Spooky Doom : The Deathmatch 3.5

Spooky Doom : The Deathmatch 3.5

31 small deathmatch wads, main idea was to create a set of levels for fast, but skilled, action.

1.74 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP05, MAP08, MAP09, MAP11, MAP31, MAP12, MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP06, MAP07, MAP10, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP16, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP27, MAP04, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30, MAP17, MAP19, MAP18, MAP20

Read Me

Title                   : Spooky Doom : The Deathmatch 3.5
Filename                : 2spook35.wad
Author                  : Adam Williamson       
Email Address           : [email protected]
Misc. Author Info       : Doom 1 Master, Doomie, and couldn't have made 
                          these wads without the following CDs
                          playing in the background : 
                          Crank Crank Crank, by The Almighty
                          Dookie, by Green Day, and
                          Incesticide, by Nirvana
                          :). Pet hates: People who play, and like,
                          other people's levels but NEVER SEND THEM
                          A SINGLE BLOODY E-MAIL TO TELL THEM SO!

Description             : 31 small deathmatch wads, main idea was
                          to create a set of levels for fast, but
                          skilled, action. 

Additional Credits to   : The author of stars.wad, from which I
                          drew inspiration, and the authors of all
                          the PWADS I ripped music from, too many to
                          list :)

Critical Acclaim        : "Fun" - Osiris
                          "I love it already!" - Jiffy Bag
                          "Level 4 is a winner. PLAY IT NOW!" - Neil R. 


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : All MAPs except 32.
Single Player           : Nah, but you can look around if you want
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No - most levels have no player 2 3 4 starts
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes!
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes - details later
New Music               : Yes, all levels. Music from Nirvana, Green Day, 
                          Nine Inch Nails and others. NOTE: Please play this
                          .wad with the music on - I spent a lot of time
                          choosing the songs and they _do_ add to the

Demos Replaced          : There are 3 .lmps, format 1.666 in the archive.
                          They should convert to 1.9 fine, this being a PWAD.

* Construction *

Base                    : New levels from scratch, but drew ideas from
                          various sources. If you recognize any features,
                          feel touched :)
Editor(s) used          : Edmap 1.40, IDBSP 1.1, WARM, NWT 1.03, Neopaint, 
                          Edmap 1.31, TED 1.2.
Known Bugs              : You may see the error due to too many 2 sided
                          linedefs in view whilst looking through the
                          window into the dark Super Shotgun room in
                          level 15. This is due to the extremely complex
                          lighting effects in this area, and since it will
                          never be noticed in the heat of a deathmatch,
                          I decided to leave it in and keep the very nice
                          lighting. Also, obviously, you will see some slight
                          slowdown in that area.

Build Time              : Roughly 90 hours.
The Management Regrets  : If you have a look at the directory of this .wad
file with NWT or Deutex or Wintex or whatever, you'll notice that it is
a complete MESS. The levels aren't in order, the musics are all over the
place, so're the textures. Sorry to everyone who's trying to hack this to
pieces (if there is anyone), but this is due to my differeing ways of putting
things in. These are typical situations:

A level needs to be changed. The merger I use (WARM) can't overwrite old
stuff. So I use NWT, delete all the stuff for the old map, and stick it back
with WARM. The new level data ain't where the old was - it comes out at the
end of the .wad.

The first music was from stargate.wad. I put it into level 1. Then I added
a few more bits of stuff. Then I decided to replace the rest of the music.
So I put some in for 2 - 16. So music for 1 and 2-16 is split up already.
Now, as I add new maps, I put the musics in with 'em. So the only batch
of musics is level 2-16 - the rest are spread around. 

I'm replacing a texture. I just stick in the patch, and it appears at the 
end of the .wad. So the textures are all over the place :).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors (MAY use these levels as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, and tell me - I like to know.

And, of course, iD will NOT provide technical support for Doom while
this .wad is running :).

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com

BBS numbers: Both in England. London Connection : 0171 460 0515
                              This is a great Sirdoom BBS too!

                              Pharaoh's Curse : 01432 271 638 (Oh yeah,
                              Osiris asked me to give it a plug - this
                              is a great BBS!....can I have my fiver now?)

* Revision history *  

        This WAD is an ongoing project. This is release 3.2. 1.0 had no text 
file, 4 levels, and was converted from Doom 1 and put together in 45 
minutes. It was released to a local BBS for testing. 1.1 added level 5,
and corrected some fairly major (in my mind - you probably never noticed
'em) texture bugs. 1.2 put Super Shotguns in the 1st 3 levels. It was
never released publicly. 1.3 added level 6 - unfortunately with 3 misplaced
textures. These were noticed just as I was about to upload it, so v1.4
was hastily written. 1.5 added level 7. 1.6 added levels 8 and 31, a new title
screen, and some new textures. 1.7 added level 9. 1.8 added levels 10 and
11 and 2 more new textures. 1.9 added level 12. 2.0 rebuilt the entire .wad
with idbsp 1.1 so the levels were very slightly faster and they all have
maps! It also added level 13. 2.1 added level 14 and a new texture that
you will not even _notice_, because iD should have included it - a
switch on a STARGR1 background. 2.2 added level 15. 2.3 added level 16
and a funky green light texture that will be used in maps 17 onwards.
Version 3.0 added exit signs to all levels that didn't have them, added 17
new musics, and made small map changes to level 10 and a fairly major
designed change to level 3. 3.1 added levels 21 to 26. Why no 17-20? Well, 
for 21 onwards the theme is STUCCO and PANEL texturing, and I had a real 
great idea for these levels. Add the fact that I have a complete mental block on
techno levels at the moment, and, well...I decided to leave 17-20 until I
had some good ideas. 3.2 added level 27 and added exits to levels 21-23. 3.3
added level 28. 3.4 adds level 29. 3.5 adds the rest of the levels, removes
the green light texture (it wasn't used) and adds 3 demos.
        The first three levels are straight Doom 1 - 2 conversions. They 
now have Super Shotguns!  

* Level Info *

Level 1

Name:           The Arena
Music:          Stargate Theme
Build Time:     5 hours     

Level 2

Name:           Death Zone
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 3

Name:           Teleporter Zone
Music:          Unknown...arrgghhh...it's on the tip of my tongue...
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 4

Name:           Claustrophobia
Music:          Come Out And Play (v1) - Offspring
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 5

Name:           Unholy Cathedral
Music:          Self-Esteem, by Offspring
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 6

Name:           Listening
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     7 hours

Level 7

Name:           Evil
Music:          Coming Clean - Green Day
Build Time:     20 mins design+4 hours construction

Level 8

Name:           Carnage
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     2 hours

Level 9

Name:           Running Scared
Music:          One
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 10

Name:           Finale 1
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 11

Name:           ECA
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 12

Name:           Technophobia
Music:          E1M2
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 31

Name:           Wolf
Music:          Unchanged (probably replaced with Muppets theme tune in 3.4)
Build Time:     4 hours

IMPORTANT : This is not a deathmatch level! It is a complete Easter Egg
level! There are NO DEATHMATCH SPAWNSPOTS! You can put some in and play it
if ya like, but...nah.

Level 13

Name:           Toxic Processing
Music:          About A Girl - Nirvana
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 14

Name:           Storage I
Music:          Come Out And Play (v2) - Offspring (only just noticed that 
                this was in twice <G>)
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 15

Name:           Storage II
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 16

Name:           Toxic Zone
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 17

Name:           Killing Time
Music:          Code 3
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 18

Name:           Painkiller
Music:          Steel
Build Time:     2 hours

Level 19

Name:           Life's Ups And Downs
Music:          AD1995
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 20

Name:           die Die Die DIE DIE!!!!!
Music:          Thea
Build Time:     45 mins (no really!)

Level 21

Name:           Library
Music:          Original Doom music...forgotten which level
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 22

Name:           Library Storage
Music:          Theme to Phantom Of The Opera
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 23

Name:           Home Of The Cyberdemon
Music:          Hotel California
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 24

Name:           Shrine Of The Barons
Music:          Unknown midi from Compuserve
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 25

Name:           Go Crazy
Music:          Unknown Compuserve midi
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 26

Name:           Atrium
Music:          Unknown Compuserve midi
Build Time:     2 hours

Level 27

Name:           Jailbreak
Music:          Unknown Compuserve midi
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 28

Name:           Gallery
Music:          Mercy, a midi tune by E Sullivan
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 29

Name:           Crush You
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     2.5 hours

NOTE: Same situation as level 7 - designed by Gary Barton, built and textured
by me.

