Vaults ... 6 level adventure for Hexen
vaults.wad, Vaults.wad
1.47 MB
WAD Type
MAP01, MAP06, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05
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================================================================ Title : Vaults ... 6 level adventure for Hexen Filename : VAULTS.WAD version 1.4 Author : Chet Walters / WizWorks! Email Address : [email protected] (write if you like it) WWW Address : Game : Hexen (1.1 update recommended) Base : From scratch by yours truly Level #'s : Map 01 thru Map 06 cluster 1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes (untested but 8 starts/map) Difficulty Settings : Yes (1&2 is a Home & Gardens tour) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (flats & textures & title) New Music : No Demos Replaced : Yes (3) (new with version 1.2) System Required : Computer years are like dog years so get yourself up to speed if you've been resting on your 486/33 laurels for the last 14. Base Machine : Developed on a p90 with 32 meg. Run thru Win 95 to simulate slower machine (seems to work but see notes) Scripts & Sectors : 141 scripts, 1889 sectors, 2447 things (see notes at the end of this file) Description : You thought you defeated ol' Korax but it was merely his hologram. He's back with a vengeance! He's locked you up in his maximum security cellblock. You awaken just as the cell door slams shut. You don't like the looks of your cellmates and you surely don't like the sounds emanating from the next cell! Remember, you're in the middle of a desert where the only water that flows is a disgusting brackish swill. It's here Korax trains his armies. Supplies are sparse until and if you can fight your way through the playing fields. You've heard rumors that this is also where Korax keeps part of his treasure trove guarded by his dark Bishops. If you can find the entrance and decipher the vault's complicated combination, you can stock up on needed supplies and gain access to other domains. Perhaps even find your way to Korax himself so you can serve your own vengeance (a dish best served cold) upon him for a change. (see notes at the end of this file for more) Utilities used : WAD Author 1.2 3/9/96 (the best!) WinTex 4.0, 4.2 for graphics Paint Shop Pro for editing graphics. Zennode .98a for nodebuilding (vaults.zen necessary for effects) Additional Credits to : John Williston for WAD Author. of course, ID and Raven Where to get it : NOTE: If there are any bugs, please report them to: Chet Walters internet address [email protected] If there are any bugs found the update file will be available at: Look to the version number at the beginning of this file and notes at the end. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT modify this WAD. I spent too many hours and too much care in the details to have this hacked up. Besides, map01 and map06 are at the limit. Found some limits. Max 32 mapvars. Max 200 items with TID. Max Visiplanes. Had to remove some stuff so it would run. Oh well...... However, the climax map06 contains two exit teleports. One is the end game and the other takes you to level 7 map 13 cluster 2 just as in the Hexen IWAD. You can start there with additional levels if you wish but you must give me full credit for the first six. You MAY distribute this WAD, (please do, I think it's great! Yeah, yeah. I'm a legend in my own mind) but, include this file with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and unmodified. NOTES: This wad contains some never before seen Hexen special effects: Electric fences, spinning flesh tearing hazards, stationary fireballs, electrified invisible force fields, icy whirlwinds, deep water, sparking switches, hidden fire pits, a "basement" that is actually "under" the floor above and much more. If you use WAD Author, I've been kind enough to leave the original (but sloppy) script source code there for your edification. Some comments too. Many of the scripts use common "subroutines" for compactedness Take a look at the scripts if you wish to see how they work. If you want to create new Hexen levels using these scripts... by all means. I'm a real Hexen fan (the "behavior" makes the difference) and would like to see more well thought out third party wads made for Hexen so feel free! This wad also contains plenty of weapons, health and ammo. Try not to cheat. Notes for slower machines: In Dark Mire, Vaults makes use of the floor waggle special. This special is known to slow down game play and even on the p90, I notice a little slowdown when it's on. There is a switch just outside the main porticullus before you enter the main castle. You can turn the floor waggle on or off here if your machine is experiencing too much of a slowdown as a result of the Floor Waggle. More Details.... LEVEL ONE:BISHOP'S VAULT (map01 scripts:48 sectors:640) Desert maximum security prison surrounded by military training field, Bishop's Vault and main chapel. Any similarity to an existing church structure in which treasure and knowledge are under strict lock and key accessible only to the "elect" is purely coincidental and should not be construed otherwise. Level two through five can be visited at your leisure in pretty much a circular fashion so they are listed below in name only. Their entry doors on level one are in no particular order and you can travel back to level one to visit another any time you like. Once on level six, though, you're there for good. DARK MIRE (map02 scripts:8 sectors:124) Plod along the muddy bayou. Make sure the swimming nasties don't mistake you for a cajun crawdad! Flesh tearing "iron maidens" bar your path to the prize. (see notes) DEEP END BAY (map03 scripts:15 sectors:370) WaterWorld with deep water, six puzzles and a much smaller budget than Kevin Kostner's offering. Watch out for the electric fences! There's "ghosts", too! CRYSTAL CAVERNS (map04 scripts:14 sectors:179) Play the slots and win the prize. Careful of the icy winds... Geez, those frozen windows are hard to break. (Just one hint here. Try different weapons on the icy windows. They _will_ all break if you hit them right.) MILL BORN (map05 scripts:21 sectors:361) The fiery realm where Korax forges his weapons. Lots of sparks and heat here. My rust belt roots are showing.... LEVEL SIX:KORAX VAULT (map06 scripts:35 sectors:215) Finally made it! Now you can give him what he deserves! But watch out for his ghostly minions and tricky traps. Those exploding ice cubes can give you a headache. Be careful when trying to turn on the Tiffany lamp, it may be shorted. Any similarity between map06 and an existing major joint U.S. military installation is purely coincidental and should not be construed otherwise. A simple FAQ file which will give you detailed hints to solve the puzzles of Vaults by level is available at this WWW address: Don't cheat and look at it unless you are really stumped. DEATHMATCH NOTES: I've never played a deathmatch. I don't know how they work, exactly, but I've gleaned the logic from perusing the Hexen IWAD and scripts so I think I've made the proper adjustments to VAULTS to make it a passable Deathmatch wad. There are 8 deathmatch starts on each level along with extra weapons and such for each. Level one gets turned into a race for the prizes, but you will have to cooperate in order to open the teleport to level six with the puzzle pieces. The rest of the levels should work just fine and level six should be a blast. The elevators and doors and teleports are fully adjusted for deathmatch and multiplayer cooperative games. Vaults was designed as more of a single player "head" game, but there's plenty there to make it a good slugfest as well. Difficulty level 1/2 is a cook's tour and there are a few differences between 3, 4/5. You'll need Hexen 1.1 for 8 player deathmatch else only 4. BUG FIXES AND ADDITIONS: version 1.1 A switch was added to Dark Mire to turn off the floor waggle special to accommodate slower machines. A bug which caused Level Six:Korax Vault to crash if the Tiffany Lamp door was opened while Korax was active has been fixed. version 1.2 Blood correctly spelled. Demos and title screen added. Solution demo created for Bishop's Vault. version 1.3 Second chance at the door on the south end of Crystal Caverns. That door was once not repeatable so if you missed it, you got stuck! Thanks to Byron Hinkle for the bug report. version 1.4 Fixed a bug in level one where there was two player four start ones and no player two start ones. (Byron again!) ============================================================ Zennode .98a .zen file for vaults.wad ============================================================ # # Zen file for Vaults.wad # [MAP01] # 'BISHOP'S VAULT' [ignore-linedefs] # lineDefs bounding polyObjects 37-40 825-828 2782-2785 # polyObject lineDefs - !!! DON'T IGNORE THESE !!! !2782-2785 !41-44 !76-87 !829-844 [dont-split-linedefs] # # None # [dont-split-sectors] # sectors containing polyobj at runtime 526 #church doors 135-138 #prison tunnels 10-13 #vault pillar sectors [unique-sectors] # # None # [MAP02] # 'DARK MIRE' [ignore-linedefs] [dont-split-linedefs] # linedefs for waggle 548 564-569 584-591 600-602 713-718 719-724 725-730 930-935 936-941 942-947 948-953 954-959 [dont-split-sectors] [MAP03] # 'DEEP END BAY' [ignore-linedefs] # lineDefs bounding polyObjects #1544-1547 #1564-1567 # polyObject lineDefs - !!! DONT IGNORE THESE !!! !1548-1551 #rotator !1556-1563 #hall blocks [dont-split-linedefs] # linedefs for deep water 4-27 [dont-split-sectors] 353 [MAP04] # 'CRYSTAL CAVERNS' [ignore-linedefs] # lineDefs bounding polyObjects 851-854 # polyObject lineDefs - !!! DONT IGNORE THESE !!! !864-867 #rotator [dont-split-linedefs] [dont-split-sectors] 193