I started constructing this WAD back in March of 2012. It started off as a simple Deathmatch WAD, but I wasn't very pleased with the gameplay at all. In Nove...
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Title : SOCCOR CTF Filename : Author : Michael M. "DG93" (AKA: Doomguy93) Email Address : [email protected] or just look me up on Doomworld Forums: doomguy93 Misc. Author Info : This is my first CTF WAD! * This WAD file runs with any version of Skulltag or Zandronum. =============================================================================================================================== **Primary Purpose: CAPTURE THE FLAG** =============================================================================================================================== Description : I started constructing this WAD back in March of 2012. It started off as a simple Deathmatch WAD, but I wasn't very pleased with the gameplay at all. In November of 2013, I significantly edited the map and removed all DM player starts with CTF team players. The action takes place in a Soccor Stadium. This level is designed for playing team capture the flag only (RED vs BLUE). Play against the computer marine bots in skulltag or zandronum or distribute this file to your fellow Doom buddies and play online! < Completed on ***December 2nd 2013*** > Some sprites and sounds have been altered. Title/Intermission screens have also been replaced. **Please give me some feedback** =============================================================================================================================== **CREDITS** =============================================================================================================================== Additional Credits to : Ok so besides myself for customizing a few sounds/sprites/creating 1 level from scratch, I would like to thank the following people for helping me construct this WAD: -The Creators of Doombuilder and XWE. -Doomkid92 from for some gun sounds. -The creators of Blood.wad for the blood sprites. -Jay R. from for the kick ass Dragon Ball Z Budokai MIDI files. =============================================================================================================================== **INFORMATION** =============================================================================================================================== Episode and Level # : map 01 only Single Player : No monsters have been incorporated into the level. However, there is a player1 start, so feel free to summon enemies for fun using the command prompt. < Scroll to the bottom of text for instructions on how to summon enemies > Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Deathmatch 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented. New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Title Screen Music: DRAGON BALL Z BUDOKAI "World_Tournament_II" Intermission Screens Music: DRAGON BALL Z BUDOKAI "Planet_Namek_Stage" MAP 01 Music: DRAGON BALL Z BUDOKAI "Cell_Games_Arena_Stage" Demos Replaced : none Base : level made by me from scratch Editor(s) used : "Doombuilder" "XWE" "Microsoft Paint" Known Bugs : I checked/ tested it out many times and noticed no bugs. Please notify me via email address or my forums account "doomguy93" if you spot any game glitches. COPYRIGHT & PERMISSION : Authors are NOT to use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. **You MAY distribute this WAD in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Enjoy! =============================================================================================================================== **HOW TO SUMMON ENEMIES** =============================================================================================================================== Summon Commands: To summon enemies using your command prompt, type "summon" leave a space and type the name of the enemy you want to summon. Examples: "summon zombieman" "summon shotgunguy" "summon doomimp" etc.... Here is a list of the Doom 2 enemies that you can summon: Zombieman = Former Human ShotgunGuy = Former Human Sergeant ChaingunGuy = Former Commando DoomImp = Imp Demon = Demon Spectre = Spectre LostSoul = Lost Soul Cacodemon = Cacodemon HellKnight = Hell Knight BaronofHell = Baron of Hell Arachnotron = Arachnotron PainElemental = Pain Elemental Revenant = Revenant Fatso = Mancubus ArchVile = Arch-Vile SpiderMastermind = Spider Mastermind Cyberdemon = Cyberdemon WolfensteinSS = S.S. CommanderKeen = Commander Keen BossTarget = Spot where a boss cube lands BossEye = Invisible thing that "sees" the player and emanates the final boss sound, as well as the location that actually launches the boss cubes BossBrain = Romero's Head =============================================================================================================================== ===============================================================================================================================