Doom 64 for Doom II
Doom 64 maps recreated or reimagined with vanilla Doom II assets, and made to run within the original vanilla limits. Not all maps are perfect recreations; t...
D64D2_final040818.wad, d64d2.wad, D64D2.wad, D64D2.WAD
16.40 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
Boom, Doom
MAP01, MAP02, MAP02B, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP19B, MAP20, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP27B, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30, MAP30B, MAP31, MAP32, MAP33
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=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Vanilla Primary purpose : Single + coop play =========================================================================== Title : Doom 64 for Doom II Filename : d64d2.wad Release date : [v1.0] July 13th, 2018 [v1.1] July 21st, 2018 [v1.2] July 29th, 2018 Author : Various (see below for full credits) Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : -/- Misc. Author Info : -/- Description : Doom 64 maps recreated or reimagined with vanilla Doom II assets, and made to run within the original vanilla limits. Not all maps are perfect recreations; the goal was to recreate the major aspects of the maps while allowing for creative liberties where needed or wanted. In addition to the maps, there are some new graphics, new sky textures, a few new textures where needed, some new music tracks, and a few new monsters. This project was a community effort and was started by Death Egg in May 2013. Sometime later the project was handed off to BaronOfStuff but was abandoned not too long after that. In February 2017, Death Egg stepped back in to hand the project's leadership over to Mechadon, and it was finished a year and a half later. Additional Credits to : See below --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Founder : Death Egg Project Leader : Mechadon Mappers : _bruce_ ArchvileHunter BaronOfStuff Blastfrog C30N9 Da Werecat DeXiaZ Death Egg DILDOMASTER666 dt_ Mechadon Megalyth MinerOfWorlds Nevander Pedro VC Saint_Guy TwinBeast Z86 Musicians : CoTeCiO DILDOMASTER666 Jimmy Michael Barrette Robert Prince Viscra Maelstrom Graphics : Cage - Motherdemon sprites - M_DOOM (final) - TITLEPIC - INTERPIC - BOSSBACK - CREDIT - HELP - CONBACK - Statusbar - MARBFAC5 texture - DEM2_# flat - Super-secret textures Blastfrog - M_DOOM Da Werecat - Sky textures - Texture fixes - TEKLONG texture - Flame sprites DILDOMASTER666 - MAP32 textures id Software - Statusbar - TITLEPIC - INTERPIC - M_DOOM - COOP sign texture - WFALL# textures - Nightmare Imp fireball - M_SKULL Mechadon - Sky textures - COOP sign texture - Texture fixes - Statusbar - BOSSBACK - HELP - CREDIT - ENDOOM - CONBACK - Thermo-slider - Screen borders - Save/Load background - M_SKULL - Disk icon - Nightmare Imp fireball - D64* textures - Super-secret textures Midway - M_DOOM - TITLEPIC - INTERPIC - MARBFAC5 texture - DEM2_# flat - D64* textures Nevander - CWILV## graphics Sound Effects : Da Werecat (blank sfx) DeXiaZ Mechadon Skulltag (thunder sfx) Dehacked & DECORATE : Da Werecat Mechadon Obsidian Revenant100 Testers : AlexMax antares031 Bashe CoTeCiO Da Werecat DeXiaZ EtherBot Flambeau guitardz Keyboard_Doomer Mechadon Memfis Nevander Prologue-9 Quantum Dranger Rosh Fragger TwinBeast Valboom Woolie Wool damo2k rhinoduck valkiriforce Opening Demos : Main Engineering - Mechadon Even Simpler - DeXiaZ Watch Your Step - CoTeCiO Extra Demos : Hectic (no secrets) - CoTeCiO Hectic (w/ secrets) - Mechadon Special Thanks : Death Egg for coming up with the idea for the project and allowing me to help finish it. BaronOfStuff for helping keep the project alive after Death Egg couldn't. CoTeCiO and Nevander for helping put together builds before the project was reorganized and for helping keep the project alive. Da Werecat for helping me out with some of the more obscure dehacked changes, doing some excellent work prettying up the sky textures, helping with the blank sfx, and doing a bunch of other helpful things! Cage for doing some amazing graphic work towards the end of the project despite being super busy. And a HUGE thanks for the brand new Motherdemon sprites (which he made from scratch by the way)! Devalaous for helping come up with the final map order. damo2k for making a fixed MAPINFO that works in ZDaemon, and for all his ZDaemon-related testing help. The TNS Team and the players for the testing help, especially for the COOP reports! Linguica, Jayextee, leileilol, FearTheReaper, FrenchGuy, Jimmy, Bashe, Blue Shadow, SiFi270, Randy87, Scotty, CoTeCiO, Archvile Hunter, and MegaBlast for finding and reporting post-release bugs! Especially to Randy87 and Bashe for helping me with the Motherdemon bug in DOS Doom! DeXiaZ, TROJAN719, Humzah Hashmi, Dean Salter (DeanoSauruzRex), Aquapunk, and Daimonas for making the kickass release trailer! Fraggle and the other contributers for creating Chocolate Doom. RestlessRodent for creating chocorenderlimits. Kaiser for creating Doom64EX which was super useful when recreating and testing the maps. Wartorn for providing me file hosting which easily allowed me to distribute project- related materials. The contributors and maintainers of the Doom, ZDoom, and Eternity wikis. Doomworld and its staff for providing us with a place to organize and create this project. The creators of Doom 64 for making a fantastic entry into the Doom series! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maplist : MAP01 : Staging Area Author(s) : Death Egg & DILDOMASTER666 Music : Extradimensional Beings by CoTeCiO MAP02 : The Terraformer Author(s) : Blastfrog & Mechadon Music : Dark Halls by Robert Prince MAP03 : Main Engineering Author(s) : Mechadon Music : The Demons from Adrian's Pen by Robert Prince MAP04 : Holding Area Author(s) : Da Werecat Music : Blackness Ahead by CoTeCiO MAP05 : Tech Center Author(s) : Z86 & Mechadon Music : The Imp's Song by Robert Prince MAP06 : Outpost Omega Author(s) : dt_ Music : Fear by CoTeCiO MAP07 : Even Simpler Author(s) : DeXiaZ & Mechadon Music : On the Edge by CoTeCiO MAP08 : Alpha Quadrant Author(s) : ArchvileHunter & Da Werecat Music : Zephyr Zone Infiltration Method by Viscra Maelstrom MAP09 : Research Lab Author(s) : Da Werecat Music : The Dark City by Viscra Maelstrom MAP10 : Final Outpost Author(s) : Da Werecat Music : Suspense by Robert Prince MAP11 : Cat and Mouse Author(s) : BaronOfStuff & Mechadon Music : Sanity Decay by CoTeCiO MAP12 : The Bleeding Author(s) : Saint_Guy Music : Opening to Hell by Robert Prince MAP13 : Terror Core Author(s) : MinerOfWorlds & Mechadon Music : Sinister from Robert Prince MAP14 : The Lair Author(s) : Death Egg & DILDOMASTER666 & Da Werecat Music : Painful Dreams by CoTeCiO MAP15 : Altar of Pain Author(s) : Pedro VC & Mechadon Music : Adrian's Asleep by Robert Prince MAP16 : Dark Citadel Author(s) : Nevander & DeXiaZ & Mechadon Music : They're Going to Get You by Robert Prince MAP17 : Eye of the Storm Author(s) : Nevander & Mechadon Music : Sanity Slip by Viscra Maelstrom MAP18 : Dark Entries Author(s) : Megalyth Music : Butt Clencher by Jimmy MAP19 : Blood Keep Author(s) : BaronOfStuff & Mechadon & DILDOMASTER666 Music : Lurking by CoTeCiO MAP20 : Hardcore Author(s) : BaronOfStuff & Mechadon Music : Inappropriate Behavior by CoTeCiO MAP21 : Watch Your Step Author(s) : _bruce_ & C30N9 Music : Watch Your Rock by CoTeCiO MAP22 : Spawned Fear Author(s) : Pedro VC & Mechadon Music : Waltz of the Demons by Robert Prince MAP23 : The Spiral Author(s) : BaronOfStuff & Mechadon Music : Defensive Personalities (from Death) by DILDOMASTER666 MAP24 : Breakdown Author(s) : _bruce_ Music : Can You Hold The Scream by CoTeCiO MAP25 : Pitfalls Author(s) : DeXiaZ & Mechadon Music : Getting Too Tense by Robert Prince MAP26 : Playground Author(s) : BaronOfStuff & Mechadon Music : Animated Specter by DILDOMASTER666 MAP27 : Burnt Offerings Author(s) : BaronOfStuff & Mechadon Music : Sign of Evil by Robert Prince MAP28 : Unholy Temple Author(s) : _bruce_ & Mechadon & DILDOMASTER666 Music : Demons on the Prey by Robert Prince MAP29 : No Escape Author(s) : DILDOMASTER666 & Mechadon Music : A Lot to Learn by DILDOMASTER666 MAP30 : The Absolution Author(s) : Mechadon Music : Aubrey's Dilemma by DILDOMASTER666 MAP31 : Hectic Author(s) : TwinBeast Music : Dream, Dream Eternal by DILDOMASTER666 MAP32 : In the Void Author(s) : DILDOMASTER666 & Mechadon Music : Blood Red Shadows (from Aubrey Hodges) by Michael Barrette (modified by DILDOMASTER666) MAP33 : Title Author(s) : Nevander & Mechadon Music : Doom 64: Main Theme (from Aubrey