Memento Mori II
The final Doom 2 chapter! 32 incredible levels, new graphics new music & a cool story make this DOOM 2 ADD-ON the best ever built! Great for Single Co-Op AN...
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Doom II
Doom II
MAP02, MAP03, MAP09, MAP11, MAP12, MAP14, MAP15, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP21, MAP28, MAP29, MAP31, MAP32, MAP20, MAP05, MAP13, MAP27, MAP22, MAP26, MAP24, MAP25, MAP30, MAP08, MAP01, MAP19, MAP23, MAP06, MAP10, MAP04, MAP07
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMENTO MORI 2, (c) MM2 Crew 7/27/96 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the final Doom chapter. Memento Mori 2 is the sequel to Memento Mori, the finest Mega WAD for Doom 2. Memento Mori 2 brings you 32 exciting levels, a lot of new graphics, a cool new storyline and incredible new music for the whole game. 24 doom addicts were part of this Add-On creation, 24 of the best. MM2 plays best in Single-Player Mode, but 16 levels contain SEPERATED DEATHMATCH PARTS. Also, in most levels your will find additonal stuff for Co-Op games. If you're sick of playing alone or co-op, try killing your friends in MM2's cool DM parts! Guess what, MM2 is FREE, yes - free to everyone! Prepare to play the best Doom 2 ever! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom ][, Copyright (C) id Software, inc. Logo and likenesses are trademarks of id Software, inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick overview: 1 - How to install Memento Mori 2 2 - How to contact us 3 - Story of Memento Mori 2 4 - Mission briefings 5 - CREDITS 6 - Problems? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to install Memento Mori 2] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Files containing MM2 related stuff: MM2.ZIP - WADs to play Memento Mori 2 MM2_1.ZIP - The same as MM2.ZIP, but split to MM2_2.ZIP sqeeze it on discs. MM2_3.ZIP Download either MM2.ZIP or these 3 files. MM2INFO.ZIP - MM2 Info Pack. Story, briefings, screenshots and misc info about MM2 and the MM2 Crew. MM2LMPS.ZIP - First Demo Pack, contains 30 LMPs showing you how to get through. Installing Memento Mori 2 ------------------------- a) Download the MM2 archives (either MM2.ZIP or 3 MM2_x.ZIP files). b) Unpack it (them) into your Doom 2 directory. c) If you are using the multi-archive files, run MM2INST.BAT. d) Run MM2.BAT to play Memento Mori 2. Playing Memento Mori 2 in Multiplayer Mode ------------------------------------------ Make sure all players have the same MM2 WAD files on their system. Use the DeathManager (DM.EXE, coming with Doom 2) to play Co-Op or DeathMatch games. In case modem-games don't work properly, try running MM2 without the music WAD (MM2MUS.WAD) - only use MM2.WAD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to contact us] --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Memento Mori 2 Homepage is at: - If you need help with installing/running MM2, please write to: [email protected] - If you need help with a specific map/level, please write to the author of the map (see credits, at the end of this file). - If you want to put MM2 on a CD and sell it, you'll need to write us FIRST. Expect to ship 24 free copies of your CD, IF we agree. Contact: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Story] --------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMENTO MORI - Operation two Written by Alden Bates ([email protected]) Restoration of earth is going well. Major lines of communication have been reopened and contact has been reestablished with earth's outer colonies. It is almost a year since you battled the hell spawn for the second time. It is day 727 of the rebuilding of earth, almost two years since the first huge invasion which nearly destroyed earth. You are overseeing the building of suburban residences when a black car with reflective windows pulls up near the supervisor's van. Two people in army uniform get out and walk over to you. The lead guy has a chest full of medals and swaggers like he's earnt them. Steel gray hair frames a face heavily lined with experience. The younger man is taller and thinner with dark hair and glasses. "I am General Kimmel, and you are getting into the car, soldier." the first man says, simply and concisely. Realising you had been standing there slack jawed, you draw yourself up to attention, march over to the car and get in. The general and his aide follow briskly. You watch the bewildered looks on your workers faces as the car moves away from the site. The interior of the car is plainly furnished. On the seat next to you is a large metal box. Opposite you sit General Kimmel and his aide. You decide to begin by asking the General what was so important that you had to be dragged away from urban reconstruction. The General replies "Lieutenant Bates has prepared your briefing." The Lieutenant reaches under the seat beneath him and produces a clipboard. "We re-established contact with the colony on Io three weeks ago. At that time, they reported that all was fine, though they were beginning to run low on provisions. Their last jupiter probe had returned some anomalous readings. After a relief ship was dispatched, we expected to hear more news, but there was only silence. Then the distress call came." "Our first idea was to send a team of our best agents in to scout the area. They arrived on Io about a week ago and two days ago, the reports started filtering in by sub-space. It looks like another infestation. Many of the scouts are in serious trouble, some we haven't heard from since their initial reports." "We have a ship ready for launch in the next hour. Space and weight are both at a premium, so you are limited in the weapons you can take." The General turns back from contemplating the partly rebuilt city flashing by, and asks: "Are you in?" You consider. Either staying safely on earth helping to rebuild, or trapped somewhere on one of jupiter's moons with only a pistol and the cries of the dead to keep you company. "Sounds good to me." The General smiles grimly and points to the box on the seat. "In there you will find a briefing module with reports from the agents sent to Io. You will have time to familiarize yourself with the contents before the launch. Good luck." In the box, you find a lightweight black slab, similar to a notebook computer. At the touch of a button, the screen lights up with the words "MEMENTO MORI, OPERATION TWO". "Operation one was the mission you ran a year ago. Memento mori is latin. It's a death's head, a reminder of those who died in the invasion" the General translates. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mission Briefings] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sector: 01 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Outpost Operation Memento Mori 2. This is your first mission out of 30. Reports say that there are possibly 2 more sectors to get through, but we don't have any detailed info on this. Your mission now is pretty easy; get into sector 1 and save the area. Report any contact you get, find out what happened out there. A picture taken by our last drone doesn't show any activity, this might have changed since the picture was taken 3 days ago. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 02 Agent assigned: David Davidson ([email protected]) Mission title: The Feeding Pit This is simple. We need to get deeper into the planet, so get going and kill everything that moves. Should be a short trip. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 03 Agent assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Mission title: ...And Hell Beneath Intelligence has reported a large underground complex in the ground of IO that is inhabited with monsters of all kinds. Several scouts have been sent into it and reported that the whole structure seems to have been built around a large cave, containing a deep pool of blood. From its ground evil laughter and more unnatural sounds can be heard. Access to the pool is blocked by some barrier, so that nobody has been able to reach it so far, after short time the contact to one after another scout has been interrupted, their fate is unknown. The last scout was lost while being in a temple-like building, the last picture of his camera that was trans-mitted has been included with this file. YOUR MISSION: - find the pool and close it before more monsters are able to reach the moon - find the exit. DO NOT LEAVE THE CAVE WITHOUT CLOSING THE POOL! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 04 Agent assigned: Florian Helmberger ([email protected]) Mission title: Ratamahatta You are being sent to a place quite deep in hell which is inhabited with monsters of all kinds (you didn't expect that, did you?). We have sent Duck Nukem in to scout the area. He seems to not have achieved that much (nothing but cool talk). Anyway, we include the last picture of his HeadCam(tm) with this file - his last transmited words were: "This really pisses me off!". Go in there, kick butt and get out alive soldier! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 05 Agent assigned: Paul Noble ([email protected]) Mission title: Rites Of Passage Ok marine, here is the mission based in sector 5 of the combat zone, we'll go through it step by step so you don't miss anything.... Infiltration. We have sent three scout marines into this area and only one has managed to make it back with what looks like a very disturbed combat senario, there were update reports from the marines who didn't make it back about several varying areas, spanning deadly molten lava to a semi civilised area. Marine 002002345 who was second into the zone managed to setup the Close Range Teleporter Enhancement Pad (CRTEP) which will allow you to beam directly to the area and bypass the initial enemy sentries... Enemy deployments. The scout marines encountered varying forms of depraved fiends and also several zombified marines who are to be looked out for - see if you can appeal to their human side and then they may help you. The 1st scout in was quickly dispatched by what looked like what we know as imps but the image was very badly effected by the site locations interference. Scout 2 managed to make it to a moat of burning lava before he was exploded by a massive energy discharge - viewing his bod-cam the bolt of energy seemed to emanate from over the moat. Third in managed to make it a bit further before he request evac, but his exploration has left him a jibbering wreak and it was only with intense electroshock therapy that we managed to get any real information out of him. It seems that the self destruct switch for this bunker system is actually beyond the moat - how to get to this or excatly where it is, is what you'll have to discover... Armament. It seems that the demons have wised up to our CRTEP as they have scrambled the signal some what, when we beamed down your supplies the equipment was spread through the combat area, so you'll have to go in with just the bare minimum as the CRTEP does not allow us to download you with too much mass so you'll only have your pistol and the faithful knuckle dusters. Priority. Kill as many of the Hell Spawn as possible, and get out of there... Come back alive and you'll be awarded ice cream privilages for two whole weeks, oh and a medal I suppose. Good Luck Marine, and Kick ASS! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 06 Agent assigned: Adam Williamson ([email protected]) Mission title: Trapped Alright, listen up marine. We sent some scouts into this next zone, but they didn't get very far. All but one had their cameras knocked out immediately, and that one managed to get one picture back before it lost the camera. The last transmission we got was... "...Darkish corridors. A few traps. Keycard. Returning to previously secured area. Using keycard...." The transmission cuts out for a few minutes. "Heading inside large building. Using lift. S**T! THE WALLS ARE OPENING!!!!" That is all we heard. It seems to indicate some large traps in operation in this area, so be on your guard! Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 07 Agent assigned: David Kuykendall ([email protected]) Mission title: Frustration Finally you fight and frag your way out of hell, a sewer tunnel looms before you, light shines at the end. Salvation! You have beaten them! Not too hard you think to yourself, a cakewalk compared to last time... Well, time to go home. Humming to yourself you sling your shotgun over your shoulder you make your way to the exit, only to find that it is blocked! Well dammit, must be a way around... how bout this ladder...? Hmmm, maybe your not done yet... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 08 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Stigmata Civilians have reported that the hordes changed their Drinking Water Supply to a slime producing machine. The slime is now used to eliminate all human lifeform in this region. The civilians locked some of the doors to stop the demonic invasion, unfortunately it was too late. Your mission target: find the keys, kill all demons and stop the slime machine. Then find the way back to your mission control and report what you've found. Don't come back without deactivating the machine! Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 09 Agent assigned: Mark Klem ([email protected]) Mission title: Sabbath Sewer [Agent report follows] We appear to be in some sort of inescapable hole inside the city. My shotgun lies on the ground from where I dropped it when I fell in this hole. You know, like those idiots do in the movies. We managed to pry up a manhole cover and toss it aside. This is the only way possible to get any further. There is an old abandoned church here that is accessible from the sewers. Heavily gaurded and they ain't preaching the gospel. The church holds a super shotgun and some major health provisions. The exit is here, but will require a blue key. Better get movin'; there's no time to pray. [End Of Report] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 10 Agent assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Mission title: Clear For Death Well, sorry to tell you, but you'll have to descent into the sewers again. Your goal is area 11, but the entrance is located in sector 10 in an old sewage-farm that has been overtaken. The way into the actual sewage-system is secured by keycards - maybe you'll have to find them first. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 11 Agent assigned: Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Mission title: Sewer Shutdown You need to get into the city and check for signs of life. The best route is through the sewers. By the time you reach this point, you should be at the heart of the sewer processing facility - and the city. Since the demons have invaded, little is known about the state of this facility, but this image from one of our scouts may help. We do know it is not 100% operational. It must have been damaged in some way. You must reach the central point of the processing facility and shut it down. Once the system has been shut down, you should be able to obtain access to the city. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 12 Agent assigned: Orin Flaharty ([email protected]) Mission title: The Waterway Your mission is to enter the area and clear out all remaining enemy resistance. Take out as many demons as you can and move on to the next area. Troop #93 Report: Thin walkways over underground rivers make up the majority of this area. The huge underground caverns that make up this area are filled with some of the weaker Hellspawn, but we did see signs that larger demons had been here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 13 Agent assigned: Rhys Hughes ([email protected]) Mission title: Devils Paradise Okay troopers listen up. This is area 13 also known to the corp as DEVILS PARADISE. You better be paying attention marines because I'm not sending no damn recon team down there to bail you out. Okay? Right now, we are lead to belive that the damn hellspawn that were sending you in to wipe out have got thier hands on one of our A-bombs. Its up to you to go in, locate the threat and take care of it. There are some Arachnotrons located round in area 13 and they have some kind of psychic link to the A-bomb. Intelligence informs us that if you take care of them you'll take care of the bomb too. However fail to do this and you'll never leave that place alive... This just in marines. Intelligence informs us that they have located a living mass of somekind in the lower reaches of DEVILS PARADISE. We don't know what the hell it is but we can confirm that it posesses regenerative capabilities. So be on your toes at all times. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 14 Agents assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: A Question Of Time Hmm, we don't have much information about this thing. What we know is: You'll have to reach Area 15 quickly, and teleporter leading there is located in this building - so you'll probably have to go through it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 15 Agent assigned: Adam Windsor ([email protected]) Mission title: The Devil's Coterie One of the first areas to be overrun by the Demons in this latest infestation was an old UAC industrial and storage facility. We managed to have some reconnaissance pictures taken of the exterior, the clearest of which has been provided for this briefing. Although at that time the Demons were keeping out of sight, and we were unable to get any hard data on their numbers or strength, recent long range scans suggest significant infestation, and energy discharges matching those of teleport units in action have been detected. We anticipate a very hot reception for you. Watch your six, and don't be caught napping - there's no telling what traps the Demons have in store. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 16 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: The Nephilim Sector 16 used to be a big hightech area, dedicated to research of new teleporter facilities. Contact to this region lost a week ago, detailed information follows. The guy we sent into sector 16 didn't make it back; all we know is that the enemies came in from the west. Reports say that there seems to be a real big enemie somewhere, but we don't have any further info on this. The picture was one of the last received, vital signs suddenly disappeared a few seconds after transfer. Primary mission target: Teleport into this sector, eliminate all enemies and find your way back, report what happened to our troops and what's left of the computers. Secondary mission target: Find out more about that big enemy. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 17 Agent assigned: Michael S. Rapp ([email protected]) Mission title: No One (Ever Comes From Here) Reports from Sector 17 have been unclear. Every scout sent in to investigate the situation has not made it back alive. It seems that no one, ever comes from here. Now it's time to send in the big boys, that means you Marine. Your mission is to find a way to get to Sector 18. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 18 Agent assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Mission title: Regulate [local] - Start transmission BUILDerman (AZ375B) - "Hi, this is scout Ken BUILDerman, reporting from the refinery in sector 18. I have penetrated the base so far and not encountered anything harmfull, to be honest I don't think there's anything bad in this base, the evacuation was senseless. But of course you had to waste my brilliant talent on something like this and... - ah, never mind. I had to use some of the refinery's equipment to get here - some of the doors seem to be stuck, I'm off to reactivate the power generator. As you can see at the picture I'm sending you right now everything is fine, I won't need any hel...brzbrzbrzbrz." [local] - Transmission was interrupted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 19 Agent assigned: Jeremy Statz ([email protected]) Mission title: The Shaft The single scout sent into the mission 19 combat zone never returned. We've had to extrapolate almost everything about this area from the images and radio messages transmitted before the scout's demise in a temple-like area. So far as we can tell, the 19th CZ is some sort of mining facility, entirely underground. The hellspawn have taken it over, and have been building onto it heavily. We estimate the structure is nearly twice as large as we originally expected. The ultimate purpose of the structure is unknown. Mission priority is simply to wipe out the infestation. Leave nothing moving, if possible. Secondary priority is the discover the structure's purpose. So far as we can tell, there's little reason to the schizophrenic mess of structures making up this CZ. If there's an ultimate purpose, we'd like to know what it is. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 20 Agent Assigned: Alden Bates ([email protected]) Mission title: The Experiment Sector coverage: Laboratories, Grade-A clearance required for assess to data. Agent report follows: I have gained access to the laboratories and observed some of the monsters at work. I don't know what this place was used for before the invasion, it looks like [portion of text censored] and the creatures seem to be using it for something. At the moment I have reached the first laboratory. It looks to have carved from a natural underground cavern. Some of the small spider brains are supervising some zombies who are working on the [portion of text censored] and conducting what look like light-wave experiments. I thought I recognised one of the zombies, it may be a friend of mine. I'm going to try and make contact. Later I'm hoping to go deeper into the labs. It sounds like they're testing heavy weapons further in. +++ Report Ends +++ Last transmission recieved 3 days ago included visual scan. An enhanced version of this image is included with this report. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 21 Agent assigned: Andy Badorek ([email protected]) Mission title: Sanctuary Okay marines, you are in for trouble. Massive enemy activity has been reported in your destination area, strategically important places have been occupied by large numbers of enemy forces. Our scout team has reported that enemy forces concentrate around a place called SANCTUARY, which seems to be of special interest to the enemy. Unfortunately the scout team could not get close enough because the entryway was locked and surrounding buildings were well guarded. Your task is to jump in and clear the area of enemy presence, then proceed in order to find SANCTUARY, and, if possible, find out why it is important to the enemy. The scout team has discovered abandonned ammonition stocks in several places but you are advised to keep count on your ammo or you'll end up throwing stones at those beasts. You may expect massive opposition and ambush attacks. Before we lost contact with our scouts they reported a sudden rocket attack in a large square room in the most western part of your destination area. It is probably better to avoid that room if you want to make it home in one piece. Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 22 Agent assigned: Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Reactor Related Fuel Refinary The 22nd sector of our base at IO is our fuel refinary which produced fuel materials to enable electricity on IO's base by using special reactors. Scout transmissions report, that the monsters have modified it for their own use. We have vague thoughts, that they replicate themselfes with it, especially those monsters we call "pigs". Bio scanners report heavy-armored lifeforms in the north-eastern part of the sector - prepare yourself. Mission objective: Eliminate all intruders, means clean the sector and re-establish a working refinary (if possible). Special note: We can't equip you with heavy weapons this time cause the transmitters to this sector are damaged. So, look out for something you can use. Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 23 Agent assigned: Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Mission title: No Way Out The demons have sealed the emergency evacuation route and we can't get out. We've sent several scouts in an attempt to find another exit, but all attempts have failed. We did manage to get an image of the complex from one of the scouts before we lost contact with him. Send someone to move through the complex and find an alternate route. Please hurry... the demons are closing in on the area we have barricaded ourselves in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 24 Agent assigned: Sean Birkel ([email protected]) Mission title: Io Lab This region was one of the first human on Io. The technics are old and of no use, but the enemy might be interested in it. We don't expect any humans in there, since these buildings were closed months ago. The thing is, when you're back we don't want to have ANY creature out there anymore. So, get going. Nice and easy, you've got plenty of time for this. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 25 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Forgotten Town Sector 25 used to be a residential district. Since most of the working places on this planet seem to be attacked by the evil hordes, we are anxious about the civilians living in sector 25. We didn't send any scouts in it, because this region always was very safe and there are still no known security problems. The picture was taken by the local camera system about 10 hours ago - the missing enemy movement and the silence of this area shows that it should be no problem for you. We need to get all humans out of this sector before any enemies try to attack. Mission objectives: get in and evacuate all civilians. Seal all doors and leave the sector. There's no doubt that this will be your easiest mission, there are no plans for fighting - if you encounter any enemy troops, retreat immediately. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 26 Agent assigned: Mark Klem ([email protected]) Mission title: Base Exposure Yesterday, a team of 4 went into sector 26 and had a run in with some cyberdemons. The reports that I received indicates that a few wildly placed rockets from one of the cyberdemon lords blew away a massive amount of wall structure revealing what may be an underground base of some sort. After me and a few others suited up, we locked on the coordinates of the base and went in... The entrance to the blown out wall is pretty high in radioactivity. The good news is; there isn't very much of it at all. Looks like most of it has dried up over the days. It was pretty well guarded by a team of former human sargents, and a few "pinkos" were placed down a hall for a surprise attack from behind. There also appears to be some sort of holding cell here for other demons. There must be a way in there, because a few items are visible. Deeper inside the metal encased operational facility is a red key, which is important to acquire if you ever want to leave this sector. If things start heatin' up, the sargents will move this key to another area. There is a teleporter revealed after you get the key which will take you back to the upper level of the base. But getting to it may deliver a slight problem; death. On the way to the exit, there will be many creatures that will do their best to stop you from getting out. The exit is trapped, so watch it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 27 Agent assigned: Paul Noble ([email protected]) Mission title: The Silos Sit down Marine, make yourself comfortable, for once this mission starts there won't be any rest, not even for the wicked... Mission Objectives. This mission is imperative to the success of Operation Memento Mori 2, the missile base which you'll be dropped into has fallen into the hands of the enemy, they don't know what they've got but we do. The site is a Guidance array and missile launch centre. Our Space Marines have been fighting a continuous battle in the space around the orbital platforms and have managed to force the main bulk of the demon hoards onto the biggest orbital platform (codenamed Icarus), unfortunately this platform is very well armed and we cannot make a landing on the platform to reclaim it. Thus it has been decided that it is to be destroyed utterly. To this ends you must enter the missile base, reconfigure the missile guidance array in the South East corner to point to the space platform, then you must seal all the silos ready for launch - all the silos have a double lock mechanism, make sure that all the lock switches are activated. Then finally you must activate the launch sequence, once done we can beam you off the base and onto your next mission. Infiltration. We have set up a drop site near the old Sentry gateway, this area should still have some weapons stocks of some sort near by... Enemy deployments. Reports claim that the Missile base is infested with all manner of humanoid killers, be they demon possessed troopers or the evils known as Mancabus, they are high tech, but in the brain department they are not up to much - think before you run in, if you can get them fighting each other then they'll do half your work for you. You'll find that there are serious concentrations of enemy operatives the further you progress through the base, be prepared for all manner of opposition... Priority. Seal all the missile silos and erect the missile guidance array, then get the hell out of there. This is going to be one helluva mission and the Earth Force are relying on you, make em eat hot lead death! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 28 Agent assigned: Stephen Watson ([email protected]) Mission title: Corporate Hell Mission Objective: Reach the top of the UAC corporate tower and secure the area by destroying all Hellspawn. Initial Scout Report: Before contact was lost with the four scouts sent in to perform preliminary recognaissance, they managed to send the following information: The UAC corporate compound is split up into two areas: A product testing facility and the corporate arcology super towers. A short-distance localized Teleporter Pad was set up by a scout in the product testing sector and that is where you will start the mission. Primary mission objectives here will be threefold: (1) clear the area of the hellspawn infestation, (2) acquire a security key that will allow entry into the corporate arcology super towers, and (3) locate and activate the switch that will open access to the teleporter pad that will take you to the coporate arcology sector. Scouts reported that the Key should be located in the Southwest building, the teleporter pad is the Northeast structure, and a switch allowing access to the teleporter pad is in the Central building. Strategy: Watch your back, Marine. You will be exposed from all sides in this area. Just keep moving and let the monsters take each other out. Conserve your ammo, scouts report you will need it in the next area... The Corporate Arcology is a collection of five towers and three skyscrapers. Your Primary Mission objectives here will be: (1) gain access to the highest floors by progressively hitting various security switches in the four 'satelitte' towers, (2) clear the area of Hellspawn, (3) once on the highest floor, take the teleporter to clear out the final West building to finish the mission. Scouts reported that each of the four towers attached off of the central tower house a Security Switch will allow the central elevator to reach the next higher level. The path to each of these towers is marked by a blue square which switches to black once you have come into proximity of a Security Switch. You may use this as a marker to tell where you have already been. Once in a 'satellite' tower, remember to check carefully for the Security Switch and to hit it. Otherwise you will waste valuable time backtracking. These Security Switches are recognizable by their proximity to a short techlamp. The South building houses a security key that may be used in the West building to resupply yourself if necessary. Be careful in this sector, as there are several nasty ambushes that have been devised by the more 'corporate minded' Hellspawn. Don't waste your ammo. Scouts marked key areas with Florescent Arrows. Look for them, they provide clues to pressure pads that activate lifts, or may contain caches of Ammo and Medical supplies. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 29 Agent assigned: Jens Nielsen ([email protected]) Mission title: Kings Of Metal Hmm. We seem to be quite near something REAL big, so watch out. 28 sectors are ours, let's bring this to an end. Obviously one of your last missions on IO - enjoy the violence! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 30 Agent assigned: Jim Wraith ([email protected]) Mission title: It Well soldier, it doesn't look good.. All we've received from the target is a crackly radio transmission, from which we could only discern the fact that the area is *very* dangerous, and if the conditions weren't such we'd arm you with a H-Bomb. There's not much after this though.. Get past this one and you're home free.. Good luck trooper! If you read THIS far, here is a hint for 2 super-super-super-secret levels. They are stored somewhere in the whole MM2 thing and they will appear as Map01 (by Steve Towle) and Map02 (by Thomas Moeller). (I'm not talking about the 2 secret levels, everybody knows about). --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Credits] --------------------------------------------------------------------- A big thanks to id software for such an awesome game. Maps created by: Andy Badorek, Alden Bates, Sean Birkel, David Davidson, Orin Flaharty, Florian Helmberger, Rhys Hughes, Mark Klem, David Kuykendall, Denis Moeller, Thomas Moeller, Jens Nielsen, Paul Noble, Michael Rapp, Eric Sargent, Jeremy Statz, Steve Towle, Stephen Watson, Adam Williamson, Adam Windsor, Matthias Worch and Jim Wraith New music by: Mark Klem & David Shaw (see below) New graphics by: Thomas Moeller, Matthias Worch ([email protected], [email protected]) Programming, Texts, Misc stuff: Denis Moeller Special thanks to: John W. Anderson, for providing FTP space Michael Grube, for testing & suggestions You guys, for waiting this long :) Visit our Homepage at: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The MEMENTO MORI 2 Music PWAD (c) 1996, Mark A. Klem and David P. Shaw All entries (songs) in the MM2 Music PWAD are original compositions and are not to be reproduced (extracted) in any way without the consent of the two persons named above. MUSICAL SCORE CREDITS for Memento Mori 2 INTRO MUSIC by David P. Shaw STORYLINE MUSIC by David P. Shaw INTERMISSION MUSIC by Mark A. Klem MAPS 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30 and 31 by Mark A. Klem MAPS 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 32 by David P. Shaw We hope you enjoy the tunes as much as the levels. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please feel free to direct your comments and/or questions to: Mark A. Klem ([email protected]) or David P. Shaw ([email protected]) A very special thanks to Denis and Thomas Moeller of TiC. Without these guys, none of this would have been possible. If you haven't already done so, pick up the original mega-PWAD that started it all. Memento Mori 1 can be obtained at (and its mirrors): --------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, here's a list of all maps with author and e-mail address. Also, a '*' indicates a seperated DM part inside the map (which doesn't mean that the others are not worth playing in DM!). Memento Mori 2, (c) MM2 Crew, 7/96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Map 01 - Outpost * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 02 - The Feeding Pit by David Davidson ([email protected]) Map 03 - ...and hell beneath * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Map 04 - Ratamahatta by Florian Helmberger ([email protected]) Map 05 - Rites Of Passage by Paul Noble ([email protected]) Map 06 - Trapped * by Adam Williamson ([email protected]) Map 07 - Frustration * by David Kuykendall ([email protected]) Map 08 - Stigmata * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 09 - Sabbath Sewer by Mark Klem ([email protected]) Map 10 - Clear For Death * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Map 11 - Sewer Shutdown by Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Map 12 - The Waterway by Orin Flaharty ([email protected]) Map 13 - Devils Paradise by Rhys Hughes ([email protected]) Map 14 - A Question Of Time * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) & Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Map 15 - The Devil's Coterie * by Adam Windsor ([email protected]) Map 16 - The Nephilim * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 17 - No One by Michael Rapp ([email protected]) Map 18 - Regulate * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Map 19 - The Shaft * by Jeremy Statz ([email protected]) Map 20 - The Experiment by Alden Bates ([email protected]) Map 21 - Sanctuary * by Andy Badorek ([email protected]) Map 22 - R.R.F.Refinery * by Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Map 23 - No Way Out * by Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Map 24 - Io Lab by Sean Birkel ([email protected]) Map 25 - Forgotten Town * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 26 - Base Exposure by Mark Klem ([email protected]) Map 27 - The Silos by Paul Noble ([email protected]) Map 28 - Corporate Hell * by Stephen Watson ([email protected]) Map 29 - Kings Of Metal by Jens Nielsen ([email protected]) Map 30 - It by Jim Wraith ([email protected]) Map 31 - DejaVu by Orin Flaharty ([email protected]) Map 32 - Dances With Demons by David Kuykendall ([email protected]) --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Problems?] Q1: Everytime I start Doom 2 with the MM2 WADs, it breaks after a short while. What the hell? A1: MM2's ingame Demos are recorded with v1.9, you prolly use an older version. Update Doom 2 or be quick enough to start a game before Doom 2 kicks you. Q2: Modem play doesn't work, it just won't run. A2: Use id's DeathManager and try leaving the music WAD (MM2MUS.WAD). Q3: We played MM2 Co-Op and saved a game. Now how can we go on later, loading the saved game? A3: Try '-loadgame x' at the command line for the DeathManager, x being the number of your saved game. Read Doom 2's readme. Q4: How come this Add-On is for Doom 2, not Quake? A4: Because building started months ago and Quake just happened to be out too early (doh!). Q5: I heared there are 2 super-super-super-secret levels somewhere, come on, tell me how to get there! A5: No. Q666: Are you guys nuts? MM2 is soooo awesome, what can I do to help you guys spreading this incredible Add-On? A666: Let everyone know about MM2, post to newsgroups, let id know, copy it, copy it, copy it, visit our Homepage... etc :) Q7: Have you guysgot no life, no other interest that you can do something this cool? A7: No, thats why you can expect Memento Mori III - The Quake Encounter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMENTO MORI 2, (c) MM2 Crew 7/27/96 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the final Doom chapter. Memento Mori 2 is the sequel to Memento Mori, the finest Mega WAD for Doom 2. Memento Mori 2 brings you 32 exciting levels, a lot of new graphics, a cool new storyline and incredible new music for the whole game. 24 doom addicts were part of this Add-On creation, 24 of the best. MM2 plays best in Single-Player Mode, but 16 levels contain SEPERATED DEATHMATCH PARTS. Also, in most levels your will find additonal stuff for Co-Op games. If you're sick of playing alone or co-op, try killing your friends in MM2's cool DM parts! Guess what, MM2 is FREE, yes - free to everyone! Prepare to play the best Doom 2 ever! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom ][, Copyright (C) id Software, inc. Logo and likenesses are trademarks of id Software, inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick overview: 1 - How to install Memento Mori 2 2 - How to contact us 3 - Story of Memento Mori 2 4 - Mission briefings 5 - CREDITS 6 - Problems? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to install Memento Mori 2] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Files containing MM2 related stuff: MM2.ZIP - WADs to play Memento Mori 2 MM2_1.ZIP - The same as MM2.ZIP, but split to MM2_2.ZIP sqeeze it on discs. MM2_3.ZIP Download either MM2.ZIP or these 3 files. MM2INFO.ZIP - MM2 Info Pack. Story, briefings, screenshots and misc info about MM2 and the MM2 Crew. MM2LMPS.ZIP - First Demo Pack, contains 30 LMPs showing you how to get through. Installing Memento Mori 2 ------------------------- a) Download the MM2 archives (either MM2.ZIP or 3 MM2_x.ZIP files). b) Unpack it (them) into your Doom 2 directory. c) If you are using the multi-archive files, run MM2INST.BAT. d) Run MM2.BAT to play Memento Mori 2. Playing Memento Mori 2 in Multiplayer Mode ------------------------------------------ Make sure all players have the same MM2 WAD files on their system. Use the DeathManager (DM.EXE, coming with Doom 2) to play Co-Op or DeathMatch games. In case modem-games don't work properly, try running MM2 without the music WAD (MM2MUS.WAD) - only use MM2.WAD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to contact us] --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Memento Mori 2 Homepage is at: - If you need help with installing/running MM2, please write to: [email protected] - If you need help with a specific map/level, please write to the author of the map (see credits, at the end of this file). - If you want to put MM2 on a CD and sell it, you'll need to write us FIRST. Expect to ship 24 free copies of your CD, IF we agree. Contact: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Story] --------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMENTO MORI - Operation two Written by Alden Bates ([email protected]) Restoration of earth is going well. Major lines of communication have been reopened and contact has been reestablished with earth's outer colonies. It is almost a year since you battled the hell spawn for the second time. It is day 727 of the rebuilding of earth, almost two years since the first huge invasion which nearly destroyed earth. You are overseeing the building of suburban residences when a black car with reflective windows pulls up near the supervisor's van. Two people in army uniform get out and walk over to you. The lead guy has a chest full of medals and swaggers like he's earnt them. Steel gray hair frames a face heavily lined with experience. The younger man is taller and thinner with dark hair and glasses. "I am General Kimmel, and you are getting into the car, soldier." the first man says, simply and concisely. Realising you had been standing there slack jawed, you draw yourself up to attention, march over to the car and get in. The general and his aide follow briskly. You watch the bewildered looks on your workers faces as the car moves away from the site. The interior of the car is plainly furnished. On the seat next to you is a large metal box. Opposite you sit General Kimmel and his aide. You decide to begin by asking the General what was so important that you had to be dragged away from urban reconstruction. The General replies "Lieutenant Bates has prepared your briefing." The Lieutenant reaches under the seat beneath him and produces a clipboard. "We re-established contact with the colony on Io three weeks ago. At that time, they reported that all was fine, though they were beginning to run low on provisions. Their last jupiter probe had returned some anomalous readings. After a relief ship was dispatched, we expected to hear more news, but there was only silence. Then the distress call came." "Our first idea was to send a team of our best agents in to scout the area. They arrived on Io about a week ago and two days ago, the reports started filtering in by sub-space. It looks like another infestation. Many of the scouts are in serious trouble, some we haven't heard from since their initial reports." "We have a ship ready for launch in the next hour. Space and weight are both at a premium, so you are limited in the weapons you can take." The General turns back from contemplating the partly rebuilt city flashing by, and asks: "Are you in?" You consider. Either staying safely on earth helping to rebuild, or trapped somewhere on one of jupiter's moons with only a pistol and the cries of the dead to keep you company. "Sounds good to me." The General smiles grimly and points to the box on the seat. "In there you will find a briefing module with reports from the agents sent to Io. You will have time to familiarize yourself with the contents before the launch. Good luck." In the box, you find a lightweight black slab, similar to a notebook computer. At the touch of a button, the screen lights up with the words "MEMENTO MORI, OPERATION TWO". "Operation one was the mission you ran a year ago. Memento mori is latin. It's a death's head, a reminder of those who died in the invasion" the General translates. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mission Briefings] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sector: 01 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Outpost Operation Memento Mori 2. This is your first mission out of 30. Reports say that there are possibly 2 more sectors to get through, but we don't have any detailed info on this. Your mission now is pretty easy; get into sector 1 and save the area. Report any contact you get, find out what happened out there. A picture taken by our last drone doesn't show any activity, this might have changed since the picture was taken 3 days ago. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 02 Agent assigned: David Davidson ([email protected]) Mission title: The Feeding Pit This is simple. We need to get deeper into the planet, so get going and kill everything that moves. Should be a short trip. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 03 Agent assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Mission title: ...And Hell Beneath Intelligence has reported a large underground complex in the ground of IO that is inhabited with monsters of all kinds. Several scouts have been sent into it and reported that the whole structure seems to have been built around a large cave, containing a deep pool of blood. From its ground evil laughter and more unnatural sounds can be heard. Access to the pool is blocked by some barrier, so that nobody has been able to reach it so far, after short time the contact to one after another scout has been interrupted, their fate is unknown. The last scout was lost while being in a temple-like building, the last picture of his camera that was trans-mitted has been included with this file. YOUR MISSION: - find the pool and close it before more monsters are able to reach the moon - find the exit. DO NOT LEAVE THE CAVE WITHOUT CLOSING THE POOL! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 04 Agent assigned: Florian Helmberger ([email protected]) Mission title: Ratamahatta You are being sent to a place quite deep in hell which is inhabited with monsters of all kinds (you didn't expect that, did you?). We have sent Duck Nukem in to scout the area. He seems to not have achieved that much (nothing but cool talk). Anyway, we include the last picture of his HeadCam(tm) with this file - his last transmited words were: "This really pisses me off!". Go in there, kick butt and get out alive soldier! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 05 Agent assigned: Paul Noble ([email protected]) Mission title: Rites Of Passage Ok marine, here is the mission based in sector 5 of the combat zone, we'll go through it step by step so you don't miss anything.... Infiltration. We have sent three scout marines into this area and only one has managed to make it back with what looks like a very disturbed combat senario, there were update reports from the marines who didn't make it back about several varying areas, spanning deadly molten lava to a semi civilised area. Marine 002002345 who was second into the zone managed to setup the Close Range Teleporter Enhancement Pad (CRTEP) which will allow you to beam directly to the area and bypass the initial enemy sentries... Enemy deployments. The scout marines encountered varying forms of depraved fiends and also several zombified marines who are to be looked out for - see if you can appeal to their human side and then they may help you. The 1st scout in was quickly dispatched by what looked like what we know as imps but the image was very badly effected by the site locations interference. Scout 2 managed to make it to a moat of burning lava before he was exploded by a massive energy discharge - viewing his bod-cam the bolt of energy seemed to emanate from over the moat. Third in managed to make it a bit further before he request evac, but his exploration has left him a jibbering wreak and it was only with intense electroshock therapy that we managed to get any real information out of him. It seems that the self destruct switch for this bunker system is actually beyond the moat - how to get to this or excatly where it is, is what you'll have to discover... Armament. It seems that the demons have wised up to our CRTEP as they have scrambled the signal some what, when we beamed down your supplies the equipment was spread through the combat area, so you'll have to go in with just the bare minimum as the CRTEP does not allow us to download you with too much mass so you'll only have your pistol and the faithful knuckle dusters. Priority. Kill as many of the Hell Spawn as possible, and get out of there... Come back alive and you'll be awarded ice cream privilages for two whole weeks, oh and a medal I suppose. Good Luck Marine, and Kick ASS! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 06 Agent assigned: Adam Williamson ([email protected]) Mission title: Trapped Alright, listen up marine. We sent some scouts into this next zone, but they didn't get very far. All but one had their cameras knocked out immediately, and that one managed to get one picture back before it lost the camera. The last transmission we got was... "...Darkish corridors. A few traps. Keycard. Returning to previously secured area. Using keycard...." The transmission cuts out for a few minutes. "Heading inside large building. Using lift. S**T! THE WALLS ARE OPENING!!!!" That is all we heard. It seems to indicate some large traps in operation in this area, so be on your guard! Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 07 Agent assigned: David Kuykendall ([email protected]) Mission title: Frustration Finally you fight and frag your way out of hell, a sewer tunnel looms before you, light shines at the end. Salvation! You have beaten them! Not too hard you think to yourself, a cakewalk compared to last time... Well, time to go home. Humming to yourself you sling your shotgun over your shoulder you make your way to the exit, only to find that it is blocked! Well dammit, must be a way around... how bout this ladder...? Hmmm, maybe your not done yet... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 08 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Stigmata Civilians have reported that the hordes changed their Drinking Water Supply to a slime producing machine. The slime is now used to eliminate all human lifeform in this region. The civilians locked some of the doors to stop the demonic invasion, unfortunately it was too late. Your mission target: find the keys, kill all demons and stop the slime machine. Then find the way back to your mission control and report what you've found. Don't come back without deactivating the machine! Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 09 Agent assigned: Mark Klem ([email protected]) Mission title: Sabbath Sewer [Agent report follows] We appear to be in some sort of inescapable hole inside the city. My shotgun lies on the ground from where I dropped it when I fell in this hole. You know, like those idiots do in the movies. We managed to pry up a manhole cover and toss it aside. This is the only way possible to get any further. There is an old abandoned church here that is accessible from the sewers. Heavily gaurded and they ain't preaching the gospel. The church holds a super shotgun and some major health provisions. The exit is here, but will require a blue key. Better get movin'; there's no time to pray. [End Of Report] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 10 Agent assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Mission title: Clear For Death Well, sorry to tell you, but you'll have to descent into the sewers again. Your goal is area 11, but the entrance is located in sector 10 in an old sewage-farm that has been overtaken. The way into the actual sewage-system is secured by keycards - maybe you'll have to find them first. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 11 Agent assigned: Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Mission title: Sewer Shutdown You need to get into the city and check for signs of life. The best route is through the sewers. By the time you reach this point, you should be at the heart of the sewer processing facility - and the city. Since the demons have invaded, little is known about the state of this facility, but this image from one of our scouts may help. We do know it is not 100% operational. It must have been damaged in some way. You must reach the central point of the processing facility and shut it down. Once the system has been shut down, you should be able to obtain access to the city. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 12 Agent assigned: Orin Flaharty ([email protected]) Mission title: The Waterway Your mission is to enter the area and clear out all remaining enemy resistance. Take out as many demons as you can and move on to the next area. Troop #93 Report: Thin walkways over underground rivers make up the majority of this area. The huge underground caverns that make up this area are filled with some of the weaker Hellspawn, but we did see signs that larger demons had been here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 13 Agent assigned: Rhys Hughes ([email protected]) Mission title: Devils Paradise Okay troopers listen up. This is area 13 also known to the corp as DEVILS PARADISE. You better be paying attention marines because I'm not sending no damn recon team down there to bail you out. Okay? Right now, we are lead to belive that the damn hellspawn that were sending you in to wipe out have got thier hands on one of our A-bombs. Its up to you to go in, locate the threat and take care of it. There are some Arachnotrons located round in area 13 and they have some kind of psychic link to the A-bomb. Intelligence informs us that if you take care of them you'll take care of the bomb too. However fail to do this and you'll never leave that place alive... This just in marines. Intelligence informs us that they have located a living mass of somekind in the lower reaches of DEVILS PARADISE. We don't know what the hell it is but we can confirm that it posesses regenerative capabilities. So be on your toes at all times. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 14 Agents assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: A Question Of Time Hmm, we don't have much information about this thing. What we know is: You'll have to reach Area 15 quickly, and teleporter leading there is located in this building - so you'll probably have to go through it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 15 Agent assigned: Adam Windsor ([email protected]) Mission title: The Devil's Coterie One of the first areas to be overrun by the Demons in this latest infestation was an old UAC industrial and storage facility. We managed to have some reconnaissance pictures taken of the exterior, the clearest of which has been provided for this briefing. Although at that time the Demons were keeping out of sight, and we were unable to get any hard data on their numbers or strength, recent long range scans suggest significant infestation, and energy discharges matching those of teleport units in action have been detected. We anticipate a very hot reception for you. Watch your six, and don't be caught napping - there's no telling what traps the Demons have in store. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 16 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: The Nephilim Sector 16 used to be a big hightech area, dedicated to research of new teleporter facilities. Contact to this region lost a week ago, detailed information follows. The guy we sent into sector 16 didn't make it back; all we know is that the enemies came in from the west. Reports say that there seems to be a real big enemie somewhere, but we don't have any further info on this. The picture was one of the last received, vital signs suddenly disappeared a few seconds after transfer. Primary mission target: Teleport into this sector, eliminate all enemies and find your way back, report what happened to our troops and what's left of the computers. Secondary mission target: Find out more about that big enemy. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 17 Agent assigned: Michael S. Rapp ([email protected]) Mission title: No One (Ever Comes From Here) Reports from Sector 17 have been unclear. Every scout sent in to investigate the situation has not made it back alive. It seems that no one, ever comes from here. Now it's time to send in the big boys, that means you Marine. Your mission is to find a way to get to Sector 18. