The Exterminator (Light version)

It's a cartoony, MSPAINT weapons mod for the latest version of ZDoom (2.1.7 as of this writing). This is supposed to be the remake of my EDGE weapons mod, Im...

3.09 MB
WAD Type
Final Doom: Plutonia
ZDoom, Doom II

Read Me

Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom (version 2.1.7 as of this writing)
Primary purpose         : Single play
Update to               : (updated text, some bug fixes, a few new features)
Title                   : The Exterminator (Light version)
Filename                : extermin.wad
Release date            : March 31, 2007
Author                  : Cliff AKA Lizardcommando
Email Address           : lizardcommando(AT)
Other Files By Author   : My EDGE mod icd-lizard.wad, my graphics mod
                          lizardwar.wad, some Doom skins available on my
                          outdated geocities site, a single player one 
                          map uglee.wad, MAP12 from the 2-week megawad, 
                          a joke weapon patch bombvest.wad, and a 
                          deathmatch level barfight.wad

Misc. Author Info       : I like Doom and I make flash cartoons and draw
                          cartoony comics featuring my Lizard characters.

Description             : It's a cartoony, MSPAINT weapons mod for the 
                          latest version of ZDoom (2.1.7 as of this writing). 
                          This is supposed to be the remake of my EDGE 
                          weapons mod, Immoral Conduct: Lizard Edition 
                          (ICD-Lizard). There aren't as many weapons as 
                          ICD-Lizard but I'm sure people won't mind. 
                          There are three new enemies, but they are human 
                          enemies, not the Lizards. There will be a full 
                          version with brand new enemies that are Lizards. 
                          Unfortunately, that might not be ready for a while. 
                          Look at the textfile EXTERMINATOR-DETAILS.TXT 
                          for more info on the new things found in this mod.
I Give My Thanks To     : Marty Kirra, Wildweasel, TheShooter7, DoomRater,
                          Xaser, and everyone else from the Doom Armory and 
                          ZDoom forums who helped me with the DECORATE stuff.
                          Beta Testers Marty Kirra, Wildweasel, and hitmanx
                          for giving me suggestions and telling me what stuff to fix.
                          My brother Jeff for suggesting me to add in the Infantry
                          Rifle and doing some additional Beta testing via Coop
                          games on LAN and also giving me some other ideas for
                          this mod. :)
* What is included *

New levels              : None
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : Any map
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes (but buggy)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Not Tested
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : New graphics are from scratch.
			  The new Zombiemen were based off of the Doom Marines 
                          skinpack and the "human" Zombieman skin.
                          Explosion Sprites are from Metal Slug.
                          The new Chaingun guy is a modified Strife rebel soldier.
Build Time              : Since March of 2006, on and off
Editor(s) used          : Wintex, XWE, Notepad, MSPAINT, Sound recorder, 
                          GoldWave, IrfanView

Known Bugs              : There are two "minor" bugs that I am fully
                          aware of. They aren't exactly serious, game-play 
                          crippling bugs, they're more like minor
                          annoyances. They aren't too noticable in-game AFAIK.
                          *When you run out of ammo for any gun, you
                          automatically switch to the PlasmaGun even
                          though it's been replaced. It's a ZDoom bug
                          when you use IDFA/IDKFA cheats AFAIK.

                          *Weapons and items that are spawned from the random
                          spawnpoints do not respawn at all in multiplayer
                          games, even when Spawn Items is on. Also, these
                          weapons that are spawned from the random
                          spawnpoints do not stay even when Weapon Stay is
                          on. I don't know how to fix this problem. As far
                          as I know, this is a ZDoom Engine bug.
                          *There may be some more minor DECORATE related
                          bugs. I can probably fix them on my own, but
                          I'll probably need some help with it anyways.

May Not Run With...     : Anything that doesn't have full DECORATE support

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or

Lizardcommando, the Exterminators, and anyone else related to those characters
are copyrighted to Cliff, AKA Lizardcommando. (2000-2007)

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and have no
intent in making any profit out of the files included.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: and mirrors
My site:
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There are a few new things in this version of The Exterminator.

*Added in a new weapon, the .45 Caliber Machine Pistol.
*Added in a new secondary function for the Infantry Rifle.
*Added in a new enemy, the SMG Trooper.
*Removed the Molotov Cocktails.
*Some items/weapons have new pickup sounds.
*Changed how the Handcannon functions.
*Changed the Berserksphere so that it acts like a "Frightener" powerup.
*Made some small changes to the weapon order.
*Made a few additional tweaks to the weapons.
====================================Exterminator Details========================================

Previously known as Immoral Conduct: Lizard Edition ZDoom Edition, "The Exterminator" is a 
weapons mod for ZDoom. This version only features three new enemies (humans, not Lizards) and the weapons. The final version will eventually replace all of the enemies and even have a few new enemies.