Hodges) by Michael Barrette modified by DILDOMASTER666) Extra Music Credits : Title : Doom 64: Main Theme [shortened] (from Aubrey Hodges) by CoTeCiO Stats : Doom 64: Stats Screen (from Aubrey Hodges) by CoTeCiO Intermission : First Departure by CoTeCiO GENMIDI lump : CoTeCiO =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 33 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : d64d2_bar_ws.wad (wide-screen statusbar) d64d2_hellbar.wad (alternate statusbar graphics) d64d2_hellbar_ws.wad (wide-screen variant) Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP01 - MAP32 (+MAP33 as a bonus) Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes Additional Notes : If you're playing in Chocolate Doom, be sure to apply the .deh file and use -merge. MAP02B, MAP19B, MAP27B, and MAP30B are the map lump names for the Boom-format variants of those particular maps. Use those names when warping to them via console or command line. MAP33 can only be warped to, there is no exit that leads to it. Some ports will allow you to use idclev, but others may require that you use the -warp command or the console. MAP11, MAP21, MAP26, MAP29, and MAP30 can not be exited when using the -nomonsters flag. This is because the Cyberdemon(s)/Motherdemon (on MAP30) must be killed in order to progress. If you see a sign that says 'COOP', this means that the switch or teleporter is meant for cooperative play (for areas that other players might get locked out of). I did my best to hide them from the player in singleplayer games, but you may still notice a couple of them. * Construction * Base : Some maps directly based off of their Doom 64 counterparts, others are recreated from scratch. Build Time : 5 years & 2 months Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, GZDoom Builder, SLADE, XWE, WhackEd4, GIMP, Photoshop, playscii, DoomWriter, Audacity, Google Docs, FL Studio, Guitar Pro 5.2, Anvil Studio, 3DS Studio Max Known Bugs : Voodoo doll setups make use of an exploding object to push the player object. This causes the player to take a small amount of damage, meaning it's possible that a player could be killed out of the blue or put into an undead state. We have tried to mitigate this possiblity as much as possible, but it could still happen. A few maps have seg overflows in areas, but they should be pretty hard to spot for the most part. Mouselook may make certain shootable triggers too easy to hit or may break something. Playing with mouselook is discouraged if it allows you to fire weapons in the direction you look. Some maps make use of instant raise/lower sectors. Because it's possible to do linedef skips accidentally, you may run into areas where the floor may not raise/lower properly. You should still be able to continue with the map when this occurs though. Saving/Loading may break in some maps because of vanilla limits. This shouldn't be a problem if played in an advanced port. MAP33's name will show up as 'Congo' in some ports. This is a limitation of the dehacked format, so just ignore it. The Nightmare Imp will not make a melee attack sound in vanilla. This is a limitation of the dehacked and not a bug. It was given a melee attack sound in (G)ZDoom-based ports as a quality-of-life change. The wide-screen version of the statusbar may not work in all ports. I don't know if this is a problem with the statusbar, or if it's a lack of support issue. In the end-game casting call in (G)ZDoom ports, the Motherdemon's sight sound will get cut off as she does her attack animation. This seems to be a limitation with how the engine handles UI sound effects. For the end-game casting call in certain ports (Vanilla/Chocolate, PrBoom+), the Motherdemon's attack sound is the chaingun. This appears to be hardcoded behavior and thus cannot be changed. ZDaemon has a few issues: - There are some visual errors that may pop up in some maps (ie. MAP30). - Some music tracks were reported as not playing back correctly. - The end game text won't display. - The warping fire sky textures do not work. May Not Run With : Nothing that I'm aware of Tested With : Chocolate Doom, chocorenderlimits, (G)ZDoom, ZDaemon, Zandronum, & PrBoom-Plus * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: and mirrors Web sites:

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