It's now time to rebuild earth. However, before you can clean up, you have to make a mess first. Despite the fall of the huge goat headed demon, pockets of w...

87.58 KB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom II

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Title                   : TEMPLE21.WAD
                          "Temple of Doom ][--Entry" Level 1 Version 2.01
                          Look for Level 2 soon!
Date Finished           : 10/01/95
Author                  : Bill Robertson
Email Address           : [email protected]
Other Files By Author   : None
Misc. Author Info       : pleorg

Description             : It's now time to rebuild earth.  However, before
                          you can clean up, you have to make a mess first.
                          Despite the fall of the huge goat headed demon, 
                          pockets of worship still exist on earth.

                          Since, by most reckonings, you are the
                          toughest thing in this dimension and the next,
                          you were chosen to infiltrate and destroy the
                          TEMPLE OF DOOM ][.  Besides, Harrison Ford was

                          You can't believe your superior's stupidity.
                          They only let you have your ubiquitous pistol.
                          After all, they said, this is an undercover
                          operation.  Too bad you don't look like a demon
                          or zombie.  As soon as you tried to enter they
                          gassed you and tossed you into a pit.

Inexperienced Author    : Yes, this is my first wad.  So of course
                          contact me and tell me everything I did wrong.
Title                   : TEMPLE21.WAD
                          "Temple of Doom ][--Entry" Level 1 Version 2.01
                          Look for Level 2 soon!
Date Finished           : 10/01/95
Author                  : Bill Robertson
Email Address           : [email protected]
Other Files By Author   : None
Misc. Author Info       : pleorg

Description             : It's now time to rebuild earth.  However, before
                          you can clean up, you have to make a mess first.
                          Despite the fall of the huge goat headed demon, 
                          pockets of worship still exist on earth.

                          Since, by most reckonings, you are the
                          toughest thing in this dimension and the next,
                          you were chosen to infiltrate and destroy the
                          TEMPLE OF DOOM ][.  Besides, Harrison Ford was

                          You can't believe your superior's stupidity.
                          They only let you have your ubiquitous pistol.
                          After all, they said, this is an undercover
                          operation.  Too bad you don't look like a demon
                          or zombie.  As soon as you tried to enter they
                          gassed you and tossed you into a pit.

Inexperienced Author    : Yes, this is my first wad.  So of course
                          contact me and tell me everything I did wrong.
  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿          I don't have much experience with deathmatch
  ³Constructive³          or cooperative play, so I don't really know a
  ³comments and³          good way to do these things.  The player-
  ³suggestions ³          starts and deathmatch-starts are there, and I
  ³will be     ³          added a whole load of monsters and weapons
  ³appreciated.³          with the multi-player flag set, but I was just
  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ          guessing.  I would really appreciate some
                          advice on what to add to make for good
                          multi-player play.  BTW multi-player play has
                          not been tested.  Also, I don't really know
                          what it takes to implement difficulty settings
                          well, so I did it, but how well I don't know.

Additional Credits to   : Dan Ferguson, Sean Kelly, and Shawn Brown for
                          playtesting.  Yu-Mei, my wife, for putting up
                          with me.

* Play Information *

Map #                   : Map 01 (For DOOM II only)
Single Player           : Yes -- Designed with this in mind.
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes, but see "Inexperienced Author" above.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes, but see "Inexperienced Author" above.
Difficulty Settings     : Yes, but see "Inexperienced Author" above.
New Sounds              : No
New Music               : No
New Graphics            : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : A long long time.
Editor(s) used          : DEPM 1.6--Thanks Gerald!  DEPM is a PM based
                          OS/2 Doom/Doom ][ editor that's very easy to
                          use, and comes with an excellent tutorial.
                          OS/2's Workplace Shell is an ideal environment
                          for Doom level editing.
Known Bugs              : Haven't found any yet, but let me know when
                          you do, and I'll fix it ASAP.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.  

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites:----\
               >--- Any suggestions?
BBS numbers:--/

Other:  I'll be posting fixes/new levels to CompuServe's action games




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns