Hell Drop:The Invasion of Hell

You've have always been the one who got invaded, and the one who is trying to escape. Why not have you be the intruder for once? In this WAD, your mission is...

1.26 MB
WAD Type
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07

Read Me

Title:                          Hell Drop:The Invasion of Hell
Version:                        1.2
Filename:                       HELLDROP.WAD
Author:                         piXel Rex
Website:                        Cybrary of DOOM
E-mail:                         [redacted]


You've have always been the one who got invaded, and the one who is trying to
escape.  Why not have you be the intruder for once?  In this WAD, your mission
is th invade Hell itself,  your goal is not the exit(except for the last 3
levels), it is to KILL.  Shoot for 100%.  But you'll win if you get 90% or

Play Information:

Game:  Doom2
Level #:  MAP 01-07
Single Player:  Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player:  Yes, but not as fun
Deathmatch 2-4 Player:  Oh yes!
Difficulty Settings:  Of course
New Sounds:  No
New Graphics: No
New Music:  Optional
Demos Replaced: None


Base:  New levels from scratch
Editor Used:  Hellmaker 1.2 b2
Known Bugs: none


Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, but must first 
ask for permission, using the e-mail address above.

You MAY distribute this WAD in any format, as long as you include this text
file.(Warning: These levels are as tough as Thy Flesh Consumed or the later
levels in DOOM ][.  Drop by one difficulty level from the one you normaly play
in.  If you normaly play in I'm too young to die, you have an excuse for cheat'n
on Ultra-Violence.)

PC add-ons


This WAD does use patching, therefor, you will need DeHackEd.  Go to Cybrary of
DOOM at http://www.goecities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/8801/ and click on the link to
Hell Drop homepage.  Go the the download link and you should find a .zip file of


Since Hell Drop is Mac-made, PC music is not availible(I don't know how to port
Mac .MID! to .LMP files in the WAD, if you think you can do that, please email
me).  I suggest you to turn music off completely because DOOM ][ 's music does
not match.

Mac add-ons


Download DOOMinator at Cybrary of


Remove the old DOOM ][ music folder(don't delete it) and replace with the music
folder in Hell Drop's folder.

1: Top of Hell

Par Time:30:00
Build Time:60 hours

You are dropped off at Hell, the outer layer of defense is fairly strong, expect
heavy battle.

2: Free Kill

Par Time:23:00
Build Time:55 hours

You are now in the tech section of Hell, this shouldn't be as bad as the Top of

In most DOOM levels, you try to get to the exit, if you can do that, you win.
That sort'a recks the idea of DOOM, it seems like escaping comes before killing.
That's why I made this level.
Go ahead and run straight to the exit if you're chicken.  But you're suppose to
ignore the exit 'til you're in bad shape, or your sure that you've killed 100%
of the monsters.  Count yourself as a winner with 90% o' more.

3: Keen Hunt

Difficulty:Very Hard
Par Time:25:00
Build Time:65 hours

The entrance to the center of Hell is blocked by a heavy defense system, it so
strong, it's impossible you are going to have to use the longer way, too bad the
entrance is also blocked here.

Your goal here is to find and kill every Commander Keen on the level, Commander
Keens are them little hang'n carton guys with a yellowish helmet.

4.Icon of Sin

Difficulty:Depends on how fast you are
Par Time:???
Build Time:60 hours

Finally, you're in the center of Hell, killing him is similar to DOOM ][, but
you have to find all 22 eye switches to rise the lift in front of the face
yourself.(Don't believe what he's saying, he's trying to throw you off!)

5.Tox'n Death

Par Time:10:00
Build Time:30 hours

When the big Demon exploded, the ceiling of the path back fell.  Now you must
take another route back(if there is one), another route that has not been
cleared of monsters.
Luckyly, you found one, and it is a direct path from hell, to earth.

6.Punch Frag

Par Time:10:00
Build Time:40 hours

Your back on earth again, you begin to contact UAC, as you were setting up the
connection, you found a berserk box.
"What's this doing here?" You ask yourself.
You looked around and realized that the buildings looked strange too, like one
of the demon's buildings.
"This must be the place of the demon refugees!  I think I'll clear them off too,
this shouldn't be too hard"
You were wrong, as you were searching around the area, you found no guns or
How the heck are you going to fight without a shotgun?

Difficulty:Very Hard
Par Time:16:00
Build Time:80 hours


The demon refugees have escaped to an abandoned industrial zone.  Reconstruction
of the Icon of Sin will take place in that area.  Since only the mancubuses has
the skills for construction, you must enter this construction site, and kill
every mancubus found. And by the way, don't underestimate the defense there.When
you destroyed the unfinished Icon of Sin.  The entire base bursted into bloody
flames.  Brining justice to the demons for the betrayal they had done.  "Now
wait 'a minute" you said to yourself as you slowly float up to heven.  "I'm not
a demon and I didn't betray anyone or anything(other than the demons), why do I
have to join the bloody mess too?  How come I can't go back home and enjoy
having the girls chasing after me for the rest of my life?

Then, the light bulb went on, YOU were the one who were betrayed by the demons.
When the demons rise to bring genocide to the humans, you too, rise, to take
them down.
But it isn't true that when the demons go extinct, you have to die too, right?
To your dissapointment, your immediate response was "Maybe, maybe not".


It took an average of 50 hours to make each level, and the levels are BIG.  I
can't garantee that there are no bugs on this entire WAD.  Some bugs that
already found are listed below, if you happen to come across one, email me

Level 1
(This level may run very slow)
When looking through the boundary of high(invisible) ceilings and low(invisible)
ceilings, there may be a block of sky texturethat overlaps the objects
behind(usually tall objects).

Level 3

Make sure you kill EVERY Commander Keen you see.  If you missed some at the very
beginning of the level, it is immpossible to go back.  And therefor, you're
stuck.  Load a saved game and try again.

How to know if you're stuck:
A huge edge of the biggest battle ground should open when you are finished with
the Keens, you will engage a Cyber Demon, a Spider Mastermind, one or two
Arch-Viles, and a few barons.

If they don't open and you believe you've killed every Keen, then start over.

Level 6

HOM(hall of mirrors) may occur when you try to look upon the entire main field.


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