1fiffy2.zip, fiffy2.wad, FIFFY2.WAD, FIFFY2.ZIP
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***** SNESPC U.S.A. PRESENTS..... SATAN'S CASTLE! ***** ----------------------------------------------------------- un(c)1994 by REoL (Resident Expert of Leominster) To play, start a new game under the INFERNO episode! THIS IS THE BEST AND TOUGHEST LEVEL YOU'LL PROBABLY EVER PLAY! It's hard to make your way through the front door! THAT is how hard it is! If you make it through this "30 minute" stage (refering how long it takes to play the ENTIRE level, secrets and all), IT'S A MIRACLE YOU DID! PAR TIME: Don't you hate those impossible par times? anyway, although I can't change the par time shown, see if you can finnish this level in 10 minutes. Sounds easy to do, doesn't it? IT'S NOT! TRUST ME! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! After destroying Lucifer's new "hell raising" base on top of Mount McKinley (FIFFY.WAD available on AOL), you decide to get even for his evil deeds. You go back to hell and wreck his home, or should I say, CASTLE! You need the REGISTERED version of DOOM. And you'll also need a lot of patience, after all, this isn't a typical 5 - 15 minute hellish PWAD, it's tested to be up to THIRTY MINUTES+ OF TOTAL HELL! * There are some neat features in this "humble" abode: For deathmatch, a "secret" hiding spot! You can see your friends, but they can't see you! Shoot your friend's brains out, and he won't even see the sparks coming out of your gun! * You can possibly run through my last name (FIFFY)! * You can't find or get to that secret exit in episode 3, mission 6? HERE'S YOUR SECOND CHANCE! * REALISTIC SHADDOWING! Areas get darker as you move away from lit areas. You'll see that graduations in the main entryway of the castle (ID Software couldn't do this!). * To make ID Software proud, 9 upside-down crosses! (A note to you religous buffs. Don't say I didn't warn you!) There is a tenth, standing upright! Why? You'll be thank- ing GOD for letting you survive this death trap! * You and a friend can battle it out between turrets! KNOWN BOO-BOOS: Again, some deaf monsters get new batteries for their hearing aids (suposed to be deaf, but SOMETIMES are not). Floor and ceiling textures for the teleporters are WAY off center! (some are close!) I can't understand it! At least they work, and can be recognized. DURRING BETA TESTING throughout the building process, this level is known to CRASH! This may be just my PC, since it crashes everything a lot. If this level DOES crash or lock up, turn off your EMM386 memory manager. It ALWAYS worked after that was done. ! Memorize any points where lockup can happen, and save your game BEFORE you reach it! You won't have to do all that hard work again! Can you remember WAR.WAD (available as #_WAR_#.ZIP on AOL)? Here comes the sequel, WAR2.WAD! Will be the hardest and best built WAD I made! I've come a loooooooong way! FEEL FREE TO DISTRIBUTE to all your DOOM friends! -George Fiffy, a.k.a. REoL MORAL OF THE DAY: DON'T SIT IN MAYONAISE. Look for other REoL TOUGH DOOM levels on AOL, Software Creations, and Real Time! #_WAR_#.ZIP WAR.WAD: Fight against many mean bosses! 1FIFFY.ZIP FIFFY.WAD: Hell atop Mt. McKinley! 1FIFFY2.ZIP FIFFY2.ZIP: Trash Satan's Castle! (good luck!)
***** SNESPC U.S.A. PRESENTS..... SATAN'S CASTLE! ***** ----------------------------------------------------------- un(c)1994 by REoL (Resident Expert of Leominster) To play, start a new game under the INFERNO episode! THIS IS THE BEST AND TOUGHEST LEVEL YOU'LL PROBABLY EVER PLAY! It's hard to make your way through the front door! THAT is how hard it is! If you make it through this "30 minute" stage (refering how long it takes to play the ENTIRE level, secrets and all), IT'S A MIRACLE YOU DID! PAR TIME: Don't you hate those impossible par times? anyway, although I can't change the par time shown, see if you can finnish this level in 10 minutes. Sounds easy to do, doesn't it? IT'S NOT! TRUST ME! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! After destroying Lucifer's new "hell raising" base on top of Mount McKinley (FIFFY.WAD available on AOL), you decide to get even for his evil deeds. You go back to hell and wreck his home, or should I say, CASTLE! You need the REGISTERED version of DOOM. And you'll also need a lot of patience, after all, this isn't a typical 5 - 15 minute hellish PWAD, it's tested to be up to THIRTY MINUTES+ OF TOTAL HELL! * There are some neat features in this "humble" abode: For deathmatch, a "secret" hiding spot! You can see your friends, but they can't see you! Shoot your friend's brains out, and he won't even see the sparks coming out of your gun! * You can possibly run through my last name (FIFFY)! * You can't find or get to that secret exit in episode 3, mission 6? HERE'S YOUR SECOND CHANCE! * REALISTIC SHADDOWING! Areas get darker as you move away from lit areas. You'll see that graduations in the main entryway of the castle (ID Software couldn't do this!). * To make ID Software proud, 9 upside-down crosses! (A note to you religous buffs. Don't say I didn't warn you!) There is a tenth, standing upright! Why? You'll be thank- ing GOD for letting you survive this death trap! * You and a friend can battle it out between turrets! KNOWN BOO-BOOS: Again, some deaf monsters get new batteries for their hearing aids (suposed to be deaf, but SOMETIMES are not). Floor and ceiling textures for the teleporters are WAY off center! (some are close!) I can't understand it! At least they work, and can be recognized. DURRING BETA TESTING throughout the building process, this level is known to CRASH! This may be just my PC, since it crashes everything a lot. If this level DOES crash or lock up, turn off your EMM386 memory manager. It ALWAYS worked after that was done. ! Memorize any points where lockup can happen, and save your game BEFORE you reach it! You won't have to do all that hard work again! Can you remember WAR.WAD (available as #_WAR_#.ZIP on AOL)? Here comes the sequel, WAR2.WAD! Will be the hardest and best built WAD I made! I've come a loooooooong way! FEEL FREE TO DISTRIBUTE to all your DOOM friends! -George Fiffy, a.k.a. REoL MORAL OF THE DAY: DON'T SIT IN MAYONAISE. Look for other REoL TOUGH DOOM levels on AOL, Software Creations, and Real Time! #_WAR_#.ZIP WAR.WAD: Fight against many mean bosses! 1FIFFY.ZIP FIFFY.WAD: Hell atop Mt. McKinley! 1FIFFY2.ZIP FIFFY2.ZIP: Trash Satan's Castle! (good luck!)