s of Weapons: (E-mail me for TECH INFO, TECH.DOC, use WIN 95)<br><br> 1. FISTS or POWERLOADER Powerloader is a type of fork lift in ALIENS<br><br> 2. PISTOL ...
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Awesome Weapons of Doom by Ty Conner Version 2.00 5/5/96 ***************************************************************************** File inclueded: WEAPONS.WAD - This file is the one with the Weapons W_SNDS.WAD - This file contains the sounds INSTALL.BAT - This file is used to install Awesome Weapons WEAPONS.TXT - This file DEUSF.EXE - If it weren't for this file, It would not work! DEHACKED.EXE - This converts Doom for the Weapons WEAPONS.DEH - This is the patch file **DEHACK.INI - This file tells dehacked what to do TECH.DOC* - This file has all Technical Background on the Weapons W_LEVELS.WAD - This file is for DOOM 1 only. ** = The two number in front of dehack (i.e. 17dehack.ini) * = This file needs Windows 95, E-mail me for the file Descriptions of Weapons: (E-mail me for TECH INFO, TECH.DOC, use WIN 95) 1. FISTS or POWERLOADER Powerloader is a type of fork lift in ALIENS 2. PISTOL Sligtly modified pistol with laser eye & vents. Just Imagine the look on the baddies faces! :) 3. Simi-Automatic Shotgun Modified machine gun w/ clips!!! 4. M-41 A Pulse Rifle - Rifle Standard Military Issue Weapon 5. M-41 A Pulse Rifle - Underslung Grenade Launcher Yes, This weapon also had a grenade launcher too!! 6. M-56 Smart Gun Heavy Duty Military Issue Weapon For Specialy trained Marines 7. Flame Thrower This is last and best weapon Use it for those special moments! New Graphics: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Levels: Yes, for Doom 1 New Music: Yes, for Doom 1 Installation Directions Place all the files in your Doom directory & type install. After the install program has run type WEAPONS to use the new Weapons Send Me Feedback: [email protected] (c) Ty Conner, Justin Fisher & the author of Aliens Doom 3 P.S. The doom cheats don't work when using Awesome Weapons P.S.S. Send me feedback and ask for the cheats and I'll seen a few of them to ya!! :)

Awesome Weapons by Ty Conner Version 2.00 I hope you enjoyed Awesome Weapons! Questions, Comments or Suggestions? Send them to: [email protected] Awesome Weapons was Designed at: ITC Productions PROGRAMMED BY: Ty Conner (c) DOOM is copyrighted to id SOFTWARE