Surreptitious Ichor Mappers: Cannonball and Dobu Gabu Maru Music: "Like a Night of Falling Stars" by Manabu Namiki, transcribed by IllusionaryTraveler

Surreptitious Ichor Mappers: Cannonball and Dobu Gabu Maru Music: "Like a Night of Falling Stars" by Manabu Namiki, transcribed by IllusionaryTraveler

Surreptitious Ichor Mappers: Cannonball and Dobu Gabu Maru Music: "Like a Night of Falling Stars" by Manabu Namiki, transcribed by IllusionaryTraveler - nova...

nova2.wad, NOVA2.wad
39.24 MB
WAD Type
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30, MAP31, MAP32

Read Me

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C O N T E N T:

  1.  INTRODUCTION             

  2.  STORY




  [-Ver. 1.2-]

  While the goal of the original NOVA was for a group of newcomers to get
  together and create a megawad (that took over two years to complete),
  NOVA II: New Dawn changes it up a bit this time around. Initially started 
  by kildeth in June of 2014, it sought to incorporate old NOVA "veterans" into
  the fold along with new mappers, intermingling them together to produce
  a mixed megawad. When I (dobu) took over as project lead, I restricted
  NOVA alumni contributions and tried my best to promote "amatuer" mapper
  involvement, though by that time a few of us "vets" had already submitted
  maps to the project. Nevertheless it remains *primarily* a megawad for "newb" 
  authors to showcase and workshop their maps, with a focus on maintaining a
  decent level of quality. It retains the philosophy of being a limit-removing 
  project in order to prioritize mapping fundamentals over "trickery", but this
  time there's a handful of new textures to make some of the levels 'pop'. I hope 
  that NOVA II both surprises and inspires you, and most importantly--entertains.


  - Dobu Gabu Maru


  The mighty Eye of Judgement, harbinger of the Rapture, crumbled beneath you what
  felt like only yesterday. Elated you've saved Earth from the literal apocalypse, 
  you return home and kick back for a year, hanging out with Daisy Jr and binging
  on trashy TV programs. But demon-slaying is rarely a one-time thing, and upon
  returning to your house after picking up some shiny new brass knuckles, imps are 
  ransacking the place and feasting on your poor lil' furry pal. You put your new
  purchase to work, and once their bodies are pummeled into demon-putty, only one
  question is left lingering in your mind:

  "What do these assholes have against my rabbits?!!!"

  But it's not the cottontail cuties that the hellspawn have a grudge with...

  In the deepest layer of hell, standing high above the crimson plane looms
  the Abhoratory, home to The Hierophant. He is known by many names: The Jealous
  King, Emperor of Disgust, Deus Malignantis Arcana. Even Satan himself cowers 
  in fear before this brutal baron, and with good cause--as Lord of the Supernova, 
  the Hierophant is the conduit to the dark energies of the universe. And since
  he's in the business of selling souls, his enterprise would've benefitted
  greatly from the impending Rapture... if it had not been for a lone space marine's
  meddling. Now he's offering a promotion to the demon that brings him your head
  and entrails, making it clear that this fiendish foe has a bone to pick with you.

  "Good," you spit, taking a swig of whiskey before finding your trusty pistol
  and marching out the door. "I have a bone to pick with you too, you stupid
  shithead. I'm going to find you and kill the everliving shit out of you and
  your entire legion of shitbags." It's not the most creative thing you've ever
  said, but this isn't the time to be waxing poetic--The Hierophant must die.

  And hell, who knows, maybe becoming the new "Lord of the Supernova" will be fun.


Map List:

  MAP01 - "Panic Station" by cannonball
  MAP02 - "Rocky Rooftops" by Pinchy
  MAP03 - "Deep Water" by KevinHEZ
  MAP04 - "Andromeda Sun" by Getsu Fune
  MAP05 - "Broken Outpost" by Cyberdemon531
  MAP06 - "Water Maim" by AD_79
  MAP07 - "Dry Well" by joe-ilya 
  MAP08 - "Demon Trench" by Jaxxoon R
  MAP09 - "Husk of What Once Was" by mrthejoshmon
  MAP10 - "Analyzing the Cause" by Impboy4 & KevinHEZ
  MAP11 - "A Plague o' Both Your Shotguns" by Jmickle

  MAP12 - "Hop 2 It" by Breezeep
  MAP13 - �gMonster Dash�h by Eradrop
  MAP14 - �gPurification Plant�h by Dave The Daring
  MAP15 - "Crumbling Necropolis" by an_mutt
  MAP16 - "Red Morning Light" by SFoZ911
  MAP17 - "Zebetite" by tourniquet
  MAP18 - "Vile Complex�h by U.O.D.
  MAP19 - "Cry of the Archvile" by KevinHEZ
  MAP20 - "Monuments to Thieves" by Egregor

