Lot's of wad's of offices and universities have been made over the years, and now with interest in Doom dwindling due to the advent of quake, we are ready to...
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=========================================================================== Title : HSFC.WAD Date Finished : 17/8/96 Authors : David Quigley and James Waldmeyer Email Address : [email protected] and [email protected] Other Files By Author : None of any note. Misc. Author Info : Authors are students of Hartlepool 6th College. Description : Lot's of wad's of offices and universities have been made over the years, and now with interest in Doom dwindling due to the advent of quake, we are ready to release the definitive Doom II reconstruction of a real building. This WAD recreates Hartlepool 6th Form College located on the North East coast of England. This college could practically have been built to be made into a Doom level. The structure of the college is ideal for deathmatch with many open corridors and stuff leading to deadly crossfire situations. All monsters have been replaced with staff and students of the college, music and sounds have also been replaced and a compehensive dehacked patch has been created to facilitate the realism. The level can also be played in simulator mode (1st 2 skill levels) to get to know the building. This wad represents almost a years worth of hard work and incorporates many recent innovations in wad design. Play it, be amazed, tell your friends, and spend the next year waiting for the upcoming Quake version. Additional Credits to : All who helped, they know who they are. =========================================================================== * Type of DOOM or DOOM II file* (Choose One) New level WAD : Yes Sound PWAD Only : No Music PWAD Only : No Graphic Addon Only : No Dehack Patch Only : No (includes essential dehacked patch) .LMP Only : No Other : No Required To Have In Dir : All required files are provided. If you already have a file called doomhack.exe in your doom2 directory, please remove/rename it before installing this wad. * Play Information * Map # : Map 30 Single Player : Yes, but no final objective Cooperative 2-4 Player : As above Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yep, must be seen to be believed Difficulty Settings : Yes but no monsters on settings 1 and 2 New Sounds : Yes New Music : Yes New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : No The object of the game is to carry out a Bruce Willis style Die Hard routine by clearing all rooms of hostile monsties. Try to avoid killing the unarmed students, as this will end the level, but watch out for the student suicide bombers! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 11 months Editor(s) used : Windeu 5.24, Wintex 3.4-4.3, dehacked 3.0, rmb, Warm. Known Bugs : Slight HOM when looking NE from bottom left of map and in car park. Reject is a bit suspect in certain places. May Not Run With... : Lower spec PC's * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. (One of the following) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites :ftp.cdrom.com doom archives and mirrors. World Wide Web :http://www.dashh.demon.co.uk/hsfc/ * Installation instructions * Copy all files in the hsfc.zip archive to your doom2 directory. Then type install to set up the wad, then follow the on-screen instructions. Any problems mail [email protected]

Hartlepool Sixth Form College Doom II Conversion This conversion was made by David Quigley and James Waldmeyer with help from: Olivier Montanuy The Deu Team Greg Lewis Everyone Else who helped us and especially from Richie Wing in the Ideas Department!!! Legal Stuff This conversion may contain stuff copyrighted by id Software and others. This copyright is hereby acknolegded... This should be considered a derivitory work. If you have played this game and have any comments please contact: James Waldmeyer Send Postcard to: Sandringham Villa Clifton Avenue OR [email protected] Hartlepool [email protected] Cleveland TS26 9QW (U.K.) A Joint Project Between: JRW Software Quigley Software Engineering