Grievance is another set of 32 DOOM II Deathmatch-only levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on and its mirrors. See below for the exact...
tntgrvnc.wad, TNTGRVNC.WAD
3.24 MB
WAD Type
Doom II
Doom II
MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04, MAP05, MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP10, MAP11, MAP12, MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, MAP31, MAP32, MAP16, MAP17, MAP18, MAP19, MAP20, MAP21, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, MAP28, MAP29, MAP30
Read Me
Grievance text file 4 December 1996 Contents: 1. Announcement 2. Installation 3. Troubleshooting 4. System requirements 5. Where to find files 6. How to get help 7. Participants and credits 8. Some legalities --------------- 1. ANNOUNCEMENT --------------- TeamTNT proudly announces the release of +--------------------------+ | Grievance | | Alas, how shall this | | bloody deed be answer'd? | +--------------------------+ Grievance is another set of 32 DOOM II Deathmatch-only levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on and its mirrors. See below for the exact path. TeamTNT strikes again with yet another 32 levels of all-Deathmatch frag mayhem. Grievance, the followon to the popular TeamTNT Bloodlands set of 32 DM levels, has lots of interesting architecture, impeccable texture alignment and play balance, and (oh, yeah) FRAGS! Frags out the wazoo. As in Bloodlands, there's a variety of small tight fragfests and slightly larger ones for hunting or more players, but we tried to make sure that even in the bigger levels you have a good idea where your, um, "friend" is. You wondered what happened to the weekend when you played Icarus. You'll wonder what happened to the month when you play Bloodlands. You'll wonder who blew your butt off in Grievance... Features: - 32 brand new levels by some of the best Deathmatchers - Difficulty levels used to fine-tune game rules - Three multiplayer fragfest demos - All in one WAD, easy to run - Works with DOOM II version 1.9 or Final DOOM - Intermission music by David Shaw - Small overall WAD size of 3MB, zipped to fit on a diskette - It's by TeamTNT members, so you know it's good - Startup batch file included - Kept small by limiting new graphics and music --------------- 2. INSTALLATION --------------- Grievance comes in one WAD file, zipped into one ZIP file. You'll need PKUNZIP.EXE or an equivalent unzipping utility to unpack TNTGRVNC.ZIP. This will produce TNTGRVNC.WAD and TNTGRVNC.BAT (and another copy of this file). Just unzip it into your DOOM2 directory and run TNTGRVNC.BAT, or load TNTGRVNC.WAD in your favorite front-end program. Floppy download: Not a problem. Grievance fits on a floppy--it's barely over a meg when zipped. ------------------ 3. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------ Not much can go wrong, since this is just one WAD file. However, since not much can go wrong, something might, and maybe a few steps here will help. a. First, verify that TNTGRVNC.BAT and TNTGRVNC.WAD are in your DOOM2 directory, and that you are in that directory when you type TNTGRVNC. b. Spell TNTGRVNC right. (we left out the vowels, so you don't have to remember "I before E except...") c. If it starts up and crashes with a message similar to "Demo is from a different version" then you're not running DOOM2 version 1.9. You'll need to upgrade if you're going to look at the demos (which are well worth the trouble). Upgrade files are available all over the place, and particularly at or Your DOOM2 version number will appear at the top of the screen while DOOM2 is initializing. d. If you notice that the full-screen intermission texts (like between MAP06 and MAP07) don't make sense any more, or that the automap names don't match the level names, that's because we chose to honor id Software's wish that we not alter their DOOM2.EXE file, and that's where that stuff is stored. ---------------------- 4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- A computer that will play DOOM2 well. Deathmatch is deathmatch, and you won't need any more computer or modem power than you'd need with DOOM2 by itself. You'll like it better if you have a good sound card, but if you do much deathmatch you already know that. The WAD file is a bit over 3MB, and you'll need about 5MB free available during unzipping. Any other requirements (modem, network stuff) are no different than if you were running DOOM2 without Grievance. --------------------- 5. WHERE TO GET FILES --------------------- Grievance was uploaded to at 12:01 AM CDT on Wednesday 4 December 1996. It will be moved to its own directory and will be propagated to the mirrors after that. We will also more or less simultaneously upload it to Compuserve, with AOL, Fidonet, etc. following close behind. Most of these locations have a waiting period before the files are publically available, but it won't be long... is the one place you can be guaranteed to find the most recent version, and you can always get to a pointer to the file from our web site (see below). So, FTP to and look in directory (mixed case) /pub/doom2/themes/TeamTNT While you're there, get Icarus and Bloodlands if you don't already have them. ------------------ 6. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------ If it's about DOOM2 itself, contact id Software. If it's about Grievance, don't contact id Software. Grievance questions can be handled by other players on the usenet newsgroups, various forums on Compuserve and other services, and by TeamTNT by email. Either write to us at [email protected] or go to our web page at <> --------------------------- 7. PARTICIPANTS AND CREDITS --------------------------- The following TeamTNT members were involved in creating Grievance. Testing was a team effort, and a big thanks goes out to the fragbait the team members used to test against, even though non-TeamTNT folks aren't listed here by name. Ty Halderman Project Coordinator, builds, web and FTP sites, email support, Punch Team, new textures, titlepic, intermission, credit, etc. graphics, review coordinator Gary Gosson Mr. Punch Team David Shaw Intermission music Rand Phares New textures, Graphics coordination Level design and of course testing was done by these members: Thomas Elliot Cannon [Myscha] Charles Cox [Mange] Jim Dethlefsen [Derf] Andrew Dowswell Gary Gosson Ty Halderman Richard Jaspars [Styx] Jim Kennedy Brian Kidby [The Kid] Mike Marcotte [Krusty] Andrew Martin [Flatline] Rand Phares Cole Savage [MaNCeR] Robert Taylor Paul Turnbull [Stenger] Other assistance and early level work done by: Dean Johnson John Minadeo John Wakelin [Single Malt] As always, we thank the authors of the many utilities we used to produce Grievance. Without you the DOOM-editing environment would just suck. ------------------ 8. SOME LEGALITIES ------------------ Grievance is a copyrighted work and though free is not public property ("public domain"). Don't take stuff out of our levels, and don't take our levels out of Grievance. Grievance should have been free to you (connection times and stuff notwithstanding) and shouldn't have shown up on someone's DM collection or CD. If it does, let us know right away. We are serious about the CD thing--no commercial compilations are allowed to include any TeamTNT products under any circumstances, even if they delete this text file... We thank you for trying Grievance. Let us know what you think about it. Try out Icarus, Bloodlands and Final DOOM too, and keep checking our web page for other team products--we're still churning stuff out. Grievance and associated files are (C) Copyright 1996 TeamTNT ///End of file
Grievance text file 4 December 1996 Contents: 1. Announcement 2. Installation 3. Troubleshooting 4. System requirements 5. Where to find files 6. How to get help 7. Participants and credits 8. Some legalities --------------- 1. ANNOUNCEMENT --------------- TeamTNT proudly announces the release of +--------------------------+ | Grievance | | Alas, how shall this | | bloody deed be answer'd? | +--------------------------+ Grievance is another set of 32 DOOM II Deathmatch-only levels from TeamTNT. It is now available on and its mirrors. See below for the exact path. TeamTNT strikes again with yet another 32 levels of all-Deathmatch frag mayhem. Grievance, the followon to the popular TeamTNT Bloodlands set of 32 DM levels, has lots of interesting architecture, impeccable texture alignment and play balance, and (oh, yeah) FRAGS! Frags out the wazoo. As in Bloodlands, there's a variety of small tight fragfests and slightly larger ones for hunting or more players, but we tried to make sure that even in the bigger levels you have a good idea where your, um, "friend" is. You wondered what happened to the weekend when you played Icarus. You'll wonder what happened to the month when you play Bloodlands. You'll wonder who blew your butt off in Grievance... Features: - 32 brand new levels by some of the best Deathmatchers - Difficulty levels used to fine-tune game rules - Three multiplayer fragfest demos - All in one WAD, easy to run - Works with DOOM II version 1.9 or Final DOOM - Intermission music by David Shaw - Small overall WAD size of 3MB, zipped to fit on a diskette - It's by TeamTNT members, so you know it's good - Startup batch file included - Kept small by limiting new graphics and music --------------- 2. INSTALLATION --------------- Grievance comes in one WAD file, zipped into one ZIP file. You'll need PKUNZIP.EXE or an equivalent unzipping utility to unpack TNTGRVNC.ZIP. This will produce TNTGRVNC.WAD and TNTGRVNC.BAT (and another copy of this file). Just unzip it into your DOOM2 directory and run TNTGRVNC.BAT, or load TNTGRVNC.WAD in your favorite front-end program. Floppy download: Not a problem. Grievance fits on a floppy--it's barely over a meg when zipped. ------------------ 3. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------ Not much can go wrong, since this is just one WAD file. However, since not much can go wrong, something might, and maybe a few steps here will help. a. First, verify that TNTGRVNC.BAT and TNTGRVNC.WAD are in your DOOM2 directory, and that you are in that directory when you type TNTGRVNC. b. Spell TNTGRVNC right. (we left out the vowels, so you don't have to remember "I before E except...") c. If it starts up and crashes with a message similar to "Demo is from a different version" then you're not running DOOM2 version 1.9. You'll need to upgrade if you're going to look at the demos (which are well worth the trouble). Upgrade files are available all over the place, and particularly at or Your DOOM2 version number will appear at the top of the screen while DOOM2 is initializing. d. If you notice that the full-screen intermission texts (like between MAP06 and MAP07) don't make sense any more, or that the automap names don't match the level names, that's because we chose to honor id Software's wish that we not alter their DOOM2.EXE file, and that's where that stuff is stored. ---------------------- 4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------- A computer that will play DOOM2 well. Deathmatch is deathmatch, and you won't need any more computer or modem power than you'd need with DOOM2 by itself. You'll like it better if you have a good sound card, but if you do much deathmatch you already know that. The WAD file is a bit over 3MB, and you'll need about 5MB free available during unzipping. Any other requirements (modem, network stuff) are no different than if you were running DOOM2 without Grievance. --------------------- 5. WHERE TO GET FILES --------------------- Grievance was uploaded to at 12:01 AM CDT on Wednesday 4 December 1996. It will be moved to its own directory and will be propagated to the mirrors after that. We will also more or less simultaneously upload it to Compuserve, with AOL, Fidonet, etc. following close behind. Most of these locations have a waiting period before the files are publically available, but it won't be long... is the one place you can be guaranteed to find the most recent version, and you can always get to a pointer to the file from our web site (see below). So, FTP to and look in directory (mixed case) /pub/doom2/themes/TeamTNT While you're there, get Icarus and Bloodlands if you don't already have them. ------------------ 6. HOW TO GET HELP ------------------ If it's about DOOM2 itself, contact id Software. If it's about Grievance, don't contact id Software. Grievance questions can be handled by other players on the usenet newsgroups, various forums on Compuserve and other services, and by TeamTNT by email. Either write to us at [email protected] or go to our web page at <> --------------------------- 7. PARTICIPANTS AND CREDITS --------------------------- The following TeamTNT members were involved in creating Grievance. Testing was a team effort, and a big thanks goes out to the fragbait the team members used to test against, even though non-TeamTNT folks aren't listed here by name. Ty Halderman Project Coordinator, builds, web and FTP sites, email support, Punch Team, new textures, titlepic, intermission, credit, etc. graphics, review coordinator Gary Gosson Mr. Punch Team David Shaw Intermission music Rand Phares New textures, Graphics coordination Level design and of course testing was done by these members: Thomas Elliot Cannon [Myscha] Charles Cox [Mange] Jim Dethlefsen [Derf] Andrew Dowswell Gary Gosson Ty Halderman Richard Jaspars [Styx] Jim Kennedy Brian Kidby [The Kid] Mike Marcotte [Krusty] Andrew Martin [Flatline] Rand Phares Cole Savage [MaNCeR] Robert Taylor Paul Turnbull [Stenger] Other assistance and early level work done by: Dean Johnson John Minadeo John Wakelin [Single Malt] As always, we thank the authors of the many utilities we used to produce Grievance. Without you the DOOM-editing environment would just suck. ------------------ 8. SOME LEGALITIES ------------------ Grievance is a copyrighted work and though free is not public property ("public domain"). Don't take stuff out of our levels, and don't take our levels out of Grievance. Grievance should have been free to you (connection times and stuff notwithstanding) and shouldn't have shown up on someone's DM collection or CD. If it does, let us know right away. We are serious about the CD thing--no commercial compilations are allowed to include any TeamTNT products under any circumstances, even if they delete this text file... We thank you for trying Grievance. Let us know what you think about it. Try out Icarus, Bloodlands and Final DOOM too, and keep checking our web page for other team products--we're still churning stuff out. Grievance and associated files are (C) Copyright 1996 TeamTNT ///End of file

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╖ │ Grievance -- 32 more Deathmatch Levels ║─╖ │ Designed, implemented and presented to you by TeamTNT ║ ║ ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │ ║ ║ │ Thanks for playing another TeamTNT product. Be sure to play Bloodlands ║═╣ │ too if you haven't already--it's 32 levels of all-Deathmatch too. You ║ ║ │ should also check out Icarus:Alien Vanguard, 32 levels made for solo, ║ ║ │ cooperative and deathmatch play, and of course buy Final DOOM and play ║ ║ │ 64 levels, all made by TeamTNT members. ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ (C) Copyright 1996, TeamTNT - All rights reserved ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ Grievance is free, but it's not public domain. So don't use our levels ║ ║ │ in compilations, or extract them as separate levels, or put Grievance on ║ ║ │ a CD (especially Actura). If you paid for Grievance, you got ripped off ║ ║ │ and you should let us know. Meanwhile share Grievance with your fodder. ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ Keep up with TeamTNT goings on. See our web page at: ║ ║ │ <> ║ ║ │ ║ ║ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