Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps

Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps

Claustrophobia 1024 2 is the community-made sequel to Claustrophobia 1024 which was released in June 2009. It's comprised of 34 brand-new maps restricting th...

28.40 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP01, MAP03, MAP04, MAP11, MAP15, MAP17, MAP18, MAP21, MAP23, MAP24, MAP26, MAP30, MAP31, MAP32, MAP33, MAP05, MAP08, MAP10, MAP16, MAP19, MAP02, MAP20, MAP12, MAP14, MAP22, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP06, MAP07, MAP09, MAP13, MAP25, MAP34

Read Me

        |\      \                                                   
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                  +---+ +---------+ +---------+         +--+


Advanced engine needed  : Boom and Boom-compatible ports.  
Tested with             : prboom+, ZDoom, Risen3D

Primary purpose         : Single player
Title                   : Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps
Filename                : 1024cla2.wad
Release date            : January 7th 2010
Project Leader          : Jodwin
Project Founder(s)      : Shitbag & Lutrov71 (Congestion 1024)
                        : Mechadon (Claustrophobia 1024)
Mappers/E-Mail          : Przemek 'Alterworldruler' Zimny       : [email protected]

                        : Cody 'Butts'                          : [email protected]

                        : Walter 'daimon' Confalonieri          : [email protected]

                        : Elric 'Darkhaven/Fisk' Sullivan       : [email protected]

                        : Ben 'Dreadopp' Taylor                 : [email protected]

                        : gggmork                               : ---

                        : Chris 'Impboy' Harriman               : [email protected]

                        : Joonas 'Jodwin' Aijala                : [email protected]

                        : Justin 'KingKill33' Murphy            : [email protected]

                        : Steve 'Kyka' Muller                   : [email protected]

                        : Lord Z                                : [email protected]

                        : Mike 'Mik57' Ewer                     : [email protected]

                        : shotgunmasacre2                       : ---

                        : Solarn                                : [email protected]

                        : Stuart (Stewboy) Rynn                 : [email protected]

                        : Stupidbunny                           : [email protected]

                        : K. ?TheMionicDonut? Larson            : [email protected]
Other files by authors:

        Alterworldruler:        Dark Caliber, Xenus Revisited, Xenus 2: The New Nightmare

        Butts:                  I made a map in Claustrophobia 1024. I detailed a map or two
                                in Greenwar 2. 32-in-24-7: Made Map14, Map25; Detailed Map21.
                                Diet 32-in-24: Detailed Map06.

        daimon:                 really too much to list, bro

        Fisk:                   f-tmcrr.wad, fskmps01.wad

        Dreadopp:               ---

        gggmork:                no 'official' releases

        Impboy:                 Not telling you

        Jodwin:                 A bunch of maps in 1024clau.wad, elegyftv.wad, oderesur.wad, etc...

        KingKill33:             Padma (Claustrophobia)

        Kyka:                   "MeaCulpa" project (under construction), from Claus1024:
                                Map 04 (Detailing), Map 09, Map 17 (with Solarn and Jodwin) and
                                Map 18 (with InsanityBringer))
                                "Not so Simple" Doom2 map 07 remake.

        Mik57:                  4 maps for GVH, about half of the maps for ZDWars

        Lord Z:                 Two maps for the upcoming Heretic Treasure Chest, a map for the
                                TEN Community map pack and a map for the upcoming Community Chest 4.

        shotgunmasacre2:        ---

        Solarn:                 None yet.

        Stewboy:                Some 32in24s, a map in CC4

        Stupidbunny:            HELLBND.WAD

        TheMionicDonut:         closenc.wad

Playtesters             : Snarboo
                          The Green Herring







Music                   : Jimmy91 (title and intermission)
                          Arthur Prawitt
                          knight of doom
                          Maxime Tondreau
                          Derek Clay
                          Octal Livershite
                          The Jade Emperor
                          Sam Palmer
                          Jay Reichard
                          David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
                          Destructomatic 5001

Textures                : François-Xavier Delmotte aka OgrO_FiX
                               - Ogro Texture Pack
                          Nick Baker, aka NiGHTMARE
                               - Recoloured Doom and Doom 2 textures v2, 5th Episode textures
                                 Useful flats, NiGHTMARE texture WAD 1, Silver textures
                          Sean Johnson
                               - Graphtallica Texture Pack
                          David Gevert
                               - DarkBase Texture Pack
                          Jonathan Rimmer
                               - Erratic Texture Pack 1
                          Brett 'Mechadon' Harrell
                               - CR8 Quake Texture Pack, IGPack Texture Edits, Various skies, 
                                 HLLGRATE midtexture.  Compiled the texture resource.
                               - Suspended In Dusk textures
                               - Various textures from Greenwar 2, recolored version of the 
                                 green glowy switches, esseltex set
                               - Demon Eclipse textures
                          Team TNT 
                               - Final Doom (Evilution) textures
                               - Key Switch textures/REDSHAWN
                          Various Authors
                               - Congestion 1024, Skulltag, 32in24-7, Gothic DM2,
                                 Crucified Dreams.

Graphics (from 1024Clau): Mechadon
                               - TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, Statusbar, Bigfont, Smallfont, 
                                 Menu graphics, CREDIT, HELP, M_THREM_, M_SLIDE_, 
                                 M_DOOM, M_SKULL#, CWILV##, ENDOOM, CONFONT, and 
                                 parts of the PLAYPAL.  Just about everything!
                               - For parts of the PLAYPAL lump.
                               - For his super smexy Simplicity blues.
                               - For making ColorGenie and helping fix the pain 
                                 flash issue.
                               - Is totally awesome for helping me fix the 
                               - For making the "Jimmy91's super-cool menu 
                                 patch creator"!

Demos                   : Jodwin
                      *Note* -- All of the demos were recorded with complevel 9.

Additional Credits      : To Mechadon for giving Claus 2 his blessing, and all original
                          mappers who were very cooperative with having their maps in
                          Claus 2.

Description             : Claustrophobia 1024 2 is the community-made sequel to
                          Claustrophobia 1024 which was released in June 2009.  
                          It's comprised of 34 brand-new maps restricting the player's 
                          movements to a 1024x1024 space.  Decoration and monsters
                          were allowed outside of this 1024 squared area.  The
                          player is allowed outside of the 1024 boundary given
                          he is killed instantly.  The focus of the project
                          was to create a set of fun, quick & good looking maps while
                          being able to work within the boundaries that were set.
                          All of the maps were made to be played pistol start but
                          it also plays just as well map-by-map.