  MAP21 - "Red Gas Circle" by AD_79
  MAP22 - �gHated Attic�h by Obake
  MAP23 - "Vindaloo Chronicles" by cannonball
  MAP24 - �gThe Descent�h by U.O.D.
  MAP25 - "Parasite Hive" by Pinchy
  MAP26 - "Surreptitious Ichor" by cannonball & dobu gabu maru
  MAP27 - "Engraved Bones" by Obsidian
  MAP28 - �gMesse Noire�h by Demonologist
  MAP29 - "anaemia" by tourniquet & Ribbiks
  MAP30 - "Legion" by mouldy

  MAP31 - "Fever Blues" by NoisyVelvet
  MAP32 - "Megiddo II" by Tourniquet, Pinchy, AD_79, NoisyVelvet, 
                          Dave the Daring, and Jaxxoon R 

Map Details:

  Title:  Panic Station
  Mapper: Cannonball
  Music:  "Hidden Anger" by Mark Klem

  Author's Comments: So this was a map built from scratch but based on an early map 
  which was posted in the old thread by silverdeth (Basehell), essentially and opened 
  and fleshed out the layout by expanding the exit area and looping the previous east 
  and west wings around this central outdoor structure. I think this turned out very 
  well in the end, though it is a tougher opener than the first NOVA.

  Title:  Rocky Rooftops
  Mapper: Pinchy
  Music:  "Minerals" by Jimmy

  Author's Comments: I decided to try an idea for an early map, with monsters lowering 
  into the area which is viewed from a high vista at the start. One of my first ever 
  published works.

  Title:     Deep Water
  Mapper:    KevinHEZ
  Map Edits: Dobu Gabu Maru
  Music:     "Lysithea" by KevinHEZ

  KevinHEZ's Comments: This was the second map that i made for Project Geryon (the 
  first one being "A Long Train Ride") and the name of the map came before the map 
  was even made, and is the main theme of the map, a section of UAC called "Deep 
  Water" that would take the toxic waste and turn it into clean water for the 
  employees and also energy (kinda cliche). The song that dobu chose to use for 
  the map is a song that i made a year before the map was done, its called "Lysithea" 
  and its part 2 of "Approaching" a 10-part song that i made for my music project Kira.
  This was actually a speed-map that took me 4 hours to make, and i have to thank dobu 
  for taking the time to make something shitty to something that some people can enjoy, 
  my version was a complete mess with weird monster placement that was bad in every way.
  This was the map that started my cubbyhole-era of hiding secrets which fortunately 
  ended in the map "Research and Development" that is now known as "Cry of the Archvile".

  Dobu Gabu Maru's Comments: I handled a lot of the enemy & item placement in the
  map and added that fun little red key skirmish (it was Cannonball's suggestion).
  Kevin's mapping style is really clean and appealing, so I hope I did his layout
  justice in making the map engaging.

  Title:  Andromeda Sun
  Mapper: Getsu Fune
  Music:  "Wishlist" by Ribbiks

  Author's Comments: Okay, now this map is actually older than NOVA II itself, almost 
  as old as my maps in NOVA back when I was still Hurricyclone. That's why this design 
  is pretty lame. I had practically shifted my balance when I made this map, because 
  this one is supposed to be an adventurous rather than action-packed map. In going 
  with adventure I decided to make it piss-easy when I made it, so it's basically: go 
  through field, go through cavern, and get out. To spice things up, I try my hand at 
  some interesting switch puzzles and what not.

  Lately that's been my mapping style, never going too hard or anything, and more focus
  on atmosphere, music, and adventure over action. Most of the other Doomers I know are 
  the opposite, but that's okay. Don't be excited about this one, it's supposed to be 
  what it is. And unfortunately, many who have tested it have pointed out at least two 
  major bugs: one sector bleeding and the blue key not being accessible. Two reasons I 
  didn't fix them are that I had left the project due to lack of interest/time and I 
  actually lost the file somehow. tourniquet had fixed the blue key bug though.

  Title:     Broken Outpost
  Mapper:    Cyberdemon531
  Map Edits: Dobu Gabu Maru
  Music:     MAP05: "Galaxy" by Mark Klem

  Cyberdemon531's Comments: My original version of MAP05 was made for a tnt themed 
  project, and that's why the theme and texturing is abstract and clashes a lot. I did 
  like dobu's visual improvements quite a bit though, too, and it made it fit in to 
  Nova II a lot better. Also, I just enjoy 90s style maps a lot more than most people, 
  so my style is pretty heavily based around them.

  Dobu Gabu Maru's Comments: I edited a lot of the gameplay and gave some texture &
  lighting overhauls to a lot of the rooms. Since this was a pretty straightforward
  and linear affair, I wanted the gameplay to be a bit more engaging and hectic,
  hence the need for all the meat you'll shred in this map. I think the final battle
  in particular uses the map's open field against the player well, punishing camping
  and promoting a lot of movement from the player.

  Title:  Water Maim
  Mapper: AD_79
  Music:  "Disposition" by Mark Klem

  Author's Comments: This was originally a map slated for release in my personal 
  megawad, but I was having issues making an original map for the Nova II project
  at the time. So I just made a couple changes to the map and dropped it into the
  Nova II thread (this was right after Dobu took the reins). I was considering
  having the map in both my personal mapset and this one, but I decided against it
  and created a replacement for it, so Water Maim could be a Nova II Exclusive?.
  It was originally made in November 2014, and looking back at it, it doesn't
  hold up so well, heh. To start off, it's a giant ripoff of D2TWID MAP03. This was
  back when I was still pretty new to mapping (don't get me wrong, I still somewhat
  am), so everything I made back then was "inspired" by something or other. The
  idea was "D2TWID MAP03 but harder" and I think I succeeded, but if I made the map
  now I would have completely changed the layout and the structure to differentiate
  itself from its inspiration. As it is it sticks too closely to the original.
  The gameplay is okay though, at least in my opinion, though I could have done
  more to spice it up and make it more challenging/interesting. I considered
  making a replacement map for it, but decided to leave it as a relic of my past

  Also, to try and hide the fact that this was originally from my mapset (50
  Monsters), I put one extra shotgunner in to bring to total to 51 :V

  Title:  Dry Well
  Mapper: Joe-Ilya
  Music:  "Mission Fucking" by Sam Swain

  Author's Comments: I was at school and drew a map, I drew a new section each time 
  I thought of a new original mechanic, due to small space I had on my paper I made
  it claustrophobic to fit it all in one paper. The nova2 thread just started up and 
  I immedietly started mapping for it like I always did back then. I paid attention 
  to feedback I had on my previous maps which always complained about my oversized 
  variation of textures, so I thought to work on one short simple theme: RUINS! I put 
  a single brick texture primarly all over the map, so then I posted it and people 
  quickly liked it and praised it as a treasure wad, so I made a map, and then another 
  one, but later people complained that I made 3 maps and that better mappers are yet 
  to come, so here I am in this project with only a single map, it was still getting 
  critical feedback but it was still praised and all that. After a year I thought I 
  changed and started to revise my map, I added a little more texture variety, detail, 
  more space to move around, made all the doors in a fitting texture and even changed 
  the whole theme because I've done it in other maps already and made the theme a well, 
  it's a theme that I rarely ever saw.

  Overall I'm satisfied with the final result and I think I made the treasure even more 
  worthy to take home with yourself.

  Title:  Demon Trench
  Mapper: Jaxxoon R
  Music:  "Watch Your Step" from Doom 64

  Author's Comments: A map I which had drawn the first few rooms for a couple of days 
  before deciding to join this project. The theme I wasn't all that sure on, other than 
  that I wanted something dark and mountainous, with an emphasis on contrast. The 
  building bit is actually inspired by an amalgamation of different houses I've seen, 
  both real and that one from Resident Evil. Oddly enough, for the actual level layout 
  I took inspiration from the classic Sonic games, with branching paths that all lead 
  to the same place in the end in the form of an easily forgotten second blue door. I 
  also experimented with traps a bit in this one; both the fakeout monster closet and 
  the cavern ambush. The former was a silly joke. The latter was an attempt to forego 
  doors as a way to force players into the fight. As you battled the monsters below, it 
  would alert a baron at the top of the winding stairs. He would take quite some time 
  to descend after you, giving the player time to fight the monsters with relative 
  comfort, but punishing them for either dilly-dallying or trying to flee through the 
  way they came. The name came from wanting something descriptive, literal, but still 
  relatively serious and simple. A canyon full of demons.

  Title:     Husk of What Once Was
  Mapper:    Mrthejoshmon
  Map Edits: Dobu Gabu Maru
  Music:     "Gloomy" from Duke Nukem 3D

  Dobu Gabu Maru's Comments: In case no one could tell, this is actually two separate 
  maps stitched together by mrthejoshmon (can't recall if he personally did both or if 
  they were leftovers from somewhere else). The part I primarily edited was the latter 
  half, and even then all I did was throw in the RL & SSG, remove some ammo, and add a 
  couple of AVs (there were none previously on the map). The idea in this map may not 
  work well with some people?it�fs all about the risk associated with staying in that big 
  valley under fire in order to pick up armaments and ammo for the road ahead. Some are 
  likely to jump into the portal first chance they get though, thereby ruining the
  main hook of the map, but there�fs not much that can be done about that other than 
  design overhauls. I actually like the idea MTJ implemented here, though it's not 
  friendly at all to maxers (and to be honest, the big valley itself is pretty unthreat-
  ening as long as you keep moving around, which would make it a poor finale).

  Title:   Analyzing the Cause
  Mappers: Impboy4 and KevinHEZ
  Music:   "Suffer Enough" by KevinHEZ

  KevinHEZ's Comments: The main gimmick of the map is that it is a 45 degree mash-up of 
  the map Canyon from Master Levels for Doom II and Halls of the Damned, and the main 
  reason the name is so simple, i guess you can say i'm very creative at naming maps.
  The way we did the map was that Impboy4 would do a portion of the map and i would 
  detail it and populate it (the parts that the combat sucks, that was me, my bad) and 
  i would do a portion and he would detail it and populate it (very complex, i know), 
  and each time we tried to imitate the style of one another while trying to maintain 
  our own. The fake exit was one of the earliest things we said we wanted for the map, 
  even before the first part of the map was deatiled (i guess the main reason the map 
  is linear is because we worked on it in a linear way). Since it was my first collab 
  i was so excited that each time i recieved a new revision of the map for me to detail 
  i would do it in less than hour, but when i finished the detailing i had to do the 
  next portion of the layout for Impboy4 to detail, and that would take me a long 
  time to make something that i know we would enjoy. My inspiration for the midi 
  track was the dark ambient soundtrack from the PSX Final Doom after we had a long 
  conversation about it and the songs "Mantra" by Tool and "Asymmetry" by Karnivool.

  Title:  A Plague o' Both Your Shotguns
  Mapper: JMickle66666666
  Music:  "Mint Rock Glow" by JMickle66666666

  Author's Comments: This was made almost 2 years ago. I barely touched it up from 
  the original, only to make fixes etc. While there are a few things I still enjoy 
  about the map, it is mostly Not Something I'd Make Today. Hopefully my more recent 
  work is more enjoyable :)

  Title:  Hop 2 It
  Mapper: Breezeep
  Music:  "Stage 3" from Journey to Silius

  Author's Comments: I originally started on this map a year back or two when I 
  was bored and decided to make a limit removing map, but never finished. I picked 
  it up and finished the map within 2 or 3 days, then I was bored and decided to 
  add more to it. I feel confident about this map because it revealed my comfortable 
  mapping style (Short & Sweet, sometimes medium sized), and made me feel that I can 
  make more maps in this style.

  Title:  Monster Dash
  Mapper: Eradrop
  Music:  "Seamplaya" by Eradrop

  Title:  Purification Plant
  Mapper: Dave The Daring
  Music:  "Nothing So Cruel" by Mark Klem

  Author's Comments: I wanted to make a gloomy tech base map. The whole water puri-
  fication theme came about by chance when I realised I was using a Boom animated 
  texture that wouldn't work in the vanilla format, so I changed it to a water fall 
  texture, which in turn inspired me to keep the water theme running throughout the 
  rest of the map. Admittedly, the game play could have been better, but since this 
  was my first map for a Doom community project, I'm pretty happy with it.

  Title:  Crumbling Necropolis
  Mapper: An_Mutt
  Music:  "Full Thrust" by Jimmy 

  Author's Comments: This is my first attempt at a large non-linear map, for which 
  I can only apologise. The main inspiration for this map was during the initial 
  part of the sign-up period for Nova II, when skies and textures were being sorted 
  out; the sky of Crumbling Necropolis was the starting point and the subsequent 
  anchor for the overall theme of what this map became. As an aside, its role as a 
  Map 15 was actually not decided until later into Nova II�fs development. Regarding 
  the actual build time the central Necropolis itself was all but completely built in 
  a single mapping session of a few hours, however the map as a whole wasn�ft at a 
  playable state until about 9 months later: when the submission deadline became too 
  uncomfortable a presence for me to put up with. To be fair, I did little to no work 
  on this map for much of those 9 months, only occasionally mapping in large, sporadic 
  chunks ? I guess this mirrors my preference for speedmapping, with this map demon-
  strating what ungodly colossi I am prone to inflicting on people when my time limit 
  is several months, rather than several hours. That said, I am never making a map of 
  this size again. (You�fre welcome.)

  Title:  Red Morning Light
  Mapper: SFoZ911
  Music:  "Pistons" by Jimmy

  Title:  Zebetite
  Mapper: Tourniquet
  Music:  "Cosmos Trap" from POC2

  Author's Comments: Map 17 is acutally pretty old, i made it shortly after Mayhem2048, 
  basically me toying around with some eventually complimenting textures and a curvy 
  layout. So the map was actually finished before NovaII had even started, i just had 
  no real use for it by the time and first got back to it a few months later when i 
  decided to contribute it.

  Title:  Vile Complex
  Mapper: U.O.D
  Music:  "Dreamgate" by Jimmy

  Title:     Cry of the Archvile
  Mapper:    KevinHEZ
  Map Edits: Dobu Gabu Maru
  Music:     "Exhumation" by KevinHEZ

  Dobu Gabu Maru's Comments: The archvile theme throughout this map is the wretched
  implementation of yours truly, in case you couldn't guess from its maddening finale.
  Kevin's original map was really light in the danger department so I thought more
  of these pesky albino devils moving about would be a good thing, and as long as
  you're hot on SSG duels with them, hopefully this will sate your bloodlust. And
  yes Demon of the Well, the G1 Door stays :P

  Title:  Monument to Thieves
  Mapper: Egregor
  Music:  "Mango Bongos" by Egregor

