Plutonia 1024: The Plutinya Exeriment
5.98 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP11, MAP13, MAP14, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP21, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30, MAP31, MAP32, MAP33, MAP12, MAP15, MAP22, MAP10, MAP01
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=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Boom Compatible Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Plutonia 1024: The Plutinya Exeriment Filename : pl1024.WAD Release date : 03/07/2015 Email : [email protected](40oz's email address) Author : Various Description : 32 single player Plutonia-themed 1024 maps designed by various Doomworld community members. Additional Credits to : Id Software for DOOM and Final DOOM Dario and Milo Casali for The Plutonia Experiment TeamTNT for Boom All the mappers who contributed to the project, particularly those who had to make many multiple versions of their map before being accepted into the project. Special Thanks to Rook for starting a map despite growing health concerns and limited time -- Please Get Well!! Also a special thanks to those who attempted to make a map and didn't finish or finalize before the deadline, especially FellowZDoomer, Miss Bubbles, Uncle 80, KiiiYiiiKiiiA, superluigieth, and darkreaver. A HUGE thanks to the playtesting team: Getsu Fune, Keyboard_Doomer, Captain Toenail, and EffinHamHuffNagel. Also thanks to [WH]-Wilou84, Memfis, Demonologist and ProcessingControl for their testing input. Memfis for leading an unsuccessful(?) boycotting coalition against 1024 projects. TimeOfDeath for the sky transfer prefab that I used to quickly assign desired skies to each map. And Obsidian for doing the final compilation and uploading it to the archives - took him 6 months to do it, but still. Anyone who posted positively in the project development thread, and all the players who intend to play Plutinya! We wouldn't have done this without you!! Map List : All maps are constructed out of love of the Doomworld Community MAP01: "Mt. Lazarev"....................joe-ilya MAP02: "Tenochtitlan"...................Inkie MAP03: "Plutonic Plate Shift"...........Dreadopp MAP04: "Confinement Point"..............gothic MAP05: "It's a Trap!"...................Walter Confalonieri MAP06: "The Den"........................Count651 MAP07: "Green Destiny"..................Rook & Surreily MAP08: "Midnight".......................Noneellama MAP09: "Blood Waves"....................FullMoonDog MAP10: "Surrounded".....................z0k MAP11: "Fatalist".......................Captain Toenail MAP12: "Problematic Conditions".........Breezeep MAP13: "Burgalveist"....................Megalyth MAP14: "And All That Could Have Been"...Breezeep & Marcaek MAP15: "Archipelago"....................40oz MAP16: "Fellspring".....................Obsidian MAP17: "The Pool of Blood"..............Surreily MAP18: "Litany".........................A.Gamma MAP19: "Constant Motion"................Jimmy MAP20: "Charnel's Cellar"...............Marcaek MAP21: "Todofina".......................Phml MAP22: "Atomic Garden"..................joe-ilya MAP23: "Bloodlust"......................Phobus MAP24: "Ascent".........................Captain Toenail MAP25: "Impish Delight".................Archi MAP26: "Vice"...........................Corsair MAP27: "Necroseptic Gut-Plunger"........Ed MAP28: "Halls of Pain"..................Surreily MAP29: "Drowning Pool"..................General Rainbow Bacon & Obsidian MAP28: "Eternal Sleep"..................Obsidian & EffinghmHuffnagel MAP31: "Cybercage"......................gothic MAP32: "The Sickening Grove"............Obsidian MAP33: "Jungle Juice"...................NoisyVelvet =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 33 levels (MAP33 accessible only in ZDoom) Sounds : No Music : Yes (prcp.wad, pl2.wad, and Plutonia Midi Project) Graphics : Yes (TITLEPIC, M_DOOM, CREDIT, INTERPIC and BOSSBACK) Dehacked/BEX Patch : Dehacked, for map titles and music assigning Demos : Yes (Thanks, Corsair!) Other : All the love of Plutonia and 1024 maps you could ever ask for. Also MAPINFO. Other files required : PLUTONIA.WAD iwad * Play Information * Game : Final Doom - PLUTONIA.WAD Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes! * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 3 months, followed by about 5 or 6 months of inactivity Known Bugs : If you're looking for Final Doom The Way The Casali Brothers Would if They Made 1024 Maps (FDTWTCBWiTM1024), You're playing the wrong wad. Maps were tested and reviewed so that maps resemble the general Plutonia theme, but not under extreme scrutiny. We understand that it doesn't match Plutonia Experiment to the very last split hair. Doing so was not the project goal. Not designed to support Multiplayer, though some maps contain player 2-4 starts and deathmatch starts. May Not Run With... : DOOM2.WAD, or in Vanilla or limit removing source ports (requires a boom compatible source port and PLUTONIA.WAD iwad) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: and mirrors
Plutonic Plate Shift (MAP03)
Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
And All That Could Have Been (MAP14)
Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
Necroseptic Gut-Plunger (MAP27)
Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
The Sickening Grove (MAP32)
Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time
Problematic Conditions (MAP12)
Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Par Time

Thanks for playing PLUTINYA! List of people in this team : Project starter : 40oz Mappers : 40oz-Phml-Jimmy-NoneeLiama-Phobus-Gothic Dreadopp-Breezeep-Z0k-Inkie-Surreily-Obsidian-Corsair Captain Toenail-Count651-Archi-Rook-Joe-ilya-Fellowzdoomer Miss Bubbles-Ed-NoisyVelvet-Marcaek-Walter Confalonieri Uncle 80-Megalyth-A. Gamma-FullMoonDog Playtesters : Keyboard_Doomer-Getsu Fune-Captain Toenail Graphics Artists : Joe-ilya-40oz-Fellowzdoomer-NoisyVelvet