FrasL v16.0
Collection of well-made levels by two people from 6/1998 on. Levels continue to be added. See end of text file.
4.31 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP15, MAP14, MAP10, MAP17, MAP16, MAP06
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=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Update to : FRASL.WAD Advanced engine needed : Legacy 1.32 beta 3 or better Primary purpose : Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : FrasL v16.0 Map 1: Turks Map 2: New Map 3: Brick Map 4: Biff! Kazam! Map 5: Brick II Map 6: Sky Map 7: Bob Map 9: The Hub Map 10: To Petrograd! Map 11: Triple Decker Map 12: Krestovsky Circle Map 13: Smard: The Hub's Revenge Map 14: Petrograd Map 15: Cube Map 16: Biffle * Map 17: Distavator * *New in this version Filename : FRASL.WAD Release date : 4/2004 Author : Maps 1,3,5,7,10,12,14,16: "Paul O'Neill" Maps 2,4,6,9,11,13,15,17: Jerry P. Email Address : [email protected] Other Files By Author : FRAS.WAD, FRAS1.WAD, FRAS1L.WAD Misc. Author Info : Description : Collection of well-made levels by two people from 6/1998 on. Levels continue to be added. See end of text file. Additional Credits to : =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 16 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes: Two DM Demos Other : Endoom Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Legacy Map # : MAP01-MAP07,MAP09-MAP17 Single Player : No - get FRAS1L.WAD Cooperative 2-32 Player : No - get FRAS1L.WAD Deathmatch 2-32 Player : Designed for Other game styles : Doom 2 version: FRAS.WAD Difficulty Settings : Not implemented **MUST PLAY WITH MOSTERS ON AND RESPAWNING** * Construction * Base : New from scratch / Modified (FRAS.WAD, FRAS1.WAD) (Some levels were originally designed for both deathmatch and 1 player before the wads split up; later levels were originally designed for Doom Legacy) Build Time : Six years Editor(s) used : WadAuthor, DeeP for DOS, Deep97, DeepSea, Wintex, DeHackEd Known Bugs : May Not Run With... : * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: and mirrors Web sites: (If this site is gone, use "jibberuski" in a search engine) FTP sites: =========================================================================== FRASL.WAD for Doom Legacy - Deathmatch only 4/04 update Levels 1-7,9-17 Play on skill level 5 Must be played with respawning monsters Frasier.deh required for bridges. It is imbedded into the wad. Best played with chicken.wad (chook.wad) FrasL.wad General Changes New Graphics :CWILV00-CWILV16 - Changed to show the names of the levels in FrasL :17 Interpics Added with Fragglescript Demos added 1/2002 :1. Krestovsky Circle 2. Cube 3. none Endoom added 11/2000 Endoom modified 7/2003 Colormaps added 1/2002 Dehacked imbedded 1/2002 Fragglescript info added 1/2002 In the following text "Chicken" and "Rocket" are interchangeable. Get Chickme.wad to see this for yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1. Turks Fragrate: 2.00 frags/min An arena type level set in and around a desert outpost. Hallways and stairways surround the central area with plenty of opportunities for ambush and sniper attacks. New Music : Istanbul (not Constantinople) by They Must Be Giants New Graphics : none Known Bugs : Visplane overflow at one time - fixed Primary Textures : Wall - STONE, WOOD1, BRICK1, ROCK1 Floor - RROCK15, RROCK13, FLAT1 Ceiling - F_SKY1, RROCK13, FLAT5_1 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken (Rocket) Launcher 1 Chain Gun, 1 Chainsaw, 5 Double Barrel Shotguns, 4 Single Barrel Shotguns. Items : 1 Megasphere, 1 Soul Sphere, 1 Green Armor, 2 Invisibility, 1 Light Amplification Visor, 6 Berserk, Health potions & Armor bonuses Ammo : 1 Backpack, 10 Ammo Clips, 10 Chickens, 5 Plasma Gun Cells, 3 Boxes of Shotgun Shells Monsters : none Things to look out for : The rockets along the wall are facing different directions. Especially interesting if you have chicken.wad. The