OMG Weapons! (and Monsters) v2

The best weapons mod you'll ever see. Scroll down for more details.

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Primary purpose         : Weapons Mod
Title                   : OMG Weapons! (and Monsters) v2
Filename                : omgwpnv2.wad
Release Date		: July 14th, 2005
			  July 16th, 2005 (updated version)
			  October 14th, 2011 (modern version)
Author                  : Dean "deathz0r" Joseph
Email Address           : [email protected]
Other Files By Author   : UDM series, do-tims, other junk
Misc. Author Info	: sup guys I'm back

Description		: The best weapons mod you'll ever see.
			  Scroll down for more details.

			  As for the update, I reduced the
			  health of most of the monsters (zombies
			  and imps in particular) and reduced
			  the damage of various monster attacks.

			  *** 2011 UPDATE ***

			  Hey cool RandomSpawner now exists in
			  DECORATE, everything finally works as
			  it should have been the whole time!


			  Also I "enabled" (as in actually adding
			  it to KEYCONF) the Homing Rocket
			  Launcher that was hidden in the DECORATE
			  lump since it works great in DM, but
			  it's pretty useless in SP.
Additional Credits to	: CSonicGo and Tom_D for giving me useful


* Further description * 

OMG Weapons! started off as a little idea I had of creating those
Quake-style mods. You know, those mods that have like hundreds
of weapons but they use the same model over and over again? I
decided to emulate that theory into ZDoom and the end result
was this beautiful thing. Then I decided to add some forty-three
monsters to make things more interesting.


* Weapons *

Here is the list of weapons sorted in a nice table. WS stands
for "Weapon Slot", AT stands for "Ammo Type", AU stands for 
"Ammo Usage" and AR stands for "Awesome Rating".

| Weapon Name                 | WS |   AT    | AU | AR |
| Fist                        | 1  | None    | 0  | 4  |
| Chainsaw                    | 1  | None    | 0  | 6  |
| Fast Fists                  | 1  | None    | 0  | 9  |
| Metal Fist                  | 1  | None    | 0  | 8  |
| Throwable Chainsaw          | 1  | Special | 1  | 10 |
| Pistol                      | 2  | Bullet  | 1  | 3  |
| Laser Pistol                | 2  | Cell    | 1  | 5  |
| Shotgun                     | 3  | Shell   | 1  | 5  |
| Super Shotgun               | 3  | Shell   | 2  | 7  |
| Pulse Rifle                 | 3  | Cell    | 2  | 6  |
| Dual Pulse Rifle            | 3  | Cell    | 4  | 8  |
| Ballbreaker                 | 3  | Shell   | 8  | 9  |
| Chaingun                    | 4  | Bullet  | 2  | 4  |
| Minigun                     | 4  | Bullet  | 4  | 6  |
| Laser Chaingun              | 4  | Cell    | 2  | 6  |
| Streetcleaner               | 4  | Shell   | 2  | 8  |
| Rocket Launcher             | 5  | Rocket  | 1  | 6  |
| Hellraiser                  | 5  | Rocket  | 2  | 8  |
| Homing Rocket Launcher      | 5  | Rocket  | 1  | 8  |
| Grenade Launcher            | 5  | Rocket  | 1  | 7  |
| Mini Missile Launcher       | 5  | Rocket  | 2  | 8  |
| Plasma Rifle                | 6  | Cell    | 1  | 7  |
| Railgun                     | 6  | Cell    | 5  | 8  |
| Auto-Railgun                | 6  | Cell    | 2  | 6  |
| Flamethrower                | 6  | Cell    | 15 | 10 |
| Mega Proton Cannon          | 6  | Cell    | 20 | 9  |
| BFG9000                     | 7  | Cell    | 40 | 9  |
| Mini-BFG                    | 7  | Cell    | 5  | 10 |
| Vortex Gun                  | 7  | Rocket  | 5  | 10 |
| Vapour Gun                  | 7  | Cell    | 30 | 9  |


* Monsters *

There's simply too many to list. Go find all of them yourself!
However, there are a few additions that will surprise and
possibly shock you as well!


* Note to mappers *

I'm a kind and reasonable person, so I ensured that mappers will 
be able to utilise OMG Weapons! to it's fullest potentional. I 
changed the thing numbers of the old weapons/monsters in case
any of you are interested in making a static environment map
that uses OMG Weapons! material. Here they are:

Shotgun: 20021
Chaingun: 20022
Rocket Launcher: 20023
Plasma Rifle: 20024
BFG9000: 20025
Chainsaw: 20026
Super Shotgun: 20027

Zombieman: 21043
Sargeant: 21044
Chaingun Guy: 21045
Imp: 21046
Demon: 21047
Spectre: 21048
Lost Soul: 21049
Cacodemon: 21050
Pain Elemental: 21051
Hell Knight: 21052
Baron of Hell: 21053
Arachnotron: 21054
Revenant: 21055
Mancubus: 21056
Archvile: 21057
Cyberdemon: 21058
Spider Mastermind: 21059
SS Nazi: 21060


* What is included *

New levels              : None
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : Yes (DECORATE)

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM/DOOM 2 in ZDoom
Map #                   : N/A
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Other game styles       : No
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : On and off, a month
Editor(s) used          : XWE, PSP5, Goldwave
Known Bugs              : for some reason boss deaths trigger
			  instantly instead of being delayed, oh

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: and mirrors
Web sites:
FTP sites: Whoever is totally awesome enough to mirror it
Primary purpose         : Weapons Mod
Title                   : OMG Weapons! (and Monsters) v2
Filename                : omgwpnv2.wad
Release Date		: July 14th, 2005
			  July 16th, 2005 (updated version)
			  October 14th, 2011 (modern version)
Author                  : Dean "deathz0r" Joseph
Email Address           : [email protected]
Other Files By Author   : UDM series, do-tims, other junk
Misc. Author Info	: sup guys I'm back

Description		: The best weapons mod you'll ever see.
			  Scroll down for more details.

			  As for the update, I reduced the
			  health of most of the monsters (zombies
			  and imps in particular) and reduced
			  the damage of various monster attacks.

			  *** 2011 UPDATE ***

			  Hey cool RandomSpawner now exists in
			  DECORATE, everything finally works as
			  it should have been the whole time!


			  Also I "enabled" (as in actually adding
			  it to KEYCONF) the Homing Rocket
			  Launcher that was hidden in the DECORATE
			  lump since it works great in DM, but
			  it's pretty useless in SP.
Additional Credits to	: CSonicGo and Tom_D for giving me useful


* Further description * 

OMG Weapons! started off as a little idea I had of creating those
Quake-style mods. You know, those mods that have like hundreds
of weapons but they use the same model over and over again? I
decided to emulate that theory into ZDoom and the end result
was this beautiful thing. Then I decided to add some forty-three
monsters to make things more interesting.


* Weapons *

Here is the list of weapons sorted in a nice table. WS stands
for "Weapon Slot", AT stands for "Ammo Type", AU stands for 
"Ammo Usage" and AR stands for "Awesome Rating".

| Weapon Name                 | WS |   AT    | AU | AR |
| Fist                        | 1  | None    | 0  | 4  |
| Chainsaw                    | 1  | None    | 0  | 6  |
| Fast Fists                  | 1  | None    | 0  | 9  |
| Metal Fist                  | 1  | None    | 0  | 8  |
| Throwable Chainsaw          | 1  | Special | 1  | 10 |
| Pistol                      | 2  | Bullet  | 1  | 3  |
| Laser Pistol                | 2  | Cell    | 1  | 5  |
| Shotgun                     | 3  | Shell   | 1  | 5  |
| Super Shotgun               | 3  | Shell   | 2  | 7  |
| Pulse Rifle                 | 3  | Cell    | 2  | 6  |
| Dual Pulse Rifle            | 3  | Cell    | 4  | 8  |
| Ballbreaker                 | 3  | Shell   | 8  | 9  |
| Chaingun                    | 4  | Bullet  | 2  | 4  |
| Minigun                     | 4  | Bullet  | 4  | 6  |
| Laser Chaingun              | 4  | Cell    | 2  | 6  |
| Streetcleaner               | 4  | Shell   | 2  | 8  |
| Rocket Launcher             | 5  | Rocket  | 1  | 6  |
| Hellraiser                  | 5  | Rocket  | 2  | 8  |
| Homing Rocket Launcher      | 5  | Rocket  | 1  | 8  |
| Grenade Launcher            | 5  | Rocket  | 1  | 7  |
| Mini Missile Launcher       | 5  | Rocket  | 2  | 8  |
| Plasma Rifle                | 6  | Cell    | 1  | 7  |
| Railgun                     | 6  | Cell    | 5  | 8  |
| Auto-Railgun                | 6  | Cell    | 2  | 6  |
| Flamethrower                | 6  | Cell    | 15 | 10 |
| Mega Proton Cannon          | 6  | Cell    | 20 | 9  |
| BFG9000                     | 7  | Cell    | 40 | 9  |
| Mini-BFG                    | 7  | Cell    | 5  | 10 |
| Vortex Gun                  | 7  | Rocket  | 5  | 10 |
| Vapour Gun                  | 7  | Cell    | 30 | 9  |


* Monsters *

There's simply too many to list. Go find all of them yourself!
However, there are a few additions that will surprise and
possibly shock you as well!


* Note to mappers *

I'm a kind and reasonable person, so I ensured that mappers will 
be able to utilise OMG Weapons! to it's fullest potentional. I 
changed the thing numbers of the old weapons/monsters in case
any of you are interested in making a static environment map
that uses OMG Weapons! material. Here they are:

Shotgun: 20021
Chaingun: 20022
Rocket Launcher: 20023
Plasma Rifle: 20024
BFG9000: 20025
Chainsaw: 20026
Super Shotgun: 20027

Zombieman: 21043
Sargeant: 21044
Chaingun Guy: 21045
Imp: 21046
Demon: 21047
Spectre: 21048
Lost Soul: 21049
Cacodemon: 21050
Pain Elemental: 21051
Hell Knight: 21052
Baron of Hell: 21053
Arachnotron: 21054
Revenant: 21055
Mancubus: 21056
Archvile: 21057
Cyberdemon: 21058
Spider Mastermind: 21059
SS Nazi: 21060


* What is included *

New levels              : None
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : Yes (DECORATE)

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM/DOOM 2 in ZDoom
Map #                   : N/A
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Other game styles       : No
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : On and off, a month
Editor(s) used          : XWE, PSP5, Goldwave
Known Bugs              : for some reason boss deaths trigger
			  instantly instead of being delayed, oh

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: and mirrors
Web sites:
FTP sites: Whoever is totally awesome enough to mirror it