages) (TiC - pages) (Mental Vortex) Other Works : SUDTIC, TEUTIC, OBTIC, MM, MM2 + several Deathmatch maps and Weapon-addons + some Quake stuff Tools Used : various, mainly NWT, deth and improces credits to : NO ONE, fuck off ! :) greetings to : panza, langsuyar, tyrell,all at Mental Vortex, all at id, all at banjo inc., the mm-crew and the mm2-crew, the requiem-crew (yep ;)), the freaks on #quake.ger, comtron, the quest authors (it sucks, that you stopped coding on it!) and all lamers I forgot to mention here. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Jens Nielsen E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Corridors of hell for solo/dm ( Walkabout creek for coop/solo ( Memento Mori 2 map29 Tools Used : Deep, Rmb credits to : greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Ian Quick E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other works : Tools Used : Deth, BSP credits to : id software (of course - it can't be said enough) Antony J. Burden/Simon Oke (authors of Deth) greetings to : joorsh, slutbot, ewat =) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Michael S. Rapp E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : co-author of Memento Mori (level 19) co-author of Memento Mori 2 (level 17) author of MRDM2301.wad for Doom I (rated no. 1 in TiC's Wad Reviews) Tools Used : DoomCad, WinDeu, Deth, BSP credits to : iD, and the authors of the editors that I used Playtesters - Nate 666, Scott Rapp greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Eric Sambach E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : A new Quake dm series called "The MunY series". Files are called muny##.bsp. Also, try ae_tups.wad and ae_tups2.wad, both on Tools Used : credits to : All the guys that created the utilities I used! greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : David Shaw E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Level editing for ´Insertion´ (maps 1, 2, and 4); Music for various other projects. Tools Used : DETH, WARM 1.6 (Doom) | Cakewalk Pro 3.01, Kurzweil Music Systems, and ALESIS (music) credits to : TiC, TeamTNT, "JR" Dietz, Greg Husted, id Software, the Casali brothers, RAVEN software, SAMS publishing, Dr. Sleep and the programmers / creators of DETH, and my wife for her undying patience. greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Chris Thornton E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : Tools Used : credits to : iD, all the guys on Requiem - you did a fine job greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adam Williamson E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : In date order: 2spookxx.wad, Memento Mori 2 map6, Insertion MAP09, Tyranny MAPs 01-10 Tools Used : DCK 3.6, 3.61, 3.62. ZenNode 0.98a. WARM 1.5x. RMB3 credits to : iD, Chris Thornton, whoever made Rattamahatta (ulp) greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Adam Windsor E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : DFEAR1 --o DFEAR5, TBEAST Tools Used : DETH, BSP credits to : iD, the makers of DETH & BSP greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Name : Matthias Worch E-mail : [email protected] Homepage : Other Works : The Troopers' Playground, MM2 levels 3, 10, 14 & 18 Tools Used : Deth (the only one), Warm, Zennode, NWT credits to : Everybody in the Requiem Crew, TiC, Clan Ocrana greetings to : +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 4. T I P S A N D T R I C K S You know, cheating is lame, in case you get in trouble (lack of Ammo or Health) while playing better start playing Requiem with keeping some things in mind: a) Try to reach EVERY secret, this gives you extra items and though easier gameplay. b) Don´t pick Ammo Boxes up when they don´t take full effect (e.g. you got 99 shells and pick up a 25 shells pack - you´d waste 24 IMPORTANT shells !) Same goes for health packs. c) In case you don't know how to continue a map, take a look at the map <TAB> and look for undiscovered places, walking through poisoned areas is in most cases NOT the right way ;) d) In case its still too difficult - play a lower skill level. e) In case its still too difficult at "hurt me plenty" - play pacman ! ;) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 5. T H A N K S A N D G R E E T I N G S +----------------------------------------------------------------+ The R E Q U I E M T E A M expresses its deepest thanks to you, for playing this thing after waiting so long for it. Also, all of us would like to thank Id Software, for obvious reasons. Last, but not least, we thank all the people who created the tools used during the process of developing REQUIEM. +----------------------------------------------------------------+

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