MAP01 for Doom II has been replaced. There are many secrets, but nearly all are visible on the map. All weapons are out there and lots of ammo for an action ...
2KEWL-10.ZIP, 2kewl.wad, 2kewl.zip
77.72 KB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom, Doom II
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============================================================================= Title : 2-KeWL ~~~~~~ Filename : 2KEWL.WAD Author : Red Dragon / Moon Blade (aka: Anthony Symons) Email Address : [email protected] Misc. Author Info : Doom / Doom II deathmatch addict!! Description : MAP01 for Doom II has been replaced. There are many secrets, but nearly all are visible on the map. All weapons are out there and lots of ammo for an action packed deathmatch. Can be played normally and also as co-op, but it's not as good because the secret passages stuff it up a bit. Additional Credits : The authors of serenity.wad from whom I got this file and converted it to the description of my wad :) CaND-iCe / Moon Blade ([email protected]) who did the file_id.diz file for me. GoldRunner / Moon Blade, who helped me playtest this wad. Adler, who converted DEU 5.21 to work with doom II ============================================================================= * Play Information * Level : MAP01 Single Player : Yes (OK) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (OK) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (KeWL!!) ;÷) Difficulty Settings : The only differences are the difficuly due to how much ammo you get for each thing you pick up on the different difficulty settings. New Sounds : Nope. New Graphics : Nope. New Music : Nope. New Demos : Nope. New Anything??!!?? : Nope. Of course not. :) * Construction * Base : A level for doom 1 by me. It was never released, so i souped it up and ported it to DOOM II. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, And DEU 2 for doom 2 (an edited version of DEU 5.21 to work with doom 2) Known Bugs : One of the door's graphics stuffs up a bit at the edge. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a source of inspiration to build new levels. Please don't copy parts of this WAD, and leave me unmentioned in your description file... You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD-ROM, etc) as long as you include this file intact (free copies of a CD-ROM that contains this WAD are warmly welcomed by the author 8-) * Where to get this WAD * Off your hard disk (I presume you have it if you are reading this) :) ============================================================================= Have fun and stay KeWL...... Red Dragon / Moon Blade =============================================================================
============================================================================= Title : 2-KeWL ~~~~~~ Filename : 2KEWL.WAD Author : Red Dragon / Moon Blade (aka: Anthony Symons) Email Address : [email protected] Misc. Author Info : Doom / Doom II deathmatch addict!! Description : MAP01 for Doom II has been replaced. There are many secrets, but nearly all are visible on the map. All weapons are out there and lots of ammo for an action packed deathmatch. Can be played normally and also as co-op, but it's not as good because the secret passages stuff it up a bit. Additional Credits : The authors of serenity.wad from whom I got this file and converted it to the description of my wad :) CaND-iCe / Moon Blade ([email protected]) who did the file_id.diz file for me. GoldRunner / Moon Blade, who helped me playtest this wad. Adler, who converted DEU 5.21 to work with doom II ============================================================================= * Play Information * Level : MAP01 Single Player : Yes (OK) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (OK) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (KeWL!!) ;÷) Difficulty Settings : The only differences are the difficuly due to how much ammo you get for each thing you pick up on the different difficulty settings. New Sounds : Nope. New Graphics : Nope. New Music : Nope. New Demos : Nope. New Anything??!!?? : Nope. Of course not. :) * Construction * Base : A level for doom 1 by me. It was never released, so i souped it up and ported it to DOOM II. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, And DEU 2 for doom 2 (an edited version of DEU 5.21 to work with doom 2) Known Bugs : One of the door's graphics stuffs up a bit at the edge. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a source of inspiration to build new levels. Please don't copy parts of this WAD, and leave me unmentioned in your description file... You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD-ROM, etc) as long as you include this file intact (free copies of a CD-ROM that contains this WAD are warmly welcomed by the author 8-) * Where to get this WAD * Off your hard disk (I presume you have it if you are reading this) :) ============================================================================= Have fun and stay KeWL...... Red Dragon / Moon Blade =============================================================================
=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Update to : Advanced engine needed : None Primary purpose : Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : 2-KeWL Filename : 2KEWL.WAD Release date : 9 Dec 1994 Author : Red Dragon / Moon Blade (aka: Anthony Symons) Email Address : [email protected] Other Files By Author : Misc. Author Info : Doom / Doom II deathmatch addict!! Description : MAP01 for Doom II has been replaced. There are many secrets, but nearly all are visible on the map. All weapons are out there and lots of ammo for an action packed deathmatch. Can be played normally and also as co-op, but it's not as good because the secret passages stuff it up a bit. Additional Credits to : The authors of serenity.wad from whom I got this file and converted it to the description of my wad :) CaND-iCe / Moon Blade ([email protected]) who did the file_id.diz file for me. GoldRunner / Moon Blade, who helped me playtest this wad. Adler, who converted DEU 5.21 to work with doom II =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 1 Sounds : No Music : No Graphics : No Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : No Other files required : * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for Other game styles : Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : A level for doom 1 by me. It was never released, so i souped it up and ported it to DOOM II. Build Time : Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, And DEU 2 for doom 2 (an edited version of DEU 5.21 to work with doom 2) Known Bugs : One of the door's graphics stuffs up a bit at the edge. May Not Run With : Tested With : ZDoom 2.2.0 & PrBoom-plus * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a source of inspiration to build new levels. Please don't copy parts of this WAD, and leave me unmentioned in your description file... You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD-ROM, etc) as long as you include this file intact (free copies of a CD-ROM that contains this WAD are warmly welcomed by the author 8-) * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: FTP sites: =========================================================================== Another forgotten wad uploaded by GreyGhost. <[email protected]>

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