Voodoo Veyor - Scrapped Portion

Voodoo Veyor - Scrapped Portion

A scrapped portion I made to test out an idea for another currently in-progress WAD of mine. Here, you are placed into a 4-way conveyor belt intersection pit...

45.10 KB
WAD Type
Doom II

Read Me

Advanced engine needed  : Boom compatible at least
Primary purpose         : Single play
Title                   : Voodoo Veyor - Scrapped Portion
Filename(s)             : voodvysc.wad
Release date            : May 21, 2009
Author                  : TheeXile
Email Address           : [email protected]
Other Files By Author   : MLS.wad, Ctrl_cen.wad

Description		: A scrapped portion I made to test out an idea for
			  another currently in-progress WAD of mine.  Here,
			  you are placed into a 4-way conveyor belt
			  intersection pit with no escape.  Enemies, items,
			  and other tricks and traps will appear on each of
			  the conveyors.  You must survive this onslaught
			  until it is over.

			  Note that this is pretty ugly in its current form
			  and that after the last monster (the Baron), no
			  exit is available.  This is basically just a
			  proof of concept map, really.  I might polish it
			  more later, if change my mind and decide to use

			  IMPORTANT: You will need the Community Chest 4
			  texture wad to play this:


Gameplay Information	: The key here is to keep looking around you and to
			  fire in short bursts with the Chaingun.  You need
			  to do this not simply to save ammo, but also to
			  ensure long range accuracy for your shots.  The
			  Doom Chaingun has a property where the first two
			  shots fired in a sequence will be perfectly
			  accurate, but all subsequent shots wll scatter.
			  This map ought to give you good practice at doing

			  I designed this with for my own playability, so
			  your effectiveness may vary.  I originally had
			  this much more difficult than it is now, but I've
			  since toned it
 down for this release.

Running this level:
I've only tested it on PRBoom-plus and Zdoom thus far, but it should run on
any boom-compatible engine that supports voodoo dolls.
* What is included *

New levels              : 1
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : cc4-tex.wad (Community Chest 4 texture wad)


* Play Information *

Game                    : DooM 2
Map #                   : Map01
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : No
Difficulty Settings     : No

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : I forget
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, Doom Builder 2, XWE
Known Bugs              : Email me if you find any.
May Not Run With        : Any port that isn't equipped to handle voodoo
			  dolls or Boom stuff.
Tested With             : PrBoom, Zdoom

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.
FTP sites: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns