olaunch.wad is a PWAD
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[4-4] Connection type options [4-4-1] The IPX Network Menu [4-4-2] The Serial/Modem menu [4-5] Game options menu [4-6] Loading a game [4-7] Chat macros [5] Questions [5-1] What are the command line arguments? [5-2] Can I use Onslaunch with Doom I? [5-3] How do I change the Onslaunch background? [5-4] Why won't Onslaunch run on my PC? [6] Versions [6-1] Coming soon in a later version.. [6-2] Version history [7] The last word.. [7-1] TeamOnslaught [7-1-1] About TeamOnslaught [7-1-2] Contacting TeamOnslaught [7-2] Acknowledgements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0] Legal Information ===================== [0-1] License ------------- Copyright (c) 2005, Simon Howard All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * You may not use the author's name to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. [0-2] Trademark Information --------------------------- All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so acknowledged: id Software, DOOM, DOOM II, QUAKE. Any trademarks not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1] Introduction ================ [1-1] What is Onslaunch ? ------------------------- Onslaunch is a really cool way of starting Doom II single- and multi-player games(primarily multi-player games). It uses a derived version of the Doom "ESC" Menu, with all of the normal options: "New Game", "Options" etc., but these have been greatly enhanced, and a "Multiplayer" option has been added. The result is a system which allows access to a wide variety of Doom's command line options, but is also easy to use because of its' simple and easy-to-use interface. Onslaunch is made by Simon Howard for TeamOnslaught. [1-1-1] Special features of Onslaunch ------------------------------------- Onslaunch has many special features. It can play CDs and automatically detects your network. When you quit, the options you typed in are saved so that you can restart a game quickly if something goes wrong. A "bouncing skull" screensaver protects your screen from being burnt in if you leave your computer for a while. New to this version is also OLO: OnsLaunch Options. All future TeamOnslaught WADs will now contain a resource named "OLO", storing all the information for play. What this means is, as soon as you type in the filename of one of our WADs, all of the appropriate settings and level names will be immediately loaded into Onslaunch. [1-2] Navigating in Onslaunch ----------------------------- Navigating Onslaunch is done in the same way as it is in Doom. You are given the same "skull selector" which can be moved between menu items using the up and down keys. Moving the skull to an item that brings up a menu and pressing enter will bring up that menu. Pressing ESC takes you back a menu. Various different options are also found in Onslaunch: On/Off values - Selecting these and pressing enter cycles between that value being on or off. Examples are detail level high/low and messages on/off Sliders - These are grey rectangles with sliders on them, to increase and decrease a value. For example, mouse sensitivity and music volume use sliders. "Cyclers" - Okay, I couldn't think of a better name for them. Selecting this and using the left and right keys cycles through a range of values. For example, the players(1-4) and game type(Co-operative-Deathmatch II) options in the multiplayer menus use these. Radio buttons - Choose one of a range of values. The serial/modem menu uses this to specify wait for call, direct link etc. Buttons - On the multiplayer menus, choosing this "Ok" button continues to the next menu. [1-3] The main menu ------------------- Running Onslaunch brings up the main menu. This is almost identical to the Doom main menu, and has the following choices: New game - Starts a new game. See section [3-1]. Options - Brings up the options menu. See section [2-1]. Load game - Loads a saved game. See section [3-2]. Multi-player - Brings up the multi-player menu. See section [4-1] Quit - Quits Onslaunch and saves settings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [2] Options =========== [2-1] The Options menu ---------------------- Choosing "Options" on the main menu brings up the options menu. This menu has all of the options found in the Doom options menu, with only a few extras. Run Setup - Run Doom's SETUP.EXE, to allow you to change more advanced options(eg. Controllers, sound card settings). Detail level - Choose high detail for a sharper picture, or low detail to allow Doom to run faster. Messages - Choose between messages displayed(on) or not displayed(off). Mouse Sensitivity - Set the sensitivity of the mouse(how fast you move when you move the mouse). Gamma correction - Sets the screen brightness, to allow you to see more on dark monitors. Choose from 0 (no gamma correction) to 4 (full gamma correction). Screen size - Set the screen size, from smallest (post-it note) to largest(full-screen, no status bar) Auto-run mode - Turning this on makes you always run, so you do not have to continually hold the run button. Sound.. - Goes to the sound menu - See section [2-2]. [2-2] Sound menu ---------------- Selecting "Sound.." on the options menu brings up the sound menu. This menu lets you change the music and sound effects volumes, and play CDs if you have a CD-ROM drive. Sfx volume - This slider lets you change the