These are two levels, that are really fun to play with. [Note by the uploader: I recommend to play THENEST1.WAD and THENEST.WAD next to each othe...
Warner Bros sprites and sounds replacements for Doom II v1.9 (I haven't tried it in Doom I, it may work) If you have Doom II <v1.9 download the 1...
A whole new dimension of UnAligned! The death of the Icons of Sin shattered reality and thrust you into a strange dimension of swords and sorcery...
A vanilla E2M1 replacement to satisfy your fast food needs. HMP gives more health and ammo, HNTR removes the most evil monsters.
Six episodes of classic Doom maps, originally candidates for last year's "Doom the Way Id Did", arranged in an episodic format.<br><br> DTWID was...
Very detailed. Runs better on a DX machine.