corphq.wad, corpHQ.wad
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+------------------------+ | CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS | +------------------------+ [WIP] Work in progress... will be released as part of Chap Deathmatch 3 =========================================================================== ========================= ZDaemon Review form ============================= =========================================================================== Update to : none Primary purpose : Deathmatch!!!!! =========================================================================== Title : Chap Deathmatch 3, Map01 Preview Filename : corphq.wad Release date : TBD... Author : John Price -=]> Chap Software <[=~ Email Address : can you keep a secret? Other Files By Author : chapdm10.wad, chapdm2.wad, altrterr.wad Misc. Author Info : [PRFunky] (phineas in most deathmatch games) Description : Map01 is inspired by MAP27 of the drav35dm.wad. Well, That's how it started anyway... got a little carried away. So it's a deathmatch level. I remembered years ago playing DM with monsters with the kids and how fun that was. So when I did ChapDM2, I added monsters. It was especially fun! This map takes full advantage of The ZDoom Monster Resource Wad (v4.0). Of course that won't work in ZDaemon, but in Zandronum... It's a blast! Additional Credits to : The original Doom II authors, of course! All of the fine people who made monsters.wad and humans.wad (the ZDoom Monster Resource Wad). Level Testers : RoMZoMBiE, Nordberg and ZombieHobbit =========================================================================== * What is included * =========================================================================== New levels : MAP01 Sounds : none Music : TBD... Graphics : Some freely available textures used.. thanks to the original authors! Then some other stuff I made which you're free to use but you might not like. Dehacked/BEX Patch : what's that? Demos : " ditto " Other : ~~~~~~~~~ yawn.... Other files required : none, well OBVIOUSLY you'll need a Doom port! And having the doom2.wad file won't hurt either! * Play Information * Game : Doom II Map # : MAP01 Single Player : the player 1 start is there... um... Cooperative : Absolutely NOT! There are NO player 2-4 starts! Deathmatch : TOTALLY, TOTALLY DEATHMATCH. Team Deathmatch : geez, I don't even know how that works! Capture the Flag : I don't DO this Other game styles : nope; just Doom-y but not gloomy ;-) Difficulty Settings : There are separate difficulties in single-player mode but the map is designed for deathmatch so why would you do anything other than play with the maximum amount of monsters on Ultra-Violence or play with no monsters at all in pure human vs. humans deathmatch? --- all right!! Now we're talking; I use these: DMFLAGS : 283840 //normally deathmatch DMFLAGS : 279744 //deathmatch with MONSTERS! Mmm.. FUN!! DMFLAGS2 : 9568330 Fraglimit : 30 Timelimit : 8 Players : 8 Additional notes : I wouldn't disable jumping; it makes some things impossible. * Construction * Base : And when I hear a base... Build Time : who cares?! Editor(s) used : DoomBuilder 1.68, DoomBuilder 2, DeepSea, XWE, NeoPaint, Microsoft Paintbrush, Rogsoft's Notepad+ Known Bugs : Consider bugs to be "features" ;-) May Not Run With... : the original Doom engine, Doom Legacy and anything else you can think of that doesn't support ZDoom in Hexen format wad files, slopes, ACS scripting, etc. Tested With : ZDaemon 1.08.08b ZDaemon 1.10beta ZDoom 2.7.1 GZDoom v1.7 Zandronum 1.2 =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * (c)2014 Chap Software, All rights reserved. =========================================================================== Authors MAY use my custom textures and flats but may also write their own map rather than sticking a couple of new textures on my walls and calling my work theirs. See above for other sources... Please don't include this map in its current form in any compilation wads; It's not really completely done yet! This is a release for testing but hopefully, we'll enjoy testing ;-) =========================================================================== CCC H H AA PPP SSS OO FFFF TTTTT W W AA RRR EEEE C H H A A P P S O O F T W W W A A R R E C HHHH A A PPP SS O O FFF T W W W A A RRR EEE C H H AAAA P S O O F T W W W AAAA R R E CCC H H A A P SSS OO F T W W A A R R EEEE ========================= ============================ 7777777777777777777 7=+++=+===I7 777777777777777777 7??=+++++++++=?7 7777777777777777777 7::++++++++++++== 7777777777777777777 7::++++++++++++==I 777 7777777777777777777 ?+,,+=~++++++++===~77 7 7777777777777777777 ~:==+::~~~::::::~~:~~ 777777777777777777777777 7I=:==+::~:::::::::::==7 777777777777777777777777 7++=~~~~~::::::,,,,,,,+77 7777777 7 7 7 7 7,,:,,,::::~=======~~~~7 7 7 7~~:,,,,:~~~=====~=~~~: 7777777 7 7 7 7 7:::~~=+=+++===~~~~~:+++77 7 7 7 7 7 7 ==~=====++====~~~~=~=~~~~==~=7 7777777 7 7 7 7 ::~===========~~~~=~~~~~~~~:~I77 7777777 7 7 7 7 7+~~======~~~~~~~:~~~~~::::~~:::77 777777777 7::::~~~~~~~~~~:::~~:~:::::::,,~77 7 7 777:~~~:~:::::~~~::,~~:::::::::,:=77 7 7 7 7 +++++++++++++?=~~~~::,,,...,.,,::~::::::::,,,,,??7 7 7 ?:.,IIIIIIIIIII:~~:,:,,,,,.,,,...:::::::,::,,,,,,,,7 7I 7+,,,77777777777:~::,,,,,,..,,,,,.,::::::,::,,,,,,..7 ?+++++++++++::??????:,,,,:::::::::==~~~:,,,,,....,,,,,,,::::::::,,,,,,::7 ............:::::::::,,,,,,,,,,:::~:~~~:,,.,,.....,,,,,,:::,,,,,,,,,..::7 ,,,,,,,,,,,,::::::::,,,,,,,,,,,~:::::::,,,..,,..,..,,,,,:::,,.,.,,,,..::7 ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,::::,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,:~~:~~:~:::~~~:::..::: ??????????????:::,,,,,,,,??,,,,.,,,:::~==:=====~~=~~~~~,:,?I7 7 7 7~~:,,,,,,,,77,,,:,,,,:::===,=====~~~~~~~~::. 7 7 7 7 +=,,,,,,,, 7,,,,,,,::::~:,,,,,,:,:~~~,:?? 7 7 7 7 7 7?:,,,,,, ?????:::,:::::,....~:::::::., 7 7 777,,... 7,,~~~~===::,,:,::~~:,,.. 7 7 7 7 ~~~~~ ??,,~~~~===::,,:::::::,,.,7 7 7 7 7 ~,:::~~:~~:,,::,::,,,,,,?+7 7 7 7 7 7 7::::::~~~::.,,,::,,,..,,.::7 7 7 7 7 7::::::~~:,:.,,,,:,,...,,,,,7 7 ==:::~~:~~:,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,=77 7,,~::,,,,:,,:,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,:77 7,,:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,:77 7 7,,~::::,,,,,,,++,,,..,,,.,,:::77 7 7=,,~~::::,,,..I77,,,,.,,,,,,,,I77 7 7~,,~~:,,:,,,.. :~,,,,,,,,,,, 7 7 7 7 7++~::,,,,,,,,,++ 7,,,,,,,::::+77 7 7 7::~~~:::,,,,,,7 ,,,,,,,::~~~== 7 7 7 7,,~~~~::::,:::7 7:,,,,,,::~~~:~I77 7 7,::~~~::::,++7 ,,,,,,:::~~:::++ 7 7::~~~~~~:::,, III,,,::::~~~:,, 7 7 7:~~~~~~~::,:: ::,:::::~~:,,7 7::~:::::::,7 7+:,::::::,,? 7 7 7:::::,,,,:I ?I,,,::::::7 7 7,,:,,,,,,,7 77,:,::~~~:I77 7 7 7 7 7I::::::,:=+ 7????+,::~==:~:7 7 7 7++???++~=~~~~~:: ==:::::::::~~~~~== 777==+++==~======:: ~~::::::::,~~=~~:: 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::: =====::,,,:::~::== :,:::::::::::::::,, ??????????? ,,:::::::::::::::,,