* What is included *

New levels              : Yes
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : Yes
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : MAP01 - MAP32 (& MAP33 & MAP34)
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Starts are there (but highly discouraged)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : Maps new from scratch, graphics based on Claustrophobia 1024
Build Time              : 
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, Doom Builder 2, XWE, Paint Shop Pro, 
                          ENDOOMER, Irfanview
Known Bugs              : - Exiting MAP33 in Boom, MBF, or WinMBF will cause the game
                            to crash.  This may also happen in other, similar ports.
                            You can still play the map but you will not be able to see
                            your stats upon exiting.  Play the map in a newer sourceport
                            if you want to see your stats (PrBoom+, ZDoom, etc).
May Not Run With...     : Any non-Boom compatible ports.


**Map List**
1.      Poliganoy               :Author:        Stewboy
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
2.      Corrosion               :Author:        shotgunmasacre2
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   ---
                                :Music:         "Scent of Hell" by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
3.      Tekno1000               :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A simple techbase, originally created
                                                before Break the Chain from 1024clau.
                                :Music:         Stage 3 Rock remix from Double Dragon
                                                sequenced by Arthur Prawitt
4.      666 Feet Under          :Author:        Impboy	
                                :Add. Author:   Daimon
                                :Description:   Fight through hell basically.
                                :Music:         "Demons on the Prey" (E1M7) by Bobby Prince
5.      Enough Space?           :Author:        Lord_Z
                                :Add. Author:   KingKill33 & Jodwin & Dreadopp & Mechadon
                                :Description:   A cruise through the outer stretches of
                                                the galaxy gone horribly wrong.
                                :Music:         TNT:Evilution Map16
6.      Severed Survival        :Author:        Fisk & Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   In an unforeseen teleportation malfunction,
                                                you've somehow ended up severed from the
                                                rest of your squad in a hellish outpost.
                                :Music:         "And So I carry on..." by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
7.      Into Hell               :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The smell of rot surrounds you, as the
                                                bodies of countless demons and fellow
                                                marines lay before you. You are trapped
                                                in this morbid arena, and must fight to
                                                survive. Can you?
8.      Minimal House           :Author:        Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   Oh well, is a house. It looks so 1994 era,
                                                dude, but for this reason you like it!
                                :Music:         Super Robot Wars theme remixed by knigth
                                                of doom
9.      Handful of Dread        :Author:        Dreadopp
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
                                :Music:         "I Sawed The Demons" (E2M1) by Bobby Prince
10.     Metallic Echo           :Author:        Stewboy
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
11.     A Minor Doomsday        :Author:        Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   A run through Doom, you begin in the lost
                                                station of Phobos, then you'll walk on the

                                                forgotten fleshy mech structure of Deimos,

                                                and you take over in a little Hell Outpost.
                                :Music:         Introduction theme from Megaman X 2, remixed

                                                by Zoraspace
12.     Stagnant Depot          :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   Haven't those demons heard that mail gets
                                                x-rayed? They seem to be planning on

                                                taking the next train out of here to 4k.

                                                Make sure they miss their departure.
13.     The Blood Factory       :Author:        StupidBunny & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   Lots of close-quarters gameplay, some

                                                tricky bits here and there. Action takes

                                                place in factory building, with lots

                                                large external area added for sense of space.
14.     Twilight of the         :Author:        alterworldruler
        Demons                  :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   This map was merely mine experiment with

                                                setting up a moody atmosphere in a 1024

                                                map, large bridges, crates underthem and

                                                that crap. The bridge part was hard to

                                                make but it was all worth it as it

                                                expanded the play area.
                                :Music:         "Breakaway" by Maxime Tondreau
15.     Spirited Away           :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   You have been spirited away by the demons

                                                to a gothic castle, where you had been

                                                buried alive. Can you also escape alive?

                                                Or will you be further spirited away to

                                                the secret worlds..?
                                :Music:         "Mystic's Glance" by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
16.     End of the Line         :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   This old, worn-down base has now become

                                                the outpost of the demons. You must

                                                clean them out and take it back so that

                                                the humans may have a chance to survive.
                                :Music:         "The Reflecting God" by Marilyn Manson
17.     Dismalady               :Author:        alterworldruler & TheMionicDonut
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   alter: Originally, it was my second contribution

                                                but I didn't finish it so TheMionicDonut

                                                did the rest of the map so you can say,

                                                it was our collaboration and I REALLY

                                                gotta thank that guy, for finishing such

                                                beautiful map.

                                                TMD: For some reason vague enough to work
                                                in Doom, you have teleported into yet
                                                another demon-infested techbase. What are
                                                the odds! You aren't the only one with
                                                access to this warp though...
                                :Music:         "Final Jam" by Derek Clay
18.     Graytech Industries     :Author:        Impboy
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   A grayish base with hellspawn taken over.
                                :Music:         "Helicopter" from Laser Invasion sequenced
                                                by Octal Livershite
19.     Complex4k               :Author:        KingKill33 & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   Maybe you should've just came here instead
                                                of dealing with the depot? Stop the demons
                                                before they can use the mining facilities
                                                for their own evil needs.
                                :Music:         "Demanufacture" by Fear Factory
20.     Calypso Station         :Author:        Mik57
                                :Add. Author:   Daimon
                                :Description:   Another one of my first maps. I like how it
                                                turned out, and I gained some old school
                                                mapping experience from making it.
                                :Music:         "Monuments of Treason" by Maxime Tondreau
21.     Darkness abides         :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A bunch of fights in a Quakeish underground
                                :Music:         "Assault" by Maxime Tondreau
22.     Power Station           :Author:        KingKill33 & Dreadopp
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The demons have knocked out the power, and
                                                obviously, taken out the defense grids. It
                                                won't be easy, but you need to get in
                                                there and clear them out so that resistance
                                                can get the grids back on.
                                :Music:         "Moskau" by Rammstein
23.     The Dark Dawn           :Author:        alterworldruler
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   This was my last contribution to original
                                                claus which wasn't so good but it got
                                                improved thanks to all these small people
                                                in the team.
                                :Music:         "House #3" from "A Nightmare on Elm Street"
                                                by The Jade Emperor
24.     Oil Rig Zero            :Author:        Mik57
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   One of my first serious maps. Had a few
                                                noobisms, but Jodwin ironed them out
                                                pretty well.
                                                Story: Only 2 days until this Oil Rig was
                                                constructed, it was invaded by Hell. It
                                                is crucial to the EDF. It must be
                                                recaptured at all costs.
                                :Music:         "Warfare" from Command and Conquer:
                                                Tiberian Dawn, converted to MIDI by Sam
25.     The Process             :Author:        KingKill33 & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The central delivery facility is over-run
                                                with hellspawn, and it's your job to clean
                                                house. Make sure you don't get the packages
                                                bloody, though.
26.     Into the Skies          :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A bunch of fights in a techbase high in
                                                the mountains.
                                :Music:         "Shadow Boss" remix from Double Dragon 2
                                                by Magus15
27.     Tower of Desolation     :Author:        Solarn
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   An old, crumbling tower in the wastelands
                                                of Hell. It seems empty as you go in, but... 
                                :Music:         "In the arms of death" from Guilty Gear Isuka.
                                                Converted to .midi by solis
28.     Obliteration            :Author:        Butts
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   I just felt like making an unfair and
                                                difficult map, where the focus was surviving
                                                the hordes. It had to get toned down severely.
                                :Music:         "Slayer of Light" by Ensiferum
29.     Taggart Sails to        :Author:        Jodwin
        Orion                   :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A castle in the crimson realms between life
                                                and afterlife. Can you make it through, or
                                                will you be slain and left in the limbo for
                                                ages to come?
                                :Music:         "Pharaoh Sails to the Orion" by Nightwish
30.     ???                     :Author:        gggmork
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ...
                                :Music:         "Prey" by Destructomatic 5001
31.     Somewhere That's        :Author:        TheMionicDonut
        Green                   :Add. Author:   Jodwin & Daimon
                                :Description:   This was the first thing that came to mind
                                                when I saw the glorious new 1024 palette,
                                                full of bright...greenness. Its just crazy
                                                enough to qualify for a secret map, and I
                                                hope you like the super secret exit method
                                                as much as I did thinking of it. :]

                                                With apologies to Alan Menkin
32.     Proceed With Caution    :Author:        Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   I really wanted to make a 1024 map that
                                                was just one big room. No corridors, no
                                                fancy switch hunts, no nothing except you,
                                                some guns and a stroll across a room to a
                                                conveniently placed exit. After months of
                                                work and helpful suggestions from a bunch
                                                of people (DeathDestiny, Mechadon, Jodwin,
                                                Hawkwind, The Green Herring), this is the
                                                result. It is different from your usual
                                                Doom gameplay, but I hope people like it.
33.     The Unknown Machine     :Author:        Jodwin & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The hellspawn have begun their invasion on 
                                                the last civilian holding vault, and you alone
                                                are left to oppose them. It is time to make
                                                the last stand...can you prevail against the
                                                hordes until you manage to destroy the
                                                teleportation machine?
                                :Music:         "Overclock" by Jimmy91
34.     Abstraction             :Author:        gggmork & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   gggmork = main layout, kyka = a lot of the
                                                main textures/detail, jodwin = some zdoom
                                                vs. prboom-plus compatibility touch-ups
                                :Music:         "Rattlesnake" by Jimmy91 (Boom)
                                                "Bark at the Moon" by Ozzy Osbourne (ZDoom
                                                and Eternity)


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.  I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: and mirrors

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Advanced engine needed  : Boom and Boom-compatible ports.  
Tested with             : prboom+, ZDoom, Risen3D

Primary purpose         : Single player
Title                   : Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps
Filename                : 1024cla2.wad
Release date            : January 7th 2010
Project Leader          : Jodwin
Project Founder(s)      : Shitbag & Lutrov71 (Congestion 1024)
                        : Mechadon (Claustrophobia 1024)
Mappers/E-Mail          : Przemek 'Alterworldruler' Zimny       : [email protected]

                        : Cody 'Butts'                          : [email protected]

                        : Walter 'daimon' Confalonieri          : [email protected]

                        : Elric 'Darkhaven/Fisk' Sullivan       : [email protected]

                        : Ben 'Dreadopp' Taylor                 : [email protected]

                        : gggmork                               : ---

                        : Chris 'Impboy' Harriman               : [email protected]

                        : Joonas 'Jodwin' Aijala                : [email protected]

                        : Justin 'KingKill33' Murphy            : [email protected]

                        : Steve 'Kyka' Muller                   : [email protected]

                        : Lord Z                                : [email protected]

                        : Mike 'Mik57' Ewer                     : [email protected]

                        : shotgunmasacre2                       : ---

                        : Solarn                                : [email protected]

                        : Stuart (Stewboy) Rynn                 : [email protected]

                        : Stupidbunny                           : [email protected]

                        : K. “TheMionicDonut” Larson            : [email protected]
Other files by authors:

        Alterworldruler:        Dark Caliber, Xenus Revisited, Xenus 2: The New Nightmare

        Butts:                  I made a map in Claustrophobia 1024. I detailed a map or two
                                in Greenwar 2. 32-in-24-7: Made Map14, Map25; Detailed Map21.
                                Diet 32-in-24: Detailed Map06.

        daimon:                 really too much to list, bro

        Fisk:                   f-tmcrr.wad, fskmps01.wad

        Dreadopp:               ---

        gggmork:                no 'official' releases

        Impboy:                 Not telling you

        Jodwin:                 A bunch of maps in 1024clau.wad, elegyftv.wad, oderesur.wad, etc...

        KingKill33:             Padma (Claustrophobia)

        Kyka:                   "MeaCulpa" project (under construction), from Claus1024:
                                Map 04 (Detailing), Map 09, Map 17 (with Solarn and Jodwin) and
                                Map 18 (with InsanityBringer))
                                "Not so Simple" Doom2 map 07 remake.

        Mik57:                  4 maps for GVH, about half of the maps for ZDWars

        Lord Z:                 Two maps for the upcoming Heretic Treasure Chest, a map for the
                                TEN Community map pack and a map for the upcoming Community Chest 4.

        shotgunmasacre2:        ---

        Solarn:                 None yet.

        Stewboy:                Some 32in24s, a map in CC4

        Stupidbunny:            HELLBND.WAD

        TheMionicDonut:         closenc.wad

Playtesters             : Snarboo
                          The Green Herring







Music                   : Jimmy91 (title and intermission)
                          Arthur Prawitt
                          knight of doom
                          Maxime Tondreau
                          Derek Clay
                          Octal Livershite
                          The Jade Emperor
                          Sam Palmer
                          Jay Reichard
                          David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
                          Destructomatic 5001

Textures                : François-Xavier Delmotte aka OgrO_FiX
                               - Ogro Texture Pack
                          Nick Baker, aka NiGHTMARE
                               - Recoloured Doom and Doom 2 textures v2, 5th Episode textures
                                 Useful flats, NiGHTMARE texture WAD 1, Silver textures
                          Sean Johnson
                               - Graphtallica Texture Pack
                          David Gevert
                               - DarkBase Texture Pack
                          Jonathan Rimmer
                               - Erratic Texture Pack 1
                          Brett 'Mechadon' Harrell
                               - CR8 Quake Texture Pack, IGPack Texture Edits, Various skies, 
                                 HLLGRATE midtexture.  Compiled the texture resource.
                               - Suspended In Dusk textures
                               - Various textures from Greenwar 2, recolored version of the 
                                 green glowy switches, esseltex set
                               - Demon Eclipse textures
                          Team TNT 
                               - Final Doom (Evilution) textures
                               - Key Switch textures/REDSHAWN
                          Various Authors
                               - Congestion 1024, Skulltag, 32in24-7, Gothic DM2,
                                 Crucified Dreams.

Graphics (from 1024Clau): Mechadon
                               - TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, Statusbar, Bigfont, Smallfont, 
                                 Menu graphics, CREDIT, HELP, M_THREM_, M_SLIDE_, 
                                 M_DOOM, M_SKULL#, CWILV##, ENDOOM, CONFONT, and 
                                 parts of the PLAYPAL.  Just about everything!
                               - For parts of the PLAYPAL lump.
                               - For his super smexy Simplicity blues.
                               - For making ColorGenie and helping fix the pain 
                                 flash issue.
                               - Is totally awesome for helping me fix the 
                               - For making the "Jimmy91's super-cool menu 
                                 patch creator"!

Demos                   : Jodwin
                      *Note* -- All of the demos were recorded with complevel 9.

Additional Credits      : To Mechadon for giving Claus 2 his blessing, and all original
                          mappers who were very cooperative with having their maps in
                          Claus 2.

Description             : Claustrophobia 1024 2 is the community-made sequel to
                          Claustrophobia 1024 which was released in June 2009.  
                          It's comprised of 34 brand-new maps restricting the player's 
                          movements to a 1024x1024 space.  Decoration and monsters
                          were allowed outside of this 1024 squared area.  The
                          player is allowed outside of the 1024 boundary given
                          he is killed instantly.  The focus of the project
                          was to create a set of fun, quick & good looking maps while
                          being able to work within the boundaries that were set.
                          All of the maps were made to be played pistol start but
                          it also plays just as well map-by-map.

* What is included *

New levels              : Yes
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : Yes
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : MAP01 - MAP32 (& MAP33 & MAP34)
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Starts are there (but highly discouraged)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : Maps new from scratch, graphics based on Claustrophobia 1024
Build Time              : 
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, Doom Builder 2, XWE, Paint Shop Pro, 
                          ENDOOMER, Irfanview
Known Bugs              : - Exiting MAP33 in Boom, MBF, or WinMBF will cause the game
                            to crash.  This may also happen in other, similar ports.
                            You can still play the map but you will not be able to see
                            your stats upon exiting.  Play the map in a newer sourceport
                            if you want to see your stats (PrBoom+, ZDoom, etc).
May Not Run With...     : Any non-Boom compatible ports.


**Map List**
1.      Poliganoy               :Author:        Stewboy
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
2.      Corrosion               :Author:        shotgunmasacre2
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   ---
                                :Music:         "Scent of Hell" by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
3.      Tekno1000               :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A simple techbase, originally created
                                                before Break the Chain from 1024clau.
                                :Music:         Stage 3 Rock remix from Double Dragon
                                                sequenced by Arthur Prawitt
4.      666 Feet Under          :Author:        Impboy	
                                :Add. Author:   Daimon
                                :Description:   Fight through hell basically.
                                :Music:         "Demons on the Prey" (E1M7) by Bobby Prince
5.      Enough Space?           :Author:        Lord_Z
                                :Add. Author:   KingKill33 & Jodwin & Dreadopp & Mechadon
                                :Description:   A cruise through the outer stretches of
                                                the galaxy gone horribly wrong.
                                :Music:         TNT:Evilution Map16
6.      Severed Survival        :Author:        Fisk & Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   In an unforeseen teleportation malfunction,
                                                you've somehow ended up severed from the
                                                rest of your squad in a hellish outpost.
                                :Music:         "And So I carry on..." by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
7.      Into Hell               :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The smell of rot surrounds you, as the
                                                bodies of countless demons and fellow
                                                marines lay before you. You are trapped
                                                in this morbid arena, and must fight to
                                                survive. Can you?
8.      Minimal House           :Author:        Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   Oh well, is a house. It looks so 1994 era,
                                                dude, but for this reason you like it!
                                :Music:         Super Robot Wars theme remixed by knigth
                                                of doom
9.      Handful of Dread        :Author:        Dreadopp
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
                                :Music:         "I Sawed The Demons" (E2M1) by Bobby Prince
10.     Metallic Echo           :Author:        Stewboy
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
11.     A Minor Doomsday        :Author:        Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   A run through Doom, you begin in the lost
                                                station of Phobos, then you'll walk on the

                                                forgotten fleshy mech structure of Deimos,

                                                and you take over in a little Hell Outpost.
                                :Music:         Introduction theme from Megaman X 2, remixed

                                                by Zoraspace
12.     Stagnant Depot          :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   Haven't those demons heard that mail gets
                                                x-rayed? They seem to be planning on

                                                taking the next train out of here to 4k.

                                                Make sure they miss their departure.
13.     The Blood Factory       :Author:        StupidBunny & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   Lots of close-quarters gameplay, some

                                                tricky bits here and there. Action takes

                                                place in factory building, with lots

                                                large external area added for sense of space.
14.     Twilight of the         :Author:        alterworldruler
        Demons                  :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   This map was merely mine experiment with

                                                setting up a moody atmosphere in a 1024

                                                map, large bridges, crates underthem and

                                                that crap. The bridge part was hard to

                                                make but it was all worth it as it

                                                expanded the play area.
                                :Music:         "Breakaway" by Maxime Tondreau
15.     Spirited Away           :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   You have been spirited away by the demons

                                                to a gothic castle, where you had been

                                                buried alive. Can you also escape alive?

                                                Or will you be further spirited away to

                                                the secret worlds..?
                                :Music:         "Mystic's Glance" by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
16.     End of the Line         :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   This old, worn-down base has now become

                                                the outpost of the demons. You must

                                                clean them out and take it back so that

                                                the humans may have a chance to survive.
                                :Music:         "The Reflecting God" by Marilyn Manson
17.     Dismalady               :Author:        alterworldruler & TheMionicDonut
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   alter: Originally, it was my second contribution

                                                but I didn't finish it so TheMionicDonut

                                                did the rest of the map so you can say,

                                                it was our collaboration and I REALLY

                                                gotta thank that guy, for finishing such

                                                beautiful map.

                                                TMD: For some reason vague enough to work
                                                in Doom, you have teleported into yet
                                                another demon-infested techbase. What are
                                                the odds! You aren't the only one with
                                                access to this warp though...
                                :Music:         "Final Jam" by Derek Clay
18.     Graytech Industries     :Author:        Impboy
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   A grayish base with hellspawn taken over.
                                :Music:         "Helicopter" from Laser Invasion sequenced
                                                by Octal Livershite
19.     Complex4k               :Author:        KingKill33 & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   Maybe you should've just came here instead
                                                of dealing with the depot? Stop the demons
                                                before they can use the mining facilities
                                                for their own evil needs.
                                :Music:         "Demanufacture" by Fear Factory
20.     Calypso Station         :Author:        Mik57
                                :Add. Author:   Daimon
                                :Description:   Another one of my first maps. I like how it
                                                turned out, and I gained some old school
                                                mapping experience from making it.
                                :Music:         "Monuments of Treason" by Maxime Tondreau
21.     Darkness abides         :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A bunch of fights in a Quakeish underground
                                :Music:         "Assault" by Maxime Tondreau
22.     Power Station           :Author:        KingKill33 & Dreadopp
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The demons have knocked out the power, and
                                                obviously, taken out the defense grids. It
                                                won't be easy, but you need to get in
                                                there and clear them out so that resistance
                                                can get the grids back on.
                                :Music:         "Moskau" by Rammstein
23.     The Dark Dawn           :Author:        alterworldruler
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   This was my last contribution to original
                                                claus which wasn't so good but it got
                                                improved thanks to all these small people
                                                in the team.
                                :Music:         "House #3" from "A Nightmare on Elm Street"
                                                by The Jade Emperor
24.     Oil Rig Zero            :Author:        Mik57
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   One of my first serious maps. Had a few
                                                noobisms, but Jodwin ironed them out
                                                pretty well.
                                                Story: Only 2 days until this Oil Rig was
                                                constructed, it was invaded by Hell. It
                                                is crucial to the EDF. It must be
                                                recaptured at all costs.
                                :Music:         "Warfare" from Command and Conquer:
                                                Tiberian Dawn, converted to MIDI by Sam
25.     The Process             :Author:        KingKill33 & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The central delivery facility is over-run
                                                with hellspawn, and it's your job to clean
                                                house. Make sure you don't get the packages
                                                bloody, though.
26.     Into the Skies          :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A bunch of fights in a techbase high in
                                                the mountains.
                                :Music:         "Shadow Boss" remix from Double Dragon 2
                                                by Magus15
27.     Tower of Desolation     :Author:        Solarn
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   An old, crumbling tower in the wastelands
                                                of Hell. It seems empty as you go in, but... 
                                :Music:         "In the arms of death" from Guilty Gear Isuka.
                                                Converted to .midi by solis
28.     Obliteration            :Author:        Butts
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   I just felt like making an unfair and
                                                difficult map, where the focus was surviving
                                                the hordes. It had to get toned down severely.
                                :Music:         "Slayer of Light" by Ensiferum
29.     Taggart Sails to        :Author:        Jodwin
        Orion                   :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A castle in the crimson realms between life
                                                and afterlife. Can you make it through, or
                                                will you be slain and left in the limbo for
                                                ages to come?
                                :Music:         "Pharaoh Sails to the Orion" by Nightwish
30.     ???                     :Author:        gggmork
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ...
                                :Music:         "Prey" by Destructomatic 5001
31.     Somewhere That's        :Author:        TheMionicDonut
        Green                   :Add. Author:   Jodwin & Daimon
                                :Description:   This was the first thing that came to mind
                                                when I saw the glorious new 1024 palette,
                                                full of bright...greenness. Its just crazy
                                                enough to qualify for a secret map, and I
                                                hope you like the super secret exit method
                                                as much as I did thinking of it. :]

                                                With apologies to Alan Menkin
32.     Proceed With Caution    :Author:        Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   I really wanted to make a 1024 map that
                                                was just one big room. No corridors, no
                                                fancy switch hunts, no nothing except you,
                                                some guns and a stroll across a room to a
                                                conveniently placed exit. After months of
                                                work and helpful suggestions from a bunch
                                                of people (DeathDestiny, Mechadon, Jodwin,
                                                Hawkwind, The Green Herring), this is the
                                                result. It is different from your usual
                                                Doom gameplay, but I hope people like it.
33.     The Unknown Machine     :Author:        Jodwin & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The hellspawn have begun their invasion on 
                                                the last civilian holding vault, and you alone
                                                are left to oppose them. It is time to make
                                                the last stand...can you prevail against the
                                                hordes until you manage to destroy the
                                                teleportation machine?
                                :Music:         "Overclock" by Jimmy91
34.     Abstraction             :Author:        gggmork & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   gggmork = main layout, kyka = a lot of the
                                                main textures/detail, jodwin = some zdoom
                                                vs. prboom-plus compatibility touch-ups
                                :Music:         "Rattlesnake" by Jimmy91 (Boom)
                                                "Bark at the Moon" by Ozzy Osbourne (ZDoom
                                                and Eternity)


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.  I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: and mirrors
        |\      \                                                   
        | +------+   ___          _______    ___    ___  _________  
        | |######|  |\  \        /\      \  |\  \   \  \|\        \ 
        | |##+---+  | +--+      /  /------\ | +--+  |+--+ +--------+
        | |##|      | |##|     |\ /+######+\| |##|  ||##| |########|
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        | |##|     \| |##|    \| |##########| |##|  \|##| |########|
        | |##+------+ |##+-----+ |##+----+##| |##+---+##| |-----###|
         \|#########|\|########|\|##|   \|##|\|#########|\|########|
          +---------+ +--------+ +--+    +--+ +---------+ +--------+

                  +---+ +---------+ +---------+ +--+    +--+
                  |:::| |:::::::::| |:::::::::| |::|    |::|
                  |:::| |::+---+::| +------+::| |::|    |::|
                  |:::| |::|   |::| +------+::| |::|    |::|
                  |:::| |::|   |::| |:::::::::| |::+----+::|
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                  |:::| |:::::::::| |:::::::::|         |::|
                  +---+ +---------+ +---------+         +--+


Advanced engine needed  : Boom and Boom-compatible ports.  
Tested with             : prboom+, ZDoom, Risen3D

Primary purpose         : Single player
Title                   : Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps
Filename                : 1024cla2.wad
Release date            : January 7th 2010
Project Leader          : Jodwin
Project Founder(s)      : Shitbag & Lutrov71 (Congestion 1024)
                        : Mechadon (Claustrophobia 1024)
Mappers/E-Mail          : Przemek 'Alterworldruler' Zimny       : [email protected]

                        : Cody 'Butts'                          : [email protected]

                        : Walter 'daimon' Confalonieri          : [email protected]

