+inter screen by Metabolist

+inter screen by Metabolist

A small industrial map with a metal theme and some nice slime areas. Not too hard, just blast away with the shotgun when you have enough shells. Some minor t...

2.91 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11

Read Me

----------------------ÅÄÄÄWAD DescriptionÄÄÄÅ-----------------------
On the 12th of July 2001 I announced the opening of the 
One Week Mapping Contest, an ongoing exercise that lasted
ten weeks in total.  The objective was to make a fully
playable, self-contained map in a week (or less) and send
it to me.  After ten weeks and ten themes, I have a
collection of 11 levels ready for you, the Dooming public,
to play and enjoy. (hopefully :)  Much thanks to all of the 
authors for keeping me busy on my feet and for their (mostly)
fantastic maps. 

NOTE: These maps may not be used as a base for others without
the authors' permission.  The authors have the right to extend
and add on to these maps after this WAD has been released.
----------------------ÅÄÄÄWAD InformationÄÄÄÅ-----------------------
Name:           oneweek.wad
Game:           Doom II 1.9 (+ BOOM-compatible port for map10 & 11)
		Advanced port recommended.
Maps Replaced:  map01-11
Authors:        Several (see below)
Email Addresses:Several (see below)
New Graphics:   Skies by ZSignal
	        title+inter screen by Metabolist
New Sounds:     none
New Music:      map01: "Breach of Madness" (M.Klem)
		map02: "Beneath" 
		map03: "Terror's Loft" 
		map04: "Mirage"
		map05: "Phenomenon"
		map06: "Under Death"
		map07: "Take All (I have more)" 
		map08: "Organic Gods"
		map09: "TechnoDoom"
		map10: "Midnight Call"
		map11: "Somewhere On the Horizon" 
		title: shamelessly lifted Perdition's Gate title tune (L.A.Sieben)
		inter: "One Week Intermission" (Metabolist)
		storyline: "Tides of War" (J.Doyle)
New Demos:      ---
Known Bugs:     Tutti-Frutti at the end of map03
		HOMs and VPOs. (esp. in map02,7,8)  
		Map11's blockmap is greater than 64k.
		Run it in Boom/MBF/whatever.
Unknown Bugs:   ---
Build Time:     10 weeks
Tools Used:     see below
E-mail:		[email protected]
Tools used:	Doomcad 6.1, DETH 4.24, BSP 2.3
Statement:      This mapping contest gave me the opportunity to actually release some 
		finished maps. I have been editing quite a lot in the past, mostly years and 
		years ago when I didn't even have an internet connection (and thus had a 
		hard time publishing anything). I picked up Doom editing again this summer 
		when I finally realized that Diablo II sucks. (I died with my 89 sorc, 84 
		barb, 75 barb, 67 barb). 

		Oh well, these maps are my first released ones ever so dont expect too much. 
		I am not saying that they are bad, just that I was developing mapping skills 
		while doing them, so I may have overused some cool new thing I discovered or 
		missed out on something important which I haven't learned about yet. and 
		yeah.. if you beat map 11 on uv, send me a demo =). 

		Also, look out for the first map in my work in progress mini series, it 
		focuses on detailed lightning and extremely non-linear gameplay. I will 
		release it around Nov 1. 

