Eidolon's lair from Hexen II converted to Heretic
This is my first level, so please go easy on me.
A weird mix of half-baked ideas. (YOU try to come up with something original to compete with all those other new .WADs).
This is my old house. If you make a mess, clean it up. I love playing house wads the best. There aren't that many i've found so i made my own. I ...
DeathMatch 2.0 wad for Doom ][
Big level with lots of special lighting and a few other special effects. You have to watch your back in this one. Also, lots of area left to add ...
A rather large and intricate level with a hell of a lot of switches and creatures. Yes. The phoenix rod can be gotten.
No stupid story line. Just a good deathmatch level for four player net play.
AKA: Frag Count