door that doesn't seem to open. Scrolling exit sign. (As in all Paul O'Neill wads) Dead, impaled guy out in the middle of nowhere. Fras, Level 1. Turks completed 6/1998 by Paul O'Neill. Editors : Wad Author version 1.30 Wintex version 4.3 Midi2Mus version 2.04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2. New Fragrate: 1.35 frags/min This level is a bunch of rooms clustered together. Several strange sets of stairs to climb for prizes. New Music : Original composition by Jason P. New Graphics : none Known Bugs : Odd effect occurs sometimes when looking at the mountain with the chicken launcher - shouldn't affect gameplay. Primary Textures: Wall- Quite diverse, but CEMENT9, BSTONE1, ROCK4 stand out Floor- GRASS1, GRASS2, FLOOR4_8 Ceiling- F_SKY1, RROCK13 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken Launcher, 1 Chaingun, 1 Double Barrel Shotgun, 1 Single Barrel Shotgun, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Invulnerable, 2 Megaspheres, 2 Soul spheres, 1 Blue Armor, 2 Green Armor, 1 Invisibility, 1 Light Amplification Visor, 1 Berserk, 5 Barrels of crap, Some Health Potions scattered about Ammo : 3 Backpacks, 4 Shells, 5 Chickens, 1 Plasma Gun Cell, 1 Box of Ammo, 2 Boxes of Shells, 1 Box of Chooks, 2 Plasma Gun Packs. Monsters : none Things to look out for: More chickens facing various directions. Many types of staircases. Usually something good rests on the top. Watch for accidental telefrags! It's quite easy to get up to 200% in this level. Just look around for the power-ups. No exit sign - what's up with that? Fras, Level 2. New completed 7/31/1998 by Jerry P. Editors : DeeP for DOS Wad Author Wintex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3. Brick Fragrate: 1.44 frags/min Plenty of gas lamps line the red brick hallways surrounding a large room with the soul sphere. Once declared to be "The King of Secrets," Brick is best known for its fake walls hiding the numerous hidden rooms and corridors. New Music : "Having An Average Weekend" by Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet New Graphics : none Known Bugs : Commander Keen bugs me. Primary Textures: Wall- BRICK11 Floor & Ceiling FLAT1 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 2 Chicken Launchers, 2 Chain Guns, 4 Double Barrel Shotguns, 3 Single Barrel Shoutguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Soul Sphere, 1 Blue Armor, 1 Green Armor, 1 Invisibility, 2 Light Amplification Visors, 3 Berserks, 3 Barrels of Crap, 1 Blue Keycard Ammo : 1 Backpack, 12 Ammo Clips, 9 Shotgun Shells, 7 Chickens, 2 Boxes of Shells, 2 Boxes of Chooks, 2 Plasma Gun Packs Monsters : 1 Commander Keen Things to look out for: Gas lamps No sky - anywhere!!! The Moooo! room Secrets are everywhere. If you are wounded and need to ditch the other guy, just run up against the wall. It might be fake. Plenty of places to hide and ambush your opponent. Scrolling exit sign. Fras, Level 3. Brick completed 8/1998 by Paul O'Neill. Editors : Wad Author version 1.30 Wintex version 4.3 Midi2Mus version 2.04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4. Biff! Kazam! Fragrate : 1.36 frags/min Biff-Kazam has many rooms and hallways close together. You can often see and shoot through windows places that you can’t immediately get to. Also known as BK. New Music : Yankee Doodle New Graphics : none Known Bugs : none Primary Textures: Wall - Whole bunch of 'em!! Floor - GRASS1 among many others Ceiling - F_SKY1 among many others Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 2 Chicken Launchers, 1 Chain Gun, 2 Double Barrel Shotguns, 2 Single Barrel Shotguns, 1 Chain Saw Items : 1 Megasphere, 1 Green Armor, 1 Light Amplification Visor, 1 Berserk, some Health Potions. Ammo. : 1 Backpack, 2 Ammo Clips, 2 Shells, 3 Chickens, 2 Plasma Gun Cells, 1 Box of Ammo, 1 Box of Shells, 1 Box of Chooks, 1 Plasma Gun Pack. Monsters : none Things to look out for : All textures perfectly