                        : Elric 'Darkhaven/Fisk' Sullivan       : [email protected]

                        : Ben 'Dreadopp' Taylor                 : [email protected]

                        : gggmork                               : ---

                        : Chris 'Impboy' Harriman               : [email protected]

                        : Joonas 'Jodwin' Aijala                : [email protected]

                        : Justin 'KingKill33' Murphy            : [email protected]

                        : Steve 'Kyka' Muller                   : [email protected]

                        : Lord Z                                : [email protected]

                        : Mike 'Mik57' Ewer                     : [email protected]

                        : shotgunmasacre2                       : ---

                        : Solarn                                : [email protected]

                        : Stuart (Stewboy) Rynn                 : [email protected]

                        : Stupidbunny                           : [email protected]

                        : K. “TheMionicDonut” Larson            : [email protected]
Other files by authors:

        Alterworldruler:        Dark Caliber, Xenus Revisited, Xenus 2: The New Nightmare

        Butts:                  I made a map in Claustrophobia 1024. I detailed a map or two
                                in Greenwar 2. 32-in-24-7: Made Map14, Map25; Detailed Map21.
                                Diet 32-in-24: Detailed Map06.

        daimon:                 really too much to list, bro

        Fisk:                   f-tmcrr.wad, fskmps01.wad

        Dreadopp:               ---

        gggmork:                no 'official' releases

        Impboy:                 Not telling you

        Jodwin:                 A bunch of maps in 1024clau.wad, elegyftv.wad, oderesur.wad, etc...

        KingKill33:             Padma (Claustrophobia)

        Kyka:                   "MeaCulpa" project (under construction), from Claus1024:
                                Map 04 (Detailing), Map 09, Map 17 (with Solarn and Jodwin) and
                                Map 18 (with InsanityBringer))
                                "Not so Simple" Doom2 map 07 remake.

        Mik57:                  4 maps for GVH, about half of the maps for ZDWars

        Lord Z:                 Two maps for the upcoming Heretic Treasure Chest, a map for the
                                TEN Community map pack and a map for the upcoming Community Chest 4.

        shotgunmasacre2:        ---

        Solarn:                 None yet.

        Stewboy:                Some 32in24s, a map in CC4

        Stupidbunny:            HELLBND.WAD

        TheMionicDonut:         closenc.wad

Playtesters             : Snarboo
                          The Green Herring







Music                   : Jimmy91 (title and intermission)
                          Arthur Prawitt
                          knight of doom
                          Maxime Tondreau
                          Derek Clay
                          Octal Livershite
                          The Jade Emperor
                          Sam Palmer
                          Jay Reichard
                          David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
                          Destructomatic 5001

Textures                : François-Xavier Delmotte aka OgrO_FiX
                               - Ogro Texture Pack
                          Nick Baker, aka NiGHTMARE
                               - Recoloured Doom and Doom 2 textures v2, 5th Episode textures
                                 Useful flats, NiGHTMARE texture WAD 1, Silver textures
                          Sean Johnson
                               - Graphtallica Texture Pack
                          David Gevert
                               - DarkBase Texture Pack
                          Jonathan Rimmer
                               - Erratic Texture Pack 1
                          Brett 'Mechadon' Harrell
                               - CR8 Quake Texture Pack, IGPack Texture Edits, Various skies, 
                                 HLLGRATE midtexture.  Compiled the texture resource.
                               - Suspended In Dusk textures
                               - Various textures from Greenwar 2, recolored version of the 
                                 green glowy switches, esseltex set
                               - Demon Eclipse textures
                          Team TNT 
                               - Final Doom (Evilution) textures
                               - Key Switch textures/REDSHAWN
                          Various Authors
                               - Congestion 1024, Skulltag, 32in24-7, Gothic DM2,
                                 Crucified Dreams.

Graphics (from 1024Clau): Mechadon
                               - TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, Statusbar, Bigfont, Smallfont, 
                                 Menu graphics, CREDIT, HELP, M_THREM_, M_SLIDE_, 
                                 M_DOOM, M_SKULL#, CWILV##, ENDOOM, CONFONT, and 
                                 parts of the PLAYPAL.  Just about everything!
                               - For parts of the PLAYPAL lump.
                               - For his super smexy Simplicity blues.
                               - For making ColorGenie and helping fix the pain 
                                 flash issue.
                               - Is totally awesome for helping me fix the 
                               - For making the "Jimmy91's super-cool menu 
                                 patch creator"!

Demos                   : Jodwin
                      *Note* -- All of the demos were recorded with complevel 9.

Additional Credits      : To Mechadon for giving Claus 2 his blessing, and all original
                          mappers who were very cooperative with having their maps in
                          Claus 2.

Description             : Claustrophobia 1024 2 is the community-made sequel to
                          Claustrophobia 1024 which was released in June 2009.  
                          It's comprised of 34 brand-new maps restricting the player's 
                          movements to a 1024x1024 space.  Decoration and monsters
                          were allowed outside of this 1024 squared area.  The
                          player is allowed outside of the 1024 boundary given
                          he is killed instantly.  The focus of the project
                          was to create a set of fun, quick & good looking maps while
                          being able to work within the boundaries that were set.
                          All of the maps were made to be played pistol start but
                          it also plays just as well map-by-map.

* What is included *

New levels              : Yes
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : Yes
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : MAP01 - MAP32 (& MAP33 & MAP34)
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Starts are there (but highly discouraged)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : Maps new from scratch, graphics based on Claustrophobia 1024
Build Time              : 
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, Doom Builder 2, XWE, Paint Shop Pro, 
                          ENDOOMER, Irfanview
Known Bugs              : - Exiting MAP33 in Boom, MBF, or WinMBF will cause the game
                            to crash.  This may also happen in other, similar ports.
                            You can still play the map but you will not be able to see
                            your stats upon exiting.  Play the map in a newer sourceport
                            if you want to see your stats (PrBoom+, ZDoom, etc).
May Not Run With...     : Any non-Boom compatible ports.


