"Run-n-Gun", final version

My third weapon decorate mod. I wanted to make something fast, with interesting weapons and at the same time to realize here the best ideas from some other w...

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Advanced Egine		: GZDoom 1.0.24, perhaps ZDoom (not tested,
						might not work)
Primary purpose		: Single, Coop, Deathmatch

Title			: "Run-n-Gun", final version
Filename		: runngun.wad
Release date		:
Author			: zer0 (aka Jekyll Grim Payne aka Ashigaru)
Other files by author	: "One Doom's Day" (one_doom_s_day.wad), "Kyragem"
			  (kyragem.wad), "Terminator" (termin.wad),
			  "T-950 Strikes" (termi950.wad), "Wizardry" (wizardry.wad)
Description		: My third weapon decorate mod. I wanted to make
			  something fast, with interesting weapons and
			  at the same time to realize here the best
			  ideas from some other weapon mods. You judge,
			  if I was succesful or not.

* What is included *

New levels		: none
Sounds			: Yes
Graphics		: Yes
Music			: no
Dehacked/Bex		: Yes (decorate)
Demos			: no
Other files required	: none

* Play Information *

Game 			: Doom, Final Doom, also pwads without own weapon mods
Single Player		: yes
Cooperative 2-4		: yes
Deathmatch 2-4		: yes
Difficulty Settings	: As usual

* Construcion *

Base			: Some weapon mods, Half-Life 2
Build Time		: about a month and a few days
Editor(s) used		: XWE 1.17, Photoshop CS2, Sound Forge 6.0
Known Bugs		: you may stuck into shield created by Forcefield spawner,
			  but it's not a big deal, as you can remove shield
			  sometimes for unknown reason minigun skips its starting 
			  spinning animation and goes directly to firing animation 
			  - had this bug before and couldn't do anything;
			  some enemies may sometimes stuck in the walls because
			  of their bigger size (for example Cyber on doom2m10)
May Not Run with...	: ZDoom, original Doom, GZDoom earlier than 1.0.24, other ports

* Additional Mod Description *

Many weapons and new powerups, but not too much - otherwise it won't be good
for gameplay. However, I cannot call this mod "new interpretation of classic" like 
precious ZDoom/GZDoom Advanced Weapons mod. It's something new.


Player is a little slower and a little higher. Also, maximum health is now 300, but only
with Megasphere.

Weapons should be reloaded with "Reload" button (default 'R').

Berserk is replaced with a new Drug, that extremely strenghtens your fists and also
improves your reaction (it really freezes time!). Its effect lasts for about 1.5 min.


1:	Local Forcefield Spawner	Spawns a litle forcefield that protects
					you from absolutely anything. It blocks
					projectiles and enemies, as well as you.
					It's also unbreakable. But you can spawn 
					only one.
	(secondary attack)		Removes spawned forcefield. You can spawn
					it again.

1:	Fists				Left weak fast punch or right slow and heavy one.
					Your choice. With Drug left hand becomes even
					faster and right even stronger.

2:	Beretta				Typical Beretta, 15 bullets per clip. 
					Handy thing.
2:	Dual Berettas			You can use two. More handy.
2:	Magnum				That's a man's gun! Powerful and heavy revolver
					is always a nice thing against big guys.

3:	12 gauge shotgun		Just 12 gauge shotgun. Holds up to 8 rounds.
					Powerful, and you can shoot quite fast.
3:	Jackhammer			Automatic shotgun, 24 rounds per clip. Perfect
					for smashing many enemies.

4:	Uzi				Fast 9 mm Uzi machine gun.
4:	Dual Uzis			...And another one in left hand. The only
					disadvantage is that its slow to reload.

5: 	Rocket-n-Roll Launcher		Powerful rocket launcher, if you hold fire
					button you can shoot a few (up to 5) rockets 
					at once!
	(secondary attack)		Throws a grenade. You can also throw up to
					5 grenades at once!

6:	Gatling cannon			Old familiar 6 barreled happiness. Although not
					too powerful, extremely fast.

7:	Blood Magic			Dangerous! Bad for your health, believe me...
					Shoots a hellish blue fire that shoots other
					speels around it. No one will survive. But you
					are protected during a few first seconds after
	(secondary attack)		Also bad for your health, but no so bad as
					primary attack. Spawns a helper - hellish servant
					Afrit shall be glad to rip bad guys apart for you.


Many of the changes are similar to those in my previous Terminator-mods. However, imps
learnt how to throw Caco's balls, Chainguy likes to fire grenades, and Caco now can charge
forward to you (like Lost Soul). Hell Knight and Baron throw new and more balls, 
Arachnotron sometimes fires something much more powerful than plasma, Mastermind uses 
new chaingun. And fearful Cybermaster is very thick-skinned and fires many rockets, spells 
and railgun.

In final version, however, there're usual zombies with pistol and grey ones with Uzi.
In addition now there're not only Shotgun Guys, but also Jackhammer Guys (green) and
Magnum Guys (darkblue). Spectre now can run even faster than visible Demon. 
Also there're two types of Mancubuses (usual, but bigger, and red-skinny with green 
blood) and two types of Revenants (smaller ones with blue flesh can't shoot, but 
can run fast and hit you).

Fixed Cyberdemon bug - 
it's defensive comets now disappear once Cyber's killed.


This new power-up replaces Berserk and it's my version of "Tome of Power" - it strenghtens
all your weapons (except for Blood Magic, it's too powerful as it is). With this Drug:

Beretta and Dual Berettas have increased firepower and can be reloaded much faster;
12 gauge shotgun shoots faster, bullet spread is decreased and it can be reloaded much faster;
Jackhammer shoots slightly faster and with decreased bullet spread, also it does not
nedd ANY reloading AT ALL;
Magnum revolver is completely usual, but it has 3x increased firepower;
Dual Uzis have decreased bullet spread and can be reloaded MUCH faster;
one-handed Uzi doesn't work for some reason o.O
Rocket-n-Roll Launcher can shoot up to 20 rockets or 20 grenades at once and faster!;
Gatling cannon has 2x increased firing speed!

BUT you can't use Blood Magic AT ALL while having this power-up.

Drug also heals you completely when you take it.



Authors MAY use this wad as a base to build their own wads. Feel free to use 
the sprites and sounds from this wad.

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no 
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, 
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.

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