Maps made:	map01, map02, map07, map08, map11
E-mail:		[email protected]
Tools used:	Wadauther
Maps made:	map06
E-mail:		[email protected]
Tools used:	WinAuthor
Statement:      I kinda get the feeling that maybe Metabolist just 
		included my maps cuz I was the only choice ^_^;;;. Well, 
		I don't care too much, I like em.  Anyway, it was fun 
		makin wads for the contest and I gained some good map 
		making experience. I'm probably going to stray from 
		original Doom2 map format and get into ZDoom deathmatch 
		wads, since I usually play that way. So the next time 
		you see a real good Zdoom DM wad, ask yerself "I 
		wonder if Spin is behind this?" 
Maps made:	map03, map05
Name:           GREGORY DICK
E-mail:         [email protected]
Tools used:     Wauthor, RMB
Statement:      Tried to keep things simple yet interesting with the 
		time constraint. Since detailing wasn't much of an 
		option, I focused on intense game play and overall map 
		structure. Most Doomers shouldn't have to much 
		trouble with this one. Reasonable amount of health 
		and ammo (but don't get lazy!). This was really fun. 
		The one week time constraint is a perfect deadline as 
		opposed to the one hour speedmapping contests I've 
		seen which are simply ridiculous. Looking forward to 
		the megawad, and would definitely like to see another 
		contest like this. Some of the best maps are compact, 
		small quick fixes which is the intent behind in_out. 
		I just hope it fits in well with the other maps. Have 
Maps made:      map04
E-mail:         [email protected]
Tools used:	DeepSea
Statement:	Sam's a bastard for turning down my other map. :) 
		Glad that he thought this one was good enough. A good 
		challenge on UV and I think it accomplished that 'HR' feel. 
		as probably all the maps: play it from scratch. 

		I look forward to the other maps. 
		too bad that there are no new Metabolist maps for this wad... 

Maps made:      map09
Name:           VIRGIL THE DOOM POET
E-mail:         [email protected]
Tools used:     DMapEdit 4.0 (it frikin' RULES)
Statement:	My other, better designed :) levels are at my home page: 


		If you visit it in the future, you just might see new wads appear from time 
		to time... 

Maps made:      map10
Listed below are comprehensive descriptions of all 11 levels in this
WAD, created by members of the Dooming public because of etc. etc...

 | MAP01 |

  Name		: INDUSTRIAL 4
  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 07
  Description	: A small industrial map with a metal theme and some nice slime areas. 
                  Not too hard, just blast away with the shotgun when you have enough shells. 
		  Some minor traps, the one with the sargeants teleporting behind you can 
 		  hurt some on ultra violence. Nightmare is hard as hell, I tried 20+ 
		  runs, died all times right after getting the red card or on the way
		  to the exit. There are a few very minor bugs: Some node problems in
		  the blue key area sometimes. The trap by the shotgun can be avoided 
		  if you approach it very carefully (can't get 100% kills then though).

  Difficulty	: Easy

 | MAP02 |

  Name		: INDUSTRIAL 5
  Author        : Erik Alm
  Week #	: 09
  Description	: A short, intense map with many gunners, watch your health.

  Difficulty    : Medium/Hard

 | MAP03 |

  Author	: Dan Crowley
  Week #	: 02
  Description	: No secrets, a simple, straight forward level. Rather small, 
		  it was intended to be an early level, but with a good amount of 
		  challenge anyway, especially for those who don't know what awaits 

  Difficulty	: Medium

 | MAP04 |

  Name		: IN AND OUT
  Author	: Gregory Dick
  Week #	: 05
  Description	: Tech style map for Doom 2 v1.9.(Metabolist 
		  speedmapping contest) Designed strictly for single 
		  player. (deathmatch and co-op in possible later 
		  version). A small/compact level consisting of a 
		  technicaly advanced alien fortress buried within a 
		  mountain side. Opposition is heavy at times...I've 
		  spread the monsters on kind of thick...PrBoom counts 
		  this level at 165 monsters strong, so things will get 
		  a little chaotic at times! Other features are a 
		  secret, a one way door >:>, and a massive toxic silo. 

  Difficulty	: Medium/Hard

 | MAP05 |

  Name		: Fort Aphex Bioweapon Containment Facility (F.A.B.C.F.)
  Author	: Dan Crowley
  Week #	: 03
  Description	: Pretty much the opposite of 2CAVE_DC, very large and 
		  belittling. A good amount of fighting. A tip to keep in 
		  mind: You get what you pay for. >;) 

  Difficulty	: Easy

 | MAP06 |

  Author	: Phil Brown
  Week #	: 01
  Description	: Level from a future Mission pack "UAC- Close Combat Squad"

  Difficulty	: Easy/medium

 | MAP07 |

  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 08
  Description	: This is a level in the Doom2 map07 genre, Dead simple. This time things 
		  are a bit more complicated though, the weapons aren't just laying around.
		  You need to go and get them in various dangerous areas. The main area is 
		  outdoors, one big central castle and a few side areas, all filled with 
		  mancubi to kill. And when you finally kill them all, you gain entrance 
		  to the central castle where a few spiders await you.  Areas to look out 
		  for: If you dont have the plasma when you get the rocket launcher, you 
		  will probably be in trouble, that arch-vile is not nice at all.
		  Also note the e3m7 rip-off (nothing copied from the original doom, just 
		  inspiration).  I know this map was supposed to be short, this is not 
		  exactly short if you measure it in time to finish, ammo can be a 
		  problem in the last area unless you make some infights between 
		  the cyberdemon and the spiders (or if you get 100% secrets). 
		  With infights I finished in 17 minutes and without in 14 minutes 
		  (I am not all that fast though).
		  Sources of inspiration: E3M5,E3M7,E3M6,E3M1,MAP07, various E4 and 
		  HR maps and my own twisted mind.
		  Bugs: Some texture misalignments, minor node problems

  Difficulty	: just finishing in UV isn't all that hard, 100% secret is a bit harder
		  since you have to get the rocket launcher before the plasma and SSG 
		  (Rocket launcher area is cramped and filled with revenants + an evil 
 		  arch-vile). As usual in my maps, none of the secrets are actually 
		  hidden, you can see them clearly, you just need to get there.

 | MAP08 |

  Name		: CASTLE
  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 06
  Description	: This is my first map not made for personal purposes only. It may not be the 
		  all time high of doom editing, but it has it points. 

		  Castle1.wad begins inside a castle, on the ground floor. To finish the map, 
		  you have to make your way through the basement and the two towers to the 
		  outside area (which may be a bit bare, ran out of time here) where a large 
		  battle unfolds, including tons of hell knights and baby spiders (and a 
		  teleporting cyber who spews rockets all over the place). 

  Difficulty	: Medium

 | MAP09 |

  Author	: Opulent
  Week #	: 04
  Description	: [Metabolist: the description is best left to the player! :) ]

  Difficulty	: Very Hard

 | MAP10 |

  Name		: 3-TECH
  Author	: Virgil the Doom Poet
  Week #	: 05
  Description	: You saunter toward the dark, hulking shape of the building, whose shape 
		  against the city's dark-gray twilight sky outlines itself as if it was 
		  merely a dark blotch of ink on a picture. As you near it, the ink fades 
		  away and what's left fuses into the picture. You stand before a relatively 
		  quiet place.. Too quiet... 

		  Small/medium size map, tekgren/compblue with some BOOM-style 3D bridges, 
		  glowing slime, and enemies appearing out of nowhere. Careful with your ammo 
		  and health, especially on Ultra-Violence. 

  Difficulty	: Medium/Hard

 | MAP11 |

  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 10
  Description	: Here's my final entry for Metabolist's mini wad. I worked really hard 
		  on this map and I think that it turned out ok. It's a large hellish map 
		  with 4 different sections, one for each key and one final section which 
		  requires all 3 keys to enter.  The difficulty level is rather extreme, 
		  Hell revealed style. There are over 1000 monsters on every difficulty 
		  setting and 24(!) cyberdemons (on UV) to defeat.  The difficulty 
		  settings are implemented a bit differently than usual. Instead of 
		  removing monsters on the lower difficulties, I added ammo and health. 
		  I also changed some monsters in the most difficult situations (Mostly 
		  replaced cyberdemons with arch-viles and arch-viles with chaingunners). 
		  The different difficulties plays as follows:

		  skill 1 & 2: mindless slaughter, mega spheres and cell packs all over 
		  the place, the only dangerous situations includes many arch-viles at once.

		  skill 3: This is hard, some mega spheres and extra cell packs makes 
		  life easier though, a little less cybies than on skill 4.

		  skill 4: Urgh, this is mega hard. I had to use save games and reload 
		  over 10 times to finish this. The cyber battles and arch-vile/revenant 
		  packs are deadly, you'll probably need the secrets to live through this.

		  skill 5: =)

  Difficulty	: Excruciatingly Hard

----------------------ÅÄÄÄWhere To Find ItÄÄÄÅ----------------------
At the One Week Contest homepage:
or at the central archives:

----------------------탠컴WAD Description컴컵-----------------------
On the 12th of July 2001 I announced the opening of the 
One Week Mapping Contest, an ongoing exercise that lasted
ten weeks in total.  The objective was to make a fully
playable, self-contained map in a week (or less) and send
it to me.  After ten weeks and ten themes, I have a
collection of 11 levels ready for you, the Dooming public,
to play and enjoy. (hopefully :)  Much thanks to all of the 
authors for keeping me busy on my feet and for their (mostly)
fantastic maps. 

NOTE: These maps may not be used as a base for others without
the authors' permission.  The authors have the right to extend
and add on to these maps after this WAD has been released.
----------------------탠컴WAD Information컴컵-----------------------
Name:           oneweek.wad
Game:           Doom II 1.9 (+ BOOM-compatible port for map10 & 11)
		Advanced port recommended.
Maps Replaced:  map01-11
Authors:        Several (see below)
Email Addresses:Several (see below)
New Graphics:   Skies by ZSignal
	        title+inter screen by Metabolist
New Sounds:     none
New Music:      map01: "Breach of Madness" (M.Klem)
		map02: "Beneath" 
		map03: "Terror's Loft" 
		map04: "Mirage"
		map05: "Phenomenon"
		map06: "Under Death"
		map07: "Take All (I have more)" 
		map08: "Organic Gods"
		map09: "TechnoDoom"
		map10: "Midnight Call"
		map11: "Somewhere On the Horizon" 
		title: shamelessly lifted Perdition's Gate title tune (L.A.Sieben)
		inter: "One Week Intermission" (Metabolist)
		storyline: "Tides of War" (J.Doyle)
New Demos:      ---
Known Bugs:     Tutti-Frutti at the end of map03
		HOMs and VPOs. (esp. in map02,7,8)  
		Map11's blockmap is greater than 64k.
		Run it in Boom/MBF/whatever.
Unknown Bugs:   ---
Build Time:     10 weeks
Tools Used:     see below
E-mail:		[email protected]
Tools used:	Doomcad 6.1, DETH 4.24, BSP 2.3
Statement:      This mapping contest gave me the opportunity to actually release some 
		finished maps. I have been editing quite a lot in the past, mostly years and 
		years ago when I didn't even have an internet connection (and thus had a 
		hard time publishing anything). I picked up Doom editing again this summer 
		when I finally realized that Diablo II sucks. (I died with my 89 sorc, 84 
		barb, 75 barb, 67 barb). 

		Oh well, these maps are my first released ones ever so dont expect too much. 
		I am not saying that they are bad, just that I was developing mapping skills 
		while doing them, so I may have overused some cool new thing I discovered or 
		missed out on something important which I haven't learned about yet. and 
		yeah.. if you beat map 11 on uv, send me a demo =). 

		Also, look out for the first map in my work in progress mini series, it 
		focuses on detailed lightning and extremely non-linear gameplay. I will 
		release it around Nov 1. 

Maps made:	map01, map02, map07, map08, map11
E-mail:		[email protected]
Tools used:	Wadauther
Maps made:	map06
E-mail:		[email protected]
Tools used:	WinAuthor
Statement:      I kinda get the feeling that maybe Metabolist just 
		included my maps cuz I was the only choice ^_^;;;. Well, 
		I don't care too much, I like em.  Anyway, it was fun 
		makin wads for the contest and I gained some good map 
		making experience. I'm probably going to stray from 
		original Doom2 map format and get into ZDoom deathmatch 
		wads, since I usually play that way. So the next time 
		you see a real good Zdoom DM wad, ask yerself "I 
		wonder if Spin is behind this?" 
Maps made:	map03, map05
Name:           GREGORY DICK
E-mail:         [email protected]
Tools used:     Wauthor, RMB
Statement:      Tried to keep things simple yet interesting with the 
		time constraint. Since detailing wasn't much of an 
		option, I focused on intense game play and overall map 
		structure. Most Doomers shouldn't have to much 
		trouble with this one. Reasonable amount of health 
		and ammo (but don't get lazy!). This was really fun. 
		The one week time constraint is a perfect deadline as 
		opposed to the one hour speedmapping contests I've 
		seen which are simply ridiculous. Looking forward to 
		the megawad, and would definitely like to see another 
		contest like this. Some of the best maps are compact, 
		small quick fixes which is the intent behind in_out. 
		I just hope it fits in well with the other maps. Have 
Maps made:      map04
E-mail:         [email protected]
Tools used:	DeepSea
Statement:	Sam's a bastard for turning down my other map. :) 
		Glad that he thought this one was good enough. A good 
		challenge on UV and I think it accomplished that 'HR' feel. 
		as probably all the maps: play it from scratch. 

		I look forward to the other maps. 
		too bad that there are no new Metabolist maps for this wad... 

Maps made:      map09
Name:           VIRGIL THE DOOM POET
E-mail:         [email protected]
Tools used:     DMapEdit 4.0 (it frikin' RULES)
Statement:	My other, better designed :) levels are at my home page: 


		If you visit it in the future, you just might see new wads appear from time 
		to time... 

Maps made:      map10
Listed below are comprehensive descriptions of all 11 levels in this
WAD, created by members of the Dooming public because of etc. etc...

 | MAP01 |

  Name		: INDUSTRIAL 4
  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 07
  Description	: A small industrial map with a metal theme and some nice slime areas. 
                  Not too hard, just blast away with the shotgun when you have enough shells. 
		  Some minor traps, the one with the sargeants teleporting behind you can 
 		  hurt some on ultra violence. Nightmare is hard as hell, I tried 20+ 
		  runs, died all times right after getting the red card or on the way
		  to the exit. There are a few very minor bugs: Some node problems in
		  the blue key area sometimes. The trap by the shotgun can be avoided 
		  if you approach it very carefully (can't get 100% kills then though).

  Difficulty	: Easy

 | MAP02 |

  Name		: INDUSTRIAL 5
  Author        : Erik Alm
  Week #	: 09
  Description	: A short, intense map with many gunners, watch your health.

  Difficulty    : Medium/Hard

 | MAP03 |

  Author	: Dan Crowley
  Week #	: 02
  Description	: No secrets, a simple, straight forward level. Rather small, 
		  it was intended to be an early level, but with a good amount of 
		  challenge anyway, especially for those who don't know what awaits 

  Difficulty	: Medium

 | MAP04 |

  Name		: IN AND OUT
  Author	: Gregory Dick
  Week #	: 05
  Description	: Tech style map for Doom 2 v1.9.(Metabolist 
		  speedmapping contest) Designed strictly for single 
		  player. (deathmatch and co-op in possible later 
		  version). A small/compact level consisting of a 
		  technicaly advanced alien fortress buried within a 
		  mountain side. Opposition is heavy at times...I've 
		  spread the monsters on kind of thick...PrBoom counts 
		  this level at 165 monsters strong, so things will get 
		  a little chaotic at times! Other features are a 
		  secret, a one way door >:>, and a massive toxic silo. 

  Difficulty	: Medium/Hard

 | MAP05 |

  Name		: Fort Aphex Bioweapon Containment Facility (F.A.B.C.F.)
  Author	: Dan Crowley
  Week #	: 03
  Description	: Pretty much the opposite of 2CAVE_DC, very large and 
		  belittling. A good amount of fighting. A tip to keep in 
		  mind: You get what you pay for. >;) 

  Difficulty	: Easy

 | MAP06 |

  Author	: Phil Brown
  Week #	: 01
  Description	: Level from a future Mission pack "UAC- Close Combat Squad"

  Difficulty	: Easy/medium

 | MAP07 |

  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 08
  Description	: This is a level in the Doom2 map07 genre, Dead simple. This time things 
		  are a bit more complicated though, the weapons aren't just laying around.
		  You need to go and get them in various dangerous areas. The main area is 
		  outdoors, one big central castle and a few side areas, all filled with 
		  mancubi to kill. And when you finally kill them all, you gain entrance 
		  to the central castle where a few spiders await you.  Areas to look out 
		  for: If you dont have the plasma when you get the rocket launcher, you 
		  will probably be in trouble, that arch-vile is not nice at all.
		  Also note the e3m7 rip-off (nothing copied from the original doom, just 
		  inspiration).  I know this map was supposed to be short, this is not 
		  exactly short if you measure it in time to finish, ammo can be a 
		  problem in the last area unless you make some infights between 
		  the cyberdemon and the spiders (or if you get 100% secrets). 
		  With infights I finished in 17 minutes and without in 14 minutes 
		  (I am not all that fast though).
		  Sources of inspiration: E3M5,E3M7,E3M6,E3M1,MAP07, various E4 and 
		  HR maps and my own twisted mind.
		  Bugs: Some texture misalignments, minor node problems

  Difficulty	: just finishing in UV isn't all that hard, 100% secret is a bit harder
		  since you have to get the rocket launcher before the plasma and SSG 
		  (Rocket launcher area is cramped and filled with revenants + an evil 
 		  arch-vile). As usual in my maps, none of the secrets are actually 
		  hidden, you can see them clearly, you just need to get there.

 | MAP08 |

  Name		: CASTLE
  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 06
  Description	: This is my first map not made for personal purposes only. It may not be the 
		  all time high of doom editing, but it has it points. 

		  Castle1.wad begins inside a castle, on the ground floor. To finish the map, 
		  you have to make your way through the basement and the two towers to the 
		  outside area (which may be a bit bare, ran out of time here) where a large 
		  battle unfolds, including tons of hell knights and baby spiders (and a 
		  teleporting cyber who spews rockets all over the place). 

  Difficulty	: Medium

 | MAP09 |

  Author	: Opulent
  Week #	: 04
  Description	: [Metabolist: the description is best left to the player! :) ]

  Difficulty	: Very Hard

 | MAP10 |

  Name		: 3-TECH
  Author	: Virgil the Doom Poet
  Week #	: 05
  Description	: You saunter toward the dark, hulking shape of the building, whose shape 
		  against the city's dark-gray twilight sky outlines itself as if it was 
		  merely a dark blotch of ink on a picture. As you near it, the ink fades 
		  away and what's left fuses into the picture. You stand before a relatively 
		  quiet place.. Too quiet... 

		  Small/medium size map, tekgren/compblue with some BOOM-style 3D bridges, 
		  glowing slime, and enemies appearing out of nowhere. Careful with your ammo 
		  and health, especially on Ultra-Violence. 

  Difficulty	: Medium/Hard

 | MAP11 |

  Author	: Erik Alm
  Week #	: 10
  Description	: Here's my final entry for Metabolist's mini wad. I worked really hard 
		  on this map and I think that it turned out ok. It's a large hellish map 
		  with 4 different sections, one for each key and one final section which 
		  requires all 3 keys to enter.  The difficulty level is rather extreme, 
		  Hell revealed style. There are over 1000 monsters on every difficulty 
		  setting and 24(!) cyberdemons (on UV) to defeat.  The difficulty 
		  settings are implemented a bit differently than usual. Instead of 
		  removing monsters on the lower difficulties, I added ammo and health. 
		  I also changed some monsters in the most difficult situations (Mostly 
		  replaced cyberdemons with arch-viles and arch-viles with chaingunners). 
		  The different difficulties plays as follows:

		  skill 1 & 2: mindless slaughter, mega spheres and cell packs all over 
		  the place, the only dangerous situations includes many arch-viles at once.

		  skill 3: This is hard, some mega spheres and extra cell packs makes 
		  life easier though, a little less cybies than on skill 4.

		  skill 4: Urgh, this is mega hard. I had to use save games and reload 
		  over 10 times to finish this. The cyber battles and arch-vile/revenant 
		  packs are deadly, you'll probably need the secrets to live through this.

		  skill 5: =)

  Difficulty	: Excruciatingly Hard

----------------------탠컴Where To Find It컴컵----------------------
At the One Week Contest homepage:
or at the central archives:




Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns


Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