Level 30

Name:           Ultimate Death
Music:          I'm Going Slightly Mad - Queen
Build Time:     7 hours

If you can fill in any of the "unknown"s, e-mail me! Especially if you
authored one of the Cserve midis.

* New Stuff! *


Yes, Spooky Doom 3.5 has new graphics! It has a new title screen with 
the wad's name in a funky font, two Spooky screenshots, and a disclaimer
in shadowed size 13 Helga font - maybe now everyone will get the tech
support message :). It also has a few new textures.


3 demos are included, of Osiris vs. Zoser (Osiris my main playtester playing
the co-sysop of Pharaoh's Curse - Zoser). They are from Zoser's viewpoint.
The filename format is osizos**.lmp. ** is the level number (osizos4 for
level 4, osizos23 for level 23). Zoser wins level 4 by 20-16, level 23 by
20-13 and level 12 is a draw - Osiris gets to 20, then Zoser frags him
as he runs to the exit :).

* Credits *

Name                    Comments                        Role
----                    --------                        ----

Adam Williamson         Me. If you see a Lemming        Design, and
                        on a UK BBS or Compuserve,      construction.
                        then it's probably me :)
Osiris                  Sysop of Pharaoh's Curse 
                        and bloody good doomer.         Playtesting.

Jiffy Bag               Regular on The Games BBS.       Playtesting (and
                                                        being bad enough
                                                        for me and Osiris
                                                        to frag him a lot)

Gary Barton             Short, and has two annoying     Playtesting, design
                        brothers.                       of levels 7 and 29.
Neil R. Bonner          Nice person. Very nice person.  Actually GIVING                        
                                                        ME SOME COMMENTS and
                                                        a good suggestion
                                                        for level 3. Oh,
                                                        and the idea for
                                                        the Supershotgun
                                                        clue on level 6 was
                                                        derived from his

?????????????           The guy who sent me that nice
                        e-mail one morning.             Ego-swelling.

And EVERYONE who likes this .wad! E-mail and tell me so!


a) You are very sad.
b) No, i'm NOT going to tell you something wildly exciting.
c) I love it when people send me free copies of good games (says me, who's
been reading the author biographies from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's
Good Omens and figures that if it's good enough for them, it's good enough
for him :>)
Title                   : Spooky Doom : The Deathmatch 3.5
Filename                : 2spook35.wad
Author                  : Adam Williamson       
Email Address           : [email protected]
Misc. Author Info       : Doom 1 Master, Doomie, and couldn't have made 
                          these wads without the following CDs
                          playing in the background : 
                          Crank Crank Crank, by The Almighty
                          Dookie, by Green Day, and
                          Incesticide, by Nirvana
                          :). Pet hates: People who play, and like,
                          other people's levels but NEVER SEND THEM
                          A SINGLE BLOODY E-MAIL TO TELL THEM SO!

Description             : 31 small deathmatch wads, main idea was
                          to create a set of levels for fast, but
                          skilled, action. 

Additional Credits to   : The author of stars.wad, from which I
                          drew inspiration, and the authors of all
                          the PWADS I ripped music from, too many to
                          list :)

Critical Acclaim        : "Fun" - Osiris
                          "I love it already!" - Jiffy Bag
                          "Level 4 is a winner. PLAY IT NOW!" - Neil R. 


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : All MAPs except 32.
Single Player           : Nah, but you can look around if you want
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No - most levels have no player 2 3 4 starts
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes!
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes - details later
New Music               : Yes, all levels. Music from Nirvana, Green Day, 
                          Nine Inch Nails and others. NOTE: Please play this
                          .wad with the music on - I spent a lot of time
                          choosing the songs and they _do_ add to the

Demos Replaced          : There are 3 .lmps, format 1.666 in the archive.
                          They should convert to 1.9 fine, this being a PWAD.

* Construction *

Base                    : New levels from scratch, but drew ideas from
                          various sources. If you recognize any features,
                          feel touched :)
Editor(s) used          : Edmap 1.40, IDBSP 1.1, WARM, NWT 1.03, Neopaint, 
                          Edmap 1.31, TED 1.2.
Known Bugs              : You may see the error due to too many 2 sided
                          linedefs in view whilst looking through the
                          window into the dark Super Shotgun room in
                          level 15. This is due to the extremely complex
                          lighting effects in this area, and since it will
                          never be noticed in the heat of a deathmatch,
                          I decided to leave it in and keep the very nice
                          lighting. Also, obviously, you will see some slight
                          slowdown in that area.

Build Time              : Roughly 90 hours.
The Management Regrets  : If you have a look at the directory of this .wad
file with NWT or Deutex or Wintex or whatever, you'll notice that it is
a complete MESS. The levels aren't in order, the musics are all over the
place, so're the textures. Sorry to everyone who's trying to hack this to
pieces (if there is anyone), but this is due to my differeing ways of putting
things in. These are typical situations:

A level needs to be changed. The merger I use (WARM) can't overwrite old
stuff. So I use NWT, delete all the stuff for the old map, and stick it back
with WARM. The new level data ain't where the old was - it comes out at the
end of the .wad.

The first music was from stargate.wad. I put it into level 1. Then I added
a few more bits of stuff. Then I decided to replace the rest of the music.
So I put some in for 2 - 16. So music for 1 and 2-16 is split up already.
Now, as I add new maps, I put the musics in with 'em. So the only batch
of musics is level 2-16 - the rest are spread around. 

I'm replacing a texture. I just stick in the patch, and it appears at the 
end of the .wad. So the textures are all over the place :).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors (MAY use these levels as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, and tell me - I like to know.

And, of course, iD will NOT provide technical support for Doom while
this .wad is running :).

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com

BBS numbers: Both in England. London Connection : 0171 460 0515
                              This is a great Sirdoom BBS too!

                              Pharaoh's Curse : 01432 271 638 (Oh yeah,
                              Osiris asked me to give it a plug - this
                              is a great BBS!....can I have my fiver now?)

* Revision history *  

        This WAD is an ongoing project. This is release 3.2. 1.0 had no text 
file, 4 levels, and was converted from Doom 1 and put together in 45 
minutes. It was released to a local BBS for testing. 1.1 added level 5,
and corrected some fairly major (in my mind - you probably never noticed
'em) texture bugs. 1.2 put Super Shotguns in the 1st 3 levels. It was
never released publicly. 1.3 added level 6 - unfortunately with 3 misplaced
textures. These were noticed just as I was about to upload it, so v1.4
was hastily written. 1.5 added level 7. 1.6 added levels 8 and 31, a new title
screen, and some new textures. 1.7 added level 9. 1.8 added levels 10 and
11 and 2 more new textures. 1.9 added level 12. 2.0 rebuilt the entire .wad
with idbsp 1.1 so the levels were very slightly faster and they all have
maps! It also added level 13. 2.1 added level 14 and a new texture that
you will not even _notice_, because iD should have included it - a
switch on a STARGR1 background. 2.2 added level 15. 2.3 added level 16
and a funky green light texture that will be used in maps 17 onwards.
Version 3.0 added exit signs to all levels that didn't have them, added 17
new musics, and made small map changes to level 10 and a fairly major
designed change to level 3. 3.1 added levels 21 to 26. Why no 17-20? Well, 
for 21 onwards the theme is STUCCO and PANEL texturing, and I had a real 
great idea for these levels. Add the fact that I have a complete mental block on
techno levels at the moment, and, well...I decided to leave 17-20 until I
had some good ideas. 3.2 added level 27 and added exits to levels 21-23. 3.3
added level 28. 3.4 adds level 29. 3.5 adds the rest of the levels, removes
the green light texture (it wasn't used) and adds 3 demos.
        The first three levels are straight Doom 1 - 2 conversions. They 
now have Super Shotguns!  

* Level Info *

Level 1

Name:           The Arena
Music:          Stargate Theme
Build Time:     5 hours     

Level 2

Name:           Death Zone
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 3

Name:           Teleporter Zone
Music:          Unknown...arrgghhh...it's on the tip of my tongue...
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 4

Name:           Claustrophobia
Music:          Come Out And Play (v1) - Offspring
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 5

Name:           Unholy Cathedral
Music:          Self-Esteem, by Offspring
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 6

Name:           Listening
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     7 hours

Level 7

Name:           Evil
Music:          Coming Clean - Green Day
Build Time:     20 mins design+4 hours construction

Level 8

Name:           Carnage
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     2 hours

Level 9

Name:           Running Scared
Music:          One
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 10

Name:           Finale 1
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 11

Name:           ECA
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 12

Name:           Technophobia
Music:          E1M2
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 31

Name:           Wolf
Music:          Unchanged (probably replaced with Muppets theme tune in 3.4)
Build Time:     4 hours

IMPORTANT : This is not a deathmatch level! It is a complete Easter Egg
level! There are NO DEATHMATCH SPAWNSPOTS! You can put some in and play it
if ya like, but...nah.

Level 13

Name:           Toxic Processing
Music:          About A Girl - Nirvana
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 14

Name:           Storage I
Music:          Come Out And Play (v2) - Offspring (only just noticed that 
                this was in twice <G>)
Build Time:     6 hours

Level 15

Name:           Storage II
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 16

Name:           Toxic Zone
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 17

Name:           Killing Time
Music:          Code 3
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 18

Name:           Painkiller
Music:          Steel
Build Time:     2 hours

Level 19

Name:           Life's Ups And Downs
Music:          AD1995
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 20

Name:           die Die Die DIE DIE!!!!!
Music:          Thea
Build Time:     45 mins (no really!)

Level 21

Name:           Library
Music:          Original Doom music...forgotten which level
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 22

Name:           Library Storage
Music:          Theme to Phantom Of The Opera
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 23

Name:           Home Of The Cyberdemon
Music:          Hotel California
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 24

Name:           Shrine Of The Barons
Music:          Unknown midi from Compuserve
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 25

Name:           Go Crazy
Music:          Unknown Compuserve midi
Build Time:     3 hours

Level 26

Name:           Atrium
Music:          Unknown Compuserve midi
Build Time:     2 hours

Level 27

Name:           Jailbreak
Music:          Unknown Compuserve midi
Build Time:     4 hours

Level 28

Name:           Gallery
Music:          Mercy, a midi tune by E Sullivan
Build Time:     5 hours

Level 29

Name:           Crush You
Music:          Unknown
Build Time:     2.5 hours

NOTE: Same situation as level 7 - designed by Gary Barton, built and textured
by me.

Level 30

Name:           Ultimate Death
Music:          I'm Going Slightly Mad - Queen
Build Time:     7 hours

If you can fill in any of the "unknown"s, e-mail me! Especially if you
authored one of the Cserve midis.

* New Stuff! *


Yes, Spooky Doom 3.5 has new graphics! It has a new title screen with 
the wad's name in a funky font, two Spooky screenshots, and a disclaimer
in shadowed size 13 Helga font - maybe now everyone will get the tech
support message :). It also has a few new textures.


3 demos are included, of Osiris vs. Zoser (Osiris my main playtester playing
the co-sysop of Pharaoh's Curse - Zoser). They are from Zoser's viewpoint.
The filename format is osizos**.lmp. ** is the level number (osizos4 for
level 4, osizos23 for level 23). Zoser wins level 4 by 20-16, level 23 by
20-13 and level 12 is a draw - Osiris gets to 20, then Zoser frags him
as he runs to the exit :).

* Credits *

Name                    Comments                        Role
----                    --------                        ----

Adam Williamson         Me. If you see a Lemming        Design, and
                        on a UK BBS or Compuserve,      construction.
                        then it's probably me :)
Osiris                  Sysop of Pharaoh's Curse 
                        and bloody good doomer.         Playtesting.

Jiffy Bag               Regular on The Games BBS.       Playtesting (and
                                                        being bad enough
                                                        for me and Osiris
                                                        to frag him a lot)

Gary Barton             Short, and has two annoying     Playtesting, design
                        brothers.                       of levels 7 and 29.
Neil R. Bonner          Nice person. Very nice person.  Actually GIVING                        
                                                        ME SOME COMMENTS and
                                                        a good suggestion
                                                        for level 3. Oh,
                                                        and the idea for
                                                        the Supershotgun
                                                        clue on level 6 was
                                                        derived from his

?????????????           The guy who sent me that nice
                        e-mail one morning.             Ego-swelling.

And EVERYONE who likes this .wad! E-mail and tell me so!


a) You are very sad.
b) No, i'm NOT going to tell you something wildly exciting.
c) I love it when people send me free copies of good games (says me, who's
been reading the author biographies from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's
Good Omens and figures that if it's good enough for them, it's good enough
for him :>)




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
