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DooMenstein Manual Release v0.10 (Four Level Demo), November 22, 2002 Original games/sources by: Id Software. Additions: (c)1998 by: Fabrice Denis & Boris Pereira (c)1999 by: Fabrice Denis, Boris Pereira & Thierry Van Elsuwe (c)2000 by: Boris Pereira & Thierry Van Elsuwe (c)2001-2002 by: Doom Legacy Team (c)2002 by: Steven Melenchuk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0 - TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 0 - Table of Contents Section 1 - About DooMenstein 1.1 - Story 1.2 - What is DooMenstein? 1.2.1 - What is Wolfenstein 3D? 1.2.2 - What are DooM and DooM II? 1.2.3 - What is DooM Legacy? Section 2 - Installing DooMenstein 2.1 - How do I install DooMenstein? 2.1.1 - Required Files 2.1.2 - Installing DooMenstein Section 3 - Gameplay Information 3.1 - Level Features 3.1.1 - Doors 3.1.2 - Switches 3.1.3 - Obstacles 3.1.4 - Secret Areas 3.2 - Items 3.2.1 - Weapons 3.2.2 - Ammunition 3.2.3 - Health Items 3.2.4 - Keys 3.2.5 - Score Items 3.2.6 - Other Items 3.3 - Enemies 3.3.1 - Guard 3.3.2 - Officer 3.3.3 - Schutzstaffel 3.3.4 - Guard Dog 3.3.5 - Mutant 3.3.6 - Bosses Section 4 - Acknowledgements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1 - TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 - Story =========== B.J. Blazkowicz was one of the most famous spies the Allies ever had during World War II. At the height of the war, B.J. was responsible for the solo missions that stole the Spear of Destiny from Hitler's grasp, destroyed the Nazi plans to unleash chemical warfare, terminated Dr. Schabbs' terrible plans for Operation Eisenfaust, and, eventually, led the mission that ended with the death of Hitler himself. Such stories have been told and retold until they became a legend unto themselves. The years that followed B.J.'s most famous missions are largely obscured by other more important historical facts. What actually happened in those years immediately after the war? This story is a part of that mystery. Five years after the end of the war, B.J. was informed that rumours were abound that some of the remnants of the Nazi regime had managed to acquire fragments of the late Dr. Schabbs' work. Supposedly, they had built an underground facility thrice the size of the bunker Hitler had hid himself in during the peak of the war. The given location of this facility was in shocking proximity to the original site of that bunker. B.J. was called upon to investigate these rumours. He expected them to be little more than just that - rumours. It turned out that they weren't. And now, you, as B.J. Blazkowicz, will relive this story as you find out just what was there in that terrible facility, so many years ago. This story is called DooMenstein. 1.2 - What is DooMenstein? ========================== DooMenstein (DStein) is a full thirty-two level conversion of DooM II based on the DooM source port, DooM Legacy. It was designed in the spirit of Wolfenstein 3D, and details the adventures of Allied spy B.J. Blazkowicz in a Nazi underground experimental facility. It is meant as a continuation to the story begun in Wolfenstein 3D (Wolf3D) and its prequel, Spear of Destiny (SoD). 1.2.1 - What is Wolfenstein 3D? =============================== Wolfenstein 3D was the first well known first-person shooter (FPS) game released to the computer games market. It tells the story of B.J. Blazkowicz's escape from Castle Wolfenstein and his missions to halt Operation Eisenfaust, terminate Hitler, and halt Nazi plans to start a chemical war. Its prequel, Spear of Destiny, tells of another of B.J.'s missions - to steal the Spear of Destiny from a heavily guarded Nazi castle. Wolfenstein 3D was originally released in May 1992, and Spear of Destiny was released in September 1992. For more information, please read the Wolfenstein 3D FAQ, which can be found at: http://www.sucs.org/~daveb/wolf/Wolfenstein-3D.faq 1.2.2 - What are DooM and DooM II? ===================== DooM was the next first person shooter released by Id Software after the success of Wolf3D and SoD. It featured a completely new engine, which supported such features as non-orthagonal wall angles and lighting levels. It tells the story of a space marine assigned to the Union Aerospace Corporation's radioactive waste facilities on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. In one of the UAC's secret experiments, a gateway is accidentally opened to Hell. The marine is the only survivor of this onslaught, and is left with the task of cleaning up the base and closing the gateway. DooM was originally released in December 1993. DooM II is the sequel to DooM. It continues the story begun in the first, as the forces of Hell make their way to Earth itself. It was originally released in September 1994. For more information, please read the Doom FAQ, which can be found at: http://doomgate.gamers.org/dhs/helpdocs/doomfaq.html 1.2.3 - What is DooM Legacy? ============================ In December of 2000, Id Software released the source code of DooM and DooM II. As a result, numerous teams of coders have been tweaking the sources of DooM into their own "source ports". DooM Legacy is the most popular of these source ports, with such features as full 3D floor support and full support for levels made with the extended BooM feature set. It can be found at: http://legacy.newdoom.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2 - INSTALLING DOOMENSTEIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 - How do I install DooMenstein? =================================== Simply follow the steps below... 2.1.1 - Required files ====================== You will want the following files: - A copy of doom2.wad from a release of DooM II (preferably v1.9). - The following from your release of DooMenstein: - dstein.exe - dstein.wad - All of the .dll files - All of the .cfg files For doom2.wad, you should look in the directory in which you have DooM II installed (you DO have DooM II installed, right?). Everything else is included with this release. 2.1.2 - Installing DooMenstein ============================== Firstly, you'll need to place all of these files in the same directory. c:\dstein works well. Once you've done that, start up dstein.exe - all configuration is done in-game. Once you see the title screen, press ESC, and select Options. Set up everything in there as you see fit. Easy, eh? ;) The DooM Legacy documentation contains details on command line options that can be used with DooMenstein. No significant changes have been made to these options. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 3 - GAMEPLAY INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 - Level Features ==================== The Nazi research facility consists mainly of four wings connected via a central hub and an entry area. The four wings each have six levels, with a boss at the end of the sixth level. Once you've completed all four wings, the two-level finale will open up from the central hub. As you progress through these wings, you will encounter the following... 3.1.1 - Doors ============= The majority of doors you encounter will not require anything special to open them. Simply walk up to them and press the use key (usually Spacebar). Some doors can only be opened with switches, and others require keys to open. These doors will usually look different from other doors (especially keyed doors). 3.1.2 - Switches ================ These can activate a variety of things, from doors to lifts and many more things. They take a variety of forms, from pull switches to computer consoles and many other things. Any obvious switches are probably needed to finish the level, but some can lead to traps. 3.1.3 - Obstacles ================ Guards are not the only obstacle you will find within the facility. Lights, barrels, crates, and other inanimate objects will often block your way. Other obstacles, such as toxic waste, can cause harm if you stay near them too long. Usually, it's best to stay away from these harmful obstacles. If you take damage and can't see any guards, make sure you're not standing on, in, or near anything that could be harmful! 3.2 - Items =========== As you explore the facility, you will find items that will help you in your mission. These can take the form of weaponry, health, keys, or other general items. 3.2.1 - Weapons =============== The following are the eight weapons in DooMenstein. - Knife =============== You start with this, and will always have it, even if you're otherwise out of ammo. It's passable for killing a few basic guards, but find some ammo if you'll be taking on anything else! - Pistol ================ You start with this, too. Like all the bullet-based weapons, it's not very accurate at long ranges, but it'll serve well against less difficult enemies with relative ease. The pistol uses bullets for ammunition. - Machine gun ===================== Now we're getting there. The machine gun is a good general purpose weapon with a moderate rate of fire. Against a small group of guards, this is a good choice of weapon. The machine gun uses bullets for ammunition. - Chaingun ================== The chaingun is the top of the line for the bullet-based weapons, with an extremely fast rate of fire. It's good for room clearing. You can use two at once, but don't expect your ammo reserves to hold out that long if you do! The chaingun uses bullets for ammunition. - Shotgun ================= At short ranges, a single shot from this will take out just about any normal enemy. At longer ranges, it can hit multiple enemies at once. If you've got a guard you need to get rid of in a hurry, use the shotgun. The shotgun uses shells for ammunition. - Bazooka ================= A single rocket from this can take out multiple enemies with its blast radius, but don't use it at close range or you'll blast yourself, too! The bazooka uses rockets for ammunition. - Gasoline Can ====================== So you've got gasoline, but no flamethrower. Not a problem! You can throw the cans at your enemies, and they'll explode, setting fire to anything nearby. It doesn't have a very long range, but it's good for destroying things from above. Don't use it at close range, though. The gas can uses gasoline for ammunition. - Flamethrower ====================== Nothing beats a flamethrower for clearing out large groups of enemies. The more you hit a guard with the flames, the longer they will burn for. Plus, if you get more than one guard in close proximity, they'll both get set on fire! The only downside is that it goes through gas rather quickly. The flamethrower uses gasoline for ammunition. 