volume of the sound effects in Doom. Music volume - This slider lets you change the volume of the music in Doom. CD Audio.. - Selecting "CD Audio.." brings up a screen allowing you to play CDs. See section [2-2-1]. [2-2-1] CD Audio ---------------- If you have a CD-ROM drive, and MSCDEX loaded into memory, you can use this screen to play CDs using your CD-ROM drive. There are several controls for the CD player: Previous track - Pressing this button selects the previous track. Stop - Stops the track currently playing. Play - Plays the selected track. Next track - Selects the next track. Delay-play - This button on the second row is a special button. Pressing it plays the selected track, but not immediately. When you launch Doom, the track will play. (Onslaunch will set the music volume to 0). Pressing the left and right buttons on the keyboard jumps from button to button. As well as the various buttons, there is also a status window, showing what the CD drive is currently doing. The right of the window shows the selected track and number of tracks. Pressing the spacebar ejects the CD drive. Pressing the up and down buttons on the keyboard increases and decreases the volume. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [3] Single player games ======================= [3-1] The new game menu ----------------------- Choosing "New game" from the main menu brings up the new game menu. You must then choose a skill level. The skill levels are identical to the ones in Doom: I'm too young to die! Hey, not too rough. Hurt me plenty. Ultra-violence! NIGHTMARE! Also on the menu are some other items: Add PWAD - Type in the filename of an external PWAD file here if applicable. Level warp - Allows you to choose a level other than MAP01. Note that this is disabled unless you are using an external PWAD or are recording a demo! Advanced.. - Choosing this option brings up the advanced options menu. Note that in the spirit of fair play, certain options such as "Monsters:off" will have no effect. See section [3-1-1] for more information. [3-1-1] The advanced menu ------------------------- The advanced menu gives many extra options for special games. There are many items: Monsters * - Allows you to disable monsters, for multiplay. Fast * - Turns on fast monsters. Respawn * - Turns on respawning monsters. Record - Choosing this option will record a demo, to the demo filename specified. Play demo - Play back a recorded demo. Demo filename - Type into this box the filename of the demo you wish to play or record. Turbo scale * - This option allows you to alter the speed of your player. Type in the speed as a percentage: eg. 50% is 50% of your normal speed, 200% is twice normal. Timer * - The level timer causes the levels to end after a certain number of minutes. Development - Setting this to "ON" enables developer mode. Ok - Return to your previous menu. The options marked with an asterisk(*) will have no effect in single-player games. [3-2] The load game menu ------------------------ Choosing "load game" from the main menu brings up the load game menu. You are given a list of saved games that you can load, like in Doom. Choosing the saved game you desire will launch Doom into that saved game. Selecting an item and pressing DEL will delete that savegame. You will be prompted if you are certain you wish to delete the savegame. Also on the load game menu is an "Add PWAD" option. If you want to use an external PWAD file (containing extra levels, sounds, etc.) then put the file name in this box before choosing your save game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4] Multi-player games ====================== [4-1] Introduction ------------------ Most people play Doom nowadays for its multiplayer option, so the set of multiplayer menus in Onslaunch have many different options. The original idea was to replicate the Quake "Multiplayer" menus, which is more or less what I have done. Quake players will notice this. I have laid out this chapter to show how to start a Multiplayer game, what the different options mean and how to deal with any problems you may come across. [4-2] The Multiplayer menu -------------------------- Choosing the "Multiplayer" option on the main menu brings up the multiplayer menu. This menu has three options: New game - Starts a new multiplayer game. See section [4-3]. Load game - Loads a multiplayer savegame. See section [4-6]. Chat macros - Defines your multiplayer chat macros. See section [4-7]. [4-3] Choosing a connection type -------------------------------- Choosing "New game" will bring up this menu. You must choose how you will connect to the other computer(s). You can choose either IPX (Network) or a serial/modem link, the two connection methods supported by Doom. A box below the menu describes the connection method that you have highlighted. [4-3-1] I can't choose IPX Network. Why not ? --------------------------------------------- Onslaunch automatically detects to see if you have a network installed. If you don't have one, then why would you want to choose it anyway? To see the "IPX not detected" message from IPXSETUP? If you do have a network, you may not have your IPX driver installed (you must do this in order to be able to play Doom). So quit Onslaunch, install it, then re-enter Onslaunch. This should fix the problem. If it doesn't, your IPX driver is not being installed properly. If you find that IPXSETUP