aligned. Teleporter up to the Megasphere. Hanging Exit sign. Fras, Level 4. Biff! Kazam! completed 9/12/1998 by Jerry P. Editors : DeeP for DOS Wintex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5. Brick II Fragrate: 1.81 frags/min The sequel to Brick takes after its predecessor both in the prominence of red brick and gaslamps and with the use of fake walls and corridors. Also flip plenty of switches to get many of the important items in the level. New Music : Scotland the Brave New Graphics : RW48_2 & RW48_4 are now a lever switch over red brick. WALL52_2 is now a picture of Italian Fascist Benito Mussolini Known Bugs : none Primary Textures: Wall - BRICK11 Floor - FLAT1 Ceiling - FLAT1, F_SKY1 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken Launcher, 1 Chain Gun, 2 Double Barrel Shotguns, 6 Single Barrel Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Green Armor, 1 Light Amplification Visor, 2 Berserks, 8 Barrels of crap. Ammo : 2 Backpacks, 4 Ammo Clips, 9 Shotgun Shells, 9 Chickens, 1 Box of Ammo, 2 Boxes of Shells, 2 Boxes of Chooks, 1 Plasma Gun Pack Monsters : 1 Commander Keen Health Potions: 2 groups of 5, 3 groups of 10, 1 group of 20, 1 group of 25 Armor Bonuses: 1 group of 5, 4 groups of 10, 1 group of 15, 1 group of 25 2 groups of 5 health/5 armor 1 groups of 10 health/10 armor Things to look out for: No Megaspheres, Soulspheres, and Blue Armor. Instead, health and armor bonuses have been arranged to even out the distribution of power-ups. Switches in Brick II are as disguised as the hallways. Plenty of places for sneak attacks. MOOOO!! Get it? Another scrolling exit sign. Editors : Wad Author version 1.30 Wintex version 4.3 Midi2Mus version 2.04 Fras, Level 5. Brick II completed 4/1999 by Paul O'Neill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6. Sky Fragrate: 1.90 frags/min Hope you like F_SKY1! This entire level takes place in the sky. Be very thankful for the torches and other reference points. New Music : Theme from Quantum Leap New Graphics : none Known Bugs : none Primary Textures: Wall - F_SKY1 Floor - F_SKY1 Ceiling -F_SKY1 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken Launcher, 1 Chain Gun, 1 Double Barrel Shotgun,7 Single Barrel Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Soul Sphere, 1 Berserk. Ammo : 1 Backpack, 2 Ammo Clips, 2 Shotgun Shells, 4 Chickens, 1 Plasma Gun Cell, 1 Box of Shells. Monsters : none Health Bonuses: 4 groups of 5 Armor Bonuses: 2 groups of 5 Things to look out for : Torches, Gas Lamps, Pillars, and other objects of scenery are usually around to prevent you from losing the pathways. The BFG, Plasma Gun, and Soul Sphere are obtainable in Sky, but they aren't as easy to get as they seem to be. Hanging exit sign. Fras, Level 6. Sky completed 2/24/1999 by Jerry P. Editors : DeeP for DOS Wintex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 7. Bob Fragrate : 2.67 frags/min A small, quickly made level packed with weapons and ammo designed for high frags. New Music : "Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!" from Ren & Stimpy. New Graphics : Distacat. Known Bugs : none Primary Textures: Wall - LITEBLU4 (scrolling), TANROCK2, GRAY5 Floor - GRASS1, FLOOR5_3 Ceiling - F_SKY1, FLOOR0_5 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Chicken Launcher, 1 Chain Gun, 4 Double Barrel Shotguns, 4 Single Barrel Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw. Items : 1 Green Armor, 2 Berserks, 3 Barrels of Crap, 1 Blur Sphere. Ammo : 3 Backpacks, 4 Ammo Clips, 3 Shotgun Shells, 7 Chickens, 2 Boxes of Ammo, 2 Boxes of Shells, 1 Box of Chooks, 1 Plasma Gun Packs. Monsters : none Health Potions: 5 groups of 3, 5 groups of 5, 2 groups of 10, 1 group of 30, Armor Bonuses: 7 groups of 5, 1 group of 10, 2 groups of 15, 1 group of 30 Things to look out for: 2 Scrolling Exit Signs! Chickens in a coop! and one that got away! Fras, Level 7. Bob completed 6/22/1999 by Paul O'Neill 1 player version completed 1/1/2000 by Paul O'Neill (1 player version edited 10/2001) Editors : Wad Author version 1.30 Wintex version 4.3 Midi2Mus version 2.04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map 8 This is not a level Fragrate: 0.00 Frags/min This is not a deathmatch level. Either stand still and listen to the nice music or take a step forward and move on to The Hub. New Music : "My Way" by Frank Sinatra Primary Textures: Wall - MARBLE1 Floor - FLOOR4_8 Ceiling - FLAT4 This is not a level completed 7/8/1999 by Jibberuski Music Added 7/1999 by Paul O'Neill Editors : DeeP 97 Wintex version 4.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 9. The Hub Fragrate: 1.24 frags/min The hub of the level is nearly unavoidable, but for the best stuff you have to go the farthest from it. New Music : "Summer Breeze" by The Isley Brothers and "Oh Black Water" by The Doobie Brothers New Graphics : none Known Bugs : none Primary Textures: Wall - PIPEWAL1, WOOD3, BROWNHUG Floor - DEM1_5, GRASS1, FLOOR7_1 Ceiling - MFLR8_2, F_SKY1 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken Launcher, 2 Chain Guns, 1 Double Barrel Shotgun, 3 Single Barrel Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw. Items : 1 Berserk. Ammo : 3 Backpacks, 2 Ammo Clips, 2 Shotgun Shells, 2 Boxes of Shells, 1 Box of Chooks, 2 Plasma Gun Packs. Monsters : 26 Commander Keens Health Potions: 7 groups of 5, 1 group of 30. Armor Bonuses: 2 groups of 7, 1 group of 20 Things to look out for: Do you enjoy spending time in those long, dark, hallways that bypass the Hub?? Well, YOU SHOULDN'T!!! The Hub is an important part of the level both for getting health and armor and for making it a more enjoyable high-frag level. The best weapons tend to be farther from the Hub Check out the lake. For once open sectors help more than they harm Doom II mapmakers. Exit Sign on a pole You could easily get lost inside the hub. The Lamps are there to help you orient yourself. Fras Level 9. The Hub completed 7/7/1999 by Jerry P. 1 player version completed 1/5/2000 by Jerry P. Editors : DeeP97 Wad Author Wintex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 10. To Petrograd! Fragrate: 1.19 frags/min A level set around a Russian lake and fountain in both Winter and Summer. You're not at Petrograd, but apparently from the title you're heading there. It uses Boom to do some pretty cool stuff, and therefore requires Legacy for play. New Music : "Cavalry of the Steppes" by Lev Knipper New Graphics : BFall1-4 are now Waterfall Known Bugs : Thing bridges may require you to jump to get on. This is a bug with the newest version of Legacy, not with the level itself. Primary Textures: Wall - Floor - GRASS1, FWATER1 Ceiling - F_SKY1, FWATER1 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken Launcher, 5 Chainguns, 13 Single Barrel Shotguns, 7 Two Barrel Shotguns, 2 Chainsaws Items : 1 Berserk, 8 Barrels of Crap, 10 Flaming Barrels of Crap, 1 Invisible, 1 Computer Map, 96 Health Potions, 96 Armor Bonuses. Ammo : 8 Backpacks, 1 3pack of Ammo Clips, 9 Boxes of Bullets, 1 Pack of Shells, 12 Boxes of Shells, 32 Chickens, 6 Boxes of Chickens, 6 Energy Cell Packs Monsters : 2 Commander Keens Health Potions : 10 Single Health bonuses 2 groups of 3 4 groups of 5 2 groups of 10 1 group of 15 1 group of 25 Armor Bonuses : 10 single Armor bonuses 2 groups of 3 4 groups of 5 2 groups of 10 1 group of 15 1 group of 25 Things to look out for: Slick changes of items/places between seasons Some stuff ends up on top of the ice when the lake freezes, other stuff just sits at the bottom. Sometimes stuff is changed between Summer and Winter Torches guide you through the line to line Trees guide you along the "run" of the level Don't worry about getting up on the ledge with Cmdr. Keen. Nothing much up there. Winter - Fancy lighting - Slippery Iced-over lake - Can't get that pack of chooks on the iced over exit. Summer - Fountain with a