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 18 Agent assigned: Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Mission title: Regulate [local] - Start transmission BUILDerman (AZ375B) - "Hi, this is scout Ken BUILDerman, reporting from the refinery in sector 18. I have penetrated the base so far and not encountered anything harmfull, to be honest I don't think there's anything bad in this base, the evacuation was senseless. But of course you had to waste my brilliant talent on something like this and... - ah, never mind. I had to use some of the refinery's equipment to get here - some of the doors seem to be stuck, I'm off to reactivate the power generator. As you can see at the picture I'm sending you right now everything is fine, I won't need any hel...brzbrzbrzbrz." [local] - Transmission was interrupted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 19 Agent assigned: Jeremy Statz ([email protected]) Mission title: The Shaft The single scout sent into the mission 19 combat zone never returned. We've had to extrapolate almost everything about this area from the images and radio messages transmitted before the scout's demise in a temple-like area. So far as we can tell, the 19th CZ is some sort of mining facility, entirely underground. The hellspawn have taken it over, and have been building onto it heavily. We estimate the structure is nearly twice as large as we originally expected. The ultimate purpose of the structure is unknown. Mission priority is simply to wipe out the infestation. Leave nothing moving, if possible. Secondary priority is the discover the structure's purpose. So far as we can tell, there's little reason to the schizophrenic mess of structures making up this CZ. If there's an ultimate purpose, we'd like to know what it is. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 20 Agent Assigned: Alden Bates ([email protected]) Mission title: The Experiment Sector coverage: Laboratories, Grade-A clearance required for assess to data. Agent report follows: I have gained access to the laboratories and observed some of the monsters at work. I don't know what this place was used for before the invasion, it looks like [portion of text censored] and the creatures seem to be using it for something. At the moment I have reached the first laboratory. It looks to have carved from a natural underground cavern. Some of the small spider brains are supervising some zombies who are working on the [portion of text censored] and conducting what look like light-wave experiments. I thought I recognised one of the zombies, it may be a friend of mine. I'm going to try and make contact. Later I'm hoping to go deeper into the labs. It sounds like they're testing heavy weapons further in. +++ Report Ends +++ Last transmission recieved 3 days ago included visual scan. An enhanced version of this image is included with this report. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 21 Agent assigned: Andy Badorek ([email protected]) Mission title: Sanctuary Okay marines, you are in for trouble. Massive enemy activity has been reported in your destination area, strategically important places have been occupied by large numbers of enemy forces. Our scout team has reported that enemy forces concentrate around a place called SANCTUARY, which seems to be of special interest to the enemy. Unfortunately the scout team could not get close enough because the entryway was locked and surrounding buildings were well guarded. Your task is to jump in and clear the area of enemy presence, then proceed in order to find SANCTUARY, and, if possible, find out why it is important to the enemy. The scout team has discovered abandonned ammonition stocks in several places but you are advised to keep count on your ammo or you'll end up throwing stones at those beasts. You may expect massive opposition and ambush attacks. Before we lost contact with our scouts they reported a sudden rocket attack in a large square room in the most western part of your destination area. It is probably better to avoid that room if you want to make it home in one piece. Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 22 Agent assigned: Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Reactor Related Fuel Refinary The 22nd sector of our base at IO is our fuel refinary which produced fuel materials to enable electricity on IO's base by using special reactors. Scout transmissions report, that the monsters have modified it for their own use. We have vague thoughts, that they replicate themselfes with it, especially those monsters we call "pigs". Bio scanners report heavy-armored lifeforms in the north-eastern part of the sector - prepare yourself. Mission objective: Eliminate all intruders, means clean the sector and re-establish a working refinary (if possible). Special note: We can't equip you with heavy weapons this time cause the transmitters to this sector are damaged. So, look out for something you can use. Good luck. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 23 Agent assigned: Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Mission title: No Way Out The demons have sealed the emergency evacuation route and we can't get out. We've sent several scouts in an attempt to find another exit, but all attempts have failed. We did manage to get an image of the complex from one of the scouts before we lost contact with him. Send someone to move through the complex and find an alternate route. Please hurry... the demons are closing in on the area we have barricaded ourselves in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 24 Agent assigned: Sean Birkel ([email protected]) Mission title: Io Lab This region was one of the first human on Io. The technics are old and of no use, but the enemy might be interested in it. We don't expect any humans in there, since these buildings were closed months ago. The thing is, when you're back we don't want to have ANY creature out there anymore. So, get going. Nice and easy, you've got plenty of time for this. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 25 Agent assigned: Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Mission title: Forgotten Town Sector 25 used to be a residential district. Since most of the working places on this planet seem to be attacked by the evil hordes, we are anxious about the civilians living in sector 25. We didn't send any scouts in it, because this region always was very safe and there are still no known security problems. The picture was taken by the local camera system about 10 hours ago - the missing enemy movement and the silence of this area shows that it should be no problem for you. We need to get all humans out of this sector before any enemies try to attack. Mission objectives: get in and evacuate all civilians. Seal all doors and leave the sector. There's no doubt that this will be your easiest mission, there are no plans for fighting - if you encounter any enemy troops, retreat immediately. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 26 Agent assigned: Mark Klem ([email protected]) Mission title: Base Exposure Yesterday, a team of 4 went into sector 26 and had a run in with some cyberdemons. The reports that I received indicates that a few wildly placed rockets from one of the cyberdemon lords blew away a massive amount of wall structure revealing what may be an underground base of some sort. After me and a few others suited up, we locked on the coordinates of the base and went in... The entrance to the blown out wall is pretty high in radioactivity. The good news is; there isn't very much of it at all. Looks like most of it has dried up over the days. It was pretty well guarded by a team of former human sargents, and a few "pinkos" were placed down a hall for a surprise attack from behind. There also appears to be some sort of holding cell here for other demons. There must be a way in there, because a few items are visible. Deeper inside the metal encased operational facility is a red key, which is important to acquire if you ever want to leave this sector. If things start heatin' up, the sargents will move this key to another area. There is a teleporter revealed after you get the key which will take you back to the upper level of the base. But getting to it may deliver a slight problem; death. On the way to the exit, there will be many creatures that will do their best to stop you from getting out. The exit is trapped, so watch it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 27 Agent assigned: Paul Noble ([email protected]) Mission title: The Silos Sit down Marine, make yourself comfortable, for once this mission starts there won't be any rest, not even for the wicked... Mission Objectives. This mission is imperative to the success of Operation Memento Mori 2, the missile base which you'll be dropped into has fallen into the hands of the enemy, they don't know what they've got but we do. The site is a Guidance array and missile launch centre. Our Space Marines have been fighting a continuous battle in the space around the orbital platforms and have managed to force the main bulk of the demon hoards onto the biggest orbital platform (codenamed Icarus), unfortunately this platform is very well armed and we cannot make a landing on the platform to reclaim it. Thus it has been decided that it is to be destroyed utterly. To this ends you must enter the missile base, reconfigure the missile guidance array in the South East corner to point to the space platform, then you must seal all the silos ready for launch - all the silos have a double lock mechanism, make sure that all the lock switches are activated. Then finally you must activate the launch sequence, once done we can beam you off the base and onto your next mission. Infiltration. We have set up a drop site near the old Sentry gateway, this area should still have some weapons stocks of some sort near by... Enemy deployments. Reports claim that the Missile base is infested with all manner of humanoid killers, be they demon possessed troopers or the evils known as Mancabus, they are high tech, but in the brain department they are not up to much - think before you run in, if you can get them fighting each other then they'll do half your work for you. You'll find that there are serious concentrations of enemy operatives the further you progress through the base, be prepared for all manner of opposition... Priority. Seal all the missile silos and erect the missile guidance array, then get the hell out of there. This is going to be one helluva mission and the Earth Force are relying on you, make em eat hot lead death! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 28 Agent assigned: Stephen Watson ([email protected]) Mission title: Corporate Hell Mission Objective: Reach the top of the UAC corporate tower and secure the area by destroying all Hellspawn. Initial Scout Report: Before contact was lost with the four scouts sent in to perform preliminary recognaissance, they managed to send the following information: The UAC corporate compound is split up into two areas: A product testing facility and the corporate arcology super towers. A short-distance localized Teleporter Pad was set up by a scout in the product testing sector and that is where you will start the mission. Primary mission objectives here will be threefold: (1) clear the area of the hellspawn infestation, (2) acquire a security key that will allow entry into the corporate arcology super towers, and (3) locate and activate the switch that will open access to the teleporter pad that will take you to the coporate arcology sector. Scouts reported that the Key should be located in the Southwest building, the teleporter pad is the Northeast structure, and a switch allowing access to the teleporter pad is in the Central building. Strategy: Watch your back, Marine. You will be exposed from all sides in this area. Just keep moving and let the monsters take each other out. Conserve your ammo, scouts report you will need it in the next area... The Corporate Arcology is a collection of five towers and three skyscrapers. Your Primary Mission objectives here will be: (1) gain access to the highest floors by progressively hitting various security switches in the four 'satelitte' towers, (2) clear the area of Hellspawn, (3) once on the highest floor, take the teleporter to clear out the final West building to finish the mission. Scouts reported that each of the four towers attached off of the central tower house a Security Switch will allow the central elevator to reach the next higher level. The path to each of these towers is marked by a blue square which switches to black once you have come into proximity of a Security Switch. You may use this as a marker to tell where you have already been. Once in a 'satellite' tower, remember to check carefully for the Security Switch and to hit it. Otherwise you will waste valuable time backtracking. These Security Switches are recognizable by their proximity to a short techlamp. The South building houses a security key that may be used in the West building to resupply yourself if necessary. Be careful in this sector, as there are several nasty ambushes that have been devised by the more 'corporate minded' Hellspawn. Don't waste your ammo. Scouts marked key areas with Florescent Arrows. Look for them, they provide clues to pressure pads that activate lifts, or may contain caches of Ammo and Medical supplies. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 29 Agent assigned: Jens Nielsen ([email protected]) Mission title: Kings Of Metal Hmm. We seem to be quite near something REAL big, so watch out. 28 sectors are ours, let's bring this to an end. Obviously one of your last missions on IO - enjoy the violence! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sector: 30 Agent assigned: Jim Wraith ([email protected]) Mission title: It Well soldier, it doesn't look good.. All we've received from the target is a crackly radio transmission, from which we could only discern the fact that the area is *very* dangerous, and if the conditions weren't such we'd arm you with a H-Bomb. There's not much after this though.. Get past this one and you're home free.. Good luck trooper! If you read THIS far, here is a hint for 2 super-super-super-secret levels. They are stored somewhere in the whole MM2 thing and they will appear as Map01 (by Steve Towle) and Map02 (by Thomas Moeller). (I'm not talking about the 2 secret levels, everybody knows about). --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Credits] --------------------------------------------------------------------- A big thanks to id software for such an awesome game. Maps created by: Andy Badorek, Alden Bates, Sean Birkel, David Davidson, Orin Flaharty, Florian Helmberger, Rhys Hughes, Mark Klem, David Kuykendall, Denis Moeller, Thomas Moeller, Jens Nielsen, Paul Noble, Michael Rapp, Eric Sargent, Jeremy Statz, Steve Towle, Stephen Watson, Adam Williamson, Adam Windsor, Matthias Worch and Jim Wraith New music by: Mark Klem & David Shaw (see below) New graphics by: Thomas Moeller, Matthias Worch ([email protected], [email protected]) Programming, Texts, Misc stuff: Denis Moeller Special thanks to: John W. Anderson, for providing FTP space Michael Grube, for testing & suggestions You guys, for waiting this long :) Visit our Homepage at: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The MEMENTO MORI 2 Music PWAD (c) 1996, Mark A. Klem and David P. Shaw All entries (songs) in the MM2 Music PWAD are original compositions and are not to be reproduced (extracted) in any way without the consent of the two persons named above. MUSICAL SCORE CREDITS for Memento Mori 2 INTRO MUSIC by David P. Shaw STORYLINE MUSIC by David P. Shaw INTERMISSION MUSIC by Mark A. Klem MAPS 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30 and 31 by Mark A. Klem MAPS 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 32 by David P. Shaw We hope you enjoy the tunes as much as the levels. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please feel free to direct your comments and/or questions to: Mark A. Klem ([email protected]) or David P. Shaw ([email protected]) A very special thanks to Denis and Thomas Moeller of TiC. Without these guys, none of this would have been possible. If you haven't already done so, pick up the original mega-PWAD that started it all. Memento Mori 1 can be obtained at (and its mirrors): --------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, here's a list of all maps with author and e-mail address. Also, a '*' indicates a seperated DM part inside the map (which doesn't mean that the others are not worth playing in DM!). Memento Mori 2, (c) MM2 Crew, 7/96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Map 01 - Outpost * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 02 - The Feeding Pit by David Davidson ([email protected]) Map 03 - ...and hell beneath * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Map 04 - Ratamahatta by Florian Helmberger ([email protected]) Map 05 - Rites Of Passage by Paul Noble ([email protected]) Map 06 - Trapped * by Adam Williamson ([email protected]) Map 07 - Frustration * by David Kuykendall ([email protected]) Map 08 - Stigmata * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 09 - Sabbath Sewer by Mark Klem ([email protected]) Map 10 - Clear For Death * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Map 11 - Sewer Shutdown by Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Map 12 - The Waterway by Orin Flaharty ([email protected]) Map 13 - Devils Paradise by Rhys Hughes ([email protected]) Map 14 - A Question Of Time * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) & Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Map 15 - The Devil's Coterie * by Adam Windsor ([email protected]) Map 16 - The Nephilim * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 17 - No One by Michael Rapp ([email protected]) Map 18 - Regulate * by Matthias Worch ([email protected]) Map 19 - The Shaft * by Jeremy Statz ([email protected]) Map 20 - The Experiment by Alden Bates ([email protected]) Map 21 - Sanctuary * by Andy Badorek ([email protected]) Map 22 - R.R.F.Refinery * by Thomas Moeller ([email protected]) Map 23 - No Way Out * by Eric Sargent ([email protected]) Map 24 - Io Lab by Sean Birkel ([email protected]) Map 25 - Forgotten Town * by Denis Moeller ([email protected]) Map 26 - Base Exposure by Mark Klem ([email protected]) Map 27 - The Silos by Paul Noble ([email protected]) Map 28 - Corporate Hell * by Stephen Watson ([email protected]) Map 29 - Kings Of Metal by Jens Nielsen ([email protected]) Map 30 - It by Jim Wraith ([email protected]) Map 31 - DejaVu by Orin Flaharty ([email protected]) Map 32 - Dances With Demons by David Kuykendall ([email protected]) --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Problems?] Q1: Everytime I start Doom 2 with the MM2 WADs, it breaks after a short while. What the hell? A1: MM2's ingame Demos are recorded with v1.9, you prolly use an older version. Update Doom 2 or be quick enough to start a game before Doom 2 kicks you. Q2: Modem play doesn't work, it just won't run. A2: Use id's DeathManager and try leaving the music WAD (MM2MUS.WAD). Q3: We played MM2 Co-Op and saved a game. Now how can we go on later, loading the saved game? A3: Try '-loadgame x' at the command line for the DeathManager, x being the number of your saved game. Read Doom 2's readme. Q4: How come this Add-On is for Doom 2, not Quake? A4: Because building started months ago and Quake just happened to be out too early (doh!). Q5: I heared there are 2 super-super-super-secret levels somewhere, come on, tell me how to get there! A5: No. Q666: Are you guys nuts? MM2 is soooo awesome, what can I do to help you guys spreading this incredible Add-On? A666: Let everyone know about MM2, post to newsgroups, let id know, copy it, copy it, copy it, visit our Homepage... etc :) Q7: Have you guysgot no life, no other interest that you can do something this cool? A7: No, thats why you can expect Memento Mori III - The Quake Encounter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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