20 shortish levels split into three episodes: Rear Entry, Knee Deep in the Sludge and Into the Blood<br><br> "The Source" - That's what they call it. No one ...
4.65 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP32, MAP21, MAP01, MAP11, MAP08, MAP02, MAP03, MAP05, MAP07, MAP10, MAP09, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP31, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP04, MAP06
Read Me
=========================================================================== SCIMITAR scimitar-readme.txt =========================================================================== Contents =========================================================================== 1. Version Info 2. Play Info 2.1. Difficulty Levels 2.2. New Weapons 2.3. New Monsters 2.4. Maps and Continuity 2.5. Exit Signs 2.6. Demo Recording 3. Resource Licencing 3.1. Sounds 3.2. Patches 3.3. Flats 3.4. Sprites 4. Level Names and Par Times 5. Spoliers : Secrets 6. Spoliers : New Monsters =========================================================================== 1. Version Info =========================================================================== Version : 1.0 Release Date : 25 Oct 2006 I would like to have tested, tweaked and tuned this up some more before releasing it but owning to the fact that the 27th is my 30th birthday, the 29th is when my wife is due to give birth to our 2nd daughter and the 30th is the day we're due to move house before I start a new job on the 13th Nov ... I've decided i dont have the time to polish it up 100% Some things I would like to have done: Enlarge MAP17, adding a couple of caves and cuttings to explore Spruce up MAP19's final battle, making it more arena-like Rebuild MAP20, it was only a concept build and never got finished Add the Scimitar as a pickup in some of the later levels Test and fix up for Zdoom I'd also like to have fully deathmatched up the levels, but if anyone wants to release a lightly modified DM-only version then go for it! =========================================================================== 2. Play Info =========================================================================== 2.1. Difficulty Levels This is designed to be played on UV either through or with pistol starts, the weapons you are handed are usually fairly wimpy and your ammo and health are deliberatly tight.This is where the difficulty comes from, if you treat each map one area at a time, bottlneck the monsters and tread carefully you will fair much better than if you dive straight in. If you prefer HR style gameplay then this may not be your cup of tea. The lower skill levels usually hand you a weapon at the start of each map and/or have extra health pickups and the occasional missing revenant or mancubus. Finally it's worth noting that I've tested each map and survived (albeit with saves) from a pistol start without using the Dagger, Scimitar or any secrets... But of course I know where everything is :-) -------------------------------------------------------- 2.2. New Weapons Dagger : Replaces the fist : this can take down an imp in 1/2 blows and a demon in 2/3 blows, the latter number being more likely. Scimitar : Replaces chainsaw : this can take down a revenant in 3/4 blows and should have a higher kill rate than the beserk fists Please accept my apologies for the half assed sprites and sounds associated with these weapons, see above for explanation on time limitation! -------------------------------------------------------- 2.3. New Monsters Don't expect to be blown away by their originality, they're just reworkings of the existing monsters and i honestly could not produce a single sprite frame if someone was holding a gun to my head. As it is I would like to have augmented weapons onto 2 of the new monsters in particular, but some do have different walking and action sounds to their brethren so listen carefully! -------------------------------------------------------- 2.4. Maps and Continuity The maps are all fairly small, 17 and 19 are too short in my opinion for where they fall in the wad but 18 i think is just right. 01 being the one where you only have a pistol with which to defend yourself is by far the simplest, so dont be put off if you think it's tiny. Each map is designed to join on to the next, and areas of one map are occasionally visible from the next. There are no teleport exits so a continuous line can be traced from the start of the first map to the last. However this is an illusion, and if you tried to join them all together into a massive single map you'd have to move bits around that mysteriously overlap. Finally you may not have noticed this if i didnt point it out; teleports are never used, by the player or monsters. This ethic, combined with the need for continuity and strong episode themes made the creative process quite difficult, but hopefully also yielded strong results. My next project will be a lot flimsier! -------------------------------------------------------- 2.5. Exit Signs Some people think exit signs suck, i agree that a bright red sign in an otherwise atmospheric map isn't exactly realistic. but because the map joins are seamless if i didn't have eixt signs then i'd get a bunch of people complaining that they accidentally exited the map before fully exploring it and killing everything. Obviously I could stick a pointy exit arrow in the automap, but none of the maps are so maze-like that i expect anyone to be looking at that much. -------------------------------------------------------- 2.6. Demo Recording Nearly every map has at least one speed run trick built in, there may also be more that I didn't think of. Some, however are only theoretical and might not be possible in some (or all) ports. Because of this pacifist may not be possible on all maps. The maps are, with the exception of the arenas, mostly open and max runners should have a few options as to what order to kill everything in. =========================================================================== 3. Resource Licencing =========================================================================== The majority of the "new" resources in the wad are remixes of doom2 resources, so their usage is restricted to other doom2 iwad wads. The exeptions to this are listed below -------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Sounds DSPEPAIN,DSPESIT - created by myself, fully public domain -------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Patches CYCBRIK5, CYCBRIK3, CYCBRIK1, CLIFF_FA, CLIFF_F2, CLIFF_PL, CLIFF_P2 - from RSKY1, RSKY2 - Iori -------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Flats CYCWOOF1, CYCWOOF2, CYCLIFF, CYCCOBLS, CYCBRIK1, CYCBRIK2 - from CYCROCF1, CYCROCK, CYCWTLE - created by myself, fully public domain -------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. Sprites Scimitar, Dagger - created by myself, fully public domain Orbs, Monsters - Reworkings of Doom2 resources =========================================================================== 4. Level Names and Par Times =========================================================================== This list is incomplete, because I forgot to finish it, the times are also not all in the DEHACKED patch either, unfortunatley. Par Name EPISODE 1 : REAR ENTRY 01 1:00 First Contact 02 1:30 The Temple 03 2:00 The Acropolis 04 2:00 The Gardens 05 2:00 The Barracks 06 2:00 The White tower EPISODE 2 : KNEE DEEP IN THE SLUDGE 07 3:00 Rats! 08 2:00 The Sewers 09 Sludgefalls 10 Daylight 11 Flood! EPISODE 3 : INTO THE BLOOD 12 The Gatehouse 13 2:30 Dodge! 14 2:30 Duck! 15 2:30 Dive! 16 Foothills 17 The Chasm 18 Enter 19 Within 20 2:30 Blood! 21 THE END 31 2:30 Devious! =========================================================================== 5. Spoliers : Secrets =========================================================================== I might have forgotten one or two! 02 The blue-key switch has another switch on it's rear 03 You can climb on the ruins 04 Behind the first marble plinth on the right 05 The yellow-key switch has another switch on it's rear 07 Behind one of the sludgefalls 08 There is a shootable switch near the red key You can drop behind one of the grates 10 There is a shootable switch near the "crossover" 11 The switch has another switch on it's rear 15 Secret Exit: near where you first entered the gatehouse 16 The yellow switch can be switched twice 18 Behind one of the bloodfalls before the main arena Behind the health potion 19 The first pillar on the left In one of the Mancubus traps near the red key =========================================================================== 6. Spoliers : New Monsters =========================================================================== Short list, just names the main differences to their originals SSG trooper 80 health. fires super shotgun, drops SSG demon slightly narrower than usual spectre slightly narrower than usual cacodemoness fires green slimeballs baby cacodemon fires imp fireball, much faster than it's mum red baron fires faster, deadlier, red slimeballs arachno gunner 600 health. green eyes, chaingun arachno rocketeer 700 health. red eyes, rocket launcher mancubus ii red eyes, shoots straighter (KEENDIE Pointer) =========================================================================== ===========================================================================