  MAP21:  Red Gas Circle
  Mapper: AD_79
  Music:  "Geometry" by Jimmy

  Author's Comments: After seeing the status of the initial MAP21 that someone
  was making, I decided to have a go at making a better MAP21. The layout was
  completely speedmapped, it took an hour and 40 minutes to get the base layout for
  me to work with. Getting it done after that took a lot longer, maybe 6-7 more hours?
  I don't remember but it still wasn't that long to work on a map. Anyways, this is
  definitely the highlight of my Nova II submissions, it's got a surprising amount
  of detail work put into it for an AD map; it looks a lot nicer than my usual stuff, 
  partly because of the texture usage and partly because of new mapping techniques
  I had recently discovered. The map also plays pretty well in my opinion, though maybe 
  the YK pit could have used some re-thinking. More revenants, perhaps :P A couple of
  interesting tidbits about this map:

  -I put a secret woodshed (complete with a dead guy!) in this map at the request
  of Dave the Daring. The map needed a secret area, anyways.
  -The three multiplayer cyberdemons I added were placed purely as a joke. Who even
  needs balance in multiplayer/solo-net anyways?

  Title:  Hated Attic
  Mapper: Obake
  Music:  "Simple Solutions" by Mark Klem

  Author's Comments: This map is literally a dream, hence the odd layout and completely 
  black void acting as sky. I made this map with the intention of making something very 
  surreal, difficult, and tense. In the end, the atmosphere of the map is quite dramatic, 
  though it is not actually that difficult. The name "Hated Attic" almost seems like a 
  misnomer, as the level is clearly not a literal attic. However, attic could refer to 
  the brain or head, where memories lie, and since this map is a dream, it could all be 
  bad memories stemmed from traumatic events. 

  Fun fact: The original concept of the map was to look a lot more like an attic, with 
  the player traversing wooden beams over a dark void. However, this did not pan out, and 
  the name was kept despite the idea being scrapped. Some remnants of the "attic" can 
  still be found within the map. The fancy tiles lining the ceiling above the first blood 
  pit? Beams, my friends.

  Title:  Vindaloo Chronicles
  Mapper: Cannonball
  Music:  D_E1M2 from Heretic

  Author's Comments: So the name, just a silly idea of portraying the fiery heat of hell 
  in a tongue in cheek manner. As for the map, this is a difficult non-linear romp which 
  is probably at the high end of the difficulty scale though as you the player will find 
  out, there are far harder beasts to come.

  Title:  The Descent
  Mapper: U.O.D
  Music:  "Getting too Tense" by Robert Prince

  Author's Comments: I feel most of my maps are based around an idea. The main idea for
  the Descent is the central starting room. The idea was to have a central platform 
  with a Spider Mastermind that you lower down as you move around the level then fight 
  it at the end. I couldn't make the idea work using vanilla doom parameters so I 
  settled on simply having the entire center room descend to the final fight. After 
  the whole final fight was planned out I built everything else around it. Some other 
  stuff is inspired by the Spirit World from Doom II, which is the map slot I used. 
  This was also my first use of abstract geometry. Past maps I've made have neatly 
  shaped rooms and halls.

  Title:  Parasite Hive
  Mapper: Pinchy
  Music:  "Caught in the Shadows" by Jimmy

  Author's Comments: This started out as part of MAP32. The initial idea I had was 
  "Build a hive with hexagons, using red/hot and organic looking textures". To avoid 
  creating a linear map, I came up with the idea of unlocking areas that were blocked 
  by parts of the "parasite" through switches that could be accessed in any order, 
  along with an optional cave to mix it up. Creating the outside area increased the 
  maps size substantially though, which led to it being placed as it's own map in 
  slot 25.

  Title:   Surreptitious Ichor
  Mappers: Cannonball and Dobu Gabu Maru
  Music:   "Like a Night of Falling Stars" by Manabu Namiki, transcribed by 

  Dobu Gabu Maru's Comments: Despite being "split" into two seperate sections, the map
  is a bit more mixed than one might think. Cannonball and I traded the map off a hand-
  ful of times, each of us expanding on the previous mapper's section with my
  incessant detailing tendancies commandeering the project. He generally worked on
  any "open" space you see, but in the case of the eastern-most arena I actually did
  the enemy and item placement there (as well as designing the southeast arena). It's
  an unapologetic, morose, tortured husk of a beast; spiritual kin to Iron Exuviae. But 
  it's very much alive and pumping, likely due to the eldritch beast stowed away deep
  into the map that is the source of the sapphire liquid flow. Pity it not, for your
  own life is in jeopardy as you slink around these defiled halls...

  Cannonball's Comments: Dobu had the idea of doing an experienced mapper collaboration 
  for one of the maps, I kindly accepted his challenge, I think we do have quite 
  different mapping styles with mine being a lot more simplistic in terms of detail and 
  trying to create encounters with a lot more space compared to Dobu's style of high 
  detail and and almost computer calculated design of inflicting as much pain on the 
  player without them wanting to chuck their computer out of the window. I think the 
  result turned out very well, though the editing of the map beyond the first release 
  has been entirely in the hands of Dobu, so any improvements are entirely his doing.