detects your network, but Onslaunch doesn't, then you can enable the IPX menu by running Onslaunch with the -ipx command line parameter. That is: C:\>olaunch -ipx <return> [4-4] Connection type options ----------------------------- After you choose a connection type, a menu will follow with options specific to that type. It will be one of the following: [4-4-1] The IPX Menu -------------------- If you chose IPX, then you will be presented with the IPX Menu. You are given four options: Players - Specify how many players are to be in this game, a maximum of four. Use the left and right keys to increase/decrease the amount. IPX Port - If more than one game will be running at once, you will have to choose an alternate port on which to play Doom. Onslaunch defaults to the IPXSETUP default port(34460) unless you choose a different one. Interrupt vector- If all of the interrupts in the 0x60 to 0x66 range are occupied, you can specify an alternate one. Onslaunch otherwise uses the default. <NOTE: A bug in IPXSETUP means that this option does not work. I have left it in in case this problem is eventually fixed.> Ok - Choose this to finish and continue to the next menu. [4-4-2] The Serial/Modem Menu ----------------------------- If you choose a serial/modem connection, you are given the serial/modem menu. There are the following options: Already connected - Choose this to use a null-modem cable or if Direct link you have already connected via phone using other communications software. Wait for call - Choose this to wait for someone to phone you. Dial - Choose this to call someone. Upon selecting this option, you will be asked for their phone number. Phonebook - By moving the selector to the "dial" option and pressing left and right, you can cycle through the list of phone numbers in the modem.num file (used by setup and DM). Com port - Specifies which com port will be used by SERSETUP. The range is COM1-COM4. Use the left and right keys to increase and decrease the value. Baud rate - Specifies the baud rate(bps) to be used. Using left and right will cycle through a range of valid baud rates. Force player 1 - Setting this to "ON" forces your computer to be player 1, which, if you are the slower PC, is recommended. Ok - Choose this to finish and go to the next screen. [4-5] The game options menu --------------------------- The next screen is the game options menu. On this screen, you are presented with a number of options. Note that all players must specify the same options! Game type - Use the left and right keys to choose from Co-operative, Deathmatch and Deathmatch II game types. Skill level - Use the left and right keys to choose a skill level (1="I'm too young to die",5="Nightmare!") Level warp - Choose a level to warp to in this box. Add PWAD - If you have an external .WAD file to use (eg. DECA.WAD) then specify it here. Advanced - Brings up the advanced options menu (see section [3-1-1]). [4-6] Loading a game -------------------- Loading a game in Onslaunch is as easy as starting a new one. Simply select "Load game" on the multiplayer menu. The set of menus that follow is identical to the ones you would have got if you had specifed "New game", only you will first be asked to select your multi-player. Note that all players MUST load the same game, or everything will mess up! [4-7] Chat macros ----------------- As most people know, in Doom, you can "talk" to the other players by pressing 't' (and with more than 2 players, 'g','i','b' and 'r' talk to individual players). To allow common phrases to be "spoken" easily, Doom has 10 "chat macros", which are sent to the other players when you press ALT-(number). Onslaunch lets you specify your chat macros. Choosing "chat macros" on the Multiplayer menu brings up a setup-like text screen where you can type your macros. You are given a list of 10 items, where you will see your current chat macros. One will be highlighted and you can move this highlight using the up and down keys. Pressing enter will allow you to define a macro. The Onslaunch "chat macro" box is better than the one in Doom setup in that it does not allow the quotes(") mark in your chat strings, which really messes them up. Also, it has the right numbers next to the macros(SETUP has the wrong numbers!) Once you have finished setting your chat strings, press ESC to return to the multiplayer menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [5] Questions ============= [5-1] What are the command-line arguments? ------------------------------------------ The following command line options are supported by Onslaunch: -olo Using this option allows you to keep sets of configuration settings. By default, Onslaunch saves its' settings to "default.olo", however, copying this to another file (eg. "myconfig.olo"), you can load another configuration set by typing eg. "olaunch -olo myconfig.olo". -ipx If Onslaunch fails to detect your IPX properly, then this command line option will turn it on. Onslaunch addicts can also use this to see the IPX menu. -noipx Setting this parameter skips the network detection process and assumes no IPX. -nocd Does not check for the presence of MSCDEX, assumes no CD drive. -ipxgame Another IPX parameter! This one jumps right in to starting an IPX game, so if you're too lazy to bother selecting "Multiplayer, New game, IPX", then this parameter is for you! Of course, it won't let you in if you don't have