829.31 KB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09
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_________________________________ | THE ORIGINAL DOOM LEVLES REMADE | | FOR | | DOOM TWO! | | B Y | | RICHARD "THE DOOM GOD" REED | --------------------------------- After playing the DOOM ][ levels and deciding that they weren't as fun to play as the old Doom's levels...I decided to put convert the DOOM levels into DOOM 2 levels...After having heard "I wish the SUPER SHOTGUN was in DOOM 1" too many times I decided to put that gun on every level...It is in place of the regular shotgun in most cases although the regular shotgun is still in the game...I have added it in obvious places and it will appear in DEATHMATCH ONLY!!! One such location that I added the Shotgun was near the green armour at the base of the stairs on E1M1 (MAP 1 in DOOM 2)...Not only does this make that level a little more fair it still keeps the regular shotgun in the game...I have not changed any of the floor plans on the level! The levels are the exact same as in DOOM...Although on E1M9 (Map 9 in DOOM 2) I added a supershot gun up top and a megasphere!!! It is about time that level is "FAIR"...PLEASE upload this to all your favorite BBS locations and try and get it spread around the nation...It will do no one any good if we have about 300 versions of this idea floating around the BBS's...We need one Wad to be the why not let it be this one...:) KEEPING THE DOOMER IN CHECK RICHARD "THE DOOM GOD" REED P.S. THANKS RICHARD DELOZIER FOR THE IDEA AND SHOWING ME THE WAY! THANKS TO THE MAKERS OF DEU, DEU 2, and of course to ID!!!! Thanks for making the greatest game ever and thanks JOHN ROMERO for letting me cruise with ya in that FINE CAR! LOOKING FORWARD TO HERETIC AND OF COURSE QUAKE!!!! P.S.S. Oh yeah...and the secret level exit on map 3 doesn't take you to the secret level...It just starts that level over again...Sorry but thems the breaks...:) I hope you enjoy playing this WAD...DOOM with the SUPER SHOTGUN...NOT A BAD IDEA EH?