8-Bit Sound. I wanted to call it NES Sound or something more accurate like that, but it's a small
8-Bit Sound. I wanted to call it NES Sound or something more accurate like that, but it's a small - nessound.wad (Final Doom: TNT) is a PWAD
5.66 MB
WAD Type
Final Doom: TNT
Doom II
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Archive Maintainer : Do you want to dance with a ro-bot? =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : I replaced the "jump" and "secret" sounds, but you : don't *need* to hear them. Primary purpose : Doom has no purpose, why should I? =========================================================================== Title : 8-Bit Sound. I wanted to call it NES Sound or : something more accurate like that, but it's a small price to pay to overwrite that monstrosity of a text file I accompanied with the previous version back in 2000. Filename : The same as this one, except with .zip in place of : txt. But I think we both know you knew that already. Release date : Whenever you find it, because you probably never : heard of it before now. Author : Gilbonga Gobinga. No, I don't believe it either. Email Address : [email protected], but if you think I'll give you : my email zip code you're out of your mind. Webshite : http://bimshwel.tripod.com. Or if you prefer, : http://members.tripod.com/bimshwel. You're getting bimshwel on a tripod no matter what happens, so you might as well get used to it. Other Files By Author : I also "made" that 'neutered' thing in the graphics : area which you probably won't download either. Misc. Author Info : All information about me is miscellaneous. Brief Description : Monsters make highly inappropriate video game : noises. That's inappropriate as in "unsuitable," by the way. Back when these games were made, Nintendo was editing out anything bearing a remote resemblance to the other kind. Skipped Over Description: I stole sounds out of various NES games with my : loyal band of emulators. This used to have a bunch of Guardian Legend sounds, but I removed them, because there are plenty of more recognizable inappropriately apt sounds for the same things. Indeed, the sounds tend to be more amusing when they're instantly recognizable, and while it's certainly no Lost Word of JenNy, TGL was just a little too obscure for my tastes. Like you care. Well, you must if you actually read all that, I suppose. What's wrong with you?! Additional Credits to : NESticle, NESten, FCEUltra and the like. I must : say, NESten's not nearly as great as those Zophar.net jopes make it out to be, but it can log to wav and disable individual sound channels upon command, so I forgive it. =========================================================================== * Play Information * This isn't for Heretic or Hexen, which is too bad, because they don't have nearly as many monster alert sounds, which are rather hard to come by, I've found. * Construction * Base : All your base had better keep the hell off my lawn. Build Time : How about this, I just give you the current time: : 5:42 pm EST. Editor(s) abused : Wintex, Cooledit96, which I shall never register. Known Bugs : I needed to use higher-than-usual sample rates to : keep the sounds from getting staticish. That's why the wad is so bloated. Hey, I'll take whatever quality I can get at this point. Also, too many sounds aren't replaced or aren't replaced very well for me to be satisfied with this, if we are to ass-u-me it's even possible to derive satisfaction from something like this. Still, I doubt I'll be "working" on it again for a while. Another while. So it's here now. Yes. May Not Run With... : Ross Perot. Matthew Lesko would sooner get elected. * Copyright / Permissions * Do whatever you want with this. Yes. And unlike some people, I will gladly take full responsibility for any problems this may cause. It's because I love. * Where to get the file that this text file attempts to describe * Sherwin Williams (where to get it) The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors, and behind the mirrors, in the medicine cabinets