These are the DEATHMATCH wads for the first two levels in the MEV series, for both DOOM I and II. (The D2 version is recommended, as it has the Super Shotgun...
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E1M1, E1M2
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============================================================================= Title/File Name : MEV1i.WAD (DOOM I -- E1M1 and E1M2) MEV2i.WAD (DOOM II -- Map1 and Map2) Author : Michael E. Videki E-mail Address : [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : These are the DEATHMATCH wads for the first two levels in the MEV series, for both DOOM I and II. (The D2 version is recommended, as it has the Super Shotgun! Oh...and is a bit more refined.) These levels are designed for BEST play with DEATHMATCH v2.0 (it's great, but never required...) To leave each level (tally up scores) a cooperative effort is required by two of the players: a button must be hit which lowers a lift elsewhere, leading to the exit switch. --------------------------------------------------- LEVEL ONE : The level appears as a rough hexagonal shape with a star-shaped lift in its center. Six irregularly- shaped rooms connect to the sides of the lift at different heights, and the lift moves continually up and down between them. Stairways and teleporters are also used to connect the rooms to each other, and allow for some cool sneak-attacks! All weapons but the BFG are implemented - this level was designed to be played without it. I especially enjoy running people down in the room holding the rocket launcher. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 8+ hours Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21 & BSP 1.2x (for DOOM I) Deep 6.23 (to convert to DOOM II) Known Bugs : None seen! Additional Credits to : Justin Stoker, Neill Ferrin, and John Heiney -- for play-testing my level to squash all the bugs. --------------------------------------------------- LEVEL TWO : This level was designed to have players follow a cyclical course through different types of rooms, chasing after one another. Psychology plays a big part here -- there are several areas intentionally designed to allow easy ambushes, but also contain weaknesses so things aren't too unfair... ;) Many switches do different things throughout the rooms (raise/lower floors, turn lights on/off, etc) and there are a few secret rooms as well. In addition to all other weapons, the BFG sits in the center of a swampy courtyard atop a climbing spiral path in all its glory. There is also an awesome corridor to fire rockets along to mow your opponents down. Additional Credits to : Adam Greenwood (basic concept), Tom Buchanan, John Heiney, Aaron McGavock, Justin Stoker -- who helped me iron out the errors, as well as rack up hundreds of frags! (Hehe.) * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 15+ hours Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21 & BSP 1.2x (for DOOM I) EdMap 1.22 (to convert to DOOM II) Known Bugs : None whatsoever! (Anything that happens to you is purely your own fault, or that of your opponents! Moo ha ha!) ============================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1/MAP01 and E1M2/MAP02 Single Player : NO (this would be pretty boring!) Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! The more the merrier! (With 4 players, the odds are someone will get fragged every 15 seconds.) Difficulty Settings : N/A (except for 2x the Ammo in Easiest setting) New Sounds : Yes - our recorded voices and other various noises for a few events, which we happen to find humorous in our strange way! New Graphics : No Additional Notes : If you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, feel free to e-mail, as I'm always looking for that burst of inspiration to come to make the greatest DeathMatch levels around! =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute these WADS, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (over BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You may do whatever you want with this file. Please give credit to me, the author, if you use it to create other levels from this one. Thanks. (I'm always a supporter of better DOOM levels!) * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: /pub/games/doom/newstuff --or-- /pub/games/doom/levels/deathmatch (or directory holding "M"-named levels) (and mirror sites)