This level was built using the actual floorplans of part of Wilson College, a dorm complex at Princeton University. The design features two large courtyards ...

pr1.wad, princtn1.wad,
91.92 KB
WAD Type

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.WAD File for DOOM with the following level(s):
Title                   :PRINCTN1.WAD
Author                  :Michael Reilly
E-Mail Address          :[email protected]

Description             :This level was built using the actual floorplans
			of part of Wilson College, a dorm complex at 
			Princeton University. The design features two large 
			courtyards along with many of the dark hallways found 
			in the buildings here.  The dining hall is a 
			particularly unpleasant area (both in this wad file 
			and in reality.)  For those familiar with Princeton,
			the buildings included are Clapp Hall, 1938 Hall,
			and Wilcox Hall.

Notes                   :The level appears to work reasonably well with 
			single player and deathmatch.  Cooperative play was
			not tested, but presumably it should also work.
			Actual residents of all rooms involved have been 
			included as troopers or sargeants, so be sure to 
			say hello to them before you blow apart their 
				The sound files included feature sounds 
			typically made by certain residents of Clapp Hall
			as they play DOOM.  The prsound.bat file will
			replace the original sounds with the new sounds,
			and restore.bat will put the original sounds back
			in place.
Additional Credits:     :John Nied and Jonathan Karpick for beta testing,
			Charles Brodhead and Eric Stern for the sounds, and
			many others too numerous to name for advice on 
			wall textures, monster placement, etc.
* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     :E3M1 
Single Player           :Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  :Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   :Yes
Difficulty Settings     :Yes (use easier difficulty levels than Ultra-
			violence at your own peril...)

* Construction *

Base:                   :New Level
Build Time:             :Approximately forty hours
Editors used:           :DEU v5.0 and BSP v1.0
Known Bugs:             :None known, although some certainly must exist.

* Copyrights / Permissions *
Please feel free to redistribute this wad file as much as you want, or to 
modify it, as long as you include this text file along with it.  Please 
e-mail me with any comments, complaints, or questions you may have at the
address given above.

					Michael Reilly
					[email protected]
					CompuServe: 72310,1542
Title                   :PRINCTN1.WAD
Author                  :Michael Reilly
E-Mail Address          :[email protected]

Description             :This level was built using the actual floorplans
			of part of Wilson College, a dorm complex at 
			Princeton University. The design features two large 
			courtyards along with many of the dark hallways found 
			in the buildings here.  The dining hall is a 
			particularly unpleasant area (both in this wad file 
			and in reality.)  For those familiar with Princeton,
			the buildings included are Clapp Hall, 1938 Hall,
			and Wilcox Hall.

Notes                   :The level appears to work reasonably well with 
			single player and deathmatch.  Cooperative play was
			not tested, but presumably it should also work.
			Actual residents of all rooms involved have been 
			included as troopers or sargeants, so be sure to 
			say hello to them before you blow apart their 
				The sound files included feature sounds 
			typically made by certain residents of Clapp Hall
			as they play DOOM.  The prsound.bat file will
			replace the original sounds with the new sounds,
			and restore.bat will put the original sounds back
			in place.
Additional Credits:     :John Nied and Jonathan Karpick for beta testing,
			Charles Brodhead and Eric Stern for the sounds, and
			many others too numerous to name for advice on 
			wall textures, monster placement, etc.
* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     :E3M1 
Single Player           :Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  :Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   :Yes
Difficulty Settings     :Yes (use easier difficulty levels than Ultra-
			violence at your own peril...)

* Construction *

Base:                   :New Level
Build Time:             :Approximately forty hours
Editors used:           :DEU v5.0 and BSP v1.0
Known Bugs:             :None known, although some certainly must exist.

* Copyrights / Permissions *
Please feel free to redistribute this wad file as much as you want, or to 
modify it, as long as you include this text file along with it.  Please 
e-mail me with any comments, complaints, or questions you may have at the
address given above.

					Michael Reilly
					[email protected]
					CompuServe: 72310,1542




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns