Reclamation is the fourth set of 32 DOOM II Deathmatch-only levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on and its mirrors. See below...
tntrecl.wad, TNTRECL.WAD
7.68 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP31, MAP32, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30
Read Me
Reclamation text file 28 February 1999 Contents: 1. Announcement 2. Installation 3. Troubleshooting 4. System requirements 5. Where to find files 6. How to get help 7. Participants and credits 8. Some legalities --------------- 1. ANNOUNCEMENT --------------- TeamTNT proudly announces the release of +-------------------------+ | Reclamation | +-------------------------+ Reclamation is the fourth set of 32 DOOM II Deathmatch-only levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on and its mirrors. See below for the exact path. TeamTNT strikes again with yet another 32 levels of all-Deathmatch frag mayhem. Reclamation follows in the footsteps of the popular TeamTNT sets "Bloodlands", "Grievance" and "Pursuit". There's lots of interesting architecture, impeccable texture alignment and play balance, and this time around they've been made with Boom-specific features. Some are visual features, but all levels have some special gameplay features that aren't possible with normal DOOM2. Just when you thought you knew how to play Deathmatch, someone adds some more twists. As before, most of the levels are tight fragfests, a couple that are big enough for a more leisurely pace, and lots of selection in between. Features: - 32 new levels with Boom features - Many new textures, new skies - Difficulty levels = game rules - 3 multiplayer demos - All in one WAD, easy to run - Music by Rich Nagel and Ty Halderman - It's by TeamTNT members! - Startup batch file included - .BEX file included to change level names and intermission story texts - By the makers of - "FINAL DOOM" - Icarus:Alien Vanguard - TNT:Bloodlands - TNT:Grievance - TNT:Pursuit - Eternal DOOM - Eternal Deathmatch - ... so far ... --------------- 2. INSTALLATION --------------- Reclamation comes in one WAD file, zipped into one ZIP file. You'll need PKUNZIP.EXE or an equivalent unzipping utility to unpack TNTRECL.ZIP. This will produce TNTRECL.WAD, TNTRECL.BEX and TNTRECL.BAT (and another copy of this file, TNTRECL.TXT). Just unzip it into your DOOM2 directory and run TNTRECL.BAT, or load TNTRECL.WAD in your favorite front-end program that understands how to use the Boom engine. Note that TNTRECL.BEX is not required to be able to run Reclamation--it's just nice to use if you want the intermission stories and the automap level names to be right. Floppy download: Sorry, but Reclamation is too large to fit on a single floppy. ------------------ 3. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------ Not much can go wrong, since this is just one WAD file. However, since not much can go wrong, something might, and maybe a few steps here will help. a. First, verify that TNTRECL.BAT and TNTRECL.WAD are in your DOOM2 directory, and that you are in that directory when you type TNTRECL. Be sure that Boom is there too or at least is in your path. b. Spell TNTRECL right. c. If you notice that the full-screen intermission texts (like between MAP06 and MAP07) don't make sense any more, or that the automap names don't match the level names, and that matters to you, then you didn't run the TNTRECL.BAT file, which will also load the TNTRECL.BEX file to change that stuff. You can run it at the command line as: boom tntrecl tntrecl.bex instead, if you don't like batch files. ---------------------- 4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- A computer that will play Boom well. Some of the levels may be a bit resource-intensive if you have a lower-end computer. Multiplayer is always a bit sluggish, so it may be even more important for these levels to have a state of the art computer. However, this isn't one of the new 3d games, so you don't benefit from GL and such. You'll like it better if you have a good sound card, but if you do much deathmatch you already know that. The WAD file is a bit over 8MB, and you'll need about 10-12MB free available during unzipping. Any other requirements (modem, network stuff) are no different than if you were running Boom without Reclamation. Reclamation will run with ZDoom, we're told, but we're not going to be able to answer any questions or help you solve any problems if you're not using BOOM v2.02 when they happen. There's one small problem with the ZDoom menu vs. the one in Reclamation, in that the cursor apparently goes one row lower than usual on the screen when you go to ZDoom's options menu selection. Everything still works the same though, and most of the time people don't see the menus much during a DM session. --------------------- 5. WHERE TO GET FILES --------------------- Reclamation can be found with the rest of the TeamTNT products in is the one place you can be guaranteed to find the most recent version, and you can always get to a pointer to the file from our web site (see below). While you're there, get Eternal DOOM, Icarus, Eternal DOOM, Grievance, Bloodlands, Pursuit, Eternal Deathmatch and whatever else we've created by the time you read this... File list (contents of TNTRECL.ZIP): TNTRECL.WAD -- Music, graphics, levels, etc. TNTRECL.BEX -- BEX file to change text TNTRECL.BAT -- A handy batch file to run it with TNTRECL.TXT -- This file FILE_ID.DIZ -- A BBS info file DESC.SDI -- A BBS one-line description file ------------------ 6. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------ If it's about Boom itself, contact us or post questions on our message board, or just ask in the news groups. If it's about Reclamation, same thing, but be sure to mention that it's Reclamation and that it's being played with Boom. If you're using some other source port besides Boom or PRBoom, then talk to the author(s) of that engine, or just use ours. Don't bother id Software about any of it. We're available through our web site at You can select the mail link there if you want to send email. --------------------------- 7. PARTICIPANTS AND CREDITS --------------------------- The following TeamTNT members were involved in creating Reclamation. Testing was a team effort, and a big thanks goes out to the fragbait the team members used to test against. The Punch Team spent well over a hundred hours going back through all the levels after selection. Some levels needed only minor tweaks, but some required extensive reworking before release. The Punch Team is what makes the difference in a TeamTNT product and our thanks go out to those folks. Ty Halderman Project Coordinator, builds, web and FTP sites, email support, Punch Team, new textures, titlepic, intermission, credit, etc. graphics, review coordinator, public beta test coordinator, documentor, level music. Oh, and made a level too. Gary Gosson Levels and Punch Team. Dale Harris Levels and Punch Team Rich Nagel Intermission and title music Level design information: MAP01 Dale Harris - Cadaver "Icy Hot" MAP02 Gary Gosson "Neighbourhood Watch" MAP03 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "War Circle" MAP04 Dale Harris - Cadaver "Security Bay" MAP05 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "Dust and Bones" MAP06 Robert Taylor "The Pits" MAP07 David Wood - Hakx "Telesaw" MAP08 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "Helldorado" MAP09 Robert Taylor "Station 4" MAP10 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "UPM Death Factory" MAP11 David Wood - Hakx "Eye on You" MAP12 Gary Gosson "Harvest" MAP13 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "Slaughterhouse 5" MAP14 Gary Gosson "Nexus" MAP15 Paul Fleschute - Moe "Watchtower" MAP16 Gary Gosson "Warchild" MAP17 Paul Fleschute - Moe "Rockin'" MAP18 David Wood - Hakx "Circle of Death" MAP19 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Catacombs" MAP20 Robert Taylor "Rocket Seppuku" MAP21 Ty Halderman "Wasted Effort" MAP22 Gary Gosson "Brain Candy" MAP23 Tommie Quick - Fatal "Habitat" MAP24 David Wood - Hakx "Symmetry Halls" MAP25 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Speed" MAP26 Gary Gosson "Nobodies Hero" MAP27 Tommie Quick - Fatal "Cataclysm" MAP28 Gary Gosson "Final Solution" MAP29 Tommie Quick - Fatal "Ethereal Mansion" MAP30 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Drop Zone" MAP31 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Frag Factory" MAP32 Richard Jaspars - Styx "Death Paradigm" Members and non-members who offered themselves as fragbait: 'Cordata' (Steven Sturza) 'Swaff' (Harold Swaffield) (and no doubt others who are too numerous or shy to mention) We had a public beta test for two weeks just before release, and these are the folks who participated in that test: Philip (Cyan Bloodbane) Valois <[email protected]> Erik (agatar) der Hagopian <[email protected]> Zebediah C. (Zeb) McClure <[email protected]> Jason (Collar) Norris <[email protected]> Rhys (Killer Doom) Perkins <[email protected]> Phillip Andrew (Da Raven) Cardon <[email protected]> Our particular thanks to Phillip Cardon for the comprehensive way in which he did his part in the beta testing. And of course we thank the authors of the many utilities we used to produce Reclamation. Without you the DOOM-editing environment would just suck. ------------------ 8. SOME LEGALITIES ------------------ Reclamation is a copyrighted work and though free is not public property ("public domain"). Don't take stuff out of our levels, and don't take our levels out of Reclamation. Reclamation should have been free to you (connection times and stuff notwithstanding) and shouldn't have shown up on someone's DM collection or CD. If it does, let us know right away. We are serious about the CD thing--no commercial compilations are allowed to include any TeamTNT products under any circumstances, even if they delete this text file... We thank you for trying Reclamation. Let us know what you think about it. Keep checking our web page for other team products--we're still churning stuff out. Reclamation and associated files are (C) Copyright 1999 TeamTNT ///End of file
Reclamation text file 28 February 1999 Contents: 1. Announcement 2. Installation 3. Troubleshooting 4. System requirements 5. Where to find files 6. How to get help 7. Participants and credits 8. Some legalities --------------- 1. ANNOUNCEMENT --------------- TeamTNT proudly announces the release of +-------------------------+ | Reclamation | +-------------------------+ Reclamation is the fourth set of 32 DOOM II Deathmatch-only levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on and its mirrors. See below for the exact path. TeamTNT strikes again with yet another 32 levels of all-Deathmatch frag mayhem. Reclamation follows in the footsteps of the popular TeamTNT sets "Bloodlands", "Grievance" and "Pursuit". There's lots of interesting architecture, impeccable texture alignment and play balance, and this time around they've been made with Boom-specific features. Some are visual features, but all levels have some special gameplay features that aren't possible with normal DOOM2. Just when you thought you knew how to play Deathmatch, someone adds some more twists. As before, most of the levels are tight fragfests, a couple that are big enough for a more leisurely pace, and lots of selection in between. Features: - 32 new levels with Boom features - Many new textures, new skies - Difficulty levels = game rules - 3 multiplayer demos - All in one WAD, easy to run - Music by Rich Nagel and Ty Halderman - It's by TeamTNT members! - Startup batch file included - .BEX file included to change level names and intermission story texts - By the makers of - "FINAL DOOM" - Icarus:Alien Vanguard - TNT:Bloodlands - TNT:Grievance - TNT:Pursuit - Eternal DOOM - Eternal Deathmatch - ... so far ... --------------- 2. INSTALLATION --------------- Reclamation comes in one WAD file, zipped into one ZIP file. You'll need PKUNZIP.EXE or an equivalent unzipping utility to unpack TNTRECL.ZIP. This will produce TNTRECL.WAD, TNTRECL.BEX and TNTRECL.BAT (and another copy of this file, TNTRECL.TXT). Just unzip it into your DOOM2 directory and run TNTRECL.BAT, or load TNTRECL.WAD in your favorite front-end program that understands how to use the Boom engine. Note that TNTRECL.BEX is not required to be able to run Reclamation--it's just nice to use if you want the intermission stories and the automap level names to be right. Floppy download: Sorry, but Reclamation is too large to fit on a single floppy. ------------------ 3. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------ Not much can go wrong, since this is just one WAD file. However, since not much can go wrong, something might, and maybe a few steps here will help. a. First, verify that TNTRECL.BAT and TNTRECL.WAD are in your DOOM2 directory, and that you are in that directory when you type TNTRECL. Be sure that Boom is there too or at least is in your path. b. Spell TNTRECL right. c. If you notice that the full-screen intermission texts (like between MAP06 and MAP07) don't make sense any more, or that the automap names don't match the level names, and that matters to you, then you didn't run the TNTRECL.BAT file, which will also load the TNTRECL.BEX file to change that stuff. You can run it at the command line as: boom tntrecl tntrecl.bex instead, if you don't like batch files. ---------------------- 4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- A computer that will play Boom well. Some of the levels may be a bit resource-intensive if you have a lower-end computer. Multiplayer is always a bit sluggish, so it may be even more important for these levels to have a state of the art computer. However, this isn't one of the new 3d games, so you don't benefit from GL and such. You'll like it better if you have a good sound card, but if you do much deathmatch you already know that. The WAD file is a bit over 8MB, and you'll need about 10-12MB free available during unzipping. Any other requirements (modem, network stuff) are no different than if you were running Boom without Reclamation. Reclamation will run with ZDoom, we're told, but we're not going to be able to answer any questions or help you solve any problems if you're not using BOOM v2.02 when they happen. There's one small problem with the ZDoom menu vs. the one in Reclamation, in that the cursor apparently goes one row lower than usual on the screen when you go to ZDoom's options menu selection. Everything still works the same though, and most of the time people don't see the menus much during a DM session. --------------------- 5. WHERE TO GET FILES --------------------- Reclamation can be found with the rest of the TeamTNT products in is the one place you can be guaranteed to find the most recent version, and you can always get to a pointer to the file from our web site (see below). While you're there, get Eternal DOOM, Icarus, Eternal DOOM, Grievance, Bloodlands, Pursuit, Eternal Deathmatch and whatever else we've created by the time you read this... File list (contents of TNTRECL.ZIP): TNTRECL.WAD -- Music, graphics, levels, etc. TNTRECL.BEX -- BEX file to change text TNTRECL.BAT -- A handy batch file to run it with TNTRECL.TXT -- This file FILE_ID.DIZ -- A BBS info file DESC.SDI -- A BBS one-line description file ------------------ 6. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------ If it's about Boom itself, contact us or post questions on our message board, or just ask in the news groups. If it's about Reclamation, same thing, but be sure to mention that it's Reclamation and that it's being played with Boom. If you're using some other source port besides Boom or PRBoom, then talk to the author(s) of that engine, or just use ours. Don't bother id Software about any of it. We're available through our web site at You can select the mail link there if you want to send email. --------------------------- 7. PARTICIPANTS AND CREDITS --------------------------- The following TeamTNT members were involved in creating Reclamation. Testing was a team effort, and a big thanks goes out to the fragbait the team members used to test against. The Punch Team spent well over a hundred hours going back through all the levels after selection. Some levels needed only minor tweaks, but some required extensive reworking before release. The Punch Team is what makes the difference in a TeamTNT product and our thanks go out to those folks. Ty Halderman Project Coordinator, builds, web and FTP sites, email support, Punch Team, new textures, titlepic, intermission, credit, etc. graphics, review coordinator, public beta test coordinator, documentor, level music. Oh, and made a level too. Gary Gosson Levels and Punch Team. Dale Harris Levels and Punch Team Rich Nagel Intermission and title music Level design information: MAP01 Dale Harris - Cadaver "Icy Hot" MAP02 Gary Gosson "Neighbourhood Watch" MAP03 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "War Circle" MAP04 Dale Harris - Cadaver "Security Bay" MAP05 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "Dust and Bones" MAP06 Robert Taylor "The Pits" MAP07 David Wood - Hakx "Telesaw" MAP08 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "Helldorado" MAP09 Robert Taylor "Station 4" MAP10 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "UPM Death Factory" MAP11 David Wood - Hakx "Eye on You" MAP12 Gary Gosson "Harvest" MAP13 Jani Saksa - Sir Robin "Slaughterhouse 5" MAP14 Gary Gosson "Nexus" MAP15 Paul Fleschute - Moe "Watchtower" MAP16 Gary Gosson "Warchild" MAP17 Paul Fleschute - Moe "Rockin'" MAP18 David Wood - Hakx "Circle of Death" MAP19 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Catacombs" MAP20 Robert Taylor "Rocket Seppuku" MAP21 Ty Halderman "Wasted Effort" MAP22 Gary Gosson "Brain Candy" MAP23 Tommie Quick - Fatal "Habitat" MAP24 David Wood - Hakx "Symmetry Halls" MAP25 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Speed" MAP26 Gary Gosson "Nobodies Hero" MAP27 Tommie Quick - Fatal "Cataclysm" MAP28 Gary Gosson "Final Solution" MAP29 Tommie Quick - Fatal "Ethereal Mansion" MAP30 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Drop Zone" MAP31 Steve Noonan - Funkymonk "Frag Factory" MAP32 Richard Jaspars - Styx "Death Paradigm" Members and non-members who offered themselves as fragbait: 'Cordata' (Steven Sturza) 'Swaff' (Harold Swaffield) (and no doubt others who are too numerous or shy to mention) We had a public beta test for two weeks just before release, and these are the folks who participated in that test: Philip (Cyan Bloodbane) Valois <[email protected]> Erik (agatar) der Hagopian <[email protected]> Zebediah C. (Zeb) McClure <[email protected]> Jason (Collar) Norris <[email protected]> Rhys (Killer Doom) Perkins <[email protected]> Phillip Andrew (Da Raven) Cardon <[email protected]> Our particular thanks to Phillip Cardon for the comprehensive way in which he did his part in the beta testing. And of course we thank the authors of the many utilities we used to produce Reclamation. Without you the DOOM-editing environment would just suck. ------------------ 8. SOME LEGALITIES ------------------ Reclamation is a copyrighted work and though free is not public property ("public domain"). Don't take stuff out of our levels, and don't take our levels out of Reclamation. Reclamation should have been free to you (connection times and stuff notwithstanding) and shouldn't have shown up on someone's DM collection or CD. If it does, let us know right away. We are serious about the CD thing--no commercial compilations are allowed to include any TeamTNT products under any circumstances, even if they delete this text file... We thank you for trying Reclamation. Let us know what you think about it. Keep checking our web page for other team products--we're still churning stuff out. Reclamation and associated files are (C) Copyright 1999 TeamTNT ///End of file

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╖ │ Reclamation - Deathmatch for the BOOM engine ║─╖ │ Designed, implemented and presented to you by TeamTNT ║ ║ ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │ ║ ║ │ Thanks for playing yet another TeamTNT product. Be sure to play our ║═╣ │ other 32-level sets of all original Deathmatch, Bloodlands, Grievance ║ ║ │ and Pursuit. Also, Icarus:Alien Vanguard (32 levels made for solo, ║ ║ │ cooperative and deathmatch play) and of course buy Final DOOM and play ║ ║ │ 64 levels, all by TeamTNT members. And Eternal DOOM and Eternal DM. ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ (C) Copyright 1999, TeamTNT - All rights reserved ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ Reclamation is free but it's not public domain. So don't use our levels ║ ║ │ in compilations, or extract them as separate levels, or put Reclamation ║ ║ │ on CD. If you paid anything for any TeamTNT product besides Final DOOM, ║ ║ │ you've been ripped off. Let us know. But share this one with everyone. ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ Keep up with TeamTNT goings on! See our web page at: ║ ║ │ <> ║ ║ │ ║ ║ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