IPX! -sergame Like -ipxgame, -sergame jumps right in to starting a serial/modem game. -config If you have a different .cfg file you wish to use(eg. ONS.CFG), then starting Onslaunch with this option allows you to specify that file. You put the filename after the option, like this: C:\>olaunch -config ons.cfg <return> Otherwise, Onslaunch uses default.cfg. -cdpanel Goes straight to the CD panel on startup. Any command lines typed on the command line will be passed on to Doom itself, so if you want to use a command such as "-avg" then simply add "-avg" to the Onslaunch command line. Response files such as "@myresp.rsp" are also supported: their contents will be passed on to Doom. NB. If you want to use this to load more than one PWAD, be sure to specify them all on the command line to Onslaunch: any pwad filenames typed in to the "add pwad" box in Onslaunch will be ignored by Doom. [5-2] Can I use Onslaunch with Doom I ? --------------------------------------- No. (at least, not yet) [5-3] How do I change the Onslaunch background? ----------------------------------------------- You will probably have noticed the Background in Onslaunch. If you've got your own network like myself, or you run a cafenet or something, you might want to personalise your copy of Onslaunch, which is why I'm going to let you change it. I am presuming that you are using the popular shareware program Paint Shop Pro, but if you are using something different (eg. Neopaint), it shouldn't be too much harder. Just make sure you set the right palette. 1. Create a new, 320x200 image, or load one that you have already and resize it to 320x200. Whatever you do, you must have a 320x200 image! 2. You must set the colour depth to 256 colours. Choose colours, decrease colour depth, 256 colours, or else try colours, increase colour depth, 256 colours. If "256 colours" is greyed out in both menus, it is already at 256 colours: proceed to the next step. 3. Choose colours, load palette. Change to your Onslaunch directory in the dialog box, and choose "OLAUNCH.PAL". Select "Nearest colour matching", then click OK. If it looks crap, choose Edit, Undo, and repeat, but select "Error diffusion dithering" instead of "Nearest colour matching". Choose the method which makes it look the best. 4. Choose file, save as. Change to your Onslaunch directory. Set the file type as "BMP - OS/2 or Windows Bitmap", and "Windows RGB Encoded". NOT "Windows RLE encoded" or "OS/2". Type in an 8-letter filename and save the image. 5. Use notepad or DOS-EDIT to edit the file "OLAUNCH.CFG" in your Onslaunch directory. Find the line which begins "backdrop" and change the value on that line from "BACKDROP.BMP" to your filename. 6. Run Onslaunch! [5-4] Why won't Onslaunch run on my PC? --------------------------------------- Requirements for Onslaunch: Processor: 386 or better, (Reccommended: Pentium 100 at least) Memory: At least 4 mb, I should think.. Video Card: VGA or better required. For network games: A network card running the IPX protocol. To play CDs: A CD-ROM drive with MSCDEX 2.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [6] Versions ============ [6-1] Coming soon in a later version.. -------------------------------------- No new versions of this are planned. [6-2] Version history --------------------- v1.0 Original version. Currently cluttered with .RAW files and palettes, and the DOS text is a bit ugly. v1.01 Bug fix. Now you can do backgrounds and they work :) v1.1 Many improvements. * Doom font, rather than ugly dos text. * A lot of .raw files are no longer needed. * Modem.num phone book support added. * Cache added for backdrop so that moving the skull doesn't take years. * Backdrop is now a BMP due to popular demand. v1.2 Many more improvements: * There are now NO .raw files at all, all the information is in a single WAD file. * CD Audio support added. * OLO support for automatic WAD file options. * Your settings (eg WAD file, phone number etc.) are now saved. * Enhanced menus with more options, and a screensaver! v1.21 Bug fix to fix buggy olo handling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [7] The last word.. =================== [7-1] TeamOnslaught ------------------- Onslaunch was written by Simon Howard for TeamOnslaught. TeamOnslaught doesnt really exist any more. You can try out some of the following WAD files in your local idgames mirror: deca.wad deca2.wad ekhaos11.wad [7-2] Feedback -------------- I am releasing this in 2005 after finding it on my hard drive. It has been sitting there for the past 5 years. If you wish, send me some feedback: [email protected] My website is at: http://www.soulsphere.org/ Simon Howard [7-2] Acknowledgements ---------------------- I would like to thank the following. * id software, for making Doom and also for releasing the IPXSETUP source code, so I can find the IPXSETUP default port and also detect for IPX! Additionally, some of the menus in Onslaunch are derived from screen shots of the real ones in Doom. * DJ Delorie, for that brilliant C/C++ compiler, DJGPP! * Matt Fell, for writing the Doom specs, so I know how to read WADs. * Brennan Underwood for writing the BCD libraries that Onslaunch uses to play CDs. Visit his homepage: http://brennan.home.ml.org/ * Tom Robinson - Some of the basic wad code. * PS Jones - very low level graphics code. * Ken Silverman - more graphics code, the PROPER interrupts for setting the palette.