current - Slick little exit hideaway Boom Stuff: Current in River Slippery Ice Silent Teleporters FrasL level 10. To Petrograd! started 11/1/2000 and completed 11/24/2000 by Paul O'Neill 1 player version completed 8/2001 by Paul O'Neill Editors: WadAuthor DeePsea Wintex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 11. Triple Decker Fragrate: 1.93 frags/min Misnomer in Doom 2 as Doom 2 can't handle 3 paths on top of each other. Doom Legacy can handle it, and does. New Music : Original composition by Jerry P. New Graphics : Sloppy1 and Sloppy2 are reversed Brnsmal* textures Known Bugs : Thing bridges may require you to jump to get on. This is a bug with the newest version of Legacy, not with the level itself. Primary Textures: Wall - BRNSMALC, BROWNHUG Floor - FLOOR4_8, CIEL5_2 Ceiling - FLAT4 Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken Launcher, 2 Chain Guns, 1 Double Barrel Shotgun, 2 Single Barrel Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw. Items : 1 Berserk, 1 Light Amplification Vizor Ammo : 1 Backpack, 2 Shells x 2, 2 Clips x 2, 4 Chickens, 1 Energy Cell Health Potions : 2 groups of 10 2 groups of 15 Armor Bonuses : 4 groups of 10 Things to look out for: Two long hallways have limited access to each other Watch for chickens down the hallway Don't shoot chickens at the floor (Legacy version) shells and bullets, however, can go through the false floors. Fras Level 11. Triple Decker completed 3/13/2000 by Jerry P. Doom2 version completed 6/21/2000 by Jerry P. 1 player version completed 7/14/2001 by Jerry P. Editors : DeeP97 Wad Author DeHacked Wintex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 12: Krestovsky Circle Fragrate: 1.35 frags/min Another Russian style level, this is set in a multi-floored circular building on Krestovsky Island outside of Petrograd. You must try to collect items and defeat your opponent as you are quickly pushed around the center of the level. New Music :"Waltz" from the Masquerade Suite by Aram Katchaturian New Graphics : Russian flag Known Bugs : None Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 3 Rocket Launchers, 3 Chainguns, 4 Super Shotguns, 4 Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Berserk, 1 Light Amplification Visor, 1 Invisible, 1 Computer Map, 20 Barrels, 3 Medical Kits, 65 Health Potions, 20 Armor Bonuses, 1 Green Armor Ammo : 3 Backpacks, 6 Shells, 5 Boxes of Shells, 1 Box of Bullets, 11 Rockets, 6 Boxes of Rickets, 2 Energy Cells, 1 Energy Pack. Things to look out for: Good stuff hidden in the walls Fancy Russian flags with a lot of starch in them Scrolling exit block Centrifugal force pushes you toward the outside of the level Paulie's sneaky way of getting the blocks to scroll Fras Level 12: Krestovsky Circle started 7/30/2001 and completed 8/17/2001 by Paul O'Neill Editors : Deepsea 11.1 WadAuthor Wintex version 4.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 13: Smard: The Hub's Revenge Fragrate: 1.41 frags/min Well, you've played The Hub forward, backward, up, down, sideways, and squareways, so much that now its back for "revenge." This time, though, it's taken on a bit of a new look. This level uses Legacy blocks for multi-level Legacy deathmatching. New Music : Don't know exactly what its called, but I think its from the movie "Zorba the Greek" - Baklava? Nih! New Graphics : None Known Bugs : Node error in the Octagon room, cleverly disguised by that big old tree. Shouldn't be a problem. Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 2 Chicken Launchers, 3 Chainguns, 4 Single barrel Shotguns, 2 Two-barrel Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Green Armor, 1 Berserk, 1 Light Amplification Visor, 1 Invisible Ammo : 1 group of 2 Backpacks, 2 Ammo Clips, 1 Box of Bullets, 1 pack of Shells, 1 Two-pack of shells, 1 Box of Shells, 3 Chickens, 1 Box of Chickens, 1 Energy Cell, 1 Energy Cell Pack. Health Potions : 2 groups of 5, 1 group of 30. 2 stimpacks. 2 medikits. Armor Bonuses : 2 groups of 10. 1 green armor. Things to look out for: The return of a spiral staircase. These haven't been seen since New. One of the doors must be shot From this hub, you can see almost all the level Pseudorandom teleporter Both non-exit switches *do* do stuff Boom/Legacy stuff: Bridges Moving Floors Silent teleporters Fras Level 13. Smard: The Hub's Revenge started 8/30/2000 and completed 11/16/00 by Jerry P. Editors: WadAuthor DeepSea Wintex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 14: Petrograd Fragrate: 1.43 frags/min You've finally arrived at Petrograd and can now enjoy the diverse and interesting scenery as you hunt down your opponent. Follow the long path that takes you around the level through the green, brown, and brick hallways, or step off the path to ambush your opponent, find some useful items, or admire the red, yellow, and blue chickens. Just try to stay out of the water. New Music :"Leshginka" by Anatoliy Liadov New Graphics : Left and Right arrow switches (The arrow switches in Cube were made first) Known Bugs : Has been known to give an error citing "block has no back link" when trying to enter the level. Weapons : 2 Plasma Guns, 2 Rocket Launchers, 4 Chainguns, 5 Super Shotguns, 7 Shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 2 Berserks, 2 Invisibles,1 Computer map, 5 Medical Kits, 2 Stimpacks, 63 Health potions, 33 Armor Bonuses, 1 Green Armor Ammo : 2 Backpacks, 2 Boxes of Bullets, 2 Boxes of shells, 12 Chickens, 1 Box of Chickens, 1 Energy pack, 2 Energy cells Things to look out for: Multicolored chickens. Spiral staircase using blocks. Controllable conveyor belts. Brown hallways lead you from the water to the bricks. Green hallways lead you from the water to the second floor. Fancy arches. Fras Level 14: Petrograd started 12/22/2001 and completed 1/11/2002 by Paul O'Neill Editors : WadAuthor DeepSea 11.1 Wintex version 4.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 15: Cube Fragrate: 1.62 frags/min Cube isn't only the most geometric level in Fras. It's the only level to boast an elevator bridge. You can move it down to get the rocket launcher, move it up to get the soul sphere, or put it on the second-and-a-half floor to bug your opponent. New Music : Music from "Columns" and Boss music from Sonic 2 by Sega. New Graphics : Up and down arrow switches. Known Bugs : We once broke the bridge, but now its fixed. Fixed good. Weapons : 1 Rocket launcher, 2 Chainguns, 2 Super shotguns, 2 Shotguns, 1 Chainsaws. Items : 1 Berzerk, 1 Soul Sphere, 3 Stimpacks, 1 Medikit. Ammo : 2 Backpacks, 12 Shells, 1 Box of Shells, 12 Ammo Clips 1 Box of Bullets, 6 Rockets. Health Potions : 1 group of 20 Armor bonuses : 2 groups of 20 Things to look out for: To go down, you can use the stairs, but the chutes are quicker. In the lava, the torches lead you to safety. Avoid the skulls. Cube is the first level since Brick to have no sky. Standing on top of the elevator bridge hurts. So why would you go and stand on top of the elevator bridge? What are ya? For fighting between floors, the Single barrel shotgun is actually better than the Super shotgun. Fras Level 15: Cube started 7/19/2001 and completed 7/27/2001 by Jerry P. Editors: DeepSea WadAuthor Wintex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 16: Biffle Fragrate: 3.19 frags/min Biffle is a tight level designed for high frags. Many shotguns and few health bonuses help it to achieve its goal. An inner pit is surrounded by a double looping hallway, with many windows giving opportunities for shooting. It was named after NASCAR driver Greg Biffle, who got his first Winston Cup win on the night that the level was named. New Music : New Sound : None. New Graphics : PANEL10 - Wood with red panels PANEL11 - Wood with black panels Known Bugs : None. Weapons : 2 Chicken launcher, 2 Chainguns, 2 Super Shotguns, 6 Regular shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 2 Medical Kits, 1 Stimpack, 1 Green Armor, 10 Health Potions, 2 groups of 5 Health Potions, 1 group of 5 Armor Bonuses, 1 Light Amp Visor Ammo : 2 Backpacks, 4 Shotgun Shells, 3 Boxes of Shells, 2 Boxes of Bullets, 6 Chickens (Rockets), 1 Box of Chickens Things to look out for: This is the 16th map! The only health is in the pit. The level has many regular shotguns, so don't go off and be unarmed. Black paneled hallways are lower and closer to the pit. Red paneled hallways are higher and farther from the pit. FrasL Level 16: Biffle started 6/24/2003 and completed 10/29/2003 by Paul O'Neill Editors: Wad Author Wintex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 17: Distavator Fragrate: 1.02 frags/min At the heart of this map is the 6-floor elevator that operates pretty much like a real elevator. Only two pairs of floors can be travelled between without the elevator. New Music : "A Bag o' Rags" by W.R.McKanlass Midi sequenced by Jerry P. New Sound : Elevator ding. New Graphics : Floor numbers Solid black Known Bugs : Block back link deal again. Should work okay. Stupid frozen players and floating imps in the elevator, fixed with the newer versions of legacy. Otherwise, the level can be played with the imps. The frozen players are trouble, though. (Don't use Legacy Beta 3 or earlier) Weapons : 1 BFG, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Chicken launcher, 4 Chainguns, 1 Super Shotgun, 4 Regular shotguns, 1 Chainsaw Items : 1 Invisible, 1 Medical Kit, 1 group of 2 Medical Kits, 4 Stimpacks, 1 Green Armor, 75 Health Potions, 60 Armor Bonuses, and featuring... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 Super Extra-Fancy Floating Random Item! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ammo : 1 Group of 5 Backpacks, 3 Shotgun Shells, 1 Box of Shells, 3 Ammo Clips, 1 Box of Bullets, 2 Chickens (Rockets), 1 Box of Chickens, 1 Energy Cell. Possible Random Items: 6% Stimpack 6% Shotgun 6% Backpack 5% LiteAmpVisors 5% Medikit 6% Chaingun 4% BulletBox 3% Berserk 5% HealthPotion 6% Chainsaw 4% ShellBox 2% Invisibility 5% ArmorHelmet 2% RocketLaunch 3% RocketBox 2% AutoMap 3% GreenArmor 2% PlasmaGun 3% ECellPack 1% Invulnerability 2% BlueArmor 2% SuperShotgun 6% Barrel 2% SoulShere 1% BFG 4% CommanderKeen 1% Megashere 2% TallTechPillar Things to look out for: Every so often, the elevator presses one of its own buttons! (that's what puts the "dista" in Distavator) A floating random thing? A jump pad that must be charged using your health Be like PacMan - Go off one side an onto the other A switch at a dead end that does... something... heh heh. FrasL Level 17: Distavator started 5/26/2002 and completed 9/18/2002 by Jerry P. Editors: DeepSea Wintex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRASL.WAD - 4/04 update. Levels created 6/1998 - 7/2003 by Paul O'Neill and Jerry P. Endoom created 11/2000, modified 3/2003 by Jerry P. Interpics created 12/2001 by Paul O'Neill and Jerry P. Demos created 1/2002 by Paul O'Neill and Jerry P. FrasL general update done 4/2004 by Paul O'Neill and Jerry P. Text file update done 3/26/2004 by Paul O'Neill Zipfile should include FrasL.wad and this text file Look for additions and updates to FrasL.wad or any of the Fras wads at Jibberuski's Doom Page -

▀ ▀ DOOM WAS CREATED BY id SOFTWARE: Programming: John Carmack, John Romero, Dave Taylor Art: Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud Design: Sandy Petersen Tech Support: Shawn Green BIZ: Jay Wilbur ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ "Paul O'Neill" and Jerry P. present: 1 Turks ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ To Petrograd! 10 2 New ▐ ▌▐ ▌ Triple Decker 11 3 Brick Krestovsky Cir 12 4 Biff! Kazam! ▀ ▐ ▌ ▐ ▌ ▀ ▄ Smard 13 5 Brick II ▀ Petrograd 14 6 Sky ▐ ▌ ▐ ▌ ▐ ▌ Cube 15 7 Bob Biffle 16 9 The Hub ▐ ▌ ▀ Distavator 17 FRAS.WAD FRASL.WAD FRAS1.WAD FRAS1L.WAD ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