  Title:  Engraved Bones
  Mapper: Obsidian
  Music:  "Cryptology" by Jimmy

  Author's Comments: Yeah, this one started out life as another speedmap of mine. :P 
  Between schoolwork and just living in general I hadn't been mapping in a while and
  I thought I'd make something to keep the juices flowing: something Egyptian, maybe. 
  Then I noticed the NOVA II thread: I'd actually signed up to make a map for it 
  already, but the one I tried to make didn't really go anywhere, so I figured I'd use 
  this one instead. It took about 5 hours to make, although I did have to do some heavy 
  ammo balancing later: derp.

  FUN FACT: The name was inspired by the song "March of the Fire Ants" by Mastodon,
  which would've been the music too if I'd been able to find a MIDI.

  Title:  Messe Noire
  Mapper: Demonologist
  Music:  "Infuscomus" from Blood

  Title:   Anaemia
  Mappers: Tourniquet and Ribbiks
  Music:   "Unholy Voices" from Blood

  Dobu's Lore Tidbit: For all 3 of you that are curious about the story, this map
  is officially the Abhoratory, while MAP30 is the highest tower in the Abhoratory.

  Tourniquet's Comments: Back in late 2013 it were basicly authors like Ribbiks, Danne 
  & Insane_Gazebo that sparked off my interest in Doom mapping so to me it was really 
  a fantastic oportunity to collab with the man who was such a huge influence to me.
  I had allready started working on a map before the beginning of the collaboration 
  (basicly just a bunch of rooms) and Ribbiks agreed to carry on with it. Furthermore 
  he suggested to work with a more coherent theme since my texture - selection was kinda 
  schizophrenic. So work began, i extended the layout, which was pretty small in the 
  beginning, countless times, i really got carried away with it driven by my enthusiasm. 
  Ribbiks did a great job with adding more interconnectivity e.g. combining the YK and 
  BK section and other great architecture so the map felt more like a place. He also 
  provided a lot of feedback and critique, i learned a ton of stuff and the map generally
  flourished a lot due to his suggestions. In the end it became quite a behemoth, 
  detailing alone took me more than a month and was really really exhausting at times. I 
  can't give a proper "who made what" descriptions mainly because we didn't restrict 
  ourselves to specific areas almost everything has been touched up several times either 
  by Ribbiks or me resulting in a very coherent style. Encounter wise pretty much the 
  same i think besides the starting area and the YK batte which were merely Ribbiks work.
  So yeah in comparision to other collab maps this might be a quite unusual approach, 
  nonetheless certainly the best thing i've made to this point and it would probably not 
  be half as good without the help of Ribbiks.

  Title:  Legion
  Mapper: Mouldy
  Music:  "Clownhorse Apocalypse" by Mouldy

  Author's Comments: This map is basically an extended boss fight, I made it small and 
  simple because I prefer those kind of map30s, and the boss itself which obsidian made 
  is quite small as bosses go. Story-wise, this castle houses some kind of diabolical 
  machinery that does something evil, I'm not entirely sure what. Because his first form 
  is quite weak I thought it would be fun to have a whole load of them, as if he has used 
  evil magic science to create clones of himself. I'd agree that it would be nice if 
  the boss was bigger, just to stand out from all the carnage of the final attack wave. 
  It's a cool boss to fight though, I like his green missile stream. The secret invul is 
  a troll move on my part, it's probably more dangerous than useful. 

  Title:  Fever Blues
  Mapper: NoisyVelvet
  Music:  "On the Backs of Eagles" by Jimmy

  Author's Comments: This is a noisyvelvet techbase. I played a lot of Doom 2 and KDitD 
  when i was young, so the elements I liked the most about them are probably what try to
  recreate in my own mapping. Here specifically, I tried to make a map was smooth and 
  easy and accessible to everyone, so i was going for an "iwad techbase" kinda map. I 
  think i nailed it. The scarce criticisms that come up for this map could probably be 
  used against any Doom2 McGee map too; such maps are a medium-sized core layout with 
  interesting connectivity, but within pockets of interconnected core layout are pretty 
  distinct architectural gimmicks and concepts. I actually thought i was designing this 
  map to be pretty easy, with the blue "bone zone" being the only punchy hard part that 
  might irritate people (merry christmas, suitepee). I was also gonna use the current 
  uv difficulty for hmp and promote a lot of the hitscanners to chaingunners, but dobu 
  suggested that the difficulty uv difficulty setting was probably fine where it was so 
  i didn't change anything.

  Title:   Meddigo II
  Mappers: Tourniquet, Pinchy, AD_79, NoisyVelvet, Dave the Daring and Jaxxoon R
  Music:   "Written Paragraph (The End is Nigh)" by KevinHEZ

  Dobu's Comments: Wouldn't really be NOVA without a massive Megiddo collab,
  would it? It was cannonball's idea to include Megiddo into the secret slot
  this time around (as having Anaemia and Megiddo back-to-back would be a night-
  mare), and I'm the one that picked which mappers would be a part of the project.
  It's a really stellar map that's a worthy follow-up to our NOVA I finale.

