Community Chest 3
The third installment of the series, Community Chest 3 boasts 32 maps made by 20 different authors from the Doom community. After one year of work, they have...
40.11 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30, MAP31, MAP32
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=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : This is a rerelease of Community Chest 3 that fixes errors in a few maps, and makes some other changes. They are all documented in changes.txt. Update to : ./idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/ Advanced engine needed : Boom (and any Boom-compatible engine) Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Community Chest 3 Filename : CCHEST3.WAD Release date : 11/22/2007 (original,) 11/26/2007 (rerelease) Author : Various (see Credits) Description : The third installment of the series, Community Chest 3 boasts 32 maps made by 20 different authors from the Doom community. After one year of work, they have been made available for your enjoyment. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 32 Sounds : No Music : Yes (see Credits) Graphics : Yes (see Credits) Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes (for level names / intermission text)** Demos : Yes (recorded with Boom 2.02) Other : No Other files required : None ** Includes both an internal lump, and an external .BEX file for use with Boom 2.02. If your port supports internal DEHACKED lumps, you do not need to use this. * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP01-32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : One year Editor(s) used : Too many to list Known Bugs : In ZDoom 2.1.7, it is possible to get stuck in MAP03: Mineopoly after raising the rock stairs, as the engine does not properly handle the map's voodoo doll script, rendering the switch to lower the stairs inaccessible. This does not occur in any other source port. MAP28: Token Arch-Vile contains HOMs in the building with the bridge when viewed in OpenGL rendering modes. These are mandatory, as fixing them would otherwise ruin the bridge effect in software renderers. It also features no music whatsoever, but this was intentional; it was a decision on the author's part, and is not an oversight. Several maps also contain sky transfer specials, introduced by the port Marine's Best Friend, which do not work in Boom; at the time they were designed, PrBoom and its brethren allowed sky transfers under Boom compatibility. This is merely a cosmetic issue, though, and does not affect gameplay. Apart from this, there are no other incompatibilities. May Not Run With... : Doom2.exe, or any port that isn't Boom-compatible * Credits * Project Leader : Andy Leaver Compilation : The Green Herring & Use3d DeHackEd Programming : The Green Herring Demos : The Green Herring New Graphics : Default skies: DooMAD TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK, CREDIT: Tormentor667 HELP: Doom_user (based on INTERPIC by Tormentor667) CWILEV*, ENDOOM: The Green Herring Texture Resources : id Software, Raven Software, 3D Realms Entertainment, the Gothic Team, Nick Baker, Espi, Pawel Zarczynski, Freedoom Beta-Testing Team : Anima Zero, Paul Corfiatis, The Green Herring, Nuxius, ragnew Music : DM2TTL, DM2INT, READ_M: Bobby Prince (for id Software; unused) MAP01, 06: Bobby Prince (for 3D Realms Entertainment) MAP02: Ray "shitbag" Schmitz MAP03: Fear Factory; MIDI sequenced by RazTor MAP04, 05: Bobby Prince (for id Software,) modified by doom2day MAP07, 12, 16, 22, 23: TeamTNT MAP08, 13: Monolith Software MAP10: Mark Klem (from Memento Mori II; used with permission) MAP11, 26: Bobby Prince (for id Software) MAP14: Kevin Schilder (for Raven Software) MAP15, 27: The Green Herring MAP17, 25: Parallax Software MAP19: Bobby Prince (for 3D Realms Entertainment;) modified by Use3d MAP20: Metallica; MIDI sequenced by King Diamond MAP21, 30: Lee Jackson (for 3D Realms Entertainment) MAP24: Bobby Prince (for id Software;) remixed by Jay Reichard MAP29: Lee Jackson (for Apogee Software) MAP31: Toaplan; MIDI sequenced by Sephiroth3 MAP32: Shamus Young (from Doom City [DOOMCITY.WAD]) Music for 16, 21, 24 and 32 chosen by The Green Herring Music for 03, 08 and 13 chosen by Andy Leaver Level Design : MAP01: Ventilator Use3d MAP02: Ion Storm Dutch Devil MAP03: Mineopoly BlackFish & Soap on a Rope MAP04: UAC Checkpoint doom2day MAP05: Living Hell doom2day MAP06: Foregone Destruction Tormentor667 MAP07: Simple Complex Matt Tropiano MAP08: Impure Liquids Andy Leaver & The Green Herring MAP09: As the Doctor Sleeps Paul Corfiatis MAP10: Atlantis Rising Will Hackney MAP11: The Grieving Outpost Kirby MAP12: Black Rain RottKing MAP13: Welcome to the Machine Thomas van der Velden MAP14: Mountains and Mortar Soap on a Rope MAP15: Clash of Galaxies The Green Herring MAP16: Hangman's Noose Shadow Dweller & The Green Herring MAP17: Mind's Prison Andy Leaver MAP18: Godforsaken Hole Phobus MAP19: Subduction Use3d MAP20: Huitzilopochtli Dr. Zin MAP21: The Hero's Return Thomas van der Velden MAP22: Second Entry Dutch Devil MAP23: Hard Attack Dutch Devil MAP24: Amalgamation The Flange Peddler MAP25: Fate in Blood Andy Leaver MAP26: Hybrid Envy Dr. Zin MAP27: Ruby Abyss The Green Herring MAP28: Token Arch-Vile RjY MAP29: For We Are Many Matt Tropiano MAP30: Leviathan Matt Tropiano MAP31: Disarming the Mechanism lupinx-Kassman MAP32: Installation 07 Warszawa Shadow Dweller & The Green Herring * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. This PWAD contains select texture(s) and flat(s) that can originally be found in GothicDM or Gothic2. Credit and thanks go out to the artist(s) of said flat(s) and texture(s) and also to the rest of the Gothic Crew (1997/98). The ORIGINAL GothicDM(2).ZIP can be found at CDROM.COM. Each said PKZIP archive contains thirty-two professional quality levels and music. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: and mirrors Web sites:
=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : This is a rerelease of Community Chest 3 that fixes errors in a few maps, and makes some other changes. They are all documented in changes.txt. Update to : ./idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/ Advanced engine needed : Boom (and any Boom-compatible engine) Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Community Chest 3 Filename : CCHEST3.WAD Release date : 11/22/2007 (original,) 11/26/2007 (rerelease) Author : Various (see Credits) Description : The third installment of the series, Community Chest 3 boasts 32 maps made by 20 different authors from the Doom community. After one year of work, they have been made available for your enjoyment. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 32 Sounds : No Music : Yes (see Credits) Graphics : Yes (see Credits) Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes (for level names / intermission text)** Demos : Yes (recorded with Boom 2.02) Other : No Other files required : None ** Includes both an internal lump, and an external .BEX file for use with Boom 2.02. If your port supports internal DEHACKED lumps, you do not need to use this. * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP01-32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : One year Editor(s) used : Too many to list Known Bugs : In ZDoom 2.1.7, it is possible to get stuck in MAP03: Mineopoly after raising the rock stairs, as the engine does not properly handle the map's voodoo doll script, rendering the switch to lower the stairs inaccessible. This does not occur in any other source port. MAP28: Token Arch-Vile contains HOMs in the building with the bridge when viewed in OpenGL rendering modes. These are mandatory, as fixing them would otherwise ruin the bridge effect in software