Artica 3
I think the series is developing somewhat of a plot. I utilized the DEHACKED lump that MBF allows even more now. Here's how it is:
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Doom II
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Date Completed : January 8, 1998 Title : Artica 3 Filename : artica3.wad Other Works : Eulogy Series, Dismemberment, 10 maps in SurgeDM Author : Cyberdemon (Mike Watson) Email Address : [email protected] Description : I think the series is developing somewhat of a plot. I utilized the DEHACKED lump that MBF allows even more now. Here's how it is: The teleporter you jumped into at the end of Artica 2 was made by the inhabitants of this strange planet. Sadly, they never perfected the technology, and the portholes are unstable. Not only did it strip you of your ammo and weapons, but also most of your health. Of course, it's not like they didn't know that was going to happen. Additional Credits to : id Software for Doom, Lee Killough for MBF, Nick Baker and the Surge team for the snow and ice graphics, mystican for getting me the scuba gear sprite(from Duke 3D), ricrob for hosting this at his page as an exclusive(my second time I think) and anyone else I missed, you know who your are, that or you don't give a damn. =============================================================== * Play Information * Game : MBF and Doom 2, haven't tested it with Boom, but it probably will 'work'. MBF is about 90% better and more stable then Boom anyway Level # : map01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes Note : A few helpers in this map. I won't give away who they are though. The first one really dosen't doo too much(takes out a few bad dudes, but then he can't follow you)but the next bunch will definetly be useful to you. New Sounds : None New Graphics : Sky, snow, ice, SCUBA gear sprite, and some other graphics I made(mods of Doom textures) New Music : Nope, maybe next time. Demos Replaced : Feel free to send demos. Dehacked Patch : Yes, as a lump in the wad(there's a reason to use MBF and not Boom) * Construction * Base : Level from scratch Editor(s) used : WadEd, WadAuthor, Warm, BSP, RMB, CLED, PSP, NWT and WinTex...whew. Build time : Erm, a week I think... Known Bugs : Should be good to go Misc. : I built reject with RMB again(you 486ers will appreciate that)also I had to use BSP for the nodes because WARM doesn't seen to make a HOM-free transparent door(dang). WinTex because I'm trying to learn it and NWT crashes Win98 all the time. Plus it's easier to make new textures with WinTex. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file) Where to Get this wad: FTP:, BBS: Damn, this is a pointless line of text. Other: Hey, look more pointless text! Yay!!