  AD_79: After I got drafted to do a portion of Megiddo II, it took
  me a surprising amount of time before I hit an idea solid enough to work with.
  This can be considered my first foray into slaughter mapping, though it's much
  too easy and light on monsters to be a true slaughter map. Semi-slaughter it
  is. Visually and gameplay wise, it's a huge inprovement over my earlier works.
  This was intended to be a very rocket-focused map, with a BFG and other weapons
  thrown in for good measure. I'm satisfied with it. Also here's a fun fact, about
  a month after i initially made it, I went back to test it out again and ended
  up finding a rocket jump that skipped the entire portion. I hope that gets
  left in, I sure didn't edit it out.

  Pinchy: My fourth attempt at this part with Bad Console Port being the first, 
  Parasite Hive being the second and Baron Dobu being the third, each of which 
  turned into their own map. I started with the concepts of having a floating 
  castle with high tower and various courtyards, then improvised the rest.

  Jaxxoon R':This map's intertwining, compact nature was inspired by No 
  Rest for the Living, but also as a means to keep it rather short. As MAP32 was 
  to be made of a multitude of portions, I figured, so must this map be brief, 
  out of pity for those that hate really long maps (myself included). I decided 
  a castle was a safe theme to pursue, and made extra careful sure that I stuck 
  as much detail and made it as open as I could in every scene while still staying 
  within Vanilla limitations. This lead to some walls existing only to block the 
  player's view, or some walls being dragged about to juuust make sure there would 
  be no problems, but I think I have succeeded. I also wanted to make sure to have 
  non-linearish design, but had to forego the use of keys in favor of plainly marked 
  walkable linedefs for the sake of the other mappers. I also did this weird thing 
  where you can open certain obvious monster closets early to lighten the load on 
  yourself when the actual ambush does finally come around.

  tourniquet: whoever finds some enjoyment in my stuff here should thank Dobu that 
  it's still in the set since i was tempted to scrap my part very early in its 
  development. Personally it's the least favorite from all 3 submissions i made for 
  NovaII, i certainly have a affinity for highly detailed stuff, nonetheless i think 
  i've exaggerated a bit too much here.

  Dave The Daring: I never really had much of an overall vision for this map. In fact, 
  I was pretty much just making it up as I went along. Although it's not a terrible 
  map, I think I could have done a lot better. Oh well.

  NoisyVelvet: If you think the visuals looked good here, it's probably because most 
  of the textures i was using weren't iwad textures, where if i was using iwad textures,
  i would just do gaudy things that i really like but some people don't. I kinda let 
  the gothic textures do the work for me here. If Resurgence didn't come out, i wouldn't
  have thought this style of gameplay was acceptable (run-n-gun slaughter and switches 
  that raise platforms that the player may or may not notice). I used to not like this 
  style of map but at some point i started liking it over this last year-and-a-half. 
  Everytime i played the map i had to put more stuff in because it got too easy (playing 
  the same map makes it easier). I eventually replaced the mastermind with a cyberdemon 
  on UV after i figured out how to consistently not die on the lift from it.

  Cannonball's Closing Comments: I have been impressed by the entries made for the 
  project, not just the quality, but also the variety of styles encompassed in here 
  from some borderline slaughter mayhem to quieter adventure style gameplay to very 
  classic visuals and level design. I am also glad that Megiddo 2 was created, it's 
  nice to think that I can come up with good ideas once in a while :P


  Author       : Brayden "AD_79" Hart
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : Various speedmaps


  Author       : Justin "Breezeep" Kelly
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : Various CP Contributions and Speedmaps, including personal wads.


  Author:        Dave The Daring
  Email address: [email protected]
  Other files:   whodaresdies.wad (Doom64EX)


  Author       : Cyberdemon531
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      :
  Other files  : Secretdoom series


  Author:        Kevin "HEZ" Martins
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage:       n/a
  Other files:   n/a


  Author       : Pinchy
  Email address: n/a
  Webpage      :
  Other files  : n/a


  Author       : Jack "Jaxxoon R" Stewart
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : Deem and Demon Trench XL


  Author       : Nate "Getsu Fune" Riley
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      :
  Other files  : various contributions, other unimportant things


  Author       : Vladimir "Demonologist" Bespalov
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : rod.wad, frvrmore.wad, contributions to various community projects


  Author       : Josh "mrthejoshmon" Baker
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      :
  Other files  : various


  Author       : Ilya "Joe" Lazarev
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : various DW CP's and various horrible wads.


  Author       : Jeff 'Egregor' King
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : EGREGOR1 (2012), HYMN: E1M4; Temple of The Fallen 
                 Lords (2013), Doom 2 In Name Only: MAP11; Circle of 
                 Death (2014), Five Rooms of Doom: MAP08; Carnage 
                 Canyon (2015), Ending Quest: E1M2; Woeful Specters (beta,
                 Mayhem 2015: Eurononymous (beta), PCORF Community Project: 
                 By Silent Wings (beta), ROP 2015: E1M7; Blistering 
                 Catacombs (beta)


  Author       : Ryan "Obake" Anderson
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : N/A
  Other files  : various, UAC Enterprises


  Author       : Matt "cannonball" Powell
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : ConC.E.R.N.ed, Thy Flesh: Turned Into a Draft Excluder,
                 Sparta, some maps in NOVA, some maps in the Slaughterfests,
                 and many maps elsewhere


  Author       : mouldy
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : Going Down, The Eye, some maps in NOVA, some maps in D2INO,
                 and some maps elsewhere


  Author       : Thomas "tourniquet" Seifert
  Email address: n/a
  Webpage      : n/a
  Other files  : various DW CP's


  Author       : Darryl "dobu gabu maru" Steffen
  Email address: [email protected]
  Webpage      :, "The Minor Bits" on Blogger
  Other files  : Pesha.wad, PANO.wad, MAP31 of NOVA.wad, MAP09 & MAP11 of 
                 MAYhem2013, MAP28 of MAYhem 2048, MAP12 of DMP2013L.wad, 
                 MAP22 of DMP2014.wad, MAP09 & MAP22 of 100lineN.wad,
                 MAP14 of 50shades.wad, MAP06 of dimebday.wad, MAP02 of
                 WOOO.wad and MAP23 of WOOO2.wad


Special thanks to: Dobu Gabu Maru for leading the project, tourniquet
                   for assistance and compiling, kildeth for starting
                   the project, Obsidian for the final boss,
                   plums for the inital texture pack, Eriance 
                   for the final boss sprites, EffinghamHuffnagel for
                   some pretty space pictures, Jaws in Space for
                   multiplayer placement, all the people who made 
                   a map for NOVA II: couldn't have done it without 
                   ya! Also all the people who playtested in the 
                   Megawad Club and recorded demos for us:  probably 
                   couldn't have done it without you either. :P


Panic Station - Cannonball

Panic Station - Cannonball (MAP01)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Rocky Rooftops - Pinchy

Rocky Rooftops - Pinchy (MAP02)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Deep Water - KevinHEZ

Deep Water - KevinHEZ (MAP03)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Andromeda Sun - Getsu Fune

Andromeda Sun - Getsu Fune (MAP04)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Broken Outpost - Cyberdemon531

Broken Outpost - Cyberdemon531 (MAP05)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Water Maim - AD_79

Water Maim - AD_79 (MAP06)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Dry Well - Joe-Ilya

Dry Well - Joe-Ilya (MAP07)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Demon Trench - Jaxxoon R

Demon Trench - Jaxxoon R (MAP08)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Husk Of What Once Was - Mrthejoshmon

Husk Of What Once Was - Mrthejoshmon (MAP09)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Analyzing the Cause - Impboy4 & KevinHEZ

Analyzing the Cause - Impboy4 & KevinHEZ (MAP10)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
A Plague o' Both Your Shotguns - JMickle

A Plague o' Both Your Shotguns - JMickle (MAP11)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Hop 2 It - Breezeep

Hop 2 It - Breezeep (MAP12)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Monster Dash - Eradrop

Monster Dash - Eradrop (MAP13)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Purification Plant - Dave the Daring

Purification Plant - Dave the Daring (MAP14)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Crumbling Necropolis - An_Mutt

Crumbling Necropolis - An_Mutt (MAP15)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Red morning Light - SFoZ911

Red morning Light - SFoZ911 (MAP16)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Zebetite - Tourniquet

Zebetite - Tourniquet (MAP17)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Vile Complex - U.O.D

Vile Complex - U.O.D (MAP18)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Cry Of The Archvile - KevinHEZ

Cry Of The Archvile - KevinHEZ (MAP19)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Monument to Thieves - Egregor

Monument to Thieves - Egregor (MAP20)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Red Gas Circle - AD_79

Red Gas Circle - AD_79 (MAP21)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Hated Attic - Obake

Hated Attic - Obake (MAP22)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Vindaloo Chronicles - Cannonball

Vindaloo Chronicles - Cannonball (MAP23)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
The Descent - U.O.D

The Descent - U.O.D (MAP24)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Parasite Hive - Pinchy

Parasite Hive - Pinchy (MAP25)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Surreptitious Ichor - Dobu GM & Cannonball

Surreptitious Ichor - Dobu GM & Cannonball (MAP26)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Engraved Bones - Obsidian

Engraved Bones - Obsidian (MAP27)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Messe Noire - Demonologist

Messe Noire - Demonologist (MAP28)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Anaemia - Tourniquet & Ribbiks

Anaemia - Tourniquet & Ribbiks (MAP29)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Legion - Mouldy

Legion - Mouldy (MAP30)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Fever Blues - NoisyVelvet

Fever Blues - NoisyVelvet (MAP31)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns
Meddigo II - Various

Meddigo II - Various (MAP32)

Deathmatch Spawns
Co-op Spawns