In this mod, you're not Lizardcommando. You're a random soldier from Lizardcommando's Exterminator Unit. They're a bunch of highly trained soldiers who kill without mercy. They do the Lizard States Government's dirty work like assassinations, massive raids on enemy encampments and sabatoge missions.

There isn't really a story to this mod. The story I had in mind won't really make sense due to the fact that the new enemies (Lizards) aren't in this version. I'll post the story up later. For now, let's just say that you're a random soldier from the Exterminator Unit who somehow ended up in the Human world and you have to find a way to get back to your own world.

This text file will go over some of the new changes in details in this wad.


Slots 1 - 8 have been replaced with brand new guns. A few of the weapons have Secondary functions. All of the guns randomly spawn in any level. All of the guns except for the Grenades, RPG-7, Flamethrower and ChargeCannon use the "clip" system. Also when I say Semi-Auto fire, I don't mean Doom's "definition" of semi-autofire, I really mean that you're gonna have to click the mousebutton or whatever button you have assigned to shoot anytime you want to shoot. When you find new guns, remember to reload them first! They will have an empty magazine in them. The default button for reloading is R.

*SLOT 1*
Combat Knife

Standard issue Combat Knife of the Exterminator Unit and the Lizard States Military Command. It's your last line of defense if you run out of ammo. It's only really useful if you want to kill someone without making any noise. It's stronger than the regular ol' Doom fists, but don't try depending on this weapon too much.

Primary Function = Slow, Strong Stab
Secondary Function = Fast, weaker slash

*SLOT 1*

The Katana is a Japanese sword (I can't think of anything else to say). It isn't exactly standard issue, I just think using a katana would be fun :). The Katana is fast, silent and powerful. It's capable of easily dispatching the lower rank enemies of Doom. It's the best melee weapon in this mod.

Primary Function = the typical hack and slash 2 hit combo.

*SLOT 2*
.45 Pistol

It's a .45 Pistol. It's the standard issue side-arm for the Exterminator Unit. It uses .45 bullets and it has some decent stopping power and is fairly accurate. It's pretty much like the .45 pistol from ICD-Lizard except it has a slightly smaller magazine and is a bit stronger. The Secondary function from ICD-Lizard, the "Ghetto-Style" shooting, makes its return! Just watch your ammo when you do that! It'll eat through your magazine really fast! Plus, shooting "Ghetto-Style" will make your shots really inaccuurate, so do that only when you're at close range.

Magazine Capacity: 10
Initial Max Ammo: 100
BackPack Max Ammo: 200

Primary Function = Semi-Auto fire
Secondary Function = "Ghetto-Style" shooting

*SLOT 2*
.357 Magnum

It's the .357 Magnum. It's a powerful handgun capable of killing zombiemen and imps in 1 or 2 shots, but it's slow rate of fire and small magazine capacity are the downsides to this gun.

Magazine Capacity: 6
Initial Max Ammo: 36
Backpack Max Ammo: 60

Primary Function = Semi-Auto fire

*SLOT 2*
9MM Pistol

It's a small, light, compact 9MM pistol which is used by the police forces of the Lizard States and by security personell in most Lizard States government buildings. It's slightly based on the Glock. Although it is weak in terms of firepower, there are some good things about this gun: It is accurate, it is the fastest semi-automatic weapon in this mod, it has a fairly decent-sized magazine, plenty of ammo is dropped for this gun, and the secondary function, the 3-round burst, can stop most of the human soldiers with one or two three-round burst shots.

Magazine Capacity: 15
Initial Max Ammo: 200
Backpack Max Ammo: 400

Primary Function = Semi-Auto fire
Secondary Function = 3-round burst fire

*SLOT 3*
Combat Shotgun

It's the standard Combat Shotgun used by Lizard City's police units in the Lizard States. It has fairly decent stopping power and a somewhat large magazine capacity. Until you find the HandCannon 
or Assault Shotgun, the Combat Shotgun will be the weapon of choice for fighting off the hellspawn. 
By the way, when you reload, you're going to have to hold down the "Reload" key. If you're in a tight 
situation and you have no time to reload, you can simply swing the Combat Shotgun and smack your 
enemy with the butt of the gun. The melee attack is pretty weak compared to using the Katana, so 
don't use it too much.

Magazine Capacity: 8
Initial Max Ammo: 50
BackPack Max Ammo: 100

Primary Function = Pump-Action Shotgun blast (Semi-Auto fire)
Secondary Function = Shotgun Butt smack

*Slot 3*

It's a sawed off double barrel hunting shotgun. It's the stereotypical SuperShotgun of the game. It's like the Handcannon from ICD-Lizard due to the fact that you can shoot one shell at a time or both if you use the secondary function. The only thing different is that the Primary Function is Semi-Automatic. It's a really useful gun. It's great for taking down many enemies in the game.

Magazine Capacity: 2
Initial Max Ammo: 50
BackPack Max Ammo: 100

Primary Function = Shoot one shell
Secondary Function = Shoot both shells

*Slot 3*
Assault Shotgun

It's an automatic shotgun used by the urban tactical units in the Lizard States. It's modeled 
after the SPAS-12 shotgun (like the shotgun from Half-Life 2). You can either shoot it via 
pump-action or go gung-ho with the automatic-fire function. Make sure you get behind cover to 
reload it because the reload sequence is slow. Just like the Combat Shotgun, you're going to have 
to reload by holding down the "Reload" key.

Magazine Capacity: 10
Initial Max Ammo: 50
BackPack Max Ammo: 100

Primary Function = Pump Action Shotgun blast (Semi-Auto fire)
Secondary Function = Auto fire

*SLOT 4*

It's a 9MM Sub-Machinegun used primarily as a secondary weapon in the Lizard States Military Command. It's fast firing and it has a decent sized magazine. This gun is fairly accurate if you fire in short bursts. The only downside to this gun is that it's fairly weak compared to the .45 Machine Pistol.

Magazine Capacity: 30
Initial Max Ammo: 200
BackPack Max Ammo: 400

Primary Function = Auto fire

*SLOT 4*
Akimbo SMGs

Double the pleasure, double the fun! Pick up two SMGs and go nuts! Watch your ammocount though 
since you'll be eating up your ammo even faster with the two SMGs! Also, reloading will take twice as long! The Akimbo SMGs are pretty inaccurate, so it's best to use it in Close Quarter Combat situations. 

Magazine Capacity: 60
Initial Max Ammo: 200
BackPack Max Ammo: 400

Primary Function = Auto fire

*Slot 4*
.45 Machine Pistol

It's a compact machinepistol that uses the same ammo as your .45 Pistol. This gun is used 
mostly by vehicle crews in the Lizard States Military Command. It's a mix between an UZI and 
a Mac10. The firing rate is slower than the 9MM SMG and the magazine capacity is a little smaller 
than the SMG, but since it's using a stronger caliber ammunition, it'll take down your enemies 
faster. This gun is more inacurate than the SMG, so it's best to use it in close quarters combat situations.

Magazine Capacity: 25
Initial Max Ammo: 100
BackPack Max Ammo: 200

Primary Function = Auto fire

*SLOT 5*
Hand Grenades

These little explosives can easily kill a group of zombiemen or imps. Can't see what's around 
the corner? Just lob a grenade around the corner and let it bounce into any unsuspecting enemy! 
JUst make sure you don't let it bounce back at you!

Initial Max Ammo: 20
BackPack Max Ammo: 40

Primary Function = Throw Grenade

*SLOT 5*

It's a rocket-propelled grenade launcher used mostly by the Exterminator Unit. These RPG-7s have been modified to carry large anti-tank rounds capable of destroying a mancubus in 3 shots. The explosives inside the rocket-propelled grenades are very powerful! It'll send alot of the enemies flying into the air! Everytime you shoot, you're going to have to reload each rocket. Don't worry about that though, it's pretty much like how the old SSG reloads every shot.

Initial Max Ammo: 10
BackPack Max Ammo: 20

Primary Function = Shoot the RPG-7

*SLOT 6*

It's the new standard issue assault rifle developed specifically for the Exterminator Unit. The full name for this gun is the Exterminator Assault Rifle: Model 1. Other modeltypes are being developed for the other military branches in the Lizard States Military Command. The current model in this game is currently undergoing extensive battle-field tests. Useless factoids aside, this assault rifle is capable of taking down most of the middle class enemies of Doom with one or two full magazines. It has a fast rate of fire, excellent magazine capacity, and is fairly accurate from long distances. Once you pick this gun up, you most likely won't go back to using the Class 4 weapons (SMG type guns) unless you like the reloading animations or something...

Magazine Capacity: 50
Initial Max Ammo: 250
BackPack Max Ammo: 500

Primary Function = Auto/Burst Fire

*SLOT 6*
Infantry Rifle

It's a semi-automatic Infantry Rifle which used to be the Lizard States Military Command's primary weapon. It's modeled after the M1 Carbine and M14. Although this is an outdated weapon, its long range and decent accuracy make it ideal for taking out enemies from a distance. This weapon now has a secondary function which is the same as the Combat Shotgun! So now if you're in a bind and you don't have time to reload, just swing your rifle at your enemy and smash his face in!

Magazine Capacity: 10
Initial Max Ammo: 100
BackPack Max Ammo: 200

Primary Function = Semi-Auto Fire
Secondary Function = Rifle Butt smack

*SLOT 7*
Heavy Machinegun (HMG)

This heavy machinegun is slightly modeled after the M60 Light machinegun. It has an extremely fast rate of fire, so you'll want to watch your ammocount. This gun is very inaccurate so it's best not to use this to attack any enemy from long distances. This gun is a support weapon, so in Coop games, you might want someone to have the EX-AR1 or SMG while you use the HMG.

Magazine Capacity: 100
Initial Max Ammo: 300
BackPack Max Ammo: 600

Primary Function = AutoFire

*SLOT 7*

This Flamethrower is slightly based off of the M2-2 Flamethrower and the TFC flamethrower (that in terms of how it function). This weapon is capable of instantly inscinerating any enemy in sight. This weapon has a low-range, so you'll have to be kind of close to use it. Also, this will eat through your ammo, so use it sparingly! Be careful when you use it in Close Quarters Combat situations since the flames will hurt you pretty badly!

Primary Function = use Flamethrower (uses 5 fuelpoints)

Initial Max Ammo: 200
BackPack Max Ammo: 400

*SLOT 8*
Charge Cannon

This new weapon is being secretly developed by the Lizard States Military Command as an Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personell weapon. This weapon shoots out plasma shots capable of obliterating most of the weak enemies in one shot. As the name implies, the Charge Cannon can also charge up and shoot a large plasma shot capable of taking down some of the middle class enemies of Doom with one Charge Shot. The Charge Up sequence is a tad bit slower than the BFG charge up time, so make sure you have someone backing you up while charging it up. Or at the very least, find some cover while charging it up. The Charge Cannon uses alot of energy, so try to conserve your ammo and make your shots count! Also, the plasma shots can damage the weilder of this gun, so watch where you shoot that damn gun, especially when you shoot a Charged Shot!

Primary Function = Plasma Shot (uses 2 "energen" fuelpoints)
Secondary Function = Charge Shot (uses 10 "energen" fuelpoints)

Initial Max Ammo: 100
BackPack Max Ammo: 200


There are 4 new armortypes in this game. They randomly respawn in any level that has the Green or Blue Armor.

*Security Armor* (Spawns with Green Armor)
Basic kevlar vest worn by security personell and the police forces of the various cities in the Lizard States. It's fairly weak, but it's better than wearing no armor though, right?

Armor Points: 50

*Combat Vest* (Spawns with Green Armor)
Standard issue light-weight combat armor worn by the LSMC forces and the Exterminator Unit. Its light weight and durable armor is ideal for just about any combat situation.

Armor Points: 100

*Tactical Vest* (Spawns with Blue Armor)
Standard Tactical Vest worn by urban tactical units. It's a bit stronger than the Combat Armor, so it'll provide you with plenty of protection.

Armor Points: 150

*Heavy Armor* (Spawns with Blue Armor)
The Next-Generation in combat armor, the Heavy Armor will provide plenty of protection even in the heaviest firefights!

Armor Points: 200

**Misc. Items**

*Field Medic's Pack*
It's a simple sprite replacement for the Soul Sphere, nuff said.

*Field Surgeon's Pack*
It's a simple sprite replacement for the Mega Sphere, nuff said.

It's a powerup item that'll make most enemies run away from you in fear.


In this version, there will only be three new enemies, which replace the zombieman and chaingunner. Also, the new replacements are humans. There aren't going to be any Lizard enemies in this version. In the full version, all of the enemies will be replaced with Lizard enemies. Also, there will be a few brand new enemies.

*Military Guard*
He's just a random military police officer for the UAC. He carries a .45 Pistol. He's not too much of a threat. He'll drop a .45 pistol mag when you kill him.

He's some officer working for the UAC. He carries a 9MM pistol. Although he shoots a little bit faster than the Military Guard, he's still not much of a threat. He'll usually drop a 9MM magazine when you kill him, but sometimes he'll drop a 9MM pistol too.

*SMG Trooper
Armed with the SMG, he's a light armored infantry soldier who works for the UAC. He runs about as fast as an Officer but their armor is a bit tough to get through using small caliber bullets against them.