**Map List**
1.      Poliganoy               :Author:        Stewboy
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
2.      Corrosion               :Author:        shotgunmasacre2
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   ---
                                :Music:         "Scent of Hell" by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
3.      Tekno1000               :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A simple techbase, originally created
                                                before Break the Chain from 1024clau.
                                :Music:         Stage 3 Rock remix from Double Dragon
                                                sequenced by Arthur Prawitt
4.      666 Feet Under          :Author:        Impboy	
                                :Add. Author:   Daimon
                                :Description:   Fight through hell basically.
                                :Music:         "Demons on the Prey" (E1M7) by Bobby Prince
5.      Enough Space?           :Author:        Lord_Z
                                :Add. Author:   KingKill33 & Jodwin & Dreadopp & Mechadon
                                :Description:   A cruise through the outer stretches of
                                                the galaxy gone horribly wrong.
                                :Music:         TNT:Evilution Map16
6.      Severed Survival        :Author:        Fisk & Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   In an unforeseen teleportation malfunction,
                                                you've somehow ended up severed from the
                                                rest of your squad in a hellish outpost.
                                :Music:         "And So I carry on..." by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
7.      Into Hell               :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The smell of rot surrounds you, as the
                                                bodies of countless demons and fellow
                                                marines lay before you. You are trapped
                                                in this morbid arena, and must fight to
                                                survive. Can you?
8.      Minimal House           :Author:        Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   Oh well, is a house. It looks so 1994 era,
                                                dude, but for this reason you like it!
                                :Music:         Super Robot Wars theme remixed by knigth
                                                of doom
9.      Handful of Dread        :Author:        Dreadopp
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
                                :Music:         "I Sawed The Demons" (E2M1) by Bobby Prince
10.     Metallic Echo           :Author:        Stewboy
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ---
11.     A Minor Doomsday        :Author:        Daimon
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   A run through Doom, you begin in the lost
                                                station of Phobos, then you'll walk on the

                                                forgotten fleshy mech structure of Deimos,

                                                and you take over in a little Hell Outpost.
                                :Music:         Introduction theme from Megaman X 2, remixed

                                                by Zoraspace
12.     Stagnant Depot          :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   Haven't those demons heard that mail gets
                                                x-rayed? They seem to be planning on

                                                taking the next train out of here to 4k.

                                                Make sure they miss their departure.
13.     The Blood Factory       :Author:        StupidBunny & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   Lots of close-quarters gameplay, some

                                                tricky bits here and there. Action takes

                                                place in factory building, with lots

                                                large external area added for sense of space.
14.     Twilight of the         :Author:        alterworldruler
        Demons                  :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   This map was merely mine experiment with

                                                setting up a moody atmosphere in a 1024

                                                map, large bridges, crates underthem and

                                                that crap. The bridge part was hard to

                                                make but it was all worth it as it

                                                expanded the play area.
                                :Music:         "Breakaway" by Maxime Tondreau
15.     Spirited Away           :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   You have been spirited away by the demons

                                                to a gothic castle, where you had been

                                                buried alive. Can you also escape alive?

                                                Or will you be further spirited away to

                                                the secret worlds..?
                                :Music:         "Mystic's Glance" by David 'Tolwyn' Shaw
16.     End of the Line         :Author:        KingKill33
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   This old, worn-down base has now become

                                                the outpost of the demons. You must

                                                clean them out and take it back so that

                                                the humans may have a chance to survive.
                                :Music:         "The Reflecting God" by Marilyn Manson
17.     Dismalady               :Author:        alterworldruler & TheMionicDonut
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   alter: Originally, it was my second contribution

                                                but I didn't finish it so TheMionicDonut

                                                did the rest of the map so you can say,

                                                it was our collaboration and I REALLY

                                                gotta thank that guy, for finishing such

                                                beautiful map.

                                                TMD: For some reason vague enough to work
                                                in Doom, you have teleported into yet
                                                another demon-infested techbase. What are
                                                the odds! You aren't the only one with
                                                access to this warp though...
                                :Music:         "Final Jam" by Derek Clay
18.     Graytech Industries     :Author:        Impboy
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   A grayish base with hellspawn taken over.
                                :Music:         "Helicopter" from Laser Invasion sequenced
                                                by Octal Livershite
19.     Complex4k               :Author:        KingKill33 & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   Maybe you should've just came here instead
                                                of dealing with the depot? Stop the demons
                                                before they can use the mining facilities
                                                for their own evil needs.
                                :Music:         "Demanufacture" by Fear Factory
20.     Calypso Station         :Author:        Mik57
                                :Add. Author:   Daimon
                                :Description:   Another one of my first maps. I like how it
                                                turned out, and I gained some old school
                                                mapping experience from making it.
                                :Music:         "Monuments of Treason" by Maxime Tondreau
21.     Darkness abides         :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A bunch of fights in a Quakeish underground
                                :Music:         "Assault" by Maxime Tondreau
22.     Power Station           :Author:        KingKill33 & Dreadopp
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The demons have knocked out the power, and
                                                obviously, taken out the defense grids. It
                                                won't be easy, but you need to get in
                                                there and clear them out so that resistance
                                                can get the grids back on.
                                :Music:         "Moskau" by Rammstein
23.     The Dark Dawn           :Author:        alterworldruler
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   This was my last contribution to original
                                                claus which wasn't so good but it got
                                                improved thanks to all these small people
                                                in the team.
                                :Music:         "House #3" from "A Nightmare on Elm Street"
                                                by The Jade Emperor
24.     Oil Rig Zero            :Author:        Mik57
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   One of my first serious maps. Had a few
                                                noobisms, but Jodwin ironed them out
                                                pretty well.
                                                Story: Only 2 days until this Oil Rig was
                                                constructed, it was invaded by Hell. It
                                                is crucial to the EDF. It must be
                                                recaptured at all costs.
                                :Music:         "Warfare" from Command and Conquer:
                                                Tiberian Dawn, converted to MIDI by Sam
25.     The Process             :Author:        KingKill33 & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The central delivery facility is over-run
                                                with hellspawn, and it's your job to clean
                                                house. Make sure you don't get the packages
                                                bloody, though.
26.     Into the Skies          :Author:        Jodwin
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A bunch of fights in a techbase high in
                                                the mountains.
                                :Music:         "Shadow Boss" remix from Double Dragon 2
                                                by Magus15
27.     Tower of Desolation     :Author:        Solarn
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   An old, crumbling tower in the wastelands
                                                of Hell. It seems empty as you go in, but... 
                                :Music:         "In the arms of death" from Guilty Gear Isuka.
                                                Converted to .midi by solis
28.     Obliteration            :Author:        Butts
                                :Add. Author:   Jodwin
                                :Description:   I just felt like making an unfair and
                                                difficult map, where the focus was surviving
                                                the hordes. It had to get toned down severely.
                                :Music:         "Slayer of Light" by Ensiferum
29.     Taggart Sails to        :Author:        Jodwin
        Orion                   :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   A castle in the crimson realms between life
                                                and afterlife. Can you make it through, or
                                                will you be slain and left in the limbo for
                                                ages to come?
                                :Music:         "Pharaoh Sails to the Orion" by Nightwish
30.     ???                     :Author:        gggmork
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   ...
                                :Music:         "Prey" by Destructomatic 5001
31.     Somewhere That's        :Author:        TheMionicDonut
        Green                   :Add. Author:   Jodwin & Daimon
                                :Description:   This was the first thing that came to mind
                                                when I saw the glorious new 1024 palette,
                                                full of bright...greenness. Its just crazy
                                                enough to qualify for a secret map, and I
                                                hope you like the super secret exit method
                                                as much as I did thinking of it. :]

