TurboCharged ARCADE! - The Sequel Episode!
After a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong delay, the second episode (sorta) of the long- awaited (sorta) TurboCharged ARCADE! is here (sorta)! Vent...
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Doom II
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=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : He's TNT, he's dynamite. Advanced engine needed : Zdoom (2.5.0 or above) Primary purpose : Single Player =========================================================================== Title : TurboCharged ARCADE! - The Sequel Episode! Filename : turbotwo.wad Revision : 1,000,000 Release Date : 12-09-10 Authors : Xaser & Jimmy Email Addresses : [email protected], [email protected] Other Files By Authors : Xaser: Zen Dynamics, Lost Episode, TcA Episode 1 Jimmy: Omega, Jenesis, Blocks of Doom II Miscs Authors Infos : Xaser is a Xaser from the planet Xaser who does Xaser-y things. Jimmy is a pretty cool guy. Eh, makes really good music and doesn't afraid of anything. We apologize for using this meme. Maybe. Description : After a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong delay, the second episode (sorta) of the long- awaited (sorta) TurboCharged ARCADE! is here (sorta)! Venture across the mountainous realms of the Himalayas and the lava fields of Hell. Witness epic spectacles such as massive exploding barrel structures and semi-monumental wedding chapels. In The Sequel Episode, you do it all, from raiding a Museum to smashing yourself against rockets to bounce them into colored (and often deadly) blocks. And before it's all said and done, better prepare yourself for an epic showdown with The Man himself, (an acronym of) Satan. For those not in the know, TcA is a humorous adventure revolving around short, wacky levels where everything operates at 200% speed. Enemies, weapons, you name it! It's quicker, faster, deadlier and funnier. The Sequel Episode sports eight more maps of awesome from insanity masterminds Xaser and Jimmy, which may or may not be fit for human consumption (not that it matters to most humans anyway). Additional Credits to : People! Such as: - Kate for testing and sirbelfin for almost testing - The guy who made good ol' turbo.deh - kniggit, for the MAP01 midi I stealed - Lexus Alyus, Bobby Prince, Lee Jackson, Sam Woodman for other songs that are not Jimmy's - Everyone who actually wanted to see this get done! =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : Crazy Eight Sounds : Yes Music : Yes -- some classic TcA tunes plus new Jimmy music! Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes. Turbo, biyayatch! Demos : If by 'demo' you mean 'demolition', then yes. Other : DECORATE, DECALDEF, SNDINFO, and all that Zdoom stuff. Other files required : Latest ZDoom and your local fire department. * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01-MAP08 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (too scripted) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No (i dare you to FUCKIN' TRY BITCH!) Other game styles : Yes (No) Difficulty Settings : No need (we're lazy) * Construction * Base : Scratchy maps. Build Time : Since the last release, only longer. Editor(s) used : Doom Builder (2), SLumpEd, MIDI Tracker, Cakewalk Pro Known Bugs : There might be, or there might not be. May Not Run With... : QWOP * Map Information * MAP01 - "Ask the Wise Guy" by Xaser MAP02 - "Congestion 1337" by Xaser MAP03 - "Balls of Steel" by Xaser MAP04 - "Blocks of Doooom!" by Jimmy MAP05 - "Unholy Matrimony" by Jimmy MAP06 - "Museum Raider" by Jimmy MAP07 - "Blatant Demolitionism" by Xaser MAP08 - "Merry Shitmas!" by Jimmy * Demolitionist's Handbook * - Kill enemies with your chaingun cannon but don't let it overheat! - Altfire releases a souped-up power-shot, but generates more heat. - Use the rail! Press any of the arrows to use the Fast Travel system. - Prioritize your targets! Pains are worth more than Souls. - You'll get the opportunity to Repair buildings every 4 rounds. Spend your repair points wisely, as you only get so many! - A few of the buildings release special negative consequences if destroyed. Keep them safe or you'll be sorry! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse, as long as you credit us in some form. Just be sensible 'bout it -- if you rip entire maps and pass them off as your own, we will find you and eat you. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. We have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. We think. You MAY swallow a nuclear bomb whole in hopes of committing suicide, provided that you make sure the bomb does not have any sharp objects on the outside, because that may cause accidental disembowelment. Permissions have been obtained from manufacturers of nuclear warheads for any bombs that may be used in this event. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirror mazes.
TurboCharged ARCADE! The Sequel Episode (TITLEMAP)
Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns