This is a Massmouth Christmas special, as it were. I always wanted to make a Massmouth hub, and a few days ago I decided I would do it. It's small and pretty...
4.76 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP20, MAP21, MAP22
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Date Completed : 12/25/04 Title : Massmouthmas Filename : massmas.wad Other Works : Author : Cyb (mostly) Email Address : [email protected] Description : This is a Massmouth Christmas special, as it were. I always wanted to make a Massmouth hub, and a few days ago I decided I would do it. It's small and pretty linear, and it's not fast paced action or anything. In fact it's more of a puzzle wad, so if you want some crazy run and gun, go play Alien Vendetta. The story takes place after the events of Massmouth 1, but before Massmouth 2, because making it follow the events of Massmouth 2 would be a pain thanks to my genius idea of giving it six endings. Everything will be explained in game, so enjoy! Also a nice thanks to various people who played the first version I released on DW and told me about any bugs and such. =============================================================== * Play Information * Game : zdoom.exe 2.0.94 or higher should work fine. Anything lower that that use at your own risk. If don't know where to get zdoom, try here: You also need Massmouth 2, that is, massm2.wad which you can grab at the following link if you don't already have it (shame on you!): I can't stress this enough, YOU NEED MASSMOUTH 2 IN ORDER TO PLAY THIS. As for the command line: zdoom.exe -file massm2.wad massmas.wad It's also important that they be in that order, I think it might break if they're out of order, but I'm not sure. Levels : MAP20 - 22 hubbed (so don't skip around) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : No =============================================================== * Construction * Base : Maps : Scratch GFX : Me (simple ones) Scuba Steve (some sprites and a texture or two) Enjay (stole something from Marine Assault) WViperW (Q2 model used to make sprites) Raven Software (theft from Hexen) Music : CanisLupus Maim Cryogenic Keypounder Regin Johnson and one song I couldn't find the author of Editor(s) used : WadAuthor, Paint Shop Pro 8, XWE, UltraEdit-32, Doom Builder, Wintex, ACC Build time : Believe it or not, only 4 days Known Bugs : Misalignments in the cave areas because I'm lazy and they're only caves. The rest should be okay, but I didn't go crazy. There's also probably ways to break scripts if you try hard, but I'm pretty good at keeping scripts unbreakable, so you should be okay as long as you don't try to break them. =============================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use the resources in this wad for whatever the want, just as long as you credit the original author. You can't use the levels because I'm a big mean jerk. You can use the scripts. The library source is in the wad as a lump named 'MXMASSRC', so go nuts. You may distrubute this file in any format (CD ROM, BBS, whatever) provided that you include all files included in your distribution (as in, this text file and the wad) and it is not sold or traded for anything. Same goes for wads using resources from it. Where to Get this wad: FTP: and all mirrors