Run For It!

A gameplay mod, it adds legs and ability to run to a lot of objects that never asked for this.

4.21 MB
WAD Type
GZDoom, Zandronum, ZDoom

Read Me

Update to               : combos/
Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom 2.8.1+, GZDoom 1.9.1/2.1.1+, Zandronum 3+
Primary purpose         : Single play
Title                   : Run For It!
Filename                :
Release date            : 12/05/16
Author                  : Cherepoc
Email Address           : [redacted]

Description             : A gameplay mod, it adds legs and ability to run to
                          a lot of objects that never asked for this.

Additional Credits to   : FartBlaster - artwork (also testing),
                          Don Carroll - Yakety Axe midi arrangement,
                          Lots of people from (see manual),
                          Id Software - DooM,
                          Zdoom development team - ZDooM
* What is included *

New levels              : None
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : Around 4 months
Editor(s) used          : Slade 3, Notepad++, Paint.Net, Audacity, Reaper,
                          Poser, a custom texture utility I wrote
Known Bugs              : Lots of them, see manual
Tested With             : ZDoom 2.8.1, GZDoom 2.2.0

* Copyright / Permissions *

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even
commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link
to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any
reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you
or your use.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: and mirrors
Web sites:
* General stuff * (also sorry for my bad English)

"Run For It!" is a DooM gameplay mod, it adds legs and ability to run to a lot of objects that never asked for this.
Version: 1.0.3
Source ports: any based on ZDoom 2.8.1, including GZDoom 1.9.1/2.1.1+, Zandronum 3+ (does not work online with latest beta 161030-2038).
IWADS: any doom iwad.
Game modes: Single. Coop works too, deathmatch does not work well (see bugs).
Compatibility with other mods: compatible only if maps/graphics/sounds are changed. Changed graphics may result in weird looking running things though. Compatibility with anything else is not guaranteed.

* Credits *

Almost everything - Cherepoc
Everything else (titlepic and credit artwork, also testing) - FartBlaster
Sounds from
	transform.aif by harpoyume (
	footsteps on carpet.wav by semccab (
	balloon deflate by hareball101 (
	cartoon balloon deflate.wav by elektroproleter (
	blip-plock-pop by onikage22 (
Don Carroll - Yakety Axe midi arrangement
Id Software - DooM
Zdoom development team - ZDooM

* What The Hell??? *

Everything runs. Items run away from you. Decorations wander around. Monster projectiles try to hit you. Your projectiles try to hit monsters.
After coming close to item/decoration, it will transform - grow legs and (most times) arms, and start to run. You can shoot it down and it will revert to untransformed state. Shooting down untransformed object makes sure it will never transform. Projectiles also can be shot down.
Projectiles transform if they hit a wall (and due to bug, many other things, like other running things and projectiles). After transformation, they start to chase their target (or just run around player, if no monsters are found), and will explode if manage to get close enough. If after 30 seconds if they fail to hit anything, they will still explode. Rockets won't do any damage if they explode after 30 seconds (because of the habit of running around the player) (if they manage to get close to the target, they will do usual radius damage). All of the projectiles, transformed or not, are shootable.
Projectiles of the same class pass through each other, but block everything else, including the one who shot them. All of the player projectiles pass throught each other (but block players).
To fire normal projectile use alt-fire. They will not transform and will have default behavior (in case of BFG).
Also lost souls are now running souls. And cacodemons and pain elementals are baloons.
That's all you really need to know at the beginning. You can go and play now.

* Custom options *

Running projectiles controls:
- Set projectiles target: depends on the target button mode.
In "Target" mode you can specify target for you running projectiles by looking at monster and pressing the control. If there's a valid target, your running projectiles will stop chasing whatever they were chasing, and will start chasing selected target. In deathmatch you can target other players. Target is cleared once it's dead, or once "Clear runball target" control is pressed. If you have a valid target, a red circle icon will be shown in the upper-right corner of the screen.
In "Move" mode a movepoint will be spawned, and all of you running projectiles will start moving towards it. Not shure if it's useful. If you have active movepoint, a green arraw icon will be shown in the upper-right corner of the screen;
In "Both" mode it will try to assign target first, and if failed, will spawn the movepoint.
- Clear projectiles target: clears assigned target and movepoint. If both are present, clears movepoint.
- Freeze/unfreeze projectiles: switch between freezed and not freezed modes. In freezed mode all of your running projectiles will stop moving. You can block monsters/players that way. When in freeze mode, blue pause icon will be shown in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Destroy all projectiles: manually explode all of your running projectiles. Rockets will do radius damage.

Control options:
- Keep player target: in deathmatch this prevents the target from clearing once targeted player is dead. Once the player is respawned, he will be immediately targeted again.
- Target button mode: Changes the mode of "Set runball target" control.
- Show projectiles mode hud: Shows icons in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Sound options:
- Projectiles mode hud sound volume: volume of sounds of target, move, freeze mode, etc.
- Footstep sound volume: if you hate the sound thing make when they are running or landing, set this to 0.
- Transform sound volume: same for transformation sound.

Common options:
- Number of effect particles: applies to transformation smoke.
- Transformation effect: smoke, teleportation fog, item respawn fog, nothing. Smoke looks really shitty in software renderer, so you would want to change that.
- Thrust objects when hit: if turned off, items/decorations will stay exactly where they are when hit. That way you don't risk to thrust then into unreachable areas.

Running projectiles options: there are different sections for monster and player projectiles.
- Speed: speed multiplier. 1 - full projectile speed, depends on the projectile.
- Lifetime: time transformed projectile has to hit something. After selected time passed, the projectile will explode.
For player projectiles:
- Running BFG attack type: Melee - usual running projectile behavior. Ranged - the transformed bfg ball will instantly hit it's target, event if it's not in melee range.
- Target items/barrels/decorations: should running projectiles chase these things or not.

Item/Barrel/Decoration options: different sections for different running things.
- Mode: "Static" - object will not transform (and can't be shot). "Run away" - object will run away. "Follow" - object will run towards player. "Wander" - object will run around randomly. "Hostile" - barrels only, will run towards player and explode. "Friendly" - barrels only, will run towards hostile monsters and explode. In "Friendly" mode, barrels won't be targeted by player projectiles, even if target barrel option is set to yes.
- Shootable: "Yes" - you can shoot the transformable object and reverse the transformation (or forbid it, if object is not transformed yet). "No" - you can not shoot objects. "Only transformed" - you can only shoot object after it is transformed.
- Speed: speed multipler.
- Don't transform keys: items only, forbid transformation of keys. Items can sometimes run away to unreachable areas, if this happens with keys, the level becomes uncompletable. This option helps preventing that.
- Wait for player to transform: barrels only, changes friendly barrel activation. If set to Yes (default), barrel waits for player to come close, and then transforms (that's what all the other items/decorations do), so you won't miss all the joy that friendly barrels bring into your life. If set to no, barrels will activate only if there are hostile monsters nearby (also they can be alerted by shooting) and can activate immediately after level starts, which can result in all of the nearby monsters dead before you even reach the location. Not fun, but can be useful in map23, for example, barrels won't kill you after first teleport, like they probably will with default behaviour.
- For running decorations:
- Don't block objects when hit - blocking decorations will not be blocking when hit. Helps if you shot a decoration and it blocks the path.
- Don't transform corpses: applies only to decorative corpses. Monster corpses will not run anyway.
- Don't transform hanging decorations: they are really weird - they jump down when transformed.
- All hanging decorations go to heaven: but at least the are back where they belong when hit.

* Multiplayer *

There are plenty of bugs even in single player mode, though nothing fatal. I don't think I can fix them, not with some crazy workaround at least. And the mode is full of crazy workarounds already, so let's just wait for zscript :).
Anyway, single is ok, coop ok for the most part (except all of the player projectiles following the same player). Deathmatch is almost useless - see bugs. Don't use nomosters mode. One on one duels can be somewhat acceplable - if players target each other, because that's the only way to make running projectiles chase other player.

* Bugs *

Oh where do I begin...
Projectiles transform instead of exploding when they hit non-bleeding objects (other running objects, projectiles).
When two projectiles collide, only one of them explodes, the other transformes.
In coop when you pick up key, there's no screen flash and no pickup sound is played.
In multiplayer player running projectiles follow first player (but still listen to master player commands).
In deathmatch player running projectiles won't chase another players, unless you target them.
When you target another player, other player projectiles, that did not target anyone yet, will attack your running projectiles.
When used with nomonster command, running projectiles don't spawn. Unfortunately, it's totally unusable.
And there are even more :/

That's it bye!

* Changelogs *

Fixed transformed barrels chasing untransformed barrels if barrel mode is friendly and target barrels is set to true. Unfortunately barrels will stop transforming when they see player, you have to alert them by shooting, or wait when a hostile monster comes close to them. If barrels and monsters are placed close to each other, barrels will transform at the level start, so you will miss all the fun, but I'd rather have this behavior, than the bugged one.

Proper workaround for barrel problem. Now barrels have additional setting - wait for player to transform. Works for friendly barrels, this makes them wait till the player arrives before they transform. If set to no, barrels will start chasing nearby monsters immediately (this is useful in map23, for example, so barrels won't kill you after first teleport). Friendly barrels now won't be targeted by player projectiles, even if target barrel option is set to yes.
Fixed cacodemon/pain elemental death sounds a bit.
Added russian version of the manual.

Fixed small running bfg balls exploding animations.
Corrected manual a bit.