'Peru Hero'...They Will Repent of invade our Home!
'Peru Hero'...They Will Repent of invade our Home! - peruhero.wad (Final Doom: Plutonia) is a PWAD
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Final Doom: Plutonia
Doom II
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================================================================ Title : 'Peru Hero'...They Will Repent of invade our Home! FileName : PERUHERO.WAD v.1.1 (You can use it for Doom and Doom ][) Author : Javier Fdo. Almenara Otoya. Email Address : [email protected] Misc. Author Info : Developer also for Special Tools for DOOM (DCF, NeTDooM) and WAD Stuff (levels, and textures). Description : The Story So Far... The UAC (Union AeroSpace Corporation), told a long time ago about the plans and experiments on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. The last time the Gateways and Computers became berserk... now it's worst. That Gateways are here in Earth and as a way of Doors To Hell they are bringing here the most horrible creatures and vulgarities. The 'HellRaiser' is in our Home... now what?! The Human JAO (Juventus Armagedon Organization), is searching for someone that can act like a 'volunteer' to face these atrocities. They don't want a 'Rambo' or a 'Terminator' but they really want a 'brave' man that can end all this NighTmarE! A Peruvian correspondent said: 'I know the man you are looking for... he will be here tomorrow'. Time was the Enemy; one minute one person die. But he arrived there; he was strange. The boss of the Human JAO said: 'You have a Great Mission Mr... maybe we won't see you again; but think that your 'braveheart' will be remember forever'. The PeruHero said: 'They Will Repent Of Comming Here... I'm the 'Punisher'... I'll Win'. He left the place, pick up his guns and backpack and... It is time for 'you' to play! Additional Credits to : id Software for their DOOM Rocket Dragon (Max Skin) e-mail:[email protected] Alec Bellanca (Pirate Skin) e-mail:[email protected] ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : I think you'll find this soldier everywhere. (You shall apply the correct engine; like Legacy or ZDoom). Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (the skill of the original DOOM). New Sounds : Yes New Music : Yes, only for Map01 (Doom ][). New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : An Skin replacement with the Original 'Zombieman' of DOOM. Build Time : Really, I don't get the time... Editor(s) used : WinTex 4.3,,, what more? Known Bugs : Anyone (¨?). If you find some strange problem with the M_Doom logo, please unzip the patch file and read the text file. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this skin as a base to build additional skins :) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: Well, you can get it at: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom2 BBS numbers: By the moment there is no BBS number; sorry :( Other: You can E-mail me, and I can send it to you :)

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