                                                With apologies to Alan Menkin
32.     Proceed With Caution    :Author:        Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   I really wanted to make a 1024 map that
                                                was just one big room. No corridors, no
                                                fancy switch hunts, no nothing except you,
                                                some guns and a stroll across a room to a
                                                conveniently placed exit. After months of
                                                work and helpful suggestions from a bunch
                                                of people (DeathDestiny, Mechadon, Jodwin,
                                                Hawkwind, The Green Herring), this is the
                                                result. It is different from your usual
                                                Doom gameplay, but I hope people like it.
33.     The Unknown Machine     :Author:        Jodwin & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   The hellspawn have begun their invasion on 
                                                the last civilian holding vault, and you alone
                                                are left to oppose them. It is time to make
                                                the last stand...can you prevail against the
                                                hordes until you manage to destroy the
                                                teleportation machine?
                                :Music:         "Overclock" by Jimmy91
34.     Abstraction             :Author:        gggmork & Kyka
                                :Add. Author:   -/-
                                :Description:   gggmork = main layout, kyka = a lot of the
                                                main textures/detail, jodwin = some zdoom
                                                vs. prboom-plus compatibility touch-ups
                                :Music:         "Rattlesnake" by Jimmy91 (Boom)
                                                "Bark at the Moon" by Ozzy Osbourne (ZDoom
                                                and Eternity)


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Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.  I have
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The Usual: and mirrors



Poliganoy (MAP01)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

Tekno1000 (MAP03)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
666 Feet Under

666 Feet Under (MAP04)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
A Minor Doomsday

A Minor Doomsday (MAP11)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Spirited Away

Spirited Away (MAP15)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

Dismalady (MAP17)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Graytech Industries

Graytech Industries (MAP18)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Darkness abides

Darkness abides (MAP21)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
The Dark Dawn

The Dark Dawn (MAP23)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Oil Rig Zero

Oil Rig Zero (MAP24)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Into the Skies

Into the Skies (MAP26)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

??? (MAP30)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Somewhere That's Green

Somewhere That's Green (MAP31)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Proceed With Caution

Proceed With Caution (MAP32)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
The Unknown Machine

The Unknown Machine (MAP33)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Enough Space?

Enough Space? (MAP05)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Minimal House

Minimal House (MAP08)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Metallic Echo

Metallic Echo (MAP10)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
End of the Line

End of the Line (MAP16)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

Complex4k (MAP19)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

Corrosion (MAP02)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Calypso Station

Calypso Station (MAP20)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Stagnant Depot

Stagnant Depot (MAP12)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Twilight of the Demons

Twilight of the Demons (MAP14)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Power Station

Power Station (MAP22)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Tower of Desolation

Tower of Desolation (MAP27)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

Obliteration (MAP28)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Taggart Sails to Orion

Taggart Sails to Orion (MAP29)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Severed Survival

Severed Survival (MAP06)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Into Hell

Into Hell (MAP07)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Handful of Dread

Handful of Dread (MAP09)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
The Blood Factory

The Blood Factory (MAP13)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
The Process

The Process (MAP25)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns

Abstraction (MAP34)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns




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                              ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓    ▓▓       ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓    ▓▓▓▓▓    ▓▓▓▒░▒▓▓ 
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▓▓▓    ║      ╚══ ╚══ ╝ ╜ ╚═╝ ╚═╝   ╚ ╚═╝ ╚═╝   ╚       ║             ║  ▓▓▒▓▓▓░
░▒▓▓   ║                                                ║             ║ ▓▒▒▓▓▓▒ 
░░▒▓▓  ║                                            ▓   ╚══════╝      ║ ▓▒▓▓▓▒▒ 
 ░░▒▓  ║              -=[ CREATED  BY ]=-          ▓░▒       ▓▒       ║  ▓▓▓▒▒░ 
 ░▒▒▓▓ ║                                          ▓▒ ░▓     ▒░ ░      ║   ▓▒▒░░ 
░▒▒▓▓▓ ║       Lord_Z ∙ alterworldruler ∙ Solarn    ▒▓▓      ▒░▒      ║  ▓▒▒░░ ░
▒▒▓▓▓▓ ║        KingKill33 ∙ StupidBunny ∙ Kyka               ▓       ║ ▓▒▒░░  ▒
▒▓▓▒▓  ║      shotgunmasacre2 ∙ gggmork ∙ stewboy        ▓            ║ ▓▓▒▒░░ ▓
▓▓▓▓▓  ║       Impboy ∙ Dreadopp ∙ Mik57 ∙ Butts        ▓░▒▓     ▒    ║  ▓▓▒░░░▒
▓▓▒▓   ║     ▒       Fisk ∙ Daimon ∙ Jodwin            ▒░ ░▒▓   ▒░▒   ║  ▓▒▒▒░░ 
▒▓▒▓▓  ║    ▒░▒▒         TheMionicDonut          ▓    ▒░ ░▒▓     ▒    ║  ▓▒▒▒▒░░
▒▓▓▓▓  ║   ▒░  ░▓▓                            ▓▒▒▓▓    ▒▒▒            ║   ▓▒▒▒░▒
▓▒▓▓▓  ║    ▒░▒▓▓     Thanks for playing!!  ▓▓▒░▒▓                    ║  ▓▓▓▒▒░▓
▒░▒▓▓▓╔╝      ▓                                ▓78                    ╚╗▓▓▓▒▒░░▒
░ ░▒▓▓╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝▓▒▒▒░░░▓
▒░▒▓▓▓▓▓    ▓▓▓▒▓▓ ▓▓   ▓▒▓▓▓            ▓▓▒▓         ▓▒▓▓     ▓▓▓    ▓▓▓▒▒░░░░▒
▓▓▓▓▓▒░▒▓ ▒▒▓▓▒░▒▓▓▒▒▓▒▓▒▓▒░░▒▓ ▓▒░▒▓ ▒▓▓▒░ ░▒▓ ▓▒▒▓ ▓▒░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▓▓  ▒▒▒▒▒░░░░  
░▒▓▓▒░ ░▒▓▓▓▒▓▓▒▓▓▒░░▒▓▓▓▓░  ░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒░▒▓▓▒ ▒▓▓▓▒  ▒▓▓▓▒▓▓▓▓▓▓░ ░▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░░░   

Colour Palettes