3.2.2 - Ammunition ================== Even the mighty flamethrower doesn't work too well if there isn't any gasoline you can use with it! Given that, below are all the ammunition types you can find in DooMenstein. You start with one clip of bullets, and a maximum capacity of ninety-nine for all four types of ammo. - Bullets ================= For use with the pistol, machinegun, and chaingun. A clip is worth eight bullets, and a box gets you twenty-five. - Shells ================ For use with the shotgun. You can find shells sitting in fours, or find boxes worth twenty. - Rockets ================= For use with the bazooka. These come alone, or in boxes of five. - Gasoline ================== For use in gascans, or with the flamethrower. These come in fourteen-unit and seventy-unit cans. 3.2.3 - Health Items ==================== If you find yourself beaten to a pulp, these will always come in handy! You start at 100% health, but won't stay there long, so you'll need these to bring yourself back up to par. - Dog Food ================== When in need, you can always eat with the dogs to earn 4% of health back. - Food ============== One of these nice hot meals will give you 10% of your health back. - Medkit ================ Finding one of these will get you a return of a whopping 25% of health. - Extra Life ==================== Not only does finding one of these give you 40,000 score, but you'll also be restored to full health! 3.2.4 - Keys ============ Some doors you find will be locked, so you'll need to find keys to open them. They come in three types - bronze, silver, and gold. You won't find all three in every level, but there's a good chance there will be at least one. The keys you find in a level are good for only that level, and no other levels. 3.2.5 - Score Items =================== As you progress through the game, you will find some items which are worth some points towards your total score. These are the cross, worth 100 points; the chalice, worth 500 points; the chest, worth 1000 points; and the crown, worth 5000 points. Every 40,000 points earn you 100% health. 3.2.6 - Other Items =================== You may find items not listed here during the course of the game. If you do, their purpose will be self-evident, or at least explained to you once you do get the item. 3.3 - Enemies ============= Obviously, the Nazi research facility is heavily guarded. Listed below are some of the enemies that you will encounter during the course of the game. 3.3.1 - Guard ============= These guys are dressed in brown and carry nothing but a pistol. They may be easy to kill, but there sure are lots of 'em! 3.3.2 - Officer =============== Just like guards, but faster and a bit harder to kill. They can get annoying rather quickly, so watch out. 3.3.3 - Schutzstaffel ===================== These elite guards wear bullet-proof armor and wield machineguns. Some have even been known to carry flamethrowers. Really, really nasty, but you can get their weapon if you kill one. 3.3.4 - Guard Dog ================= They may not have weapons, but they do have a nasty bite and can run you down with ease. You can kill one with one shot. 3.3.5 - Mutant ============== These are a legacy of the work of Dr. Schabbs. They're white-skinned and deadly with two knives and a pistol in their chest. 3.3.6 - Bosses ============== At various points during the game, you will encounter bosses. Killing them (and in some cases any other immediately obvious enemies) will earn you a status report of how you're progressing in the game so far. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 4 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For directly or indirectly helping in the development of DooMenstein, I give the following people/groups a special thanks: - Id Software, for the development of DooM and Wolfenstein 3D, without which this mod would not have a point. ;) - The entire DooM Legacy team for their awesome source port. :) - Laz Rojas, for WolfenDOOM, which showed this sort of thing could be done. :) - Gherkin (aka Pascal vd Heiden), for the design of the DooM Connector, the premier DooM multiplayer service. With it, DooMenstein shall live forever, we hope! >:) - The betatesters! - Agent Spork - MR. ROCKET - Scorpion - Kaiser (it WILL work for you sometime.. I promise :) ) - You, for downloading and playing DStein! - You again, for actually bothering to read this far down! This may be only a demo, but the full 32-level version will be coming soon to a monitor near you! Happy Nazi slaying! ~ Grunt (aka Steven Melenchuk)

DooMenstein v0.10 ALPHA - 4 Level Demo Special Thanks To: - iD Software for DooM and Wolfenstein 3D, without which DooMenstein would not have a point :) - The entire DooM Legacy team for their awesome source port! - Laz Rojas, who showed with WolfenDOOM that this could be done. :) - Gherkin, for the DooM Connector, with which (hopefully) DooMenstein will live forever! ;) - The team of betatesters! - AgentSpork - MR.ROCKET - Scorpion - Kaiser(itWILLworkforyousometime..Iswear:)) Watch for the full 32-level version of DooMenstein... coming soon to a monitor near you! Happy Nazi slaying! - Grunt