renderers. It also features no music whatsoever, but this was intentional; it was a decision on the author's part, and is not an oversight. Several maps also contain sky transfer specials, introduced by the port Marine's Best Friend, which do not work in Boom; at the time they were designed, PrBoom and its brethren allowed sky transfers under Boom compatibility. This is merely a cosmetic issue, though, and does not affect gameplay. Apart from this, there are no other incompatibilities. May Not Run With... : Doom2.exe, or any port that isn't Boom-compatible * Credits * Project Leader : Andy Leaver Compilation : The Green Herring & Use3d DeHackEd Programming : The Green Herring Demos : The Green Herring New Graphics : Default skies: DooMAD TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK, CREDIT: Tormentor667 HELP: Doom_user (based on INTERPIC by Tormentor667) CWILEV*, ENDOOM: The Green Herring Texture Resources : id Software, Raven Software, 3D Realms Entertainment, the Gothic Team, Nick Baker, Espi, Pawel Zarczynski, Freedoom Beta-Testing Team : Anima Zero, Paul Corfiatis, The Green Herring, Nuxius, ragnew Music : DM2TTL, DM2INT, READ_M: Bobby Prince (for id Software; unused) MAP01, 06: Bobby Prince (for 3D Realms Entertainment) MAP02: Ray "shitbag" Schmitz MAP03: Fear Factory; MIDI sequenced by RazTor MAP04, 05: Bobby Prince (for id Software,) modified by doom2day MAP07, 12, 16, 22, 23: TeamTNT MAP08, 13: Monolith Software MAP10: Mark Klem (from Memento Mori II; used with permission) MAP11, 26: Bobby Prince (for id Software) MAP14: Kevin Schilder (for Raven Software) MAP15, 27: The Green Herring MAP17, 25: Parallax Software MAP19: Bobby Prince (for 3D Realms Entertainment;) modified by Use3d MAP20: Metallica; MIDI sequenced by King Diamond MAP21, 30: Lee Jackson (for 3D Realms Entertainment) MAP24: Bobby Prince (for id Software;) remixed by Jay Reichard MAP29: Lee Jackson (for Apogee Software) MAP31: Toaplan; MIDI sequenced by Sephiroth3 MAP32: Shamus Young (from Doom City [DOOMCITY.WAD]) Music for 16, 21, 24 and 32 chosen by The Green Herring Music for 03, 08 and 13 chosen by Andy Leaver Level Design : MAP01: Ventilator Use3d MAP02: Ion Storm Dutch Devil MAP03: Mineopoly BlackFish & Soap on a Rope MAP04: UAC Checkpoint doom2day MAP05: Living Hell doom2day MAP06: Foregone Destruction Tormentor667 MAP07: Simple Complex Matt Tropiano MAP08: Impure Liquids Andy Leaver & The Green Herring MAP09: As the Doctor Sleeps Paul Corfiatis MAP10: Atlantis Rising Will Hackney MAP11: The Grieving Outpost Kirby MAP12: Black Rain RottKing MAP13: Welcome to the Machine Thomas van der Velden MAP14: Mountains and Mortar Soap on a Rope MAP15: Clash of Galaxies The Green Herring MAP16: Hangman's Noose Shadow Dweller & The Green Herring MAP17: Mind's Prison Andy Leaver MAP18: Godforsaken Hole Phobus MAP19: Subduction Use3d MAP20: Huitzilopochtli Dr. Zin MAP21: The Hero's Return Thomas van der Velden MAP22: Second Entry Dutch Devil MAP23: Hard Attack Dutch Devil MAP24: Amalgamation The Flange Peddler MAP25: Fate in Blood Andy Leaver MAP26: Hybrid Envy Dr. Zin MAP27: Ruby Abyss The Green Herring MAP28: Token Arch-Vile RjY MAP29: For We Are Many Matt Tropiano MAP30: Leviathan Matt Tropiano MAP31: Disarming the Mechanism lupinx-Kassman MAP32: Installation 07 Warszawa Shadow Dweller & The Green Herring * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. This PWAD contains select texture(s) and flat(s) that can originally be found in GothicDM or Gothic2. Credit and thanks go out to the artist(s) of said flat(s) and texture(s) and also to the rest of the Gothic Crew (1997/98). The ORIGINAL GothicDM(2).ZIP can be found at CDROM.COM. Each said PKZIP archive contains thirty-two professional quality levels and music. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: and mirrors Web sites:

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