Doctor's Crypt
DrCrypt was the guy that hit 20000 on my pages visitor counter and this level is released for him! This is a special version of level that will be 14th level...
drcrypt.wad, DRCRYPT.WAD
1.14 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
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<!-----------------------------------------------------------!> <! NOTE! This level is made for MBF source port and that's !> <! use for running this what you MUST use to run this level! !> <! MBF is available for download at this address: !> <! !> <!-----------------------------------------------------------!> <! THIS LEVEL IS A FRONTIER! It's the first DooM level EVER !> <! to present a FRIENDLY MARINE that will help you!!! !> <! The first helpful marine was created by me on 11th of !> <! March, 1999! !> <!-----------------------------------------------------------!> ==================================================================================== Title : Doctor's Crypt Filename : DRCRYPT.ZIP Author : Sir Robin a.k.a. Jani Saksa Email Address : OR Other work from author : Several levels in TeamTNT's Reclamation BaseDM series Paradise lost - Heretic SP level HereticDM #1 - Heretic DM level All these can be found from my homepage at "my levels" -section. Misc. Author Info : DooM freak. I like single player mode, but I love Co-op & Deathmatch! Member of TeamTNT, Brotherhood Of Vengeance & Falling Star Productions. Homepage address : OR Both should work just fine! Updated frequently (at least once in a week normally) Description : DrCrypt was the guy that hit 20000 on my pages visitor counter and this level is released for him! This is a special version of level that will be 14th level of KTA. You are on a alien military base. Fight your way through it and free all your friends in the way (yes, theres some very helpful marines in this level). That's all I can say now :) About the level's name : I just took 'DrCrypt" and twisted it to 'Doctor's Crypt'. The name Doesn't make any sense since there's no evil doctor to kill or any kind of crypt for that matter :) Additional Credits to : DrCrypt ==================================================================================== * Play Information * Map Number : MAP01 Single Player : YES! (designed for it) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (Untested, but should work) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Untested, but should be fun :) ) Difficulty Settings : Of course! New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : New Textures : Yes New Sprites : Yes New Music : Nope Demos Replaced : None NOTE : Don't come crying to me if you don't use the right source port for running this! This level should be runned with MBF or it won't play right (and you propably get stuck). * Construction * Base : KTA level 14 (at the moment of release KTA is unreleased). Specially the deathmatch area is very different from the one that will be in KTA and there are several different things in single player/co-op mode too (like the marines that will help you). Editor(s) used : DETH (for actual level editing) WinTex (inserting graphics & sounds) NWT (inserting misc. lumps to wad) ZenNode (for building nodes and reject map) DeHackEd (for several more or less complex things) Some other weird proggys might have been used... Build time : Endless hours (I never count it) Known Bugs : In the deathmatch area there is a slight "texture bleed" caused by one special effect, but you propably won't notice it when in the middle of fast paced deathmatch :) In single player mode I'm not aware of any bugs in the level, but I know couple of bugs in engine. If I don't tell you about them, then hopefully they will never happen to you :) * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (C) Jani Saksa, 1999 Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Authors MAY use sounds, graphics and other "non-level" stuff from this WAD. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * Originally this level has been give by me to DrCrypt and a price for hitting 20000 on my visitor counter. After that I don't know what has happened, except that this will/might be released on my page. I have decided to release this level on my page month or two after DrCrypt puts this in public (if he does) and if he doesn't, then at the same time as we in Falling Star Productions release KTA. Sooner or later this level will be uploaded to and to my personal homepage (address listed earlyer in this file). Later note... I'm releasing this now... KTA is still far from being ready, but this level comes to public NOW! - 31.5.1999