BioTech (version 2)
You are a bounty hunter, hired by a small genetics research company named BioTech, to "fix" their current project which has gone horribly wrong.
1.67 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom, Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09
Read Me
====================================================================== Archive Maintainer : The original version contains a HUGE BUG! It comes with it's own exe installer which refuses to operate if it can not recognise the version of your doom2.exe. The installer failed to recognise full, legal versions of Doom2 v1.7 and 1.9. I tried the installer in both Windows 95 and DOS, with no success. This update includes a recreated DeHackEd patch for use with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II v1.9 or a Doom Source Port which can import DeHackEd patches (such as: Boom, PrBoom, MBF, SMMU, PrjDoom, ZDoom, Legacy, etc). Note also, that the manual is in Microsoft .wri format, so the authors supplied an old version of Microsoft Write (copyright Microsoft Corporation). I do not know if write.exe will run on non-Windows systems, so it may be redundant. Update to : ./idgames/levels/doom2/a-c/ Advanced engine needed : No Primary purpose : Single+Coop play ====================================================================== Title : BioTech (version 2) Filename : biotech2.wad biotech2.deh Release date : January 2001 Author : Beaverbeat, Protium, Khalad, TheRedOmen, Mark The Artist, and Kyle Kylin. Email Address : [email protected] or [email protected] Description : You are a bounty hunter, hired by a small genetics research company named BioTech, to "fix" their current project which has gone horribly wrong. BioTech is a Partial Conversion for Doom II with new monsters, weapons, sounds, music, graphics, and a strong story line. The theme for the 9 levels is mostly high-tech, so you won't find any of the typical Doom2 Satanic/Hell themes here. Additional Credits to : Sparky of KISS Software ([email protected]) for the minor mods required to create the more User-friendly/System-friendly/Port- friendly "Version 2". ====================================================================== What's new in Version 2? ------------------------ Virtually no changes were made to the content, the changes are mostly related to installation and starting a game. The executable installer would not recognise legal, full versions of Doom2 v1.7 or v1.9, and hence it would not install the game! Although these fixes are trivial, they are essential if you want to install and play the game. The original DeHackEd patch was embedded within the installer, so I had to extract the data with a hex editor and manually enter it into DeHackEd v3.1. The only changes to the DeHackEd patch are: - omitted some of the startup messages - removed the modified cheat codes (like, I could stop you from cheating, anyway). A few minor fixes were also made to the wad: - rebuilt the wad and deleted the duplicate sprite resources. - fixed the sprite offsets of the Slime Stalker's snot balls. Once again, allow me to stress that my (Sparky's) work on BioTech is trivial, and the real credit remains with the original authors: Beaverbeat, Protium, Khalad, TheRedOmen, Mark The Artist, and Kyle Kylin. ====================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 9 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes (but only the first 3 levels) Graphics : Yes - 2 new monsters, 1 new weapon, a new player skin, status-bar face, level names, and lots of mods to existing Doom2 monsters. Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes - external. Demos : Yes - all three - maps 3, 6 and 1 skill 4 (UV), short (max 138sec), lmp v1.9 Other : A manual (complete with pictures) in .wri format, and write.exe to view the manual. Other files required : A Doom Source Port if you don't want to use a patched 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II (see installation instructions below). * Play Information * Game : Doom II v1.9 Map # : Map01 to Map09 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (check out the new player skin). Difficulty Settings : Yes ====================================================================== * Installation * BioTech2 with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II ------------------------------------- To play BioTech2 with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II you'll need to create a replacement exe file, and patch biotech2.wad with some extra sprite graphics. a) The exe: Create a hacked doom2.exe (called doomhack.exe) using DeHackEd v3.1 and biotech2.deh. For example: dehacked -load biotech2.deh b) The Sprites: Due to a bug in Doom, you need to add all the extra sprite graphics from doom2.wad into biotech2.wad. You'll need a program such as DeuSF, WinTex, or NWT, and this will greatly increase the size of the wad. For example: deusf -as biotech2.wad c) Playing the game: Once patched, you can load and run biotech2.wad like any other pwad. For example: doomhack -file biotech2.wad BioTech2 with a Doom Source Port -------------------------------- A 'better' and easier method is to use a Doom Source Port which can import DeHackEd patches and pwads containing sprite graphics; such as: Boom, PrBoom, MBF, SMMU, PrjDoom, ZDoom, ZDoomGL, Legacy, glBoom, etc. Patching is not required with these source ports, and the files can be used as-is. For example: Boom/PrBoom/MBF/SMMU/ PrjDoom/ZDoom/glBoom: boom -deh biotech2 -file biotech2 Legacy (Win32) : legacy -deh biotech2.deh -file biotech2.wad Legacy (3D mode) and ZDoomGL v0.4b : the command line required is hardware specific, so see the port's documentation. Note, BioTech2 has not been fully tested with all of these source ports. If one port doesn't work then just try another one. ====================================================================== * The Story * The story was contained in the original biotech.txt, which has been appended to the end of this document. For more detailed information about the story, weapons and monsters in BioTech2, see the BioTech Instruction Booklet (biotech2.wri). * Copyright / Permissions * Once again, see biotech2.wri for details. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * and mirrors The original BIOTECH.TXT file follows: ====================================================================== BioTech - A slightly new TC BioTech is a TC for DOOM II. It has all new monsters, weapons, graphics, music, levels, etc. It was released a while back on AOL (hey, not ALL AOL users are bad) and everyone who responded to me loved it. Just give this a try. You are a notorious bounty hunter, earning a living by finding crimin- als, missing persons, destroying military targets, you get the idea. A new opportunity has arisen, a chance to earn enough money to retire. A small research company, named BioTech, was working on what could have been the single largest genetics project in the history of man, the ability to alter human DNA to make a superior human race, stronger, healthier, and more intelligent. UAC (the United Aerospace Corporation) took interest in the project because of the fact that the new race could be a very powerful war asset. The scientists, eager to impress UAC, agreed to test their mutagen on human lab rats, criminals imprisoned by UAC. The tests went underway, the scientists watching everything the captives did. The subjects began to change dramatically, into stronger beings with strange abilities. The problem was that the mutants looked hideous, and had very unstable and violent tempers. But the scientists kept subjecting more and more subjects to the tests, and created more and more mutants. It was clear what happened next. The inhuman prisoners overran the base. You have been hired to clear out BioTech, doing minimal damage to the base itself. Sounded easy enough, but when you arrived, you began to have sec- ond thoughts. You can hear the mutants growling throughout the complex, and can sometimes hear the scientists calling out over the PA system... Good luck There you go. BioTech is mostly high-tech, but as you progress fur- ther into it, and lower in the building, the levels get progressively change from high tech and more dirt and rock. A thing to note about BioTech is that it has nothing to do with Hell, Satan, etc. You will not find any lava, blood, pentagrams, or crucifixes. So no excuses!

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