Base DM #1
Base style deathmatch level. Very small and tight... inspired by MAP07 of DooM 2, but better and more detailed. DON'T fall in slime!
1.09 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
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<!----------------------------------------------------------!> <! NOTE! This level needs BooM. Get it from !> <! This level also works in ZDooM, but not perfectly !> <!Read what are the problems with ZDooM from the end of file!> <!----------------------------------------------------------!> ================================================================ Title : Base DM #1 Filename : BASEDM1.WAD Author : Sir Robin (Jani Saksa) Email Address : [email protected] Other work from author : Level designer in Ninja DooM Main guy in KTA and Quake->DooM conversion Misc. Author Info : DooM freak. I like single player mode, but I love Co-op & Deathmatch! I have a webpage that I update 1-2 times in week with 2-5 new WAD reviews at: Description : Base style deathmatch level. Very small and tight... inspired by MAP07 of DooM 2, but better and more detailed. DON'T fall in slime! Additional Credits to : Kurt Kesler. I borrowed few graphics from his WAD (KBoom #9). I also got some inspiration from his base-style levels to start my own base-style level pack. Well... Kurt's levels are single player, and these are deathmatch! David Wood (hakx) for the music ([email protected]) Berzerk for the new sounds. Geoff Coovert ([email protected]). I took his AP.WAD and merged it to this WAD. Now you can view players death from all directions! Id software for making the best 3d-shooter ever (and Q2 too). ================================================================ * Play Information * Map Number : MAP01 Single Player : If you wan't to look around Cooperative 2-4 Player : Starts are there, but Co-op deathmatching sucks! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : HELL YES! 8 starting points. Difficulty Settings : No. It's a deathmatch WAD New Sounds : Yes (mostly taken from KTA, which is a project that I run) New Graphics : Yes New Textures : Yes (based on original DooM. Taken from KBooM #9) New Sprites : Yes. Player death frames from all 8 directions! New Music : Yes! Demos Replaced : 1/3 Demo Explanation : Me and my nameless friend are fragging each others (I'm fragging more). We had a frag limit of 20, so this fight ends when I finally get 20 frags. You can watch my friends lousy playing by changing player view with F12-key. I must say that my friend playes lousy because BooM gets really choppy and unplayable in multi- player games on the machine he played on. NOTE : This might be slow on some 486's. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch (inspired by level 7 of DooM 2) Editor(s) used : DETH for the actual editing BSP for nodes (ZenNode refused to compile it) WinTex for graphics and sounds NWT for few things that were hard or impossible to do with WinTex Build time : 4-10 hours... Not really sure. Known Bugs : None! Why would I left bugs in the level??? * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (C) Jani Saksa, 1998 Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Authors MAY use sounds, graphics and other "non-level" stuff from this WAD. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: and it's mirrors WWW sites: * ZDooM problems * ZDooM v. 1.14a can run this WAD somehow. Earlyers DON'T work with it, and later versions may work perfectly. v. 1.14a has following problems with this WAD: 1) You can't get the shotgun that scrolls on the conveyor belt, because ZDooM doesn't support BooM's silent teleporter which is used to teleport the weapon back to beginning of the belt when it comes to end. 2) You can get out of the slime, and that's not what I wanted. I could make it deeper, but I like the look of it right now! 3) When you dive underwater in the pool, the screen doesn't go blue. This is not a big deal, but just a cosmetic bug. 4) You can't see through the glass window! This is a major cosmetic bug! Let's hope that ZDooM supports translucent textures in next version. Generally ZDooM works quite well with the level, and if you like it more, feel free to use it.