Eulogy 5 for BOOM

Eulogy 5 for BOOM

It's Eulogy 5, changed around a bit, and made specifically for TeamTNT's BOOM engine. I've recently been getting quite interested in the BOOM engine, and edi...

230.88 KB
WAD Type
Doom II

Read Me

Date Completed         : Eulogy 5: June 7, 1998  Eulogy 5 for BOOM: August 10, 1998
Title                  : Eulogy 5 for BOOM
Filename               : eul5boom.wad
Other Works            : All the rest of the eulogys.  Check out
Author                 : Cyberdemon (Mike Watson)

Email Address          : [email protected]

Description            : It's Eulogy 5, changed around a bit, and made 
			 specifically for TeamTNT's BOOM engine.  I've recently 
			 been getting quite interested in the BOOM engine, 
			 and editing for it, so I figured I'd take a shot at it.  

			 Basicly I was too lazy to make an all new wad, 
			 so I spent two or three days enhancing Eulogy 5, which, I think, 
			 is the best in the series so far(there are now seven total).

			 When you play this you'll notice two sigficicant 
			 things.  Deep water(actually nukage)and the silent 
			 switch teleporter, which kicks ass.  But anyway, 
			 I'll stop now.

Additional Credits to  : id Software for Doom2
			 TOOL for their song 'Eulogy' (still a .mus file)
			 TeamTNT for the kick ass BOOM port
			 Jim Flynn for fixing my IWAD(that guy kicks ass)
			 Mordeth(I don't want to mispell his name, cause 
			 I hate when I do that)for the BOOM editing pages 
			 on DoomWorld which greatly aided me.
			 I think that's it.

* Play Information *

Game                    : boom.exe with doom2.wad (If you run it with 
			  doom2.exe you get ugly-ass tutti frutty effects and 
			  you can't even finish the map...obviously 
			  the same thing happems with all other ports)
Level #                 : map01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes(untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Has 8 starts, but it's definetly not a 
			  DM map.
Difficulty Settings     : All implimented.
New Sounds              : No...why would I do that?

New Graphics            : New brick texture(in the library), new railing
			  (also in library) and a new sky.
New Music               : Eulogy by TOOL (appropriate, isn't it?)

Demos Replaced          : Bahaha, that's funny...I couldn't beat this 
			  map if my life depended on it...hahaha!  But 
			  feel free to send me any demo's you want.

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch.  Sky from UAC_Dead(slightly 
			  modifyed), brick texture is a modifyed doom 2 texture 
			  and the railing I made from midbars3.

Editor(s) used          : WadED, Warm, NWT, Midi2Mus, PSP

Build time              : Beats me...probaly 15-20 hours over the course 
			  of a week for the actual Eulogy 5.  The Boom stuff 
			  took me two or three days to put in, especially 
			  deep water, which is really weird(in my opinion anyway).
Known Bugs              : No MAJOR bugs(as in, you can finish the map), but 
			  there's some texture-misalignment...mostly horrizontal 
			  junk...but nothing too ugly.

 * Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided 
that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file)  

Where to Get this wad:

FTP:, and all mirrors

BBS: Dose anyone even use BBS anymore?

Other: Agg..go download it ya putz! <-- Go download this, it rules!

I keep making these text files longer and longer...I wonder if anyone 
actually reads them...




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns