

A single player level for ZDoom.

2.60 MB
WAD Type
Doom II

Read Me

Title                   : Decade
Filename                : decade.wad
Distributed As...	:
Release Date		: 3rd June 2004

Author                  : Russell Pearson
Email Address           : [email protected] (subject title 'DOOM')
Website			:
Description             : A single player level for ZDoom.

Additional Credits to   : Nigel 'Enjay' Rowand - playtester.
			   Enjay's 'little place of doom' is at

			  Sock - I used a couple of Sock's Q3A
			   grate textures. His website can be found

Other Files By Author   : Null Space     	 	(
			  Doom Raider (lite version)	(
			  Doom Raider (full version)	(
			  Lego Base	 	 	(
			  Lego Base Enhanced 	 	(
			  Tunnel Run     	 	(
			  Blastem 2      	 	(
			  DoomTown		 	(
			  Deleted Scene  	 	(
			  Deleted Scene2 	 	(
			  Okori				(
			  Close Kill     	 	(
			  Voidtest       	 	(
			  Lego Textures  	 	(
			  Wood gfx       	 	(
			  Doom2 Flats    	 	(
			  Lego Base Original Cut 	(
			  Fear Spirits			(
			  Twin Pistols			(
			  ZDoom Tooth Door		(
			  Spider Demon Railgunner 	(
* Play Information *

Advanced engine needed  : Yes. ZDoom (whatever the latest version is.
				      I tested this using Zdoom cab63.)
New Levels		: Yes
Episode and Level #     : MAP 01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
Recommended Difficulty	: Ultra Violence
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : from Doom(1)
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos Replaced          : No
Other files required    : None

* Construction *

Base                    : This was built from scratch but based on a number
			  of sections from the original Doom1 and Doom2 maps.

Editor(s) used          : Wintex, PSP, Wad Author, Dehacked, XWE and Notepad :)
Known Bugs              : None

* Copyright *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.

This level is copyright Russell DD Pearson (2004). You may
distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.

* Blah de blah de blah *


11th December 2003 was Dooms 10th anniversary. I only found out about this in mid
November but decided I should make a map to celebrate the fact anyway. I'd had this
idea kicking around in my head for a MAP01 E1M1 hybrid for quite a while so I set
about building that. The 3 odd weeks I had to complete the map was going to be tight
but I though it managable. How wrong I was :)

I did pretty much finish the map within the alloted time period but it was, to put
it mildly, rubbish. So I abandoned that idea, salvaged what was good from it and
exapanded it from there. 6 months later this is the result. It's effectively a number
of re-interpretations of areas from Doom1 and Doom2 maps thrown together.

It's probably far too linear and a lot larger than I originally planned (it'll probably
take most people just under a hour to complete). This level throws ALOT of monsters at
you and at certain points in the map there is the potential for the player to stand in
the doorway and just shoot everything that comes out of the room. I realise that it's
not going to be to everyones tastes.

I designed this map to be played on UV skill setting. I have made slight modifications
for the lower skill levels. On HMP you'll get the shotgun almost immediately and a few
of the monsters have been removed (and I mean a FEW). On skills 1 and 2 you'll also
get the green armour immediately and slightly more healing and ammo at certain points
in the map (but not a great deal more). A few more monsters have been removed (or
changed) for levels 1 and 2.

Jumping is allowed. In fact you'll need to jump, but there is nothing too tricky.

There are loads of areas from Doom maps that I would loved to have included in this
map but I had to draw things to a close otherwise I'd have never finished this.

The title screen doom logo was taken from a doom desktop image that was in turn a
modification of the q3a install screen. Can't remember who did this modification.
If the author contacts me i'll adjust this text file to credit him (or her).

Finally, happy birthday to my son Matthew, who is 7 today :)

-Russell Pearson (3rd June 2004)
email: [email protected] (put 'DOOM' in the subject title or your email may be
			  accidently deleted as spam).




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns