ARMAS 32 (Weapons 32)
armas 32.wad, armas32.wad, Armas32.wad
4.20 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom II
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* ARMAS32.WAD * ================================================================ Title ARMAS 32 (Weapons 32) Filename Armas32.Wad Game Doom 2 Source Port Any with DeHackEd support. I suggest: ZDoom v1.22 and up, Doom Legacy v1.30 (tested) Author Daniel Email Address Misc. Author Info edits Doom since 1996. Author of Cava.Wad, Neo_Doom.Wad, Female12.Wad, Skins.Wad Dal02.Wad, UFMG.Wad Description Replaces all the Doom 2 Weapons with new ones. These are the weapons in this Wad: 1) Metal Fist / Knife 2) Pistol 3) Small Shotgun / Quad Shotgun 4) Machine Gun 5) Rocket Launcher 6) Energy Fusion Gun 7) BFG 30k X Turbo Additional Credits to The creators of Doom and ID Software; Lucinho, my Shooting Time friend; The Doom Communit; The authors from the following wads/projects: IMMORAL CONDUCT (Most of the work) Cory Whittle WEASEL WEAPONS (Wild Weasel) AWESOME WEAPONS (ITC Products) Covert Operations Homeguns.Wad Russell Pearson SHADOW WARRIOR DUKE NUKEM 3D REDNECK RAMPAGE RISE OF THE TRIAD * Play Information * Game : DOOM ][ Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : Graphics and Sound Wad Editor(s) used : WinTex, XWE, DeHackEd, WaveStudio, Paint, CorelDraw Known Bugs : None. ================================================================ * Instructions * Just unzip it to your favorite WAD directory, then use the source port launcher program to load this wad, or type, via DOS: ZDoom.exe -file [directory]\Armas32.wad You can do the same with Doom Legacy: Legacy.exe -file [directory]\Armas32.wad I did not tested this file with Doom2.exe. It's complicated to use this file with Doom2.exe, so i'll not explain how to do it. You can grab ZDoom and Doom Legacy at: http:\\ http:\\ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels unless you ask me. BUT feel free to use the textures in this wad as long as you credit all the folks up above and myself. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If you like this work, please send me an e-mail with your comment. It is important to me